
Georgia ‘Professionally Political’ Republicans Blame-cast Base for Senate Election Result, A Great Example of the GOPe Disconnect

[Hat Tip John Fredricks, for the meeting particulars]  The Forsyth County, Georgia, republican party held a meeting to discuss why their senate candidates failed to win the run-off election in January.  The screenshot of their justification is a case study in why the republican apparatus fails, and why the challenge to reform the party is so difficult.

First, it is important to filter through what is described as the “Tea Party” support base within the professional republican apparatus.  Genuine Tea Party outlooks are in total alignment with the MAGA perspectives of Donald Trump.  However, there are elements within the republican party that are more traditionally GOPe-minded and yet assign themselves to the outlook of the Tea Party. There is a difference, but more on that in a moment.  Here’s how the Forsyth County political activists are explaining:

Notice, the Forsyth County GOP blame-cast against the base of voters by identifying people they view as outside the party interest.  They blame libertarians, populists, Trump, Steve Bannon, John Fredricks and even the candidates themselves which includes Doug Collins for being too outside the base of voter enthusiasm.  This view tells us what the mindset of the internal republican network in Forsyth County is !!

Do not just dismiss their justification as presented.  CTH warned in 2014 and 2015 this ideological outlook, this disconnect from the reality of the base, would lead to a big problem…. and it has.  I shall provide a concrete example below of just how dangerous this fracture is within our constitutional republic.  The reason we need more trumpet.

As a person who has traveled extensively in the past decade+ to engage the base of middle-class support that represents MAGA, I can attest that the disconnect between the republican party apparatus and the base of voters they depend on is a severe problem. Without correction… there is no alternative other than to create a THIRD party.


Sunday Talks: Mick Mulvaney -vs- Chris Wallace

White House chief-of-staff Mick Mulvaney appears on Fox News Sunday with swamp gatekeeper Chris Wallace.   As customary Wallace uses the Share Blue talking points, one example:  Notice how Wallace says “a statement from a senior justice department official”, then puts up an “anonymous” quote. Official statements from the DOJ are not anonymous.


Crisis Response – President Trump Announces Plan to Close U.S-Mexico Border Next Week…

President Trump tweeted earlier today that he plans to close at least a portion of the U.S-Mexico border next week in an effort to force Mexico to take action and stop the constant caravans of migrants.  Because the economic consequences to border closing will be so severe (cross-border trade) it is prudent to provide advanced notice so everyone can prepare:

Something has to change. Doing the same thing repeatedly and not changing the outcome is not a sustainable policy.  There is a major ongoing crisis at the border.

(Via NBC) […] Trump has threatened to close the border before. In December, amid the partial government shutdown, Trump threatened to close the border if Democrats didn’t agree to fund the construction of his border wall.


Decepticon McConnell Caucus Presents Donald Trump the Take-It or Leave-It Border Compromise Deal….

The usual suspects within the Decepticon Caucus (McConnell, Cornyn, Thune, Barasso, Crapo, Portman, Blunt, Gardner, Burr, Romney) and Richard Shelby held a press conference to announce the outcome of their DHS border security funding negotiations.
There are massive numbers of Republicans who view Senate Majority Mitch McConnell as a brilliant strategist and staunch supporter of President Trump.  Unfortunately, those voices once again have to reconcile McConnell’s comprehensive failure on a Trump priority.   Yes, McConnell and Shelby successfully negotiated for less border security funding than before the shutdown.

Fortunately, POTUS Trump planned for the intentional failure of McConnell and his veto-proof construct. [Rest assured, thankfully, President Trump knows exactly who McConnell is.] President Trump had anticipated the result and dispatched Mulvaney to review the granular DHS, DoD and DoS programs throughout fiscal year 2019 appropriations to assemble secondary funding.

President Trump Invites Media To Remain for Another White House Cabinet Meeting…

When we elected a successful businessman as President of the United States and leader of the executive branch, we elected a person who fundamentally changed the framework of accountability and transparency in government. President Donald J Trump holds an average of two to three full cabinet meetings each month where the cabinet members give direct updates on execution of policy priorities.
No President in modern history has put that much accountability into the position of each cabinet member. No President has ever coordinated strategic objectives with such a high level of expectation and scrutiny. No President has folded transparency into the cabinet with full media access over White House cabinet meetings. This is a new executive branch standard.
NEC Director Larry Kudlow break-out discussion on the economy at 03:45. WATCH:


New York Judge Rules Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Unconstitutional Construct…

The CFPB was constructed by Elizabeth Warren and her progressive ideologues as an extra-constitutional government agency.  This was entirely by design.

The CFPB had two two primary, albeit unspoken, functions.  First, it was structured as a holding center for fines and assessments against any financial organizations opposed by progressives.  Second, it was a distribution hub for the received funds to be transferred to political allies and groups supportive of progressive causes.
To pull off this scheme Elizabeth Warren et al ensured it was structured to allow no congressional oversight; however, it was also structured to have no executive branch oversight – and the funding mechanism for the CFPB budget was directly through the federal reserve.  The lack of any legislative or executive branch oversight made the entire scheme unconstitutional according to an earlier court decision.
The CFPB defenders then appealed the decision to a select appellate court in Washington DC to continue the construct.  The Warren crew won the appeal; but today, in an unrelated jurisdictional ruling a New York judge affirmed the minority opinion setting up a possible supreme court pathway to get a final decision.

NEW YORK (AP) – The U.S. government’s beleaguered consumer finance watchdog agency is unconstitutionally structured, a judge said Thursday as she disqualified the agency from serving as a plaintiff in a lawsuit.


OMB Director Mick Mulvaney Brilliant MAGA Segment During Cabinet Meeting…

Office of Management and Budget Direct Mick Mulvaney had a break-out session during the White House cabinet meeting today where he discussed part of the government restructuring and reform proposals.
We have waited a long time for this type of common sense initiative.  This is MAGA.  Some will say it can’t be done; however, if it is not attempted it most certainly will never be done. As President Trump has shared for years: “the impossible is only the starting point”; and I would not bet against this administration actually getting this accomplished.  WATCH:


OMB Director Mick Mulvaney Previews Upcoming Government Reorganization…

Back in May of 2017, President Trump tasked the Office of Management and Budgets to work with all government agencies to streamline, consolidate, and improve our Federal government and make it more efficient, effective, and accountable to Americans.
Today OMB Director Mick Mulvaney begins outlining the Government Reform plan and the results of the 13-month-long review.  Introducing common sense solutions that put the American taxpayers first:
