
BUSTED: Former Director Of National Intelligence, James Clapper, Caught Lying During CNN Broadcast…

It is easy to get lost in the weeds if you don’t follow the details closely; however, last night James Clapper appeared on CNN to defend himself against mounting evidence he leaked, and falsified the content of a presidential briefing of an Intelligence Discussion -including the “Steele Dossier”- to CNN January 9th or 10th 2017. [Full Recent Backstory]

Before getting to the CNN/James Clapper video, it’s important to revisit the specific sequence of events. It is difficult to spot lies if you don’t have events to reference. Here’s a recap of the exact timeline of events from 2017:

Friday January 6th – DNI James Clapper, CIA John Brennan, FBI James Comey and NSA Mike Rogers briefed President-Elect Trump on their Joint Analysis Report of the Russian Election interference. (link) [POTUS-Elect released a statement]
Tuesday January 10th – CNN runs an explosive story (Jake Tapper) and article about Intelligence Officials briefing President Trump about the Steele Dossier. (link)
Tuesday January 10th – (Moments later) At 5:20pm Buzzfeed uses the CNN story as an excuse to publish the Steele Dossier.
Wednesday January 11th – The Trump transition team states the content of the CNN story [claiming President-Elect Trump was briefed on the Dossier] was false.
Wednesday January 11th – (same day) President Trump blasts CNN for pushing “fake news” about their story; P-Elect saying he was not briefed on the “dossier”.
Wednesday January 11th – (same day) NBC independently refutes the content of the prior day CNN story. Trump wasn’t briefed on dossier the Friday prior. (link)
Wednesday January 11th – (same day) FOX News independently refutes the content of the prior day CNN story. Again, Trump wasn’t briefed on dossier. (link)
Wednesday January 11th – (same day – EVENING) DNI James Clapper puts out a press release and affirms he only told the President-elect of the IC position on the Steele Dossier moments before. (January 11th – NOT January 6th) (link)

That’s the cited sequence of events, and the copy of the Press Statement by ODNI James Clapper for verification [Archived Link Here]  Pay close attention to the wording above.


Report: James Clapper Was Leaking Intelligence Reports to CNN During President-Elect Trump Transition (January 2017)…

This story today from Sara Carter is really interesting because CTH outlined the foundation of this back in January of 2017.  According to an article published today by Sara Carter her congressional sources have told her of an investigation into former ODNI James Clapper and his leaking of “intelligence information” to CNN in an orchestrated effort to damage the incoming Trump administration.

Sara Carter – Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper allegedly leaked information to CNN early last year regarding the classified briefings given to then President-Elect Donald Trump and President Barrack Obama on the salacious dossier claiming the Russians had compromising information on the president-elect, according to government sources, who noted the evidence of the leak was collected during the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia investigation. (keep reading)


Here’s why it’s particularly interesting.  Back in January of 2017, we noted a series of events between James Clapper (ODNI), John Brennan (CIA) and Jake Tapper (CNN) that appeared transparently obvious about creating a specific narrative.  CTH Timeline:

January 10th, 2017 – CNN Frames “Russian Narrative” – The anatomy of a media smear (link).
January 11th, 2017 – President Trump confronts CNN – “You are fake news” (link)
January 12th, 2017 – Confronted by the Trump Transition Team, independent NBC and Fox News Reporting, CNN’s Anderson Cooper attempts to defend CNN Propaganda (link)
January 15th, 2017 – Bob Woodward calls out CNN, Jake Tapper, John Brennan and James Clapper for false statements and indefensible politicization of institutional U.S. intelligence agencies (link)

In essence the week beginning January 10th, 2017 was the origin of the vast ‘Muh Russia’ conspiracy/collusion narrative against the incoming administration.  The CNN report pushed by Jake Tapper was also the distribution of leaked information James Clapper and John Brennan.  This false narrative was specifically the origin of the “collusion” angle.

James Clapper appeared nervous and playing CYA when he released a statement trying to cover-up his leaking of information to CNN.  Remember this?


