
Elon Musk States “Government Agencies Had Full Access to Everything That Was Going on in Twitter”, Including DM’s

Tucker Carlson has interviewed Twitter CEO Elon Musk and will broadcast the interview on Monday at 8:00pm ET.

If Carlson had the accurate and full context of the background situation, he would be able to ask the right questions. It appears Mr. Carlson does have the key issues well understood.  This should be a good interview.

In this preview segment {Direct Rumble Link Here}, Musk admits his mind was blown when he discovered the extent of the full government access to everything that was happening on Twitter.  He essentially confirms two key elements.  First, our long-held framework of Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop, is accurate.  Second, Musk had no idea when he bought it.

There has been an ongoing debate about whether Elon Musk was aware of the U.S. government and intelligence community control over Twitter prior to the purchase; with many people saying there is no way that Musk could not know given the scale of the money involved, $42 billion and the due diligence that generally follows such transactions.

However, in this interview Musk states he had no idea how much operational control and influence the government and intelligence apparatus held over the platform prior to the purchase.

Readers here are so far ahead of the curve on this story, it’s kind of cool, funny, and yet frustrating at the same time.  Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop is all a wild conspiracy theory born from the oddly wired brain of some dude in the corner of the internet; until suddenly it’s not.


Tucker Carlson Discusses U.S. Intel Leaks and Media Effort to Hide the U.S. Govt Lies

During his opening monologue tonight, Tucker Carlson outlined the latest developments on the U.S. classified information leaks and the media effort to avoid talking about the government lies within them.

It really is quite a remarkable development to witness in real time.  Corporate media, a completely collapsed fourth-estate, playing the distracting role on behalf of the intelligence apparatus they are supposed to keep in check.  WATCH:



The Full Surveillance Power of the U.S. Govt Could Not Find the Classified Intel Leaker, But the Media Did…

Sometimes the obvious answers are in the reality of the part that few pay attention to.

According to the original outline, as presented by the Washington Post last night [Original Story Here], the full surveillance and intelligence power of the United States government was unable to locate the source of the largest leak of U.S. classified intelligence in a decade, but some journalists found a teenager in his mom’s basement with all the answers.   This is the story, and they are sticking to it.

I’ve been in enough rabbit holes created by the silos of the intelligence community to know when not to enter one.   First things first, what silo uses the Washington Post?

We all should know by now the same three-letter operators in charge of the Amazon Cloud Service, are the same three-letter operators who use the PR firm known as the Washington Post.

Why the intelligence people from inside the CIA/NSA silo wanted to exploit the teenage gamer with a connection to an intelligence leaker, as the preferred narrative is unknown.  However, the DHS details provided in the intelligence community follow-up through the New York Times does provide some clues.

New York Times – The leader of a small online gaming chat group where a trove of classified U.S. intelligence documents leaked over the last few months is a 21-year-old member of the intelligence wing of the Massachusetts Air National Guard, according to interviews and documents reviewed by The New York Times.

The national guardsman, whose name is Jack Teixeira, oversaw a private online group named Thug Shaker Central, where about 20 to 30 people, mostly young men and teenagers, came together over a shared love of guns, racist online memes and video games.


House Authorizes Subcommittee to Investigate Weaponization of Federal Government Against U.S. Citizens, Dan Bishop Puts The Deep State on Notice, Video

As anticipated, The House of Representatives now under Republican control, has established a subcommittee to review the “weaponization of the federal government.” [Media Report]

The subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee will have the power to investigate any part of the federal government for targeting and wrongdoing against American citizens – the Justice Department and FBI, in particular.

In the debate to establish the committee, Representative Dan Bishop (R-North Carolina) delivered powerful remarks from the floor.  WATCH:


I hope Dan Bishop is a member of the committee.


Whatever Happened to the Information of The DNC Law Firm Having an FBI Search Portal in Their DC Office?

On May 31st, Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) made an explosive announcement as an outcome of a whistleblower providing information to him and Jim Jordan.  The claim was the FBI held a collaborative relationship with the Clinton/DNC law firm Perkins Coie. {Go Deep} Specifically, the explosive element surrounded the FBI having a workspace within the DNC law firm that would give Democrats an open portal into FBI databases for political opposition research.

