
Epic: Maria Bartiromo -vs- Jonathan Gruber…

Reason #756 Why Donald Trump won the election…

Oh brother, is this video ever epic and telling.  Maria Bartiromo interviews Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber on the impact of ObamaCare on small business and U.S. economic growth.
The cognitive dissonance of Gruber is gobsmacking.  I can’t even describe it, just watch:


Beware The Predictable Polling Onslaught to Paint the Potemkin Village…

We are not, repeat NOT, going to exhaust unnecessary energy in the next 10 days to deconstruct the insufferably predictable media-agenda-polls that are looming on the near horizon.

The corporations who have a vested interest in manufacturing the Potemkin village have their collected pollsters armed with fresh paint to create the optics of a “historic” surge in polling upon the conclusion of the Democrat National Party Convention in Philadelphia.

Benjamin Franklin Half a Truth is often a Great Lie

This paint job has been planned for weeks, if not months.

You can count on a manufactured corporate-media pretense to deliver a carefully scripted narrative giving Hillary Clinton a post convention bounce around 10 to 15 points (+/- 3).

What’s coming is so intensely predictable, that if they don’t do it – we’ll actually eat a plain rice cake.

There may be a few scientific polling outcomes that are not connected to the tentacles of the media; we’ll look for those.

However, polling from:  CNN/ORC (Turner), ABC (Disney), NBC (Mark Murray), Wall Street Journal (Rupert Murdoch), Monmouth (Patrick Murray), FOX News (Daron Shaw), Reuters, CBS (David Rhodes), and PPP (Happy Liberals), are g-u–a-r-a-n-t-e-e-d to be manufactured for maximum political value.   ie. Painting the Potemkin Village. (more…)

Kerry Admits “Arms and Missiles” Were “Thrown In At Last Minute” To Appease Iranian Negotiators…

Yet somehow it was “out-of-bounds” for the U.S. to throw in the release of U.S. hostages.

This admission by Secretary Kerry is reflective of two things:

#1) The administration was desperate to come away with a deal, any deal; and

#2) Affirming what Obama has stated – the weapons being released (under the lifting of the embargo) will come from China and Russia – and the only way to stop those arms from reaching Hamas will be to engage shipments from Russia and/or China, which opens up another entire can of worms regarding regional stability and U.S. interests…


“So this [deal] focused on getting rid of the principal problem in the region, which is Iran’s threat to Israel, their threat to the region, to have a nuclear capacity.”


President Obama Says Florida Will Disappear In His Children’s Lifetime….

Florida is, on average, 3 feet above sea level

Obama Confused(CNSNews.com) – Speaking at an event held in a private home in San Francisco on Friday evening, President Barack Obama warned:

“Well within our children’s lifetimes, on our current pace, the oceans go up maybe two, maybe three, maybe four feet.”

In the speech, the president said:

“There are two things in particular that these days I’m spending a lot of time thinking about. The first is the changing nature of the economy.” The other, he said, is “climate change.” (read more)

So investing in Florida real estate is definitely out of the question.

Incredible Eye Witness Testimonial Lying On Camera – This Is How a Dangerous Lie Explodes In Baltimore….

..”They Shot That Boy For No Reason !”

Earlier today the police approached a man on the street in Baltimore suspected of carrying a firearm. Before the police could reach him the man took off running. During the pursuit the suspects handgun either fell, or was dropped, as he fled. The suspects gun went off when it hit the ground. Fortunately no-one was hit by the discharge. The man was tackled by the chasing officers and then, out of an abundance of caution, transported via ambulance.
No police officer fired their weapons. No-one was shot. The only firearm discharge was from the fleeing suspect as his firearm hit the ground.
Now watch this video of how a female “eye-witness”, injected her perception of the event, and quickly reported it to the media and enraged the community.  Passionate, angry, tearful and adamant about what she witnessed.
[wpvideo 0Oyl8gXP]
Of course, none of that is true.  Nothing she is describing actually took place.
This should be a case study in how unreliable agenda witness statements actually are.

