
"Andy" McCabe's Transparent Motive For a Lost Dossier Memory….

In plain language the “Trump Project” was a joint 2016 FBI & DOJ counterintelligence operation to conduct wiretaps and surveillance upon the presidential campaign of Donald Trump. Operatives within the FBI and DOJ who were politically aligned with the Hillary Clinton campaign, weaponized the DOJ and FBI to undermine her political opposition.

Those who have been walking the deep weeds have a pretty strong understanding of Deputy FBI Director Andrew “Andy” McCabe’s risk profile and his role in the 2016 “Trump Project”.  The Rosen report earlier today -based on investigators within the House Intelligence Committee- states McCabe has lost his memory around the timeline for the FBI’s FISA application and the Christoper Steele Russian Dossier as evidence therein.
If it can be shown the Steele Dossier was part of the underlying evidence within the FISA warrant (Sept./Oct. 2016), allowing wiretaps and surveillance of candidate Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, the foundation for a conspiracy becomes evident.  If McCabe was aware of the origin, financing and use of the Steele Dossier in obtaining a FISA warrant, his exposure to a criminal conspiracy increases exponentially.
Understanding how Deputy McCabe’s risk profile increases in direct proportion to his attachment to the Steele Dossier explains his memory lapses, obfuscations and testimony toward his knowledge therein.
That said, House Representative Jim Jordan is the key person keeping congressional inquiry on this important facet. However, amid those gaining an increased understanding of the scale and scope, we find Representative Peter King discussing today:

House Intel Committee Reaches Agreement With Fusion GPS on Bank Records – (pdf of Judicial Order)…

Last week, the firm behind the contract for the Russian Dossier, Fusion GPS, requested that a U.S. District judge block congressional investigators from access, via a previous subpoena, to its bank records. The judge gave the House Intelligence Committee lawyers and Fusion GPS a week to see if they could work out a mutual agreement on the production of the records.
Yesterday the attorneys for Fusion GPS and the House Intelligence Committee agreed to terms for releasing the bank records.  The intel committee will receive the bank records to continue their investigation, but the documents will be sealed from public scrutiny:
[scribd id=362870671 key=key-dEKnARTWraVaAkzejfyv mode=scroll]
During the week-long negotiations between Fusion GPS and congressional lawyers, multiple funding sources were mysteriously leaked.   One of the leaks showed The Washington Free Beacon and billionaire Paul Singer initially contracted with Fusion GPS in 2015 for initial opposition research against candidate Donald Trump, seemingly for the benefit of WFB and Singer’s preferred candidate Marco Rubio. That commissioned research ended in March/April of 2016 when it was clear that Rubio could not win the nomination.

Clueless Liberals Wonder Why Chad Included on Travel Restriction List…

Everything eventually comes full circle.  The dissonance within this tweet and subsequent article is a story unto itself.  Obviously six years ago when Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Samantha Power and President Obama were destroying Libya the progressive movement needed to stick their head in the sand regarding predictable future consequences.
The Obama/Clinton short-sighted Libya fiasco created situation where regional extremists became well armed, and now the Obama/Clinton supporters are wondering why?

Let’s take a little trip down memory lane
Several years ago we wrote about how those massive stores of former terror armament looted from the Gadhaffi caches was going to be a major -yet unreported- story.  We’re not talking about a few pounds of yellow-cake, or a few Man-Pads.  No, we’re talking about 20,000+ shoulder fired SAAMs, Stinger Missiles, hundreds of Man-Pads and thousands of canisters of mustard gas and serin componentry.
The story everyone sealed up in the too-big-to-scale files of military FUBAR.
Yeah, that story.

Former DNI James Clapper Denies Knowledge of Manafort FISA Warrant…

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper appears on CNN last night to deny knowledge of the wiretapping of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
In March Clapper stated he would specifically have known if a FISA warrant was issued against any Trump campaign officials. Last night Clapper stated he held no knowledge of the FISA warrant. Clapper is walking through a legal minefield. WATCH:

It is important to remember that FBI Director James Comey stated on March 20th 2017 he briefed the DNI (James Clapper) and the National Security Adviser (Susan Rice) on the details of the counter intelligence operation. By all intents and appearances the statement last night by Clapper denying knowledge is essentially refuting James Comey’s earlier testimony and throwing Comey under the bus.
They both cannot be telling the truth.
Either Comey told Clapper which means Clapper is lying.  Or Comey never told Clapper, which provides evidence of the FBI collusion with the White House; and the FBI working as a rogue intelligence agency for political targeting.
In the abstract the Obama authorized wiretapping of a Trump campaign official is alarming. However when these recent revelations are added to FBI James Comey admitting to keeping the investigations hidden from congressional oversight an even more alarming picture emerges.

President Trump Cancels Obama/Kerry CIA Program Arming ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria…

Reports surface today that President Trump has cancelled the 2012/2013 covert CIA program giving weapons to ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria.  [Washington Post Link]

Various news organizations frame the issue as cancelling the program to “arm the moderate opposition to Bashir Assad”.  However, those news reports are entirely false.

