
If I Were The Deep State – Deploying Relentless Lawfare

Excellent video presented by Lauren3ve {Direct Rumble Link} WATCH:

Exceptional article, outlining the Biden DC agenda and the perspective of the American majority.  This is the crux, the essence, the core reason behind the upcoming victory of the American people, through Trump, over a comprehensively corrupt DC apparatus:

[…] What we have seen over the years is that every time the Deep State tries to hurt President Trump, his poll numbers rise, and he is able to fund-raise even more than before. It is an inexplicable reaction that frustrates Democrats, who fail to understand that most Americans are honest, ethical, and busy individuals, committed to caring for their families, attending church, and being active in the community. Most voters do not understand the complexities of national security laws. Nor do they believe that Trump committed felony violations by participating in a conspiracy to obstruct justice.

Voters may not remember their civics classes, but they know that Trump has always cared about America’s standing in the world. From the moment he descended the escalator at Trump Tower in 2015, Trump’s brand is that he wants America to win. Even in television interviews in the late 1980s and 1990s, Trump’s single-most consistent grievance against American officials was that they let foreigners take advantage of America and get ahead at the nation’s cost. For Trump watchers, the Make America Great Again campaign started more than 30 years ago. (read more)


The Deep State Document Hunt Against Donald Trump in Context

After reading the entire 75-page transcript of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) testimony to congress [READ HERE], a testimonial that almost no one in the mainstream news has written about, issues surrounding the document search against President Trump take on some new context.

The NARA officials are essentially professional DC bureaucrats with a mission to look out for the best interests of the DC system they support.  It is very clear from their opinion; Donald Trump was considered an outsider to the DC system of government – and that baseline established the framework for why and how NARA took such extreme processes with President Trump.

From the transcript, one NARA official says, “I am storing 555,000 cubic feet of classified national security information. To put that in perspective, the white boxes that many of you have seen in your offices, that is a cubic foot. It holds about 2,500 pages. Another way for me to describe it, a typical stack area that we store records in a Federal records center can hold about 100,000 cubic feet. And that is a room that is about roughly the size of a football field. So you are looking at five and a half football fields floor to ceiling shelving.” {Transcript, page 24}

President Trump did not turn over the letter left to him by President Obama, nor did President Trump turn over the 27 letters exchanged between himself and North Korea Chairman Kim Jong-un.  NARA was looking for these along with other documents pertaining to President Trump engaging in discussions with other foreign leaders, and NARA was angry about the perceived lack of respect shown by Trump toward their endeavor.

However, when you take the current DC establishment system, look at the history of the Trump administration engagement in foreign policy, then overlay that dynamic with the gatekeeping responsibilities outlined by NARA, what you may discover is an entirely different prism through which to view the DC motives.

One can easily argue the Deep State per se’ was looking for notes, information, contacts, tips and hints of discussions that took place between Trump and foreign leaders, that may have actually exposed the mechanisms of DC money and policy laundering.


Robert Barnes on Trump Indictment – Deep State vs A Constitutional Republic

Attorney Robert Barnes appeared on a podcast yesterday to give his analysis of the political indictment of President Trump.  It’s a long deconstruction of the Lawfare effort, and contains numerous defenses therein; however, it is a very good encapsulation of the ridiculous issues created by the Biden administration’s efforts to target their political opposition on behalf of the Deep State.  WATCH:



Boasberg Strikes Again – Deep State DC Judge, with a Long History of Deep State Rulings, Rejects Trump’s Executive Privilege Over Pence Forced J6 Testimony

Former FISA Court Presiding Judge James Boasberg is no longer on the FISC.  However, he continues to advance the interests of the DC Deep State with rulings specifically tailored to protect the national security state.  [Boasberg Background Here]

In his latest ruling as the top federal judge in the DC circuit court, Boasberg has decided that executive privilege between President Trump and Vice-President Pence does not exist when it comes to any conversations that led up to Pence’s role on January 6th presiding over the senate and the confirmation process for state electoral votes.

