
Day Six Update, The Peoples Convoy Passing Through Missouri

Friend of the Treehouse, John Spiropolous is traveling with The People’s Convoy and sharing ground reports along the route.

Facebook Page ~ Official Convoy Website Here ~ Press Release pdf Here

John has reported today, the convoy takes approximately 45 minutes from front to back to pass through an overpass area.  That is a lot of trucks and supporters.  The truckers traverse anywhere from 250 to 375 miles a day.   Today John caught up with supporters in Missouri at overpasses across the state.   The overpasses along the route are filled with cheering supporters.  Here’s the Day Six report.  WATCH:


Day Five Update, Oklahoma, The People’s Convoy Crosses America

Friend of the Treehouse, John Spiropolous is traveling with The People’s Convoy and sharing ground reports along the route.

Facebook Page ~ Official Convoy Website Here ~ Press Release pdf Here

John has reported today, the convoy is gathering participants along the route and now encompasses approximately 20 miles of trucks. The truckers drive anywhere from a minimum of 250 to 375 miles a day. Travel times range from a minimum of three and a half hours of driving to a maximum of five and three quarters hours of driving a day.

As John shares, “the People’s Convoy, now more than 20 miles long, rolls through Oklahoma to cheering crowds at overpasses across the state.” The overpasses along the route are filled with cheering supporters.  Here’s the Day Five report.  WATCH:

John also appeared on the War Room with Steve Bannon (below):


BOOM, Trudeau Reversal Motive Surfaces – Canadian Banking Association Was Approved by World Economic Forum To Lead the Digital ID Creation

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.  A promotional video from the Canadian Bankers Association (CBA) helps to neatly connect all the dots about why the Canadian government made such a quick reversal in their bank asset seizures in the last 24 hours {Go Deep}.  And yes, as we suspected, it was almost certainly contact from the World Economic Forum to Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland that triggered the change in position.

When Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland announced they would use the Emergency Act declaration to target the financial support systems, banks and accounts of the people who were protesting against COVID mandates, they not only undermined the integrity of the Canadian banking system – but they also inadvertently stuck a wrench into the plans of the World Economic Forum and the collaborative use of the Canadian Bankers Association to create a digital id.

Against the backdrop of the Canadian government action, WATCH THIS VIDEO:


If the Canadian government can arbitrarily block citizen access to their banking institution without any due process, what does that say about the system the Canadian Banking Association (CBA) was putting into place as part of their Digital ID network?

If the CBA digital identity were in place, the same people targeted by Trudeau’s use of the Emergency Act would have their entire identity blocked by the same government measures.  The realization of the issue, reflected by a severe undermining of faith in the banking system, is a dramatic problem for those working to create and promote the Digital ID.

It is not coincidental the financial targeting mechanism deployed by Trudeau/Freeland, the Canadian banking system, is the same system being used to create the digital identity.  As a result of the government targeting bank accounts, Finance Minister Freeland just created a reference point for those who would argue against allowing the creation of a comprehensive digital identity.


A Major Backfire – Is the Canadian Financial and Banking System in Serious Trouble as a Result of Their Attack on Private Bank Accounts?

Has there been a massive exodus of capital out of the Canadian financial system?

A few obscure but interesting data-points seem to indicate Justin Trudeau’s unprecedented use of the federal government and intelligence apparatus to target the bank accounts of Canadian citizens has just created a serious problem for their financial institutions.

If I was a betting person, I would bet half my stake that something very serious is happening in the background of the Canadian financial system, and it appears the leaders inside government, as well as leaders in the international financial community, are reacting and trying to keep things quiet.  Stick with me on this and stay elevated…

BACKGROUND – When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced he was invoking the Emergency War Measures Act to seize bank accounts and block access to the financial system for people who were arbitrarily deemed as terrorists to the interest of the Canadian government, i.e. the Freedom Protest group writ large, many people immediately thought about the consequences of a government taking such action.

Indeed, the first response to many who witnessed the gleeful declarations of the Canadian government as they expressed their intent to utilize their emergency power, was that this was seriously going to undermine faith and confidence in the Canadian financial systems. The RCMP is the Canadian equivalent of the FBI.

If the government can work with the RCMP to target people based on an arbitrary political decree, and then control your bank account while simultaneously giving financial institutions liability protection for their participation, the confidence in the banking system is immediately undermined.

What might seem like a great tool for political punishment has long term consequences, especially if people start withdrawing their money and/or shifting the placement of their investments to more secure locations away from the reach of the Canadian government.  Considering the rules of fractional banking and deposits, it doesn’t take many withdrawals before the banks have serious issues.


USA Freedom Convoy Departs California, Let’s Roll America Ground Report, Detail and Links for Updates

Early this morning, The People’s Convoy [Facebook Page Here] departed for a 10-day freedom convoy from California to DC. The final stop is in Hagerstown, Maryland.  Friend of the Treehouse, John Spiropolous is traveling with the convoy and will be sharing ground reports along the route.

Facebook Page ~ Official Convoy Website Here ~ Press Release pdf Here

The truckers will drive anywhere from a minimum of 216 miles a day to 375 miles a day. Travel times daily range from a minimum of three and a half hours of driving to a maximum of five and three quarters hours of driving a day.  Today they departed from Adelanto Stadium, CA, and will arrive in Kingman, AZ for overnight stay. John was with the convoy as they prepared and departed, WATCH:

As John Spiropolous notes, “obviously, an individual trucker can make it from California to DC a lot faster. But for safety and security reasons, coordinating what they expect to be thousands of truckers, they’re going to take their time. My own opinion is that like that old phrase, “Life is a journey, not a destination,” the convoy’s message is the journey. The convoy gets 10 days of publicity. And with no intention of going into DC, much less encircling the Capitol, they’ll avoid a J6 type false flag op.”

