
USAID, DoS, CIA Begin Structured Color Revolution on Russia’s Border in Georgia

You may have heard of the protests in Tbilisi, Georgia recently. The protests are framed around what the State Dept and CIA call “Russian favored” legislation.

The Georgia legislation essentially says that domestic lobbyists, NGO’s, entities, groups and individuals who are funded more than 20% by foreign interests need to register as such.

Essentially, the USA law we call the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), is what the country of Georgia is enacting in their own political landscape.  However, the USA is not happy about the Georgia law to disclose the source of foreign funding (most of it anti-government) because the USA (specifically the State Dept and CIA) is the source of that funding.

This Georgia political scheme is yet another U.S. led color revolution in the same hues as 2014 Ukraine.

As noted by Global News, “in Georgia, protests have erupted over a proposed law requiring organizations with foreign funding to register their activities with the government. Critics compare the bill to similar legislation used to silence opposition groups in Russia. Thousands of Georgians marched through the capital, Tbilisi, on Sunday to voice their opposition to the bill, with opposition parties and civil society groups calling for mass protests against its expected passage.WATCH:

TBILISI, Georgia (AP) — Dozens of people have been arrested in Georgia after police in the capital used tear gas and water cannons to disperse protesters who rallied outside Parliament to protest a controversial bill which they argue limits media freedom.

Georgia’s Interior Ministry said 63 people were arrested Tuesday while they took part in a demonstration in Tbilisi. Levan Khabeishvili, an opposition MP, posted a picture of himself on his social media accounts with a bloodied face and heavy bruising. Members of his party said he had been assaulted by police.

Those arrested were taking part in the latest in a series of protests against a bill which would require media and non-commercial organizations to register as “pursuing the interests of a foreign power” if they get more than 20% of their funding from abroad.


Tucker Carlson Interviews Russian Philosopher Aleksandr Dugin

Aleksandr Dugin is the most famous political philosopher in Russia. His ideas are considered so dangerous the Ukrainian government murdered his daughter, and Amazon won’t sell his books. Tucker Carlson talked to him in Moscow.

Watching this interview while sitting in a kitchen in Russia is a little odd, however, what Dugin explains does seem to lineup with my perspective as an American in Russia.  The explanation for why leftists (progressives) in the USA seemingly reversed their entire worldview about Russia in a decade does seem to make sense.

I have shared that modern Russian social society is much more traditional than the expressed Western value system you find embodied in progressives.  Russia is far more nationalistic and less globalist; meanwhile, the USA has moved far closer to globalism and is less nationalistic.  Within this shift, the change in democracy also reconciles.

As Dugin notes, Western democracy is no longer about the majority of the citizens; the national identity has been erased in favor of governing rules by a minority.  The commonality of sex (two genders) has been erased in favor of multiple-gender identity, expanded individualism, which is simply a reflection of the fractured bond of commonality.  It is an interesting conversation.  WATCH:

It should be noted before people in the USA and English speaking “West” start running around with romantic images of Russia, that the Russian people do not think about such issues… AT ALL.  The average Russian thinks about social politics about as much as the average American, which is to say – not much at all.

However, all of that said, someone asked me about COVID-19 in Russia and what was the general sensibility of the issue.  I have had some rather fascinating discussions thanks to that question.


Democrats Wave Ukraine Flags in Victory as Another $61 Billion Spending Bill Passes

Pouring salt in an open wound, House Democrats gleefully waved Ukraine flags in the Capitol chamber celebrating the elevation of Ukraine as a sovereign proxy state for congressional largess over the needs of American citizens.

Most of the $61 billion sent into the Ukraine laundry operation today will be returned to congressional leadership pacs via campaign donations from the military contractors and NGO recipients.

Despite the prior concerns, the Democrat and Republican beneficiaries of this massive money laundering were thrilled the USIC organized Iran missile firing operation against Israel worked so perfectly.  You can see Democrats wave the flags of Ukraine in celebration within this video.  It’s sickening. WATCH:

WASHINGTON DC – […] The vote on Ukraine became so contentious that some Republicans, also taking umbrage with the Ukraine flags on the House floor, started to boo them. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) ran up to a microphone to tell her colleagues across the aisle: “Put those damn flags away.” (more)


Tucker Carlson Interviews Telegram CEO and Founder Pavel Durov

Pavel Durov is the founder, owner and CEO of Telegram, a communication platform used by 900 million people globally to text, chat and video message privately with encryption security.  Telegram is an excellent tool for safe communication and has been used by me and others I know for several years.