Boasberg, an ally of SSCI Chairman Mark Warner, has intercepted several cases that brought sunlight upon the corrupt DC system.  In each case Boasberg ruled in favor of maintaining the corruption, including his willfully blind support of the FBI searching NSA databases to conduct illegal surveillance of Americans, and including Boasberg’s personal appointment of Mary McCord to run defense on behalf of the corrupt DOJ main office.

ABC News – The top federal judge for the D.C. district court has issued a swift rejection of former President Donald Trump’s assertion of executive privilege to prevent former Vice President Mike Pence from testifying before a grand jury investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election, sources familiar with the matter told ABC News.

At the same time, the judge issued a ruling that narrowly upheld parts of a separate legal challenge brought by Pence’s attorneys, who have argued Pence should be exempt from providing records or answering certain questions that align with his duties as president of the Senate overseeing the formal certification of the election on Jan. 6, 2021.


Michael Shellenberger Outlines Deep State Psychological Operations Being Conducted Against Americans

After his review of the Twitter Files, Michael Shellenberger is beginning to take a big picture approach to each of the discoveries.  {Direct Rumble Link}

Shellenberger, appears on Tucker Carlson tonight to discuss how in the big picture the U.S. government is conducting psychological warfare against domestic citizens through the auspices of Twitter and likely other social media platforms. He’s not wrong, we’ve been calling it out in real time.  WATCH:

Semi-related.  You might remember for several months CTH has been outlining the state of the issues between the United States and Mexico regarding energy policy.  Within the dynamic I have said repeatedly to “watch Mexico” through the prism of: what would the USIC, specifically in this instance the CIA, do to turn American sentiment against Mexico?

Remember me repeatedly saying that?  Within those questions, and from that baseline, you will discover why I have not been writing about a Mexican cartel kidnapping four American hostages, killing two.


Head’s Up, State Dept Operative and USAID Administrator Samantha Power is in Hungary, Seeding Another Color Revolution – Deep State Ukraine 2.0

Hungary has been in the crosshairs of the Biden/Obama administration ever since Prime Minister Viktor Orban refused to align with the WEF Western Democracies in their quest for regime change in Russia.  As the NATO led western alliance assembled to use Ukraine as a proxy war against Russia, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban would not join.

In early April 2022, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban was overwhelmingly reelected {LINK}, despite the massive efforts against him by the European Union, western and euro-centric multinational globalists.   As a result of the victory, Brussels was furious at the Hungarian people.  Associated Press – […] “Orban — a fierce critic of immigration, LGBTQ rights and “EU bureaucrats” — has garnered the admiration of right-wing nationalists across Europe and North America.” (link)

Within the statements reported from his 2022 victory speech, Prime Minister Orban warned citizens of the NATO and western allied countries about the manipulation of Ukraine and how he views the Zelenskyy regime:  […] “while speaking to supporters on Sunday, Orban singled out Zelenskyy as part of the “overwhelming force” that he said his party had struggled against in the election — “the left at home, the international left, the Brussels bureaucrats, the Soros empire with all its money, the international mainstream media, and in the end, even the Ukrainian president.” (link)

This put Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in the crosshairs of the western alliance, specifically the EU and U.S. bureaucrats who use their power, position and intelligence apparatus to manipulate foreign nations.  A year later and now we see USAID Administrator Samantha Power in Hungary openly discussing her seeding of the NGO’s and political activist systems in order to generate yet another color revolution. {Direct Rumble Link} – WATCH:

Samantha Power, the wife of Cass Sunstein, is well known as the Obama/Biden administration’s advance operative who uses her position in U.S. government to influence activism in targeted nations. Hungary is now her target.


House Authorizes Subcommittee to Investigate Weaponization of Federal Government Against U.S. Citizens, Dan Bishop Puts The Deep State on Notice, Video

As anticipated, The House of Representatives now under Republican control, has established a subcommittee to review the “weaponization of the federal government.” [Media Report]

The subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee will have the power to investigate any part of the federal government for targeting and wrongdoing against American citizens – the Justice Department and FBI, in particular.

