
Proctor and Gamble Announce Another Wave of Retail Price Increases

Proctor and Gamble makes a variety of familiar products under various brand names.  As we noted last October, we were awaiting details on a predictable next wave of retail price increases for products in the chemical and household cleaner segment.

Today, P&G announced an average price increase to retailers of 8% on their laundry products (Tide, Gain, etc.) effective with the next fulfillment of supplier purchase orders.  On the liquid detergents, that’s an average increase well over $1 per bottle…. YIKES.

(VIA CNN Business) – It’s going to cost you more to wash your clothes. Procter & Gamble (PG) said Wednesday that it was raising prices by an average of about 8% on retail customers next month for its Tide and Gain laundry detergents, Downy fabric softener and Bounce dryer sheets.

[…] “Transportation and labor markets remain tight. Availability of materials remain stretched,” P&G CEO Jon Moeller said on an analyst call Wednesday. “In some categories and in some markets, inflationary pressures are broad-based with little sign of near-term relief.” P&G makes many of the most recognizable brands in US homes, such as Gillette, Charmin, Bounty, Pampers and Crest.


Vaccination Status Ground Reports – What’s Going on in Your Region?

**BUMPED x2**

As the impacts of the various vaccination mandates take shape, it is worth a review of the current status as it impacts you and your family on a local basis.

As noted by a reader in Washington state, the cleaving of society on vaccinated status is having an unusual impact on many regions even within individual states.

As one anecdotal report is told, the eastern side of Washington state is essentially functioning as before the vaccination mandate; while the western side is seeing a substantial breakdown in local civic society.

Mandates by local officials are creating issues for local services.  Local police, fire and first responders are leaving their jobs, creating issues for those in the leftist side of Washington state. Meanwhile the eastern, or more conservative side of the state, is relatively not impacted.

In another cleaving anecdote one business owner in southern California has told a rebel alliance member to discontinue the use of services from a vendor who does not share the leftist political perspectives of the owner; while other right-minded business owners (in the same industry) are looking specifically to gain advantage by seeking out vendors who are skilled, stable and independent.


Breitbart, Steve Bannon and John Fredericks Reporting on Leaked Ballot Mule Investigation

I can confirm the basic background of these stories; however, unlike all others I will not disclose details.   You may remember my outlines about “ballot mules”, and a process of reviewing massive amounts of data {June, Go Deep}.  This is connected.  However, I strongly advise readers to review the presented information from these sources with the knowledge that their baseline is their *recent* discovery of a background investigation that has been taking place for quite a while.

First, Breitbart has a mostly correct story about some of the background [See Here] that involves Catherine Englebrecht, a genuine national hero, and her organization True The Vote (TTV).  Long-term readers of CTH will know our support for, and alignment with, Englebrecht and her group.  Breitbart’s reporting is based on information provided by a donor who is funding part of the investigative effort.  [FYI, I smell the Mercers on that leak]

Steve Bannon is reporting based on a discussion with John Fredericks {Direct Rumble Leak}.  Bannon is always sketchy when it comes to strategic planning; he talks too much.  John Fredericks motives are unclear, but it appears he is just trying to be first with the information; and I suspect he did not reach out to Englebrecht for strategic discussion on the story, or what damage it could do to the work of TTV by going very loud, too early.  WATCH:


What people call “ballot traffickers” are actually ballot “mules.”   Most of the information in the Breitbart article is accurate [SEE HERE].  I am not comfortable outlining more than CTH previously shared in June about this investigative effort [SEE HERE], because I am 100% certain the DOJ and Attorney General Merrick Garland is waiting to target Englebrecht and True The Vote.

The network of the Lawfare crew is also on standby against this election investigation, as well as major DNC legal operative Marc Elias who recently left Perkins Coie to set up his own shop specifically to work on this issue.  Elias took 13 lawyers and ten partners to his new firm.   That puts the DOJ, Lawfare and Elias’s new team all in alignment against Englebrecht, True The Vote and the American people.  Now do you see why I would not want to compromise the integrity of the work Englebrecht has been doing?

Bannon, Fredericks and Breitbart could be putting things at risk.  I will not.  What I will do is share again what CTH previously outlined in June about this:


Reported Chinese Defector With Information About Wuhan Lab Possibly Related to Sun Lijun, Former Chinese Deputy Minister of Public Security

Red State is reporting on a defector to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) who is presumably giving the U.S. government information related to the leak from Wuhan BioLab.