In this interview Tucker Carlson discusses privacy and freedom in the modern era with Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov, a former citizen of Russia who was encouraged (under threat) by the Russian government to leave his country.  Pavel now lives in Dubai and operates Telegram from the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

For me personally, this is one of the best interviews I have watched Tucker Carlson deliver.  Part of the reason is the content of the discussion is exactly critical right now in the era of this global information war.

There is so much I could discuss from this interview alone it is remarkable; however, I want to focus on two specific points as highlighted: (1) the government interface, and (2) the geopolitical inversion currently underway.  WATCH: 

First, I am in Russia. I arrived a few days ago, and this experience is a visit through bizarro world.  I will be sharing more, including an AMA on my experience in the next few articles.  Back to Pavel Durov, first…

The BASELINE – The Durov brothers are exceptionally gifted.  In reference to the principle of freedom and liberty that guides Pavel, he has my respect and I understand his value system with great clarity.  Pavel Durov recognized very early, much earlier than most, that information would be fulcrum challenge, and without private communication the value of information is always eroded.  Privacy is critical in order for accurate information to flow.  That is the value of Telegram.

I continue to receive strong negative opinion for my cynicism of Elon Musk.  However, pay close attention to what Pavel Durov says about his contacts with U.S. government officials and you will have a stronger baseline to understand part of why I do not trust Musk.


Mike Garcia Tells FBI Director Chris Wray His Agency Has Ideologically Inverted and Now Represents the USA Equivalent of The Soviet Secret Police

It needs to be said, and it needs to be said loudly, the FBI is the 2024 equivalent of the 1984 Soviet-era KGB, now FSB.

The modern FBI is the police agency of a weaponized U.S government, with a direct and purposeful mandate to keep the American people under control through strict surveillance and a violent police state.

Understand and accept this with great seriousness, there are no honorable “rank and file” inside this organization.

Every member of the FBI is a participant in the weaponization of power and government. The members are jackboots recruited from ideological college campuses for exactly the purpose of supporting a Stasi-like police state.

Representative Mike Garcia (R-CA) is straight forward, pretenses are slowly starting to be dropped, but even Garcia still too kind in his wording.   WATCH:

Through the past several years, we have discovered how the FBI worked inside Twitter, Facebook and social media to control information, remove content and manipulate opinion on behalf of the U.S. government – all activity political.

We have also learned the FBI took active measures to suppress information about the Hunter Biden laptop and control any negative consequences for the Biden regime – again, political.  These are not disputed realities.

The U.S. Dept of Justice and FBI are now political institutions that have abandoned their originating mission in order to become the domestic equivalent of the Soviet-era FSB. Their joint targeting mechanisms have been redesigned to support the interests of corrupt DC politicians, specifically the interests of democrats.

It was in June 2022, when Senator Chuck Grassley sent a letter [pdf HERE] to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Chris Wray, notifying them of whistleblower allegations from within the FBI that senior leadership in both Main Justice and FBI are involved in a coordinated effort to cover up criminal activity related to Hunter Biden.

The whistleblower allegations, in combination with the documented history of DOJ and FBI misconduct, culminate in Senator Grassley stating:

“If these allegations are true and accurate, the Justice Department and FBI are – and have been – institutionally corrupted to their very core to the point in which the United States Congress and the American people will have no confidence in the equal application of the law. Attorney General Garland and Director Wray, simply put, based on the allegations that I’ve received from numerous whistleblowers, you have systemic and existential problems within your agencies.” (LINK)


House Speaker Mike Johnson 3-Point Plan to Fund Ukraine, Senator Graham Happy

According to those in political circles who are instructed by the intelligence community, funding for Ukraine is the highest national priority.  As an outcome we see all the DC politicians and beltway pundits pushing the same story, funding for Ukraine is the highest priority.

The key politicians within the dynamic exist inside information silos, essentially control mechanisms, where the intelligence community (IC) constructs reality by briefing the politicians about what is going on in the world.  The IC tells the politicians what is happening, defines the importance and instructs the politicians on the priorities.  The IC is never challenged because ultimately the IC has “seven ways to Sunday” to target the politicians if any non-compliance is identified.

