
Federal Reserve Will Support JoeBama Economic Agenda by Allowing Rapid Inflation, Diminished U.S. Worker Purchasing Power and Pain Upon Middle Class

The federal reserve has announced they will support the economic agenda of the Biden administration by allowing rapid inflation.  The FED is trying to provide cover for JoeBama’s economic plan.  The era when the FED could impact inflation is long past.  However, the Joe Biden policy impact will be clear, immediate and concise.  The U.S. middle-class and blue-collar worker are about to be crushed under rising prices for consumable products.

Increases in inflation hit the working class (Main St) much harder than the investment class (Wall St) and financial elites.  Factually the multinationals benefit from U.S. inflation as it puts pressure on domestic companies to ship their manufacturing overseas.  Wall Street likes that.  This dynamic has been an issue not-discussed by the financial media for decades.   First, the Reuters article (when you see “commodity prices” think about the term “consumables”):

REUTERS – The U.S. Federal Reserve has signaled it will tolerate faster inflation for a time to cement the post-pandemic recovery and boost employment, but the side effect is likely to be a faster rise in commodity prices.

[…]  After its latest meeting on Wednesday, the Federal Open Market Committee confirmed it will seek to achieve the *twin objectives of maximum employment and inflation at the rate of 2% over the longer run.

[*NOTE: in the new era of global economics these two are mutually exclusive.  The FED is intentionally ignoring this point.]

[…] The committee noted price rises have been running persistently below target, so it aims to achieve inflation moderately above 2% for some time to make up the shortfall and anchor expectations at around the 2% level.

[…]  The plan is to run the economy hot to achieve faster job gains, especially among disadvantaged groups that are marginally attached to the labour force, before shifting back to inflation control later in the cycle.

But the resulting pressure on global supply chains while the Fed pursues employment increases is likely to generate significantly quicker price rises for raw materials and a range of manufactured items. (read more)

This perspective is fundamentally false and based on assumptions that are decades old economic arguments.  The reality of what will happen is exactly the opposite on the employment front.


Mexican President Lopez-Obrador Strongly Supports President Trump’s Economic Nationalism…

When the broad outlines of the U.S-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade agreement first appeared, we said it seemed clear presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador (AMLO) was aligned with the economic nationalism preferred by U.S. President Trump.

Yesterday that alignment was on full display as AMLO delivered a very strong endorsement for the respectful agreement between the two nations.  Unfortunately, the U.S. media will never report on these words of praise by President Lopez Obrador.

Transcript […] I also wanted to be here to thank people of the United States, its government, and thank you, President Trump for being increasingly respectful with our Mexican fellow men.

And to you, President Trump, I want to thank you for your understanding and the help you’ve given us in issues related to trade, commerce, oil, as well as your personal support for the acquisition of medical equipment that we needed urgently to treat our patients of COVID-19.

But what I mainly appreciate is that you have never sought to impose anything on us violating our sovereignty. Instead of the Monroe Doctrine, you have followed, in our case, the wise advice of the lustrous and prudent President George Washington who said, quote, “Nations should not take advantage of the unfortunate condition of other peoples.” End of quote.


Sunday Talks: Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia Discusses Employment and Economic Impacts of COVID Mitigation While Reopening…

Labor Secretary Eugese Scalia appears on Fox News Sunday to discuss the current employment dynamic while attempting to mitigate COVID virus spread.  Secretary Scalia notes the fundamentals of the economy and employment are strong, yet the restraining factor remains rules & regulations against economic growth instituted by state governors.

At this point in the politics of COVID it seems abundantly clear how fear is being used as a weapon by an alliance of media, government bureaucrats, politicians & left-wing activists.

Our nation appears frozen in a perpetual state of Orwellian dysfunction; as the resistance extremists continue weaponizing fear (never letting a crisis to to waste) to advance a transparent political objective.


U.S. Main Street Economic Indicators Remain Strong – Mortgage Demand Up 13% From Prior Year…

The COVID shutdown was an exceptional event. The consequences from the shutdown do have ripple effects; however, the strength of the underlying economic foundation is now coming back into focus as the rebound starts taking shape.

Last week most economic analysts were stunned by the 2.5 million jobs added to the economy in May. As we shared earlier, the result wasn’t so surprising when you consider the framework of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) worked exactly like President Trump and Treasury Secretary Mnuching planned. The incentives within the PPP program did what they were intended to do; small and mid-sized businesses retained or rehired their employees.

Inside the foundation of the Trump Main Street economy, the cement that binds the America-First policy, are a series of pre-established economic policies that specifically targets middle-class workers. The foundation is made strong by net wage gains and earnings amid mid-tier workers; those wage gains are made more important by policies that keep inflation in check.

Blue-collar workers, on average, were fortunately positioned to ride-out the COVID shutdown. With the shutdown over; Main Street now quickly fires back into action.

The demand for mortgage applications rose five percent last week, resulting in year-over-year growth over 13 percent. Again, this result stuns the experts. Demand for home purchases remains high and people are confident in their income security to make big decisions on home financing. The visible strength of Main Street cuts against the naysayers and doomsayers who thought the COVID shutdown would collapse the economy. It didn’t.

It did not, because (a) the shutdown was an exceptional event; and (b) the underlying foundation is stronger than the blow it took from the COVID sledgehammer.

(Via CNBC) “The recovery in the purchase market continues to gain steam, with the seasonally adjusted index rising to its highest level since January,” said Joel Kan, an MBA economist. “Purchase activity increased for the eighth straight week.”


