
Joe Rogan Interviews Tucker Carlson

Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson sit down for a discussion about red-pill events, issues and some topics of not usually discussed consequence.

In the bigger picture Rogan and Carlson discuss the falsity of the politics, including the lying by every information institution amid the GREAT PRETENDING ERA of modern time.  Carlson admits his “awakening” came about as a result of Donald Trump achieving victory in the 2016 election and the institutional backlash from the intelligence and law enforcement apparatus.

Overall, the interview and podcast discussion appears to be 3-hours long and hits on a variety of subjects including aliens, spirituality, religion, politics, science and current socioeconomic events.  There is something in this interview for everyone. WATCH:

If you have watched, feel free to draw attention to the part you find the most enjoyable.  If you can cite the time stamp from the video above it will assist others in expanding the conversation.


Upcoming AMA, Great Replacement Theory, General Information

Go back in your mind to the time when anxiety around the COVID-19 pandemic was at its apex.  Think about what you saw, heard, witnessed in real life, and understood about the overall issues.  Then, remember and overlay the intensity around the 2021 vaccination demands by various health and government officials.

Think about what you witnessed, experienced, saw, read about and have an undeniable reference for, as it directly pertained to the intense drive by various government and health agencies about the vaccination protocol in 2021.

Think carefully about the fear that was generated.

Think not only about what you witnessed here in the United States, but also think carefully and remind yourself what you witnessed unfolding in the rest of what we would call the “Western world” around the COVID-19 pandemic – and the vaccination protocol specifically.

Remind yourself of the demands, not just on Americans, but people living in the areas that do not have restrictions on government and freedom for individual liberty – protections that exist uniquely in the USA under our constitution.

Remind yourself of the action of the Canadian government, the vaccine passports demanded by the EU and the Australian/NZ government.  The rules and arbitrary restrictions imposed by so-called Western government leadership.

Think about examples where you personally witnessed these issues unfolding.

Think about what you saw unfold with your own eyes.

Put your frame of reference back into that place.

Close your eyes and remind yourself, YOU DID witness these things.

Those events were real; they really did happen.  The quarantine camps were real. The “show your papers” approach was empirically true. The forced vaccination demand was real.  Travel and freedom were genuinely under the control of government authorities.  The local, state and federal police really did comply with enforcing the nonsense.

Remind yourself of all of it.

Make yourself emotionally, and psychologically revisit that time in your mind’s reference.

Now, before going forward, overlay what you remember in 2021 with the 2022 western government sanction map as a context.


Guidelines For Comments

“Seek first to understand, then to be understood”

1.) First, please READ THIS ENTIRELY – and the full text of any discussion you wish to participate in.

2.) PLEASE STAY ON TOPIC – do not post something unrelated to the specific matter and content of the thread subject. There is ALWAYS a daily open thread available for any subject you feel should get attention. Never place unrelated, “O/T”, or “Off Topic” comments on a thread unrelated to the topic. It is not ok to say: “sorry, O/T but”… or any iteration therein, it is quite rude.

The Treehouse operates on the ‘old school’ standards and practices of civil discourse amid the original blogging community, long before social media took over.

3.) PLEASE NARROW YOUR THOUGHTS – Quality beats quantity. Please construct your comments to target specific areas and not broad generalizations about the discussion topic at hand. If you have four or five disconnected points, break them up into individual comments; that allows people to respond to the specifics.

4.) PLEASE AVOID GENERALIZATIONS – Do NOT speak in riddles. Words like “he, she, they, it, them” should rarely be used. Spell out “who” using the name, spell out who “they” are at the beginning of every sentence in your paragraph; so that there is clarity as to who you are talking about. Please avoid using acronyms.


Quick Update Regarding Sundance…

I’ve been asked to keep you updated on some serious communication issues Sundance is encountering. We received the following this morning.  Out of an abundance of caution, I’m omitting his location and past and future travel itinerary.  I’m sure he’ll fill us all in on the details when he’s able to get back online.

Hey guys, major issues here.  Just the cliff notes…

This from phone.  My laptop and electronics mysteriously hard crash – won’t even power up. 

Let readers know my comms issues; I’ll buy another laptop to get back online.

Lots to share later…

Love to all,



A New Year Awaits – 2024 Will Be as Awesome as We Create

2023 has been one heck of a ride.  I mean, wow.

This is the year when so many assumptions collapsed because we did not pretend. I will have other thoughts on the year upon better reflection, even some predictions that might seem a little “out there”.  Then again, I’m not exactly known for following the herd safety formula.

However, as the eve winds down, and as we are given to considering everything that has taken place, a revisit to the spiritual core of our association is appropriate.

For me, this year provided many memorable gifts; almost all were driven by a purposeful God reminding me to keep poking my head into the human mechanics of common presumptions.  Nothing is more empowering than listening to His message, being completely lost yet jumping on faith, and then finding out the wow; why it was necessary to put prayer in front of fear.

