
The Stakes are High – Macron Emphasizes Maximum G7 Control – Even Spouses Segregated During Dinner…

The stakes are high at this G7 Summit in Biarritz France.  Against the rising tide of populist nationalism -pushing against the globalist/corporatist world order- perhaps these stakes are the highest in the modern political era.

(Where are the spouses?)

Italian President Giuseppe Conte’ is a lame duck summit participant having just quit his job due to economic and immigration backlash from his Italian population.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel has steered her export dependent economy into a recession; and has announced she won’t seek reelection while simultaneously putting the EU central bank into a 28 nation economic quagmire filled with unsustainable IOU’s….
French President Emmanuel Macron, the host for this year’s summit, has spent the better part of the last year trying to violently block the rising yellow vest populist movement, and he is desperate for any distraction away from his own economic reality.
Meanwhile EU President Donald Tusk is locked in an economic death match with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson over the terms of the U.K. Brexit from the union; while simultaneously dealing with a lack of tax receipts from the aforementioned banks of Germany and France…
The EU’s only North American ideological ally, Justin from Canada, is essentially useless. Trudeau has used his political self-identification to hurt his own citizens economically;  Canada is experiencing a continued loss in private-sector employment amid the malaise Justin coordinates; and his tenuous (at best) re-election is scheduled for October 21st…

Donald Trump Speech, SoHo New York – Video and Transcript "The Stakes Of The Election"

Candidate Donald Trump will be delivering a speech at Trump SoHo in New York City today.  The speech is anticipated to be a push back against the continuing propaganda created by Hillary Clinton and sold by Clinton water-carrying media.   The speech begins at 10:30am EDT
Live Stream LinkAlternate Live Stream #1Alternate Live Stream #2

Update Transcript Added:
trump lg headshotToday I‘d like to share my thoughts about the stakes in this election.
People have asked me why I am running for President.
I have built an amazing business that I love and I get to work side-by-side with my children every day.
We come to work together and turn visions into reality.
We think big, and then we make it happen.
I love what I do, and I am grateful beyond words to the nation that has allowed me to do it.
So when people ask me why I am running, I quickly answer: I am running to give back to this country which has been so good to me.
When I see the crumbling roads and bridges, or the dilapidated airports, or the factories moving overseas to Mexico, or to other countries, I know these problems can all be fixed, but not by Hillary Clinton – only by me. (more…)

BOOM, There It Is – Wall Street In Panic: "Trump Could Win"…

The latest sunlight onto an increasingly obvious RNC/GOPe scheme comes from the most unlikely source, POLITICO, who highlight their article Wall Street’s Latest Panic.
In very direct ways their article cuts to the very heart of the matter – Wall Street cannot fathom a Donald Trump candidacy – They Planned For JEB! 
Trump Tower Campaign
However, this reality is still met by people who refuse to accept the overall system we call modern 2016 Presidential Politics is entirely the construct of financial stakeholders who have financed, and in 2014 constructed, a political road map for Clinton/Bush 2016.
We still find people who don’t understand the basic element behind this truth:

Jeb Bush is Wall Street, Donald Trump is Main Street !

NEW YORK — Wall Street is growing increasingly terrified that Donald Trump — once viewed as an amusing summertime distraction — could actually win the Republican nomination for president. (more…)

CHECK THE DATE – Republican Mike Gallagher Quits Congress, Dropping GOP Majority to One Seat

Following Ken Buck (U-CO), Republican Congressman Mike Gallagher (U-WI) announces he is leaving congress.

This exit drops the GOP majority in the House to one seat, following a path that seemingly continues to put the Democrats in control prior to the 2024 election.  This should be the GOPe insurance policy against President Trump’s successful election outcome.  There are trillions at stake.

Gallagher’s exit date is as subtle as a brick through a window:


I said last year to watch out for April 19th, Patriot’s Day. {SEE HERE}


Tucker Carlson Interviews Ron Paul

From the mailroom: …”Given the confluence of events and your foresight in pointing directly to the financial mechanisms now seemingly in the spotlight [BlackRock etc], how would it be if your audience was the only one prepared for what was coming?”…

Me:  Like most things in life, when it comes to our protective instinct, I only care about the position of those I love.  This small corner of the internet, our community, is the only one that ultimately matters.  Convincing is an endless quest, that’s why CTH doesn’t exhaust that energy.  The key to preparation is brutally honest information that gives people the opportunity to make decisions.