President Trump Holds Cabinet Meeting to Discuss COVID-19 Economic Efforts – Video and Transcript…

Earlier today President Trump held a cabinet meeting to discuss ongoing COVID-19 mitigation efforts and the ongoing policies to reopen the U.S. economy.  The presentation included powerful remarks from Assistant HHS Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Dr. Eli McCance-Katz. [Video and Transcript Below]


[Transcript] – THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, everybody. Please. So, welcome to our Cabinet meeting. And every member of my Cabinet is working tirelessly to defeat the invisible enemy. That should have never happened to our country. It should have never happened to the world. It’s a disgrace. It could have been stopped at the source, but they decided not to do that.

But we’re going to safely reopen our country and our economy, and it’s happening very rapidly. And it’s happening, interestingly, where numbers are actually going down; you look at Florida, the state of Florida. Done a great job. You look at Georgia, you look at others — they’re open. And some are doing extremely well, far beyond what people thought.


Kudlow Breakout – NEC Director Explains The Main Street Economic Package….

National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow explains the overall picture of the legislative package as coordinated by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and the White House economic team.   The overall financial package is $6 trillion.  $4 trillion of that amount is federal reserve lending authority in case needed.  $2 trillion is direct economic assistance.

Democrats are still attempting to add their K-Street pet projects (foreign aid grants, performing arts contributions, union payoffs, election modifications, funds to expand abortion services, subsidies for wind farms, restrictions on cow flatulence, funds for Hollywood productions, airline emissions, turtle training classes and various social engineering topics) to the spending package. That battle continues….


(Part I) – Coronavirus as a Global Economic Reset…

A very big picture discussion requires a considerable baseline.

The stock market is not the U.S. economy; the stock market is an investment instrument that determines valuations of economic activity company by company. The valuation is considerably arbitrary, based on the determinations of the arbiters (investors). This is empirically true.

However, that said, how would the multinational underwriters, the multinational financial systems, reset all transactional tables (the bookkeeping systems underneath the valuation) …if the U.S. stock market was every forced to re-value economic nationalism over multinational globalism?    Enter “Coronavirus”.

Four years ago CTH first explained a new way to look at the U.S. economic system and how Main Street was/is disconnected from Wall Street.  We presented a metaphor to explain. Before going deeper into the discussion of tomorrow; and at the request of several people who now accept the era of “deglobalization” is upon us,  I first present that prior reference & then will use this as the baseline to describe what could come next.

There is a key phrase at the fulcrum of everything past:

…there had to be a point where the value of the second economy (Wall Street) surpassed the value of the first economy (Main Street).

What we are going to outline in part II is the possibility what happens when this natural truism is reversed.  The objective is to answer: How, specifically would Wall Street reset its evaluative systems if Main Street once again emerged as the priority?

But first, a baseline revisit is needed.


Transcript of President Trump Remarks – World Economic Forum, Davos, 2020…

There is a great deal of international interest in this speech.

[Transcript] – PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, thank you very much, Klaus. And a very special congratulations on your 50th year hosting the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum. A truly amazing achievement.

It’s an honor to address the distinguished members of this organization for the second time as President. When I spoke at this forum two years ago, I told you that we had launched the great American comeback. Today, I’m proud to declare that the United States is in the midst of an economic boom the likes of which the world has never seen before.

We’ve regained our stride, we discovered our spirit and reawakened the powerful machinery of American enterprise. America is thriving, America is flourishing, and yes, America is winning again like never before.

Just last week alone, the United States concluded two extraordinary trade deals: the agreement with China and the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement — the two biggest trade deals ever made. They just happened to get done in the same week.


Background Details For G7 Summit in Biarritz France – U.S. Emphasizes Original G7 Intent, "Economics"…

President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump depart tonight for an overnight flight to Biarritz, France to attend the G7 summit.  The first couple will arrive at 1:00pm Saturday / 7:00am Eastern.  Biarritz is 6 hours ahead of U.S. Eastern Timezone.
The original function of the G7 was to focus on economics and world trade.  President Trump and the U.S. delegation are returning the emphasis toward that original intent during this G7 summit.  At the request of President Trump, there is a G7 Sunday morning session dedicated to global economics, international trade, and economic security.

(Background Details from White House)  SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL: Sure. Thank you so much, [senior administration official]. And I guess it’s morning or good afternoon there, everyone. I am now in Biarritz, France. I’m the [redacted].
So what I wanted to do is start by outlining the schedule of events and various sessions that are taking place over the next few days. And then I will go through and highlight some of the key themes that the President is going to be talking about and pushing out while he is here over the weekend.

God Bless The Diplomatic Restraint of Secretary Pompeo – Joint Presser With Sanctimonious Freeland…

God bless Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for having the diplomatic restraint to stand next to the absolute worst diplomat on the planet and retaining his cool.  Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland stands atop her proverbial high-horse and pontificates a diatribe that only a smug leftist can deliver.
If you are familiar with world events,… and you don’t want a blood pressure cuff to explode,… then don’t watch this joint press conference. [Transcript likely later today]  If you’ve ever watched two diplomats pretend to have any commonality, while simultaneously jabbing each-other in the eye, this is an audio-visual exhibition:

To say the Trump administration and Trudeau administration are ideologically oil and water would be the understatement of the year. The U.S. and Canadian, political, cultural, geopolitical and economic outlooks are entirely divergent.
That reality is one of the reasons why an open U.S. Ambassador to Canada position is unlikely to be filled.  Seriously, who wants to talk to these smug and condescending jerks?