Whoopsie: James Clapper States "Clinton-Steele Dossier" Was Used for FISA Surveillance "Extension"…

Gotta love the professionally obtuse former DNI James Clapper.
As much as he is a stuttering doofus, and therein showcases his political value for the former administration; and to the extent that Clapper has previously stated there was no attempt by the DOJ/FBI to gain a FISA authorized approval for surveillance on any Trump campaign officials: “none that I’m aware of“; …it is always valuable to listen to Clapper because he has a tendency to, well, to let slip stuff that makes the black hats cringe.
Cue the audio visual “slippage.”  Inside tonight’s interview by Jake Tapper, former DNI James Clapper now unwittingly refutes his previous assertion of “no Trump FISA warrant“, and simultaneously lets it slip out that the Clinton/Steele dossier was not used in gaining origination authority for FISA-702 surveillance, but rather for an “extension” of a previous application for FISA-702 surveillance.  WATCH:

06:48 ..”as I understand it, this was simply an extension of uh, the original, uh, FISA request.  Meaning that, or implying, that apparently, there was information that was considered, uh, ‘valuable’, that was being obtained, via the initial FISA request.”
“FISA’s have, uh, finite dates. Uh, in other words they have deadlines; they aren’t indefinite… So when the time was up for the initial FISA report, FISA request, then it was time to get an extension. So on its face, I don’t know that the dossier played, very much, in this at all”…

Well, that’s interesting.  I wonder who gave Clapper the “as I understand it” part? Now let’s go back to March 5th 2017 and review what DNI James Clapper said about the Department of Justice getting FISA-702 surveillance authority on Trump campaign officials.

James Clapper Says: While in Office He Never Heard The Name George Papadopoulos….

The intelligence community, specific momentary example: James Clapper (ODNI), is attempting to find their safest retreat. If you’ve walked this story through the deep weeds this will make sense to you.  It’s becoming funny.  Yesterday we shared:

Right now they are spending 90% (or more) of their time discussing damage control and how to sell their way out of this mess. The energy they are now spending trying to show a “Russian Conspiracy” is smaller than nil. Some team members are still trying to give angles of “if we do this”, and “if we do that”, etc. You know the routine, a good defense is a good offense. However, even in their offensive exit proposals, their time is constructing a plausible escape. We know that; he knows that; and he knows we know that.

What are they left with?


That’s it.

Positioning for the best exit, doing the least amount of damage to themselves and other professional swamp dwellers in the process. That’s their current energy expenditure; figuring out the exit strategy.

Cue the audio visual today from James Clapper.  WATCH THE END: George who?

Again, this admission by Clapper entirely undercuts the ridiculous NYT prior defense where they attempt to put George Papadopoulos as the centerpiece to the origin of the FBI counterintelligence operation.

Former DNI James Clapper Denies Knowledge of Manafort FISA Warrant…

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper appears on CNN last night to deny knowledge of the wiretapping of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
In March Clapper stated he would specifically have known if a FISA warrant was issued against any Trump campaign officials. Last night Clapper stated he held no knowledge of the FISA warrant. Clapper is walking through a legal minefield. WATCH:

It is important to remember that FBI Director James Comey stated on March 20th 2017 he briefed the DNI (James Clapper) and the National Security Adviser (Susan Rice) on the details of the counter intelligence operation. By all intents and appearances the statement last night by Clapper denying knowledge is essentially refuting James Comey’s earlier testimony and throwing Comey under the bus.
They both cannot be telling the truth.
Either Comey told Clapper which means Clapper is lying.  Or Comey never told Clapper, which provides evidence of the FBI collusion with the White House; and the FBI working as a rogue intelligence agency for political targeting.
In the abstract the Obama authorized wiretapping of a Trump campaign official is alarming. However when these recent revelations are added to FBI James Comey admitting to keeping the investigations hidden from congressional oversight an even more alarming picture emerges.

Clapper and Brennan Leave Comey Holding Russian Conspiracy Bag – What Now?…

It is not coincidental the origin of all ‘vast-Russian-conspiracy‘ stories seem to start with a discussion of intelligence gathering beginning in July of 2016.   The GOP convention to nominate Donald Trump was July 18-21st of 2016.

Surrounding the nomination that stunned the geo-political world almost every foreign government was trying to figure out who and what Donald J Trump was all about; and more specifically: how would his run for the presidency impact their specific interests.

WASHINGTON NYT — American spies collected information last summer revealing that senior Russian intelligence and political officials were discussing how to exert influence over Donald J. Trump through his advisers, according to three current and former American officials familiar with the intelligence.