Many people are noticing the arc of the storyline behind “what is our reality” is starting to shift.  The awakening is moving beyond the body politic and into the world actors and institutions who determine political action.  This awakening phase needs to continue.   It is not coincidental to spend the past two years in the matrix of global finance and the schemes of those who triggered the “western sanctions” against Russia (ultimately having nothing to do with targeting the Russian economy), and then see Tucker Carlson interviewing Ron Paul.  WATCH:

[Full Interview on TuckerCarlson.Com]

Opposition to presidential candidate Donald Trump does not originate from a baseline of domestic ideology, or social stuff.  The epicenter of opposition to Donald Trump, all of it, stems from the background understanding “there are trillions at stake.”

The people deep inside the global banking and financial system are the originating opposition to Donald Trump.  Controlled Lawfare, purchased politicians (both sides), weaponized institutions of government, the intelligence community, corporate media, big tech, all of it, and all the controlled/purchased people within it… are the weapons in the arsenal of those who control banking and finance; the aforementioned are their army.

Who is the army in opposition to them?  YOU, plus the hundreds of millions of global rebels and freedom fighters who will not back down from supporting President Trump.

Right now, the most consequential battle front is in the fields and valleys of information warfare. They deplatform, we rebuild. They demonetize, we subscribe.  They label, we ignore.  Small tech inside the freedom alliance is feverously creating new weapons; messengers (information content providers) immediately adopt them; users reequip themselves and head back to the front to engage.  As history has so eloquently outlined for millennia, there are more of us than them – they just control the institutions.

The awakening continues, and the apoplexy created in the minds of our opposition has caused them to become increasingly visible.  Pretenses are being dropped quickly.


China and Blackrock – Biden EPA Rolls Out USA Auto Mandates Forcing EVs to Make Up Two-Thirds of Passenger Vehicles – Who Benefits?

The backstory is so transparently corrupt it requires an explanation, so we’ll go down the full rabbit hole and explain how China knew – to a demonstrable certainty – their multi-billion dollar investment in Mexican EV plants would be useful.

 Always remember, there are trillions at stake.

First, who was installed in the Biden White House in charge of all personnel and staffing?  Catherine Russell. {SEE HERE} Who is Catherine Russell?  She’s the wife of Tom Donilon, a long-time aid and advisor to Joe Biden who served in the Obama White House.

After serving as Obama’s National Security Advisor (prior to Susan Rice), Tom Donilon then went on to become “Chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute {SEE HERE}.”  His job was literally to “leverage the firm’s expertise and generate proprietary research to provide insights on the global economy, markets, geopolitics and long-term asset allocation.” 

In essence, the Donilon family represented the interests of Blackrock in the White House.

Second, Tom Donilon’s brother, Mike Donilon is a Senior Advisor to Joe Biden {link} providing guidance on what policies should be implemented within the administration.  Mike Donilon guides the focus of spending, budgets, regulation and white house policy from his position of Senior Advisor to the President.

In June of 2022, Blackrock’s Tom Donilon was then appointed to be co-chair of U.S. Department of State’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board {SEE HERE}, in charge of U.S-China policy.  Can you see where this is going?

Blackrock, a massive multinational investment firm with assets in the tens-of-trillions, was essentially guiding/constructing the policymaking of the White House, through Tom Donilon, Mike Donilon and Catherine Russell (Tom’s wife).  Blackrock then took out massive investment stakes in China, including in the Chinese auto-making industry, with specific focus on EVs.  Tom Donilon, now shifting to the State Dept and guiding US-China policy, was the Blackrock government embed, ensuring policy that would keep their investments lucrative.


Col Douglas Macgregor Response to Joe Biden SOU Speech Is Profoundly Accurate and Important

Retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor delivers a surprisingly accurate response to the situation created by Joe Biden as espoused in the 2024 State of the Union address.  I cannot emphasize the value of these remarks strongly enough, in part because my own independent research – and that of a global team I have been working with- is in direct alignment with this outline.

Two years ago, I accepted the reality that Western sanctions against Russia were profoundly different from all other sanctions and completely ridiculous in the bigger picture of how the global economy operates.  A sanction regime is familiar and has been used against Cuba, North Korea, Iran and even Venezuela before.  Few were paying attention, but for the first time the U.S sanctions against Russia were not created to target Russia and punish any violator, they were created to remove the tools which would allow violations.  The actual dollar as a trade currency was being weaponized.

What followed was not a surprise.  Given the nature of the relationships in the geopolitical world, it only took a few months for Russia and their allies to create new tools which would render the Western economic sanctions irrelevant.  That’s exactly what happened, and the Russian economy has thrived, while their relationship with two-thirds of the global world has strengthened.

Feeling like the only person who could see through the opaque nature of a narrative that surrounded the Russian sanctions, I quietly set out on a mission to understand what this was all about.  None of it made sense. More on that journey will follow. However, what Macgregor is describing is precisely the outcome that was predictable two years ago.

