
The Insufferable and Political Media Stupidity Around “The Russian Bounty” Narrative…

In case you might have missed the latest faux-controversy assigned by political operatives to the media narrative engineers, the issue surrounds leaked sketchy intelligence reports, to the New York Times, claiming Russians were willing to pay Taliban members to kill U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.  The evidence provided by the Times includes:

(New York Times Graphic Source)

From this tenuous evidence footnoted with “according to multiple officials familiar with the intelligence”, democrat operatives in media desperately clutch their pearls and stake out another batch of apoplexy claiming President Trump is not doing anything about it.

Setting aside for the moment that nothing claimed by media or the DNC political operatives in/around capitol hill has any substantive intelligence to prove the claim, let’s first look at the underlying premise: ‘Russians are paying the Taliban to kill American soldiers.’

First, obviously these same voices need to ignore that in 2010 Iran was paying insurgent fighters in multiple fields of combat including Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, to kill Americans. Those well-documented examples must be overlooked because despite the overwhelming evidence the Obama administration paid Iran over $170 billion in cash and entered a nuclear deal with them.  Once again, in order to retain their left-wing political position the media must pretend not to know things.


Despite DOJ Objections – Judicial Watch Wins Court Order Forcing Hillary Clinton and Cheryl Mills to Sit for Depositions…

A federal judge has ruled that Hillary Clinton and her former chief of staff Cheryl Mills must sit for a deposition within 75 days (full ruling pdf below).   Judicial Watch won the court ruling despite the ongoing efforts by the DOJ to block their inquiry. [JW Link]

From the Ruling – “The Court has considered the numerous times in which Secretary Clinton said she could not recall or remember certain details in her prior interrogatory answers. In a deposition, it is more likely that plaintiff’s counsel could use documents and other testimony to attempt to refresh her recollection. And so, to avoid the unsatisfying and inefficient outcome of multiple rounds of fruitless interrogatories and move this almost six-year-old case closer to its conclusion, Judicial Watch will be permitted to clarify and further explore Secretary Clinton’s answers in person and immediately after she gives them. The Court agrees with Judicial Watch – it is time to hear directly from Secretary Clinton.”


White House Announces Elimination of al-Qaeda Leader Operating in Yemen – Terror Origination for Pensacola Air Base Attack…

During the State of the Union speech on Tuesday, President Trump remarked:

“Our message to the terrorists is clear: You will never escape American justice. If you attack our citizens, you forfeit your life!”

al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) had taken credit for the terrorist attack at Pensacola Naval Air Station – Today the White House announces:
“At the direction of President Donald J. Trump, the United States conducted a counterterrorism operation in Yemen that successfully eliminated Qasim al-Rimi, a founder and the leader of al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and a deputy to al-Qa’ida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.
Rimi joined al-Qa’ida in the 1990s, working in Afghanistan for Osama bin Laden. Under Rimi, AQAP committed unconscionable violence against civilians in Yemen and sought to conduct and inspire numerous attacks against the United States and our forces. His death further degrades AQAP and the global al-Qa’ida movement, and it brings us closer to eliminating the threats these groups pose to our national security.”

Why Flynn? – A Confluence of Highly Charged Political Events…

Several people have requested specificity as to why President Obama and candidate Hillary Clinton viewed Lieutenant General Michael Flynn as a risk worthy of primary confrontation/removal after Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election.
The most obvious answer is not too complex; predates the election; and is connected directly to three core components of the Libya crisis: (1) White House; (2) State Department; (3) Hillary Clinton.
Drawing from years of exhaustive research within the Benghazi Brief; along with breakout information as to how the FBI and DOJ are directly connected to the issues therein; there is a clear and concise reason why Flynn was viewed as a risk to the interests of President Obama, Hillary Clinton and State Department Officials.
Lieutenant General Flynn was appointed to head the Defense Intelligence Agency on July 24th, 2012, approximately two months before the attack on the State/CIA compound in Benghazi Libya.
The Benghazi compound itself was controversial as it was part of a joint State Department and CIA mission to try and stop the spread of weapons to radical Islamic elements in the region.  After the fall of Muammar Gaddafi the Libyan weapons depots -as well as U.S. weapons shipped into Libya to assist the “rebels” in Gaddaffi’s ouster- were the immediate problem.
Weapons in 2012 were being redirected to Syria.  An operation to secure those weapons was ongoing in Benghazi (Eastern Libya).

The FBI and DOJ Were Working to Protect Hillary Clinton a Lot Longer Than Generally Discussed…

Arguably the biggest story of 2018 is how much we have learned about institutional political corruption within the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).  With that level of new knowledge in mind, some earlier stories about the DOJ and FBI take on an entirely different light.
Here’s one from late 2016 – You might not know the name Marc Turi but if you are familiar with the Benghazi Brief, or more specifically with Operation Zero Footprint, you’ll likely know the issues.

Marc Turi was the guy who constructed the covert weapons shipments into Libya to overthrown Mouamar Gaddaffi (2011) and send weapons to the Libyan Transitional National Government supported by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Mustafa Abdel JalilDuring the original phase of the Libyan uprising, early February 2011, the first defector from the official Gaddaffi regime was a foreign justice minister named Mustafa Abdel Jalil.
Jalil became the international face of the anti-Gaddaffi elements within the Libyan government. However, Jalil was an extremist Brotherhood member and somewhat of a patsy. When we were outlining his ideology, and the extremists who were behind him, almost no-one was paying attention.
Following Jalil’s moves was ultimately what enabled CTH to construct the Benghazi Brief so accurately – because during the shell game Mustafa Jalil was the pea.