Yup, we are about to walk into entirely new challenges.  Perhaps we are not prepared, perhaps we will all test our faith, perhaps we will discover new limits to our exhaustion, perhaps we will discover we are much stronger than we realize.  One of the reasons for my optimism is that I think the latter is assured.

I believe we are stronger than we give ourselves credit for.  I believe YOU are stronger, more purposeful, smarter, more strategic, more influential, more necessary and far more loved than you can ever imagine.

Yes, I am stunningly optimistic, much more so today on the last day of 2023, than I was on the first day.  The knowledge we possess is powerful – far more powerful than the pretenses we fight against.

Regardless of how we exit this year, excited or slightly nervous, we must admit it can be challenging to retain a joyful ‘best life’ while everything around us seems created to deliver ultimate chaos and madness.

However, if we accept that a loving God is the source of the purest truth, we can create something stronger within ourselves just by making a choice.   Do that, choose that, follow that and we will have accomplished a great deal.

Regardless of what tomorrow brings, we always have choices.  A new year’s perspective:


The Simple Things

In this most busy and demanding time of the year, many still have the hope and desire to pursue happiness, to savor the moments and find that special something that replenishes us, fulfills us.

How strange, that we must stop, pause, slow down at least, to find that which keeps us going.

I think that part of our problem is our push to do more and do it more perfectly. As I have aged, I have necessarily had to learn to appreciate the slow moments, the silent moments. Of course, that should have come to me earlier in life, but I have ever been a plodding and slow learner.

How many wonderful, special, unique moments has our Lord gifted me with throughout my life that I rushed past, never listening, hearing his call, stopping to savor, share, enjoy with him? Moments crafted by the Master’s hand with love, moments he intended for me, for us, moments he came calling, only to have me never pause in my headlong rush?

How many times did I give up the peace I longed for, the joy I hoped for, all the things I insistently begged him for, wondering why he didn’t answer? (more…)

Christmas Trees and a Conversation

Treehouse!  Why the name?

Perhaps this is fuel for a conversation as you decorate your Christmas tree.

There are three types of people in your life cycle, Leafs, Branches and Roots/Trunks.

The Leaf people are seasonal; they will be there for a little while then gone.  Enjoy them and the beauty they provide but accept they will transition and not remain attached.

The branch people are more stable; they will be around for several seasons and grow along with you.  However, when the pressure really mounts upon you, they can break away and that process creates a need for healing.  Again, cherish the branches; hope they will always remain; treat them with kindness but retain your own spiritual core as you grow.

The Trunk/Root people.  These are the most important. These are the relationships that will stand with you forever in your lifecycle.  These are the steadfast. These are the source of nutrition for your life of growth.  These are the people who strengthen your purpose, bond forever and will never relent.  In the world of natural creation, God is present here.


Site Notes and Updates

I hope everyone is living their best life despite the created chaos intended to destabilize us. Several people have inquired about my not writing extensive research articles lately. Here’s what’s up…

There is actually a confluence of merging events that requires me to pause and think long and hard about whether the next step is correct for our CTH community in general, and specifically for me personally. It’s also very hard to write about this stuff without sounding like a braggadocious nut.

Here’s the problem that 360 million+ people do not comprehend.

♦ I need you to think about the person you are familiar with who you believe has a solid grasp of the scale of the problem in DC. This person doesn’t need to solve it, they just need to understand how massive the problem is. Who is the person you would say understands the root and essential core problem that creates the corruption in DC? Does that person in your mind, the person who really understands at a granular level what this corrupt enterprise is really all about and how it works, does that person look like Donald Trump, or Devin Nunes, or Kash Patel, or Ric Grenell?

Who would you assign that competency skillset to? Seriously, no joke – honest question, who understands the scale of the problem?

Here’s the hard pill to swallow, it doesn’t matter what name you put down, you are wrong. None of the aforementioned names, or any others, have a total picture of the problem from both a macro and micro view. None of them do.

The silo system in DC creates impenetrable barriers. I have not found a single person who knows how it all works and connects as a corrosive cancer buried deep inside our U.S. political system.


Site Note – CTH Support

Thank you to all readers and members of the Conservative Treehouse fellowship for your continued support.  Without your help this little corner of the research and discussion internet just could not exist. I will always work earnestly to be deserving of that support and fellowship.

We are fortunate, blessed and protected by a loving God, who has abundant confidence in our stewardship.

As new visitors attest every day, the fellowship in this commenting community is unique, insightful, articulate, intelligent and funny.  I love you guys.

As we cycle through the third anniversary of our original deplatforming, we have just learned that our server fees will be increasing 25% as we enter year four of CTH 2.0.  Inflation is hitting everywhere, I guess.

Due to direct targeting, without your support we could not exist. Retaining our ability to research, share and discuss ongoing events is my #1 priority.  Thank you again for your friendship and support.

There are currently two methods to support CTH 2.0, our ongoing mission and discussion. However, depending on your browser settings (and ad blocker software) the second option may not be visible.  There is a screengrab below showing what I am talking about.
