
Prime Minister Viktor Orban Outlines Why Samantha Power, USAID and CIA Hates Him

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stands the gap.   This is going to drive the USAID leftists bananas.


Hungary, a nation proud of its heritage, has been under assault from the U.S. State Department, the EU collective and the western NATO alliance for their refusal to acquiesce to the World Economic Forum and western globalist ideology. {background here}

We have discussed Hungary quite a bit, because Viktor Orban has been a very public thorn in the side of Joe Biden, the CIA and USAID (same/same), along with the US State Dept.


AMLO Tells Joe Biden and Samantha Power to Knock It Off, Stop Interfering in Mexico and Trying to Create Instability

If you understand what Samantha Power does via her role in using USAID as the mechanism to advance the color revolutions around the globe, these remarks from Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador are subtle like a brick through a window.

Power has recently been trying to create political turmoil in Hungary [HERE] and Georgia [HERE].

However, after AMLO delivered a speech where he called out Joe Biden, the DEA and the CIA for trying to interfere in Mexico [HERE], many people reading here predicted Samantha Power would now show up in Mexico.

Those of you who made that prediction were correct. You guys are smart!

Keep in mind that nearly a million central American economic migrants can be unleashed by AMLO, and likely will be, as Joe Biden and the Mexican president have faced off for almost two years over North American energy policy.  Stunningly, AMLO has not backed down an inch, and instead went on the offensive against Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau.  This put a target on his back and was likely the impetus for U.S. intelligence agencies to call upon Samantha Power to do her thing.

MEXICO CITY, May 3 (Reuters) – Mexico’s president asked his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden to stop the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) from funding groups hostile to his government, according to a letter presented to journalists on Wednesday, echoing previous Mexican criticism of U.S. interventionism.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador did not specify which Mexican groups the U.S. should stop funding, but he has in the past accused several media organizations of being part of a conservative movement against his government.


The Insufferable Samantha Power Now Focuses on Georgia, Bordering Russia

Having planted the seed for color revolution in Hungary, a European country that doesn’t want expanded war with Russia – therefore the U.S. needs to change the democracy, now Samantha Power moves to another European country for the same reason.  This time it’s Georgia.

Georgia legislature recently passed a bill saying all funding for foreign intervention in the country’s politics, via Non-Governmental Agencies (NGO’s), needs to be made public and the funding registered as foreign agent lobbying.  Essentially, the proposed Georgia law would mirror the U.S. Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA).

However, because the U.S. is the funding mechanism for the anti-government agencies that operate within the country, the United States is against the effort.  To make sure the U.S. can continue to covertly manipulate the political outcomes, the groups supported by Samantha Power attacked Parliament. [Power Tweet]

To highlight what Power is celebrating…. “Georgian protesters in their tens of thousands have gathered in the capital, smashing the windows of the Parliamentary headquarters and fighting local enforcement officers as the country erupts into chaos. The nation’s ruling party, Georgian Dream, rushed through its first reading of a “Kremlin-inspired” bill on Tuesday two days before the debate was scheduled to take place, causing carnage in Tbilisi as citizens fear their government is severing links to the West at a time of increased tensions with Russia.” (more)

So why is Samantha Power targeting Georgia now?   Well, like Hungary’s Viktor Orban, Georgia’s Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili does not want expanded war with Russia. Therefore, just like Viktor Orban, the prime minister of Georgia must now be removed and replaced with a pro-war leader.


Head’s Up, State Dept Operative and USAID Administrator Samantha Power is in Hungary, Seeding Another Color Revolution – Deep State Ukraine 2.0

Hungary has been in the crosshairs of the Biden/Obama administration ever since Prime Minister Viktor Orban refused to align with the WEF Western Democracies in their quest for regime change in Russia.  As the NATO led western alliance assembled to use Ukraine as a proxy war against Russia, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban would not join.

In early April 2022, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban was overwhelmingly reelected {LINK}, despite the massive efforts against him by the European Union, western and euro-centric multinational globalists.   As a result of the victory, Brussels was furious at the Hungarian people.  Associated Press – […] “Orban — a fierce critic of immigration, LGBTQ rights and “EU bureaucrats” — has garnered the admiration of right-wing nationalists across Europe and North America.” (link)

Within the statements reported from his 2022 victory speech, Prime Minister Orban warned citizens of the NATO and western allied countries about the manipulation of Ukraine and how he views the Zelenskyy regime:  […] “while speaking to supporters on Sunday, Orban singled out Zelenskyy as part of the “overwhelming force” that he said his party had struggled against in the election — “the left at home, the international left, the Brussels bureaucrats, the Soros empire with all its money, the international mainstream media, and in the end, even the Ukrainian president.” (link)

This put Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in the crosshairs of the western alliance, specifically the EU and U.S. bureaucrats who use their power, position and intelligence apparatus to manipulate foreign nations.  A year later and now we see USAID Administrator Samantha Power in Hungary openly discussing her seeding of the NGO’s and political activist systems in order to generate yet another color revolution. {Direct Rumble Link} – WATCH:

Samantha Power, the wife of Cass Sunstein, is well known as the Obama/Biden administration’s advance operative who uses her position in U.S. government to influence activism in targeted nations. Hungary is now her target.


