
Mexico President Lopez-Obrador Enlists Support from 'Big Club' Chamber of Commerce (Donohue)…

Well, this doesn’t come as a surprise.  Hoping to keep the borders open and fend off the Trump tariff’s on Mexican imports, Mexico’s President Lopez-Obrador (AMLO) enlists the help from Tom Donohue and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexico’s president and the top U.S. business lobbying group called on President Donald Trump to back down from a threat to impose punitive tariffs on Mexican imports, in a dispute over migration that could shock Mexico’s economy.
[…] The ultimatum from Trump is the biggest foreign policy test to date for Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and a tall order for Mexican security forces struggling not only to combat migrant flows but also to fight a record level of gang violence and homicide.


President Trump Proposal to Counteract China and Big Club/Big AG Strategy…

Today President Trump outlines an approach to head-off the anticipated retaliation from China over the increase in U.S. tariffs that began today. Whether this is structurally possible, or whether this is Trump’s attempt to diminish the leverage carried by Vice-Chairman Liu He, is an interesting question. However, the strategy is clear.
Overall U.S. inflation remains low relative to the economic gains from MAGAnomic policy. [Current CPI HERE].  GDP and wage growth are both exceeding inflation. As such, now is indeed the best time to confront China. President Trump notes this today in a tweet:

Inflation in the U.S. remains low overall at 1.8%…. now is the perfect time to hit Beijing with expanded tariffs.  However, President Trump knows China will retaliate through the multinationals on Wall Street.  President Trump knows China will specifically target the U.S. Agriculture sector. China will likely attempt to put pressure on Trump by refusing to buy U.S. farm product. The BIG AG multinationals will go bananas.
The BIG AG multinationals, those who control food/farm production, also control key Senators; they have been purchased through lobbyists. This is part of the Big Club approach/strategy.  Wall Street and the U.S. Senate will be aligned to support China; as a consequence President Trump needs to counteract their effort.
President Trump’s approach to counteract China’s strike against the U.S. agricultural community is visible in a series of tweets today.  I don’t necessarily agree with the proposal long-term, BUT I do understand the short-term objective…. optimum expediency.

They're Ba-aack: Big Club Koch Brothers Announce Primary Efforts Against MAGA Candidates….

Well, we cannot say we have not seen this Decepticon maneuver before.  The open-border, pro-amnesty, globalist Koch Brothers have announced, yet again, they will take action in the 2020 primary races to remove any/all nationalist-minded blue-collar populist (MAGA) candidates…. in an effort, once again, to install their Wall Street globalist crew.

This is where the Koch Brothers join in common cause with Tom Donohue and Mitch McConnell. The Big Club is nothing if not entirely predictable:

OXON HILL, Md. The Koch political network for the first time plans to intervene in GOP primaries as part of a deliberate 2020 strategy to reverse years of essentially rubber-stamping the Republican Party in general elections.


President Donald J Trump -vs- The Big Club…

Some call it ‘Globalism vs Nationalism’, at other times it is best described as “Wall Street -vs- Main Street”; however, the overarching bigger picture is a battle over economics and the financial power structures that oppose President Trump.
CTH has often said ‘everything is about the economics’, because it is. Ask the ‘why’ question five times to any issue and you will find the root issue is money.  Power, greed and control, it is all about the money and the economics.
Opposition to President Trump’s singularly unique and transformational reset of the U.S. economic system boils down to a battle against the ‘Big Club’.

Every political confrontation is a move within this dynamic. The structural battle is not based on party affiliation, it is based on control and ownership of economics.  This confrontation represents the biggest challenge; a brief example:
Hundreds of millions were spent on the 2018 election by owners within the ‘Big Club’; at a surface level those expenditures are discussed by punditry thus: “we were outspent” (insert Kevin McCarthy and/or Ronnda McDaniel here). But if you have followed the challenge more closely, over the course of years/decades, you have a more substantive understanding of the dynamic.
Billionaires on one side of the UniParty spend hundreds-of-millions in opposition to the MAGA agenda. That agenda, that economic agenda, is the existential threat to the Big Club’s grip on power.
Here’s the critical aspect: When it comes to the economics, there are no big spending billionaires on the nationalist side of the equation.  The interests of Wall Street Democrats and Wall Street Republicans are based on globalism; Wall Street not Main Street.

Big Club Makes It's Move – Chinese Funded U.S. Lobbyists Move For "Public Fight" Over Tariffs….

It was virtually guaranteed to happen, the only unknown was the actual timing of when they would execute their self-interested plan.  Remember, there are trillions at stake and the multinationals will not give up their power, influence and control over the U.S. economy.