We know the Obama administration was arming ISIS as part of the larger Syria strategy because Secretary of State John Kerry went on record admitting the Obama Syrian strategy was actually to arm ISIS and extremist Islamic groups (al-Nusra) against Assad.
We also know Secretary Kerry was being truthful in that media-hidden, albeit recorded, admission because CTH specifically tracked and investigated the CIA weapons shipments as an accidential outcome of the finalized Benghazi Briefing material in 2013/2014.
The Washington Post might be claiming today that President Trump is discontinuing a covert CIA plan that armed “moderates”.  But we know, if Trump is actually canceling this program, the actual recipients of the covert weapons plan were ISIS, al-Qaeda and al-Nusra in Syria – By their own damned admissions.
There simply is no doubt of that truth.   The Washington Post is lying, and despite their earnest efforts we can actually prove their framework is a substantive and factual falsehood.    Here’s some of the proof, including Kerry’s recorded admission:

Stunning Coverup Maneuver – Obama NSC Move All Intelligence Unmasking Material To Obama Library To Avoid Sunlight…

To understand the play at stake here, and the larger scheme to keep the Obama political surveillance from the sunlight of discovery, it is important to remember the only factually known illegal activity surrounding the entire Russian Election Conspiracy is:

  • A.) the illegal leaking of intelligence reports (Comey et al), or the weaponization of intelligence for political motives; and
  • B.) the illegal unmasking of names within U.S. intelligence reports by Obama White House officials (Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes), again for political motives.

The latest jaw dropping maneuver by the former Obama White House crew specifically targets how to cover-up the latter issue.

A FOIA request from Judicial Watch to the Obama NSC seeking information about the unmasking activities of National Security Advisor Susan Rice and the National Security Council receives a response that all documentation has been moved to the Obama Library.

The reason: All presidential library material is NOT subject to public scrutiny until FIVE YEARS after the administration ends.


Intel Committee Rep Peter King Discusses Meeting With Devin Nunes and Trump Surveillance…

Representative Peter King appeared on Fox News Bill O’Reilly show tonight to discuss the surveillance evidence identified to Intel Chairman Devin Nunes.
(Video Prompted to discussion segment at 03:35 – just hit play)

TowerGate Begins – Yes, If Trump is Correct, Even Partially, Then President Obama Might Be in Big Trouble…

“TowerGate” begins…

Robert Barnes at LawNewz has a well structured outline showing how current public information does indeed appear to lay out a solid case that President Obama manipulated the legal use of intelligence gathering tools to monitor candidate, then president-elect, Donald Trump.
Based on what we already know from Public Sources – HERE– and –HERE– and –HERE– there is a reasonable outline pointing to an Obama agenda.  Well worth reading in full:
Robert Barnes – President Trump recently tweeted claiming that former President Obama wiretapped him during his campaign. One can only imagine how nuts the media would have gone if the roles had been reversed: President Trump wiretapping either Obama or the Clintons, though his DOJ could have authority to do just that given the expansive leaks of intelligence information by Obama and Clinton supporters the last few months. (more…)

Obama Admin and Allies In State Dept. Intentionally Undermine Structural "Trump Peace Alliance" With Leak To Reuters of Secret 2016 Meeting….

When we shared the last research outline of what is being assembled by a quiet coalition of President Trump (U.S.A), Prime Minister Netanyahu (Israel), President Fattah Abdel el-Sisi (Egypt), King Abdullah III (Jordan), King Salman (Saudi Arabia), President Mahmoud Abbas (PA) – and less visibly President Vladimir Putin (Russia) and President Bashar Assad (Syria) – we warned that a consortium of globalist elements would seek to undermine the extraordinary possibilities.
Evidence of that undermining effort surfaces today as leaks to Reuters of a secret summit that took place in 2016 between Israel, Jordan, Egypt and the insufferable John Kerry.
While the article doesn’t name the sources, anyone who has followed recent events closely will quickly identify the fingerprints of U.S. State Department officials (7th floor globalists, leftists) who have been shut-out, fired or long-armed from the changing more nationalist policy constructs of the Trump administration, which have a very good likelihood of success.
Again, if you’ve followed the internal dynamics of the players, and their ideological intentions over time, you can see a clear motive to undermine King Abdullah (Jordan), al-Sisi (Egypt), Netanyahu (Israel) and President Trump – by stirring up domestic oppositional extremists (ie. The Muslim Brotherhood) within each nation.

(Reuters) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met secretly a year ago with the leaders of Egypt and Jordan in a failed attempt by the Obama administration to convene a wider regional summit on Israeli-Palestinian peace, Israel’s Haaretz daily said on Sunday.

The first paragraph of the article seeks to create a false foundation that President Obama was framing a mutually beneficial peace alliance.  Anyone who has followed actual U.S. stated foreign policy under the Obama administration knows this is factually false.

Rut Roh – Secretary Kerry To Deliver Exit Speech Framing U.S. Rules for Mid-East Peace…

Call me cynical, but this announced speech by Secretary John Kerry only inspires thoughts of the Obama administration laying dangerous ideological land mines the incoming Trump administration will have to navigate.
(CNN) Secretary of State John Kerry will deliver a speech Wednesday on the Obama administration’s vision for Middle East peace, State Department spokesman Mark Toner said.
ObamaThe speech at the State Department comes as the relationship between the US and Israel frays following the Obama administration’s controversial decision to abstain on Friday from a UN resolution condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Kerry said at the time that, “In the coming days, I will speak further to the vote in the Security Council today and share more detailed thoughts, drawn from the experience of the last several years, on the way ahead.” (more…)