Additionally, formerly indicted Clinton campaign lawyer, Michael Sussmann, was reportedly in charge of this arrangement within Perkins Coie for the past year.  Obviously, the potential ramifications from this joint collaboration are vast.  However, have you noticed that not a single media outlet has followed up on the claim?

Generally, in Washington DC when the media ignores an issue, especially a major issue with large consequences; and doesn’t even attempt to snarkily debunk an explosive claim or belittle the person bringing the information; it’s usually because the claim itself has merit and the DC defenders do not want to give it any fuel for further discussion or awareness. {Direct Rumble Link}

So, what happened?

Essentially, what is being claimed is that a portal exists into FBI databases within the law firm that represents democrats.  This means access to FBI database searches exists inside the office of the DNC and Clinton legal group.  Think about the ramifications here.


New York Times Reports U.S. Intel Agencies Spent Three Months Seeding Information Into Russia Through China

There’s a New York Times article getting attention today, as the article frames a narrative of the U.S. intelligence community and diplomatic offices trying to get China to influence Russia away from invading Ukraine.

However, as with all NYT reporting of the U.S. intelligence apparatus, the information within the article must be viewed through a different prism to understand the real motives being discussed.

Never ascribe to incompetence, that which can be explained by intent.

The Deep State narrative, what the NYT reports, begins thusly:

WASHINGTON — Over three months, senior Biden administration officials held half a dozen urgent meetings with top Chinese officials in which the Americans presented intelligence showing Russia’s troop buildup around Ukraine and beseeched the Chinese to tell Russia not to invade, according to U.S. officials.

Each time, the Chinese officials, including the foreign minister and the ambassador to the United States, rebuffed the Americans, saying they did not think an invasion was in the works. After one diplomatic exchange in December, U.S. officials got intelligence showing Beijing had shared the information with Moscow, telling the Russians that the United States was trying to sow discord — and that China would not try to impede Russian plans and actions, the officials said.


White House Defines Strategic Success Against Russia As the Value of Their Story, Who Is More Attractive to the World

THIS video from the White House briefing today, you absolutely must watch to gain a fulsome understanding of how the modern political left views the world of geopolitical contests in 2022.

Deputy National Security Advisor and Deputy Director of the National Economic Council, Daleep Singh, was presented at the podium today to explain the strategic policy of the Biden administration toward Russia.

Singh’s remarks outlining the view of the ‘west’ toward defeating Russia are eloquent yet batshit crazy in their ideological context.  Daleep Singh sounds like the senior head of a Google Human Resources operation telling the department heads how they need to convey their feelings in order to hire the talent for continued growth in the industry.  This is a direct quote:

…”Ultimately, the goal of our sanctions is to make this a strategic failure for Russia; and let’s define a little bit of what that means. Strategic success in the 21st century is not about a physical land grab of territory; that’s what Putin has done.  In this century, strategic power is increasingly measured and exercised by economic strength, by technological sophistication and your story – who you are, what your values are; can you attract ideas and talent and goodwill? And on each of those measures, this will be a failure for Russia.”

WATCH (14:31, prompted):

Deputy National Security Advisor Daleep Singh boils down geopolitical power to a cultural issue of social likeability.

Let this sink in.

Realize that what he is saying is the strategy leading our foreign policy.

Even if what he was saying is reasonable, and it’s not, I’m thinking strong Russians with hot chicks, nice cars, fast boats and a culture of polite strength, loyalty and fierce protection are winning the “story” side of the argument.


NSA Reports for 5th Consecutive Year the Intelligence Agency Has Extracted Unlawful Electronic Data Without Warrants

At this point in our nation’s history, certain acceptances are needed in order to accurately identify the current status of our situation.

    • The Legislative Branch (SSCI) created the Intelligence State, the Fourth Branch of superseding government.
    • The Executive Branch (FBI, DOJ, NSA) control the Fourth Branch of superseding government.
    • The Judicial Branch (FISA Court) is the facilitating approval apparatus for the Fourth Branch.


With that empirical and well documented reality in place, all three branches of U.S. government work in unison.  Who or what can intervene to stop the Fourth Branch of government from operating unilaterally?

This is the serious question that no one ever discusses.

