
Tucker Carlson Interviews Senator Rand Paul About The TikTok Ban Law – HR7521

Tucker Carlson gives a good preliminary outline showcasing the hypocritical argument being used against the social media platform TikTok and the auspices of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) expansion and influence in America.  Carlson walks through some of the current aspects of Chinese ownership and influence in the USA and then asks why is TikTok the focus of concern.

Rand Paul then joins Carlson to discuss the specific details of HR7521 and the interests of Washington DC as espoused.  Toward the end of their conversation, Rand Paul does a good job framing the issue around the global cleaving we have discussed at length here.  Senator Paul doesn’t specifically connect the dots clearly, but his larger point about where he sees this approach going is correct.  The global cleaving, which was triggered by Western sanctions against Russia, is a very real phenomena despite people denying it is taking place.  WATCH:


Breeauna Sagdal – “Once you realize that TikTok and its parent company Bytedance have been working WITH the Biden Administration and CFIUS for the last three years to become compliant, once you realize that On January 19, 2021, one day before President Biden assumed office, the US Department of Commerce (Commerce) published an interim final rule implementing its sweeping new authority to block, unwind, or condition “transactions” involving information and communications technology and services (ICTS), once you realize that TikTok’s servers are in Texas, and then understand that the company already has an American board, and has already turned over ALL records of shareholders to the satisfaction of our federal government – then you start to understand the REAL target isn’t TikTok – it’s YOU via “X,” Rumble, Gettr, Crypto, and so on down the line of non-compliant, divergent thought, content hubs and decentralized financial mechanisms.”


Biden Administration Appeals Court Ruling That Blocks Govt from Censoring Free Speech on Social Media

In a previous ruling in the case of The State of Missouri v Joe Biden, Judge Terry Doughty agreed with the state position that evidence had clearly shown agencies of the U.S. government had infringed upon First Amendment free speech in targeting social media companies with demands for content removal. [Ruling and Injunction pdf]

The social media companies outlined in the state lawsuit include Facebook, Instagram, Meta Platforms Inc, Twitter, Google and YouTube.  Evidence provided by the states showed clear and convincing evidence the government was unlawfully monitoring social media and telling the platforms to remove content adverse to their interests.

The judge outlined an emergency injunction barring government agencies such as the Department of Health and Human Services and the FBI from talking to social media companies for “the purpose of urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner the removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech” under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  The ruling provided narrow exceptions.

Obviously, given the scale of government involved censorship of speech within social media, the injunction was a major loss to the Biden regime, who operate -in part- with the benefit of controlling public opinion and information.  The judicial ruling disrupts the ability of the Biden administration to censor the online speech of Americans.

As a result of the injunction, the DOJ is now asking Judge Doughty to stay or pause his injunction while the government files a full appeal to the 5th circuit court of appeals.

(Reuters) –  The Biden administration on Thursday asked a federal judge to put on hold his earlier order barring some government agencies and officials from meeting and communicating with social media companies about moderating their content.


Twitter Agrees to Pay $150 Million FTC Fine for Using Two Factor Authentication as Ruse to Sell Targeted User Data to Advertisers

Two-Factor authentication has always been a platform ruse for gathering data on platform users.  Twitter was just one company amid a large number of on-line platforms who pushed “two factor authentication” as a security measure.  The real motive of TFA was to gain the user cell phone number in order to gain more specific information about the user.

Today multiple media outlets are reporting the FTC and Twitter have agreed to a settlement where Twitter will pay a $150 million settlement for violating user privacy and selling user data.  Twitter collected cell phone and email account information for users under the auspices of user security.  However, Twitter actually planned to use the cell phone and email data to sell a more comprehensive package of user identification to advertisers.

(Reuters) – […] The company will pay $150 million as part of the settlement announced by the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). In addition to the monetary settlement, the agreement requires Twitter to improve its compliance practices.

The complaint said that the misrepresentations violated the FTC Act