The media are reporting on a “group” of lobbyists “uniting” in a common strategy to oppose President Trump, ahead of the mid-terms, based on Chinese tariffs.  Those who have followed this “group”, also known as “the big club”, for decades know full well the lobbyists are financed through Wall Street multinational corporations and foreign money (hint: China).  The foreign funding is passed through the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, President Tom Donohue, who then organizes the lobbying strategy to target politicians.
President Trump has made it a pillar of his presidency to reset the global trade relationships and stop the trade imbalance that previously caused the destruction of the U.S. manufacturing base and the collapse of the middle-class.  The America-First trade initiatives are adverse to the interests of the multinationals (globalists) and the control mechanisms within the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Money and economic control is the real battle-space within the American political system. This latest move is only the beginning of that will follow in the next 56 days, as they to try and eliminate Trump by targeting republicans. The Big Club is the financial mechanism that constructed the UniParty in Washington DC.

Massive Blow to "Big Club" – Supreme Court Strikes Down Forced Public-Sector Union Fees…

In a decision that holds massive up-front ramifications for Democrats, the Supreme Court ruled today (full pdf below) that non-union members cannot be forced to pay for union representation.  This is a devastating blow to the Big Club political caucus.
The justices said in a 5-4 opinion that state government workers who choose not to join a union cannot be compelled to pay a share of union dues for covering the cost of negotiating contracts.  This allows state union workers to withdraw funding for the political aspirations and objectives of union leadership who work against their interests.
At the top of the hierarchy, union executives, multinational corporate executives and K-Street lobbyists, work in synergy to maximize financial benefits for a select group of interests known as The Big Club.  The corrupt operations carried out over the past four  decades fuel the UniParty; which is comprised of both democrat and republican political apparatus.  Today’s decision permits the removal of forced payments from the bottom of the Big Club pyramid scheme.
With an America-First independent voice in President Trump occupying the White House, the BIG CLUB already lost access to economic policy manipulation.  Today’s supreme court decision means even more downstream consequences.

Mitch and The Big Club Opposition – It's All About The Economics…

There are Trillions of Dollars at Stake. CTH has been highlighting the hidden motivation for years.  Opposition is all about the economics folks.
Against President Trump’s promise to renegotiate trade deals, withdraw from TPP and TTIP, walk away from the fraudulent economic scheme within the Paris Climate Treaty, and renegotiate or pull out of NAFTA.  Well,… it’s called a strategy session folks:


Paul Ryan and "Big Club" Begin Positioning Comprehensive Immigration Platform Narrative…

Almost no-one has watched Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, Eric Cantor, John Boehner AND republican leadership of the House Freedom Caucus admit they intentionally hide their support for amnesty and immigration reform because they know the electorate doesn’t support it.  Yet it’s right there on camera: video showing exactly that. –SEE HERE
The video is highly controlled by PBS and Frontline (legal), and in my opinion tightly controlled because PBS fully understands what would happen if the story of republicans in that video reached the larger awareness of U.S. voters. –The Last Hour is Critical
There is only one political party in Washington DC.  There are two wings, but only one political and ideological apparatus.  An accurate frame of reference for watching this border wall video released today from Paul Ryan is only possible with the understanding from that FrontLine video in 2014.  What you see below is 100% political manipulation:

House Speaker Paul Ryan is attempting to pull off the Alex Castellanos strategy through the utilization of political policy; it’s a strategy the UniParty uses effectively.

Reminder: To Remove ObamaCare We Must First Remove The UniParty “Big Club”…

Many years ago we accepted the UniParty.  Shortly thereafter CTH broke away from political identity framed around arguments of party and personality; we chose to focus on policy and outcomes.  Washington DC is a singular party, a UniParty. We have been explaining, countering and fighting “The Big Club” in DC for years; always following the money.
President Trump is the first political entity in our lifetime that not only comprehends the faces of the false arguments (the personalities of false choice and controlled opposition), but more importantly sees the architects behind the Potemkin villages represented by those faces. When it comes to domestic economic policy, the architects are the BIG CLUB.
So, what is “The Big Club“?  …What “Deep State” is to intelligence, military intervention and foreign policy – the “BIG CLUB” is to matters of domestic economics…
Politicians do not write laws. Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer do not sit in their offices writing out scripts of laws and legislation; no politician does. Politicians are the faces who sell legislation that unseen hands create. The Big Club represents the hands that actually create legislation; lobbyist hands.

Healthcare Legislation is Stuck Amid The Big Club Administrative Lobbying Network…

President Trump is the first political entity in our lifetime that not only comprehends the faces of the false arguments (the fallacies of false choice), but more importantly sees the administrative architects behind the Potemkin villages represented by those faces. When it comes to domestic economic policies, the architects are the BIG CLUB.
So, what is “The Big Club“?

..What “Deep State” is to intelligence, military intervention and foreign policy – The “BIG CLUB” is to matters of domestic economics…

Politicians do not write laws. Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer do not sit in their offices writing out scripts of laws and legislation; no politician does.  Politicians are faces who sell legislation that unseen hands create. The Big Club are the administrators creating the legislation.
As such, it makes no sense to argue about the salesmanship of Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Ted Cruz or Elizabeth Warren when none are originating the legislative constructs they are selling and branding in the media.
It simply makes much more sense to focus attention on the unseen hands that are never discussed, the administrative state.   These are the roots of the issues, the politicians are merely the expendable and interchangeable sales force.