Speaker Mike Johnson is one of the “gang-of-eight” members within the legislative branch.  The Go8 are briefed and controlled by the IC, using the exact same intelligence given to the President.  Speaker Johnson has the funding of Ukraine as his top priority, because the IC officials who set priorities have told him it must be.  WATCH (prompted):


(Via Fox News) – […] “When we return after this period, we’ll be moving a product. But it’s going to, I think, have some important innovations,” Johnson told Fox News’ “Sunday Night in America with Trey Gowdy.”

Both the House and Senate are currently on the second week of a two-week recess, when lawmakers are working in their home districts. The House is back on Tuesday, April 9.


Tucker Carlson and Mike Rowe Discuss AI

For his recent episode, Tucker Carlson revisits a former guest, Mike Rowe.  Mr. Rowe has good and humorous sense of curiosity about things, about stuff, about the real world around us, and he provides good context for examination of this pretending world that swirls our orbit at a speed greater than we can grasp.

Toward the end of this segment, Rowe is asked the oft familiar question, “Where does all this go,” and his answer opens the door to other avenues I happen to agree with. WATCH:

In response to the ‘where does all this end’ question, Rowe notes that at a certain point everything becomes personal, and in the larger context all outcomes have to manifest in reality.  I concur with Rowe on many levels, and a great example of that esoteric -v- reality position can be found all around us in the sphere of geopolitics and manipulation.

Think about the White House and State Dept message at the very beginning of Russia’s military operation in Eastern Ukraine.  Do you remember the White House briefing when questioned about “where this will end”?  {Background}

Deputy National Security Advisor and Deputy Director of the National Economic Council, Daleep Singh, was presented at the podium on the day of Russia’s first moves into Ukraine, to explain the strategic policy of the Biden administration toward Russia.


Sunday Talks – Senator Marco Rubio Says ISIS-K Behind Moscow Terrorist Attack

The United States Intelligence Community (USIC) has claimed that ISIS-K is behind the terrorist attack in Moscow.  Florida Senator Marco Rubio affirmed his agreement with that assessment during an appearance on ABC’s This Week with Jonathan Karl.

Other than the larger issue of Islamic jihadists carrying hatred for the renewed Christian values, as expressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin – which, conveniently can be considered a cover for those who may have organized an attack under the auspices of Islamic jihad – there are no datapoints in the known fact-pattern that align with ISIS-K as the originator.  Additionally, the four suspects were captured by mostly Muslim Chechan security forces in the Bryansk Region of Russia.

That said, the largest datapoint, pointing away from the ISIS-K origin, is the USIC so quickly identifying ISIS-K as the perpetrators.

Remember, this is the same USIC who claimed in the December 2016 Joint Analysis Report on the election that Russia had interfered (via Greezy Bear and Macadonian bot farms).  The same USIC who claimed in their January 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment, with a “high degree of confidence,” that Russia influenced the 2016 election (by spending $1,300 on FaceBook ads).  And the same USIC that claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation (it wasn’t).  So, take SSCI Marco Rubio’s confidence in the USIC with that backdrop.  WATCH:



Russian Day of Mourning – Death Toll Climbs to 137 as Nation Grieves

According to the latest information from Moscow, the death toll in Russia has climbed to 137, with more than 150 people still being treated for serious injuries as a result of a terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall theater in Moscow

Today is a National Day of Mourning across the nation.  Events at cultural institutions were canceled and closed, flags were lowered to half-staff, and television entertainment and advertising were suspended. A steady stream of people brought flowers adding to a massive makeshift memorial near the burned-out concert hall.  The entire region is still in a state of shock. [CBS NEWS Report]


Dear God, bring these grieving families to Your throne of comfort. Their pain is unimaginable as they anguish the loss of their wives, husbands, children and loved ones.

Father of mercy and comfort wrap Your loving arms around them. Help them to breathe and overcome the choking knot of despair in their throat. Please provide strength for their continued faith in You even through this unfathomable pain. Lavish them with Your love, and fill the void in their crushed and broken hearts.

In Jesus’ powerful name, I believe and pray.


Дорогой Господь, приведи эти скорбящие семьи к Своему престолу утешения. Их боль невообразима, поскольку они переживают потерю своих жен, мужей, детей и близких.

Отец милосердия и утешения, обними их Своими любящими объятиями. Помогите им дышать и преодолеть удушливый узел отчаяния в горле. Прошу Тебя, дай им силы для их непоколебимой веры в Тебя, даже несмотря на эту непостижимую боль. Одари их Своей любовью и заполни пустоту в их раздавленных и разбитых сердцах.

Во имя Иисуса Христа я верю и молюсь.

