
Let’s Roll America – On The Road With John Spiropoulos…

Many CTH readers are probably aware of John Spiropoulos as he created some brilliant investigative reports and videos to highlight the FISA scandal, the Clinton email scandal and Spying on Team Trump.  John is planning another adventure to showcase how ordinary middle-class America is responding to the challenges of COVID-19.

John would like to trek across America and do video segments showcasing how Americans rise to the challenges; and in many cases how ordinary people are pushing-back against the dictatorial fiats of overzealous local and state officials.

This would be the type of real, on-the-ground, reporting adverse to the corporate interests of mainstream media.  The “Let’s Roll America” program would be John in his RV traveling from California to the southeast coast, up the eastern seaboard and across the heartland back to the West coast.  Each day he’d be doing video journals showing what real Americans are doing along the way.

To accomplish this effort Mr. Spiropoulos would need financial support, and he has set up a GoFundMe Page to see if people would crowd-fund the eight week traveling series.  CTH has agreed to help promote and support the effort with additional details below:


The IG Report Documentary: "FISA and Spying on Team Trump" – OAN Broadcast 7:00pm ET Tonight….

Few people have read the entire inspector general report on the FBI’s FISA misconduct, and fewer still have an understanding of the depth of troubling findings within it.  In an effort to provide information about the content, John Spiropoulos has produced a documentary going over many of the reports’ more important findings.
The exceptionally well produced documentary called “FISA, Spying on Team Trump” is an hour long broadcast created by John Spiropoulos, a former MSM journalist and producer for Channel 7 in Washington DC (1979 – 1989).  John spent a month going through every page of the report, pulling out some of the key details and overlaying information from IG Michael Horowitz congressional testimony.
The investigative report will premier tonight at 7:00pm EST / 4:00pm PST on One America News (OAN).  Here’s an exclusive preview:

There are new revelations within the documentary, and the report will rebroadcast on Saturday January 18th, and Sunday January 19th at 11am Eastern / 8am Pacific time.

IG Report: Footnote #124, Page 164 – Clinton Email Investigation: "The Fix Was In"…

Within the Inspector General report into how the DOJ and FBI handled the Clinton email investigation, on Page #164, footnote #124 the outline is laid bare for all to witness. The Clinton classified email investigation was structured to deliver a predetermined outcome.
John Spiropoulos delivers the first video in a series of reports on the Department of Justice Inspector General’s review into the investigation of Hillary Clinton. This segment focuses on DOJ’s legal interpretation that virtually assured Clinton would not be prosecuted. And that, as the IG reports states, the FBI and DOJ knew that “by September 2015″…

…”The Fix Was In”


Details Behind Upcoming IG Report – The Clinton Email Investigation Recap, in a Video Series Format…

The 18-month Inspector General review of the DOJ/FBI investigation of the Hillary Clinton email is going to be made public tomorrow at 3:00pm EDT.

This IG inquiry is specifically looking into whether the FBI investigation was corrupted by political influence in their determination of the Clinton outcome. The preliminary investigative outcomes speak for themselves.

This following series of video reports provides background on the overall issues, the potential crimes; the subsequent coverup; and the corruption that infested the 2016 Department of Justice and the FBI.

Part I


Details Behind Upcoming IG Report – The FBI and DOJ Handling of Clinton Investigation – Six Part Video Report…

The 17-month Inspector General review of the DOJ/FBI investigation of the Hillary Clinton email is soon to be made public, perhaps as early as tomorrow. This IG inquiry is specifically looking into whether the FBI investigation was corrupted by political influence in their determination of the Clinton outcome. The preliminary investigative outcomes speak for themselves.

This series of video reports provides background on the potential crimes, the subsequent coverup, and the corruption that infested the 2016 Department of Justice and the FBI.

Part I


Huma Abedin Laptop Emails and The Non-Investigated Issues Therein…

The Department of Justice Inspector General will soon release a report on the government’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information. It’s taken a long time; and with good reason. The scale of the misconduct and criminal activity is staggering.

The video below is the final installment of six segments. This report covers the Clinton and Abedin email that were discovered after the investigation was closed in July 2016. {Go Deep} The emails along with the fact that they were on Anthony Weiner’s laptop was kept secret and not investigated for four weeks (Sept 28th, through Oct 27th) by top officials at the FBI. Who stalled the investigation and why? And what was in those emails. That’s the focus of this segment.


When the IG report reviewing how the Clinton email investigation was handled comes out, there will likely be a review of Peter Kadzik, the former Main Justice Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs. In congressional testimony Sept. 12th, 2016, Kadzik told Congress he was in charge of the Clinton e-mail probe for the Justice Department.


Representative Matt Gaetz is Exactly Right – BIG PICTURE: DOJ Covering FISA Abuse…

Representative Matt Gaetz sent out a tweet today that is absolutely accurate.  You can call it a soft-coup, or you can call it politicization of the DOJ and FBI, but the end result is the same – the intentional effort to manipulate, influence, and ultimately subvert an election for the presidency of the United States…. and that’s what the DOJ is trying to hide.

If you peel the skin off the onion, and get down to the substantive core issue that represents the biggest risk to the entire collective group who worked to subvert the 2016 presidential election, you get to the FISA-702(16)(17) and Title-1 surveillance abuse that was carried out by the Obama Intelligence Community, DOJ-NSD and the FBI.

The actions taken by ‘inside’ government officials and ‘outside’ ideological cohorts is exactly what all of their collective “resistance” activity is about.  Attacking the Office of the Presidency is a strategy to keep sunlight from their previous action.

When we absorb the full scope and scale of the political effort from inside and outside government, then we understand everything happening.  Additionally, I would strongly suggest this is also where Attorney General Sessions is going wrong.

To understand the dynamic it becomes important to separate the FISA/FISC issues from the other issues within the IG Horowitz and Prosecutor Huber investigations.


The DOJ and FBI Abuse of The FISA Court – Three Part Video Series…

The release of a memo today by HPSCI ranking member Adam Schiff, a feeble attempt to defend evidence of DOJ/FBI abuse, provides an opportunity for a recap of the surrounding issues.  Here’s the full three-part video series: Why – How – Who?

“WHY” – The first video highlights the historic backdrop of DOJ/FBI FISA court abuses:


“HOW” – The second video highlights the specific example of how the DOJ and FBI used false information to the FISA Court to secure a fraudulent ‘Title-1’ surveillance warrant:


Video Series Part 3 – The Scheme Team

In Part 1 we outlined a historic pattern of FISA-702 surveillance abuse by President Obama’s top officials within the DOJ and FBI. In Part 2 we outline how the application for a Title-1 surveillance warrant to the FISA court was intentionally misrepresented. Here in Part 3 we discuss the roles of people within the DOJ and FBI, “The Scheme Team”.

VIDEO #3 begins to put a close focus on a specific cast of characters at the highest levels of the DOJ and FBI. These were the key players from the Obama administration, FBI and DOJ whose goal was to ensure Hillary Clinton won the election and that Trump lost:


The goal of the video series is to distill our research files into short high-quality ‘special report type’ video segments that are easily digestible – and will help educate people on importance of what is happening. We hope you enjoy the content and will share with those who don’t have the exhaustive amount of time necessary to keep up on the issues. Each video produced by John Spiropoulos a former MSM journalist and producer for Channel 7 in Washington DC (1979 – 1989).