Democrats and Their Liberal News Colleagues Respond To Netanyahu Speech….

To prove the Netanyahu speech was political, the Democrats pull a political stunt and boycotted the speech.  However, their ignorance doesn’t stop them from quickly joining in apoplectic fits to ridicule the delivery of the message.

democrats 2Nancy Pelosi ICBM

Nancy Pelosi grabs her pearls, steadies her shaking sensibilities, and opines she was in tears, TEARS, as she listened to the outline of how dangerous it would be for Iran to gain nuclear weapon capability. Not tears of worry for Israel, but rather tears that Dear Leader Obama’s claim to the contrary is being undermined:

[…]  That is why, as one who values the U.S. – Israel relationship, and loves Israel, I was near tears throughout the Prime Minister’s speech – saddened by the insult to the intelligence of the United States as part of the P5 +1 nations, and saddened by the condescension toward our knowledge of the threat posed by Iran and our broader commitment to preventing nuclear proliferation. (link)

Nancy Pelosi and the entire contingent of the Congressional Black Caucus ran out of the chamber as soon as Prime Minister Netanyahu was finished delivering his speech. (more…)

The “Random Folks” Weren’t So “Random” – Paris Details Reveal Islamist Gunman Asked Religion Of Hostages Then Killed The Jews….

Obviously President Obama looked like a fool when he proclaimed the victims of the Kosher market killings were just a bunch “of random folks” because he wanted desperately to remain willfully blind and disconnect the hateful ideology of the Islamist killer away from Muslim sensibility.

But the latest revelations of what actually took place inside that market make Obama’s foolishness appear even more foolish.

obama prizeThe British media are outlining what took place within the Jewish market.

Details have emerged of footage filmed by Paris gunman Amedy Coulibaly during a bloody rampage inside a Jewish supermarket, a French website says.

He delivers an anti-Semitic rant and shouts “Stand up or I’ll kill you” at hostages, according to a transcript obtained by Le Nouvel Observateur. […]

Investigators are examining seven minutes 45 seconds of footage apparently filmed by Coulibaly on a GoPro camera worn during the siege, according to reports.

It shows him shouting “Nobody move”, before grabbing hold of a customer, asking his name, and then shooting him dead.

He asks another man what origin he is. And when the hostage replies “Jewish”, he kills him too. (more…)

Obama's Mid-East Fantasy World – A President Incapable of Accepting Reality…

We often say ‘we accept the world as it is rather than as we wish it to be’. Because to do anything else only creates frustration from projecting our own perspectives, dreams, wishes and hopes into a situation that may not -heck, often doesn’t- evolve to provide a better outcome.
Today, Susan Rice delivered a speech outlining the Obama administration’s 2015 National Security Strategy. The full 35pg pdf. is available here and below is the introduction by President Obama himself.
Obama Jesus Pose

Tilting at Windmills … use $770 worth of electricity, pay a $10,000 bill …

Tilting at windmills is very very costly ….
windmillfire(H/t Small Dead Animals)
A  good friend of mine runs a business in the County. He has done so for 40 years. He showed me his electricity bill last week. In December, he spent $770 on electricity. It was one of the least expensive lines on his bill. The global adjustment charge was $4,267.32. There was also a delivery charge, a debt retirement charge and an array of taxes.
In total, he spent nearly $10,000 in December—for $770 of electricity. He doesn’t know where this money is going. He is not sure he can keep up. He isn’t alone.

The Liberal Government of Ontario, in a feverish bit of “do-goodism” social justice advocacy, made the decision to significantly idle their fully paid for, clean, effective hydro-electric generating stations to pivot to a “diversified” “green” energy policy that relied upon solar and wind.  to replace older, coal-powered generating stations that were being phased out as part of the “anti-coal” ideology so in vogue with the far Left.  This is the same energy policy that is currently being pursued by the Germans, and, combined with “cap and trade” swaps, is the holy grail of energy policy for the Obama Administration.  Obama did warn Americans that after his energy policies were fully implemented, “electricity prices would necessarily skyrocket” ….