[Paragraph #5] The information collected last summer was considered credible enough for intelligence agencies to pass to the F.B.I., which during that period opened a counterintelligence investigation that is continuing. It is unclear, however, whether Russian officials actually tried to directly influence Mr. Manafort and Mr. Flynn. Both have denied any collusion with the Russian government on the campaign to disrupt the election. (link)

The New York Times should win a Pulitzer for undermining their own ‘Russian Conspiracy’ headline narrative within the fifth paragraph.  [It’s a current trend] I digress.

Obviously Russia would be asking these questions along with China, France, England, the larger EU and every nation in every continent.  It would be silly to claim otherwise.


Moonbat Brothers – Tapper and Clapper Conduct Couples’ Grief Therapy Session Over DC Swamp Draining…

Trump Derangement Syndrome is real – Former journalist Jake Tapper and former ODNI James Clapper conduct a broadcast couples therapy discussion on the impact of Washington DC’s swamp draining.

Their collective grief session included a discussion of how President Trump was resetting the system of checks-and-balances by firing political appointees of the prior executive administration.  You have to watch the segment to fully grasp the level of stupid.

Sad faces abound as they console each other that a new administration actually removed the political appointees of the prior administration.  This action, according to their logic, is akin to the removal of one of the three branches of co-equal government; though they never actually do get around to explaining how the Legislative branch, or Judicial Branch have been removed by the Executive branch.  Funny that.

You cannot make this level of moonbattery up.  Virtuous defender of the republic Jake Tapper actually said: “because he’s firing the checks and balances“.  Don’t believe me, watch:


I’m assuming the CNN audience was never exposed to grade-school civics, and probably don’t comprehend the FBI Director and Attorney General are appointed by the President and serve at the whim of the elected President, who IS The Executive Branch.

Despite what former ODNI James Clapper says, I promise you the FBI and DOJ are not “co-equal branches of government”.


Trap Set – Sally Yates and James Clapper Testify to Senate Judiciary Committee – 2:30pm Livestream….

Holy Cats. This post is somewhat rushed because everyone needs to watch Sally Yates testify before congress, and there’s a very distinct possibility President Trump has just laid a trap to catch her.  The Muh Russia Judiciary Hearing.

Initially I was open-minded, albeit skeptical, about the potential for President Trump to have laid out a rather well constructed trap to catch intelligence leakers together with Michael Flynn.  Skeptical because the construct of the trap is intensely Machiavellian.

However, today two very obvious indicators point to that being more reality than supposition.

Yates is scheduled to testify for the first time in public, alongside James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, who pushed Flynn in 2014 from his job as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. The two are due to appear before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee at 2:30 p.m.  (link)

Not accidentally, today the media is playing out a leaked story about President Obama warning President Trump [On November 10th] about Michael Flynn. Against the backdrop of the February media narrative: why would the Obama white house source wait until just prior to Yates testimony? Why today?  Obviously the political angle is transparent.


Mark Levin Discusses Wire Tapping that James Clapper Denies Ever Existed…

Mark “Old Yeller” Levin appears on Fox and Friends to present his case against the Obama administration’s spying on Donald Trump. However, the flaw in Levin’s presentation is that he uses multiple media reports to frame his argument.  DNI Director James Clapper stated this morning, that no wire tapping ever took place.
In essence, while well presented, the underlying Levin framework against President Obama is based on multiple Fake News reports of wire tapping that is non existent.


Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Denies Any Trump Tower Wiretapping, EVER…

…which simultaneously means all of the voluminous media reports, based on leaks of wire tapping, were and are “Fake News”.

The former Director of National Intelligence (DNI), James Clapper, appears on NBC with Chuck Todd and categorically denies there was ever any wire tapping of Donald Trump in Trump Tower as a candidate or as a President Elect.  WATCH:

Now, the obvious caveat is that DNI Clapper has previously lied to congress about meta-data collection, or mass surveillance of communications of Americans; later claiming it was the ‘least possible lie’ he could come up with.
So, unfortunately Clapper is not necessarily trustworthy.  However, that said, if we are to take Clapper as being honest and straightforward this time, well, that means ALL of the prior media reports are FAKE NEWS.