Leftist Media Narrative Surfaces in Advance of al-Sisi’s White House Visit…

Understanding the ramifications to an official White House visit by Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, earlier today we pondered how the globalist left and entrenched ideologues within the State Department would react to the visit.  The answer surfaces.

The Sunday alphabet news and cable news completely ignored the topic.  The globalist leftists and the neo-con war machine crowd both have to position themselves carefully lest the larger U.S. electorate really begin to research the back-story.

However, a PBS daily update with the New York Times gives some insight into the approach the media will take via a set of talking points:


  • Mohammed Morsi was the first “democratically elected” Egyptian president?  That’s laughable.  Morsi was “installed” by President Obama through a heavily constructed social media campaign, a faux-revolution, and Muslim Brotherhood obfuscation.
  • President al-Sisi has some “concerning” human rights issues.  Again, beyond laughable. Putting the extremist Brotherhood ideologues into jails (including Mohammed al-Zawahiri, who was illegally released by Morsi from prison).

Listening to how obtuse the PBS interviewer and New York Times correspondent Peter Baker are about the Muslim Brotherhood is blood boiling.  The Brotherhood are the political face of the most extremely violent elements of authentic Islam.

The Brotherhood is a political construct specifically designed to put a masked face over the rabid ideologues and provide a false impression so that western diplomats can talk with extremists openly.  They deploy taqiyya as a political tool toward that objective.

Here’s some background on President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and specific (cited) actions he took to protect Egypt specifically, and recapture broader regional stability.


How Will State Department Ideologues Deal With The Egyptian White House Visit?…

An interesting dynamic is set to unfold tomorrow when Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi visits with President Trump at the White House.

President al-Sisi represents the largest failure of the global left and their interventionist activism in the entirety of Obama’s tenure.  Diplomat Charles Rivkins’ multicultural approach toward eliminating the nationalism of France was small potatoes compared to the full-throated intervention of Hillary Clinton and President Obama in Egypt.

While average Americans were caught up with ObamaCare news in 2010, President Obama was building out a massive influence campaign in Egypt to install a Muslim Brotherhood candidate in Mohammed Morsi.   Almost no-one was paying attention to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s first foray into using social media to manipulate a population.

Zuckerberg was enlisted in the endeavor by like-minded travelers in Obama’s tight circle. The Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was John Kerry.  The Secretary of State was Hillary Clinton.  The U.S. State Department was in direct alignment with the White House policy objectives.

It wasn’t until the useful idiots were directed into the social media trap and took over Tahir Square, that most Western media began reporting in depth what was going on.

By the time the young Egyptians realized they’d been snookered by extremists, Hosni Mubarek was gone, the jails were open, a no-longer-captive Mohammed al-Zawahiri  (brother to al-Qaeda’s #2 banana Ayman al-Zawahiri) was stirring up trouble; and the Muslim Brotherhood was gang raping CBS producer Lara Logan just off camera.


Report: President Trump Considering Identifying Muslim Brotherhood as Official Terrorist Entity…

According to a Fox News initial report, President Trump is considering labeling The Muslim Brotherhood as an official terror group.
Having tracked The Brotherhood activity for several years there is a solid and reasonable case to make that such a designation is warranted. However, there are voices within the Deep State who are opposed to such a designation. Additionally, NATO member Turkey is currently a safe harbor for leadership of The Brotherhood.
MuslimBrotherhood2Here’s our take. There is no doubt the Muslim Brotherhood is part of a larger network of radical Islamic extremist sentiment. Brotherhood member Mohammed Al Zawahiri (Egypt), the brother of al-Qaeda’s Ayman Al Zawahiri is one of the more prominent radicals within the group; the Blind Sheik is another.
Identifying The Brotherhood as a terrorist group is a reasonable and factually supported measure. However there are a significant number of people who don’t quite understand how the Brotherhood operates. Here’s a cliff notes consideration.
Essentially, The Brotherhood disguises much of their ideological extremism through a cloak of political action. The Brotherhood is the umbrella construct, the visible political fabric, which covers much of their radical endeavors by hiding behind a disguise of support for moderation. However, the ribs under the fabric of the umbrella, which stretch the politics therein, are terror organizations that are very extreme – therein lies the problem.

Senator Rand Paul Discusses Potential For Clinton Indictment Based on WikiLeaks Claim…

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has stated his organization believes they are in possession of emails which prove Hillary Clinton was aware of the transfer of weapons from Libya, through Turkey, into Syria.

If Assange is accurate, the prior congressional testimony of Clinton becomes another example of her deception and fraud. Rand Paul discusses at the end of this interview segment:

To understand the scope of the potential behind the WikiLeaks Assange information, it’s critical to understand the facts in/around Libya and Syria in 2011, 2012 through today.  The specifics are outlined in the updated Benghazi Brief.

The “Benghazi Brief” remains the most controversial research report we have ever produced. The brief contains over two years of research and hundreds of very specific factual citations supporting it.  Almost two years later, and not a single aspect outlined within the brief has ever been identified as inaccurate. (more…)

Does Hillary Clinton Really Want To Make Foreign Policy An Election Issue?….

That’s a genuine question because as anyone who was following U.S. foreign policy while Clinton was Secretary of State would be licking their chops to deconstruct her history.
Hillary Clinton entered the State Department in January of 2009.  She departed the State Department in January of 2013 because she needed the maximum amount of time possible between her tenure and her presidential bid – she needs people to forget how absolutely horrible she was.
clinton insults
♦ By the end of her first year as Secretary of State she was embroiled in her first scandal.  The WikiLeaks Cables – where Wikileaks released the State Department communications showing her various staffers making fun of world leaders.  She spent almost all of 2010 flying around apologizing for the releases.