Quoting the press release. “The People’s Convoy will abide by agreements with local authorities, and terminate in the vicinity of the DC area, but will NOT be going into DC proper.”  The trip should take approximately 10 days. 2,533 miles.


Ottawa Judge Denies Bail for Convoy Organizer Tamara Lich Charged With Mischief, Trudeau Government Seek Gag Order Forbidding Her Speech From Prison, Canadian Truckers Are ISIS

And so it begins… An Ottawa Judge has denied bail for convoy organizer Tamara Lich citing the severe threat she poses to the Canadian government and the destabilization of democracy in Canada.

From the 30,000-ft level, the timed delay of the judicial determination appears connected to last night’s parliamentary approval of the Emergency War Measures Act. The Crown stalled the judicial appearance until Parliament affirmed authorization of the EA.  The Act provides increased legal measures for the Crown to keep Lich in the bowels of the dungeon as punishment for her high crimes and heinous mischief.

Despite the government and judicial framing of her actions, Mrs. Lich remains only charged with “counseling to create mischief,” interpreted by the communists in the Canadian judiciary as a grievous offense so serious in nature that her incarceration status must remain higher than all former terrorists encountered by the Canadian state.

“You have had plenty of opportunity to remove yourself and even others from this criminal activity but obstinately chose not to, and persistently counselled others not to either,” the judge said, adding that “this community has already been impacted enough.” (link)


Prime Minister Trudeau Announces That Canadians Do Not Appreciate Him Enough, Therefore a National Emergency Should Remain

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau exhibits the classic pathological traits of an abuser, refusing to allow his victims to question his authority.  It really is quite remarkable, and we are not saying that in the figurative sense, we mean it literally.  Think of an abusing spouse who is finally confronted by his victim after their family intervenes to confront the situation.  The parallels of the dynamic are remarkable in the context of Trudeau’s effort.

During his public remarks earlier today when addressing his victims, Trudeau takes the classic abuser stance and claims outside influences have poisoned their minds and provided “misinformation and disinformation” against him and his government.  He demands that members of Parliament respond to the victim’s protests against his authority by supporting his need for more powerful tools against anyone who would challenge him.  The Canadian government must keep their victims isolated and weak.

All of Trudeau’s heavily ideological remarks are couched with passive aggressive tones and linguistics.  He claims it is not his fault the people rose up in protest to challenge his unilateral COVID mandates; however, now that they have, the government must punish them as a result of their challenge in order to restore the peace that he provides.  The remarks are classic abuser obfuscations. WATCH (prompted 2:30):


Psychologically, this is a profoundly unstable and insecure little man who is filled with fear.  This type of personality disorder needs a very small echo-chamber of sycophants to remain mentally and emotionally functional.

If individual members of his government or the stenographers in the Canadian media start to question him critically, he will collapse very quickly.


Sunday Talks, Even Their Australian Cousins Are Shocked at Canadian Government Brutality

When the Australians are saying a government has gone insane, that’s when you know the Canadian government has gone insane.

Regional states within Australia were the former apexes of totalitarian government in the era of COVID compliance.  Australia’s Zero-COVID approach led to border closures, years of regional lockdowns, armed and patrolled checkpoints, mandated vaccines, guarded quarantine camps and manhunts for escapees, forced detainment of minority populations, police shooting rubber bullets at protest groups, cracked skulls and a completely segregated society awaiting their third and fourth booster shot before they can get past the supermarket gates.

However, even with all that… Australia never locked the bank accounts of its citizens and confiscated their property if they dared raise a voice of dissent against their “for your own good” beatings.  The pundits in Australia now look jaw-agape at how the COVID Cancer from Down Under has metastasized in the body politic of their cousins.  WATCH (2 parts):


Ottawa Police Highlight International Trend of Jackboot Aggression Toward Citizens

We have watched police disturbingly follow orders from federal, regional, state and local politicians throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.  So much so, the severity of increasingly brutal tactics from law enforcement has been one of the most eye-opening revelations of recent memory.  The most recent behavior by police officers and RCMP officials in/around Ottawa, Canada, reflects this increasingly hostile approach.

There are thousands of recent examples from the U.S, U.K, France, Europe (writ large), Australia, New Zealand and now Canada.  What was once rare, perhaps unimaginable, is now commonplace.  It is far beyond unnerving to see this descent into totalitarianism, and it is even more unnerving to gain an understanding of how previous horrific events in history took place.

Yet, we must face these issues as they exist, and not as we would prefer them to be.

Unfortunately, the result of their behavior, a behavior that must be seen in the totality of its visibility, has been a significant drop in support from the general public.  We have long passed the time when “a few bad actors” could be accepted as the excuse, and we now enter that dark period where most people accept that police officers as a group are the enemy of free and democratic society.  WATCH:


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Invoked Emergency Act to Charge Leaders of Protest Group With “Mischief”

The need for control is a reaction to fear.  What does the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau fear so much that he invoked the first ever declaration of the Emergency War Measures Act?   A group of middle class Canadians who challenged him.  That’s it.  That’s the sum total of the Trudeau justification.

Need proof?  Well, here’s the lead organizer of the Trucker rebellion, Tamara Lich, who triggered the declaration of a national emergency and invocation of the federal Emergency Act.  What heinous crime against the state was she charged with?  “Counseling to Commit the Offense of Mischief“.

Think about it.

No, seriously, think about it.

It is true that she may later be charged with removing mattress tags.  However, for right now, the biggest domestic terrorist in the history of Canadian politics is currently charged with the same offense as if she stole the lids off the shampoo bottles at the hotel where the Liberal Party of Canada was holding their national convention.

If the charge of “mischief” rings a bell for some of you, it’s likely because a very famous duo was previously charged with the same criminal offenses.