In the debate to establish the committee, Representative Dan Bishop (R-North Carolina) delivered powerful remarks from the floor.  WATCH:


I hope Dan Bishop is a member of the committee.


Clinton Crony and Deep State Operative Mike Morell Predicts an al-Qaeda Attack on the West in 2023

Abraham Lincoln once said, “No man has a good enough memory to make him a successful liar.” Lincoln somewhat underestimated the Mike Morell types of the world, who have become liars as a profession. {Direct Rumble Link}

Mike Morell was the former acting CIA director in the aftermath of Benghazi when General David Petraeus was removed from the position. Morell is a Clinton crony who not only constructed the infamously fabricated talking points used by Susan Rice to blame the Benghazi attack on a YouTube video, Morell was also the guy moved into position to protect Clinton in the aftermath of the terrorist attack, and then years later in July 2016 the same Mike Morell penned the first Trump-Russia thesis in the New York Times.

After successfully doing his job to protect Clinton in the aftermath of Benghazi, Mike Morell was hired by CBS President David Rhodes.  Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes is David’s brother.  Mike Morell now continues to work for CBS and today he declared a likelihood that a “U.S. or western interest” is likely to be attacked by an al-Qaeda affiliate in 2023.


Former DNI John Ratcliffe Discusses Corrupt Deep State DNI Election Official Shelby Pierson Meeting with Twitter and Social Media

Former Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, appeared on Sunday with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the Twitter file release that pertained to his former office and the contact between DNI election official Shelby Pierson and Twitter executive Noel Roth. {Direct Rumble Link}

DNI Ratcliffe does not use Shelby Pierson’s name within his comments, but refutes her action as described within the release by Matt Taibbi.  WATCH:


Within the Twitter file release, you will find Twitter’s lead censor, Yoel Roth, meeting with an official from the U.S. Dept of National Intelligence (DNI).  From the testimony of FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan, we know that official was Shelby Pierson.  Chan was speaking under oath in an ongoing first amendment lawsuit against the Biden administration for manipulating and censoring speech on social media.


Connecting Things – Konnech Election Compromise, CCP Infiltration, CEO Arrest, True The Vote and Recent Deep State Misinformation Efforts

Major Hat Tips to Rasmussen [link], Kanekoa News [link] and Catherine Englebrecht of True the Vote [link].

CTH often says don’t get so close to any granules that you miss the big picture.  Rasmussen Reports has drawn attention to that big picture, the timeline tells the story, and with recent announcements about ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ triggers, it is worth putting the details of the entire dynamic into context.  I would consider all these issues easily connected.

First, it is important to note how the public impression is constructed using the affiliations and relationships CTH continually points out.  When the FBI/DOJ need to get out in front of an issue they use the New York Times (and Politico) to establish the defensive and offensive narrative.   [The State Dept use CNN, and the CIA use the Washington post] These are constants in an ever-changing world of information warfare.

♦On October 3rd New York Times journalist Stuart Thompson writes a hit piece against Catherine Englebrecht and True The Vote, written to cast their election review efforts as conspiracy theories. [link]

♦24 hours later, October 4th, the CEO of  Konnech – a company specializing in proprietary PollChief software to manage election workers – was arrested. [link] Konnech Corporation Chief Executive Officer Eugene Yu was arrested for exploiting access to U.S. election data, including election worker information, and transferring the files to China.

I guarantee journalist Stuart Thompson was used as a tool by FBI officials who knew the arrest was forthcoming.  Essentially, the arrest of Eugene Yu was based on the exact claims of Chinese datamining that Catherine Englebrecht and Gregg Phillips had been outlining since late 2020.  [link] The FBI was/is working to diffuse the truth of U.S. election compromises that True the Vote has been outlining.