Sunday Talks, Samantha Power Notes Scarce Food Presents Opportunity to Enhance Larger Goals of Climate Change and Other Weird Stuff

If you are not familiar with Cass Sunstein’s wife, Samantha Power, I would suggest spending some time on any search feature of the internet.  Power is the archetype ideological traveler within the academic peer group of the Obama team.  Former U.N. Ambassador Power is the person who takes the ideological theory [example Responsibility to Protect (R2P)], and then constructs the mechanisms and network to turn theory into applicable policy.

Samantha put down the filtered Brazilian rainwater coffee this morning and gave a few interviews, that are rather telling of what is going on in the background of the Biden administration.  Discussing Ukraine {Direct Rumble Link} Power let it slip that the absence of industrial fertilizer is a good thing because in the spirit of “never letting a crisis go to waste,” the transition of food growing to more “sustainable farming” through organic fertilizer is a key transition for the bigger picture issue of Climate Change.  WATCH:

Samantha is the prototype backpack, academic, Birkenstock traveler who all model U.N. types view as the person to emulate.  She’s a sustainable algae  cake eater, who bridges the space between the Kennedy Center ballroom crowd and the cross-legged, sitting on the grass, NYU commons activists.

A very dangerous mind, with no practical skills beyond very dangerous ideological theory.


Unhinged John Brennan and Complicit Samantha Power React To Andrew McCabe Firing…

There’s something rather remarkable about watching/reading expressions of political violence from key democrat ideologues atop the Marxist left-wing of the party.

Every time we see this reaction, I immediately try to reconnect with those who I’ve previously forewarned but were not yet at a place where they could accept.  As disturbing as these unhinged expressions might be, there are benefits…. their alliance gets smaller.

John Brennan was a career CIA official who voted for the communist party in 1980.  He was also a 2008 Obama adviser when he was caught hacking into State Department passport records.  After the 2012 Benghazi attack, Brennan was moved into the position of CIA Director to cover and tamp-down any issues that might arise (he made everyone sign NDA’s).  As CIA Director Brennan was also caught hacking Senate computers to monitor the Senate Intelligence Committee. He apologized.

Perhaps more disturbing was Samantha Power’s response.


Very Swampian – Trey Gowdy: Samantha Power Did Not Make Unmasking Requests Attributed to Her…

Hmmm… obtuse swampy defense surfaces. CTH smells the strong residue of UniParty Flak and Countermeasures. Unfortunately, not necessarily surprising.
During an interview with Fox News Brett Baier, the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Trey Gowdy, claims former Ambassador Samantha Power did not initiate all the unmasking incidents attributed to her.  [Video Prompted – just hit play]
[04:35 Video] Brett Baier: “You are also looking, and have talked to the former Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power. We reported that she requested or her officer requested 260 plus efforts to unmask, in other words, get who was talking about picked up in surveillance. How did she answer that question? Why so many?”
Trey Gowdy: “Well, I’ll tell you broadly, uh Brett, I think if she was on your show, she would say those attempt to unmask may have been attributed to her. But they greatly exceed, by an exponential factor, the requests that she actually made.  So that’s her testimony, uh, and, and she was pretty emphatic.  The surveillance community, the intelligence community, has assigned this number of requests to her – her perspective, her testimony is: ‘they may be under my name, but I did not make those requests‘.”

U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power: "De-Conflict" ?

Our favorite ideological cabinet member appeared on CBS this morning replete with new linguistic skills.  Listen to question at 01:58, and within the answer: “de-conflict” … it reappears a few minutes later in another retort.
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What do Bob Geldorf, Samantha Power, Joseph Kony, Jeh Johnson and Charles Rivkin Have In Common?…

“We are the world… we are the children;  We are the one’s who make a better life, so let’s start giving….  There’s a dream we’re making, we’re saving our own lives, it true we’ll make a better world, just you and me….

Sound familiar?  Could you sing it if we only provided the first stanza?  Most likely the answer is yes.  The bigger question is “why”?
Samantha power and Obama
How about another one?  More subtle maybe; this one from 2011:

This week’s biggest Africa news isn’t from Africa. It’s from a massive online and social media campaign launched by the American advocacy group Invisible Children to capture indicted war criminal and Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Kony

As with their previous campaigns Displace Me and How it Ends, Invisible Children launched Stop Kony 2012 on Tuesday to mobilize the next generation of young Americans to help end the conflict in northern Uganda – except this time, they called on their mostly white, privileged, and educated youth followers to get involved through web-activism on their Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and YouTube accounts. (more…)

UN Ambassador Samantha Power: Ebola Workers Should Be “Treated Like Conquering Heroes”, Not Quarantined… (Video)

(USA TODAY) Aides to President Obama are criticizing decisions by three states to quarantine people who are returning from Ebola-stricken West Africa.

Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and United Nations ambassador Samantha Power said quarantines may discourage health workers from traveling to West Africa to help block the disease at its source. (more…)