There is an information war against what Macgregor describes in the beginning of these remarks, and people I know personally have become targets as a result. It might surprise many to discover the nature of this information war does not originate with government or politicians. Our focus has been misplaced and our emphasis has been on the wrong syllable. WATCH:


The targets within this information war are not people who are criticizing politicians. The core targets within this information war are those who are talking about the entities who are controlling and directing the politicians and government.  The voices who are considered a threat are not, repeat NOT, voices who are critical of government.  The voices who are considered a threat are those who understand the government actors are controlled and intentionally presented as the false source of the problem.

Just as Jack Smith is not the controlling entity organizing the targeting of Donald Trump, so too is Joe Biden (and the administration) not the originating entity who organized the Western sanction regime against Russia.  Jack Smith and Joe Biden are essentially actors, vessels following a design that has been created by outside government entities for the purpose of targeting Donald Trump and/or Russia respectively.  The bigger motives and intents of targeting both are essentially the same.  There are trillions at stake.


Michael Patrick Leahy – Sources: The Jeff DeWit “Message Came From The NRSC” aka Mitch McConnell

Michael Patrick Leahy appears on Steve Bannon War Romm discussing, in part, the Jeff DeWit message to Kari Lake and who from “back east” was the originator of the message to bribe Mrs Lake to stay out of the Arizona senate race.   {Direct Rumble Link}

As expected, the sources for MPL’s report outline that Mitch McConnell and the National Republican Senatorial Committee originated the proposal.  This should not be a surprise to anyone who reads CTH.   The NRSC is primarily funded by the biggest lobbying group, the U.S Chamber of Commerce.  The USCoC fund the legislative priorities of the Senate and Mitch McConnell does their bidding.  In essence the bribe money would come from the USCoC into the NRSC.  WATCH:



REUTERS: World Economic Forum Meets with Trump Discussion at Forefront – Global Corporations and Politicians Fearful of Trump Impact on World

The world’s largest multinational corporations, bankers and finance agents are meeting in Davos at the World Economic Forum next week – gathering together with their political beneficiaries. However, as noted by Reuters, the biggest concern of the assembly of global influencers is the risk that Donald J. Trump represents.

….There are trillions at stake.

Ending the Ukraine war would be detrimental to the group; this is one of the immediate concerns they carry. President Trump negotiating a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine (or Israel/Hamas) conflict is against the interests of the multinationals.


Downstream issues around the elimination of the climate change agenda, the Trump impediment to the creation of central bank digital currencies, the rise of nationalism as a protective measure against the growing impact of global corporations, and the Trump opposition to globalist institutions like the World Health Organization, World Trade Organization or Western World Bank are also discussion topics.

In essence, the World Economic Forum fears Donald J. Trump. Ironically, and yet not coincidentally, the theme of the WEF gathering this year is “rebuilding trust.” However, fear of the non-pretending is what this Reuters article is describing.

REUTERS – The most talked-about person in Davos next week will be nowhere near the Swiss mountain resort. As politicians, financiers and chief executives converge for this year’s World Economic Forum, Donald Trump will be 7,500 kilometres away in Iowa, starting his quest to win the U.S. Republican Party’s presidential nomination for the third time. Even so, his possible return to the White House will pervade Davos discussions on topics ranging from Ukraine, China, trade, and climate change.


A DC Cornerstone Issue That Must Be Understood – This Isn’t What You Learned on Schoolhouse Rock

I’m going to build out on this in the next several days and weeks.  The reason is simple, this is the cornerstone of DC Business; it has nothing to do with legislation, lawmaking, or the other reference points we retain in the illusion of modern politics.  It’s going to get ugly!

CTH often describes the background DC motives with the phrase: “There are Trillions at Stake.”  Here we take a look at what that really means, and how DC politics is not quite based on the ideas that frame many reference points.

With people taking notice of DC politics for the first time, and with people not as familiar with the purpose of DC politics, we end up within two different references. Perhaps it is valuable to reset the larger frames of reference and provide clarity.

I’ve been talking about this for well over a decade, and we have had this conversation on these pages for just as long. However, in this video Bill Gurley brings some modern receipts. WATCH: 

Most people think when they vote for a federal politician -a House or Senate representative- they are voting for a person who will go to Washington DC and write or enact legislation. This is the old-fashioned “schoolhouse rock” perspective based on decades past.  There is not a single person in Congress writing legislation or laws.

In modern politics, not a single member of the House of Representatives or Senator writes a law, or puts pen to paper to write out a legislative construct. This simply doesn’t happen.

Over the past several decades a system of constructing legislation has taken over Washington DC that more resembles a business operation than a legislative body.

Here’s how it works right now.