RED STATE – […] “Sources tell RedState the defector has been with the DIA for three months and that he has provided an extensive, technically detailed debrief to US officials. In DIA’s assessment, the information provided by the defector is legitimate. Sources say the level of confidence in the defector’s information is what has led to a sudden crisis of confidence in Dr. Anthony Fauci, adding that U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) personnel detailed to DIA have corroborated very technical details of information provided by the defector. (read more)

Interestingly, one of the incredibly astute Twitter researchers who focuses on China, “aka Ben“, previously reported on the family of Sun Lijun who defected to Australia in February of last year.  Sun Lijun was the former Chinese Deputy Minister of Public Security who was sent to Wuhan to manage (aka cover-up) the SARS-CoV-2 breakout.  His wife and children fled China during the height of the pandemic spread.

As Ben noted: after Sun Lijun’s family defected to Australia in February 2020, Sun Lijun was arrested by the Chinese Communist Party in April 2020 under the auspices of corruption charges; a familiar way of dealing with those who defy the communist regime.  If the defector identified within the Red State reporting is accurate, the description would align with someone very close to Lijun (likely), if not Lijun himself (less likely).

Ben is always well researched and accurate. We’ll keep watching…


CTH 2.0 Update, Specifically Commenting and Notification Issues

Here is some background information about why people are having trouble commenting and/or seeing comments.  Please, please, p.l.e.a.s.e, book mark this post and share it because some people do not read the site updates and just go into the comments when the solutions and/or explanations are being provided.

Many people are complaining about not being able to see the totality of comments. Others are complaining their comments are not refreshing with the page.  There appears to be a very simple explanation and easy solution for this issue.

CTH 2.0 does not have any tracking software initiated to recognize the user in the comment system.  THERE ARE NO COOKIES deployed to track you.  There is no system in place by CTH to monitor you or recognize you.  This is part of our current privacy position.

What that means is you must initiate a process where YOU request to be recognized in the community.  We are not asking your permission to recognize you (ie. cookies) as with 99 percent of websites; you must intentionally engage the commenting system to say you are expressly desiring of recognition.

How do you achieve this status?  When you fill out the comment box there is a place for your user name, email address and then it asks you if you wish the site to: “Save my name, email and website in this browser for the next time I comment.”  It is a checkbox.


The Rebel Alliance is Strong in California – Massive Trump Sign Erected Along The 405 Freeway…

WOLVERINES !  Overnight someone erected a massive Trump sign on the hills along the 405 Freeway in the Sepulveda Pass.  According to local media “the sign supporting President Trump faced northbound lanes near Getty Center Drive. The white lettering appears to be around 10 feet tall and mimics the style of the landmark Hollywood sign.”


[…] The sign — which was on private property — has since been removed by crews because it created a traffic hazard, as motorists slowed down to take photos, according to Eric Menjivar of Caltrans.

Officials still do not know when the letters were placed at the location and who put them there. Menjivar said it is also unclear who owns the land. (LINK)

Great job. Turk182 !


USMCA Rumblings – After Letter from Mexico to Pelosi, USTR Lighthizer, FM Seade and FM Freeland Meet in DC…

Something is shaping up in the political background around the USMCA.

Yesterday Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador (AMLO) sent a second letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging USMCA ratification.  Team Trump and Team AMLO are working together against Team Pelosi & AFL-CIO Richard Trumka.
Essentially AMLO has been saying the labor provisions within the USMCA trade pact are already being put in place by Mexico, and Pelosi should quit trying to hide behind labor concerns to avoid ratification.

Tomorrow, on the eve of Thanksgiving at the request of the Trump administration, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, Mexican Foreign Minister Jesus Seade and Canadian Deputy Minister Chrystia Freeland are holding a meeting to discuss the  AFL-CIO/Pelosi issues within the USMCA labor provisions.
FM Chrystia Freeland is irrelevant to the meeting; she’s a potted-plant rubber stamp for whatever scheme Pelosi is cooking. It is House Speaker Pelosi who is using her pressure over labor unions to hide behind AFL-CIO Richard Trumka and claim U.S. labor unions have issues with the USMCA labor provisions. It ain’t about labor; it is all political cover.
However, it is interesting that USTR Lighthizer, a man with the patience of Job, called Jesus Seade and Freeland to DC:

WASHINGTON – The three trade ministers from the United States, Canada and Mexico are set to meet in Washington on Wednesday to discuss the deal to replace NAFTA, seven people familiar with the plans told POLITICO.
The meeting involving U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, Deputy Canadian Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and Mexican Undersecretary for North America Jesús Seade comes as the Trump administration is nearing a compromise with House Democrats to make changes to the USMCA.