The FISA Court is the private, secret, unchecked judicial system authorizing the power for the Intelligence State.

As a result, we continue to see NSA reports showing the unconstitutional surveillance of the American people continuing without consequence [NSA Release Here].

This is the 5th straight year where the National Security Agency (NSA) produces a document admitting their metadata capturing system, the system that captures all electronic communication of every single American and puts it into a stored database, is continually used as a research library for unnamed federal agents to scour (without search warrants) for the private documents of American citizens.

At this point, the NSA admission without consequence is simply just another Tuesday, it literally doesn’t even make the headlines anymore.

The executive summary does, however, include the NSA introducing the latest admissions about violating the 4th amendment right of Americans, while bragging about how their diversity hiring efforts have paid off.

So, there’s that.


Facebook Whistleblower Is a Democrat Activist Demanding Big Tech and Government Crack Down on Free Speech, Republicans Pretend They Cannot See What’s Going On

The transparency of this operation was/is brutally obvious.  Frances Haugen appears on CBS 60-Minutes as a Facebook “whistleblower”, and already had a congressional hearing lined up for 48 hours later?  C’mon man… did the lessons of Sandra Fluke or Christine Blasey Ford not register with anyone?

Former Facebook product manager Frances Haugen is a left-wing activist with a long history of giving money to far-left fellow travelers including congressional moonbat AOC.  Haugen is the Blasey-Ford of 2021 and her objective is to further advance the premise of censorship and political targeting under the guise of protecting children.

The leftist ruse was obvious when Ms. Haugen began demanding (during her scripted congressional testimony) that social media platforms start clamping down on expressions of free speech in order to protect the user.  The demand is for more central command and control authority over what you read, review, discuss and debate on the internet.  It is frustrating to see the UniParty play out this pantomime as if the American electorate cannot see the strings on the puppets.

Everything prior to Frances Haugen appearing today was scripted and planned; including the false “whistleblower” narrative.  Everything taking place in the Senate hearing today was scripted and planned in advance.  Political activist and left-wing ideologues want freedom censored and shut down.  It is one long continuum of stopping any push-back against oppressive government.

Remember, the Fourth Branch of government is only possible because the U.S. Senate supports it.  The control mechanism to target opposition works through a Public-Private partnership between the U.S. Intelligence apparatus and Big Tech social media platforms.  The U.S. Intelligence agencies are collaborative partners with Big Tech {LINK}.  That is why Google, Amazon (owns the cloud),  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are all now connected to the portals of the Five Eyes intelligence operation.


The 800lb Gorilla in The Durham Investigation Background

The recent indictment of Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann has triggered a significant amount of well intended articles, essentially reconstituting the hope that someone -or some group- might finally be held accountable for the multi-year, multi-issue, multi-institution fraud, better known as ‘spygate’.

Factually, the Trump-Russia collusion narrative was always a complete ruse perpetrated upon the American people, with the intended objective to stop Trump, then hamstring Trump; then cover-up what they were doing to accomplish those goals; and then finally destroy the Trump presidency.   Y’all know the story, I ain’t repeating it.

As an outcome of the Sussmann indictment, many are wondering if this is the first domino in a series of explosive political dominoes that might fall and finally collapse the entire house of cards that surrounded the Clinton campaign and their conspiring with intelligence operatives, politicians, media, DOJ and FBI officials.

Yes, there are interesting dynamics within the Sussmann indictment story-lines; and yes, the authors digging through the indictment granules are all well versed in the details and very good at putting forth optimistic possibilities.

Paul Sperry Article Here – TechnoFog Article Here

…and there are likely dozens more, like THIS and THIS and THIS.

Read them all, follow them all and consider them all.   However, as to the bigger question: will the Durham probe finally outline all the evidence to prove all the years of deception and fraud perpetrated by the massive aligned system of corrupt government?

My short and painful answer is, NO.

The longer answer is attached to the one issue that all researched opinions and analytical theories never touch. The 800lb gorilla in the room that no one will put into their accountability prism, because it blocks all other sunlight:

If Durham was going to reveal what optimistic folks proclaim as possible; how is Durham going to handle the reality that Robert Mueller’s entire existence was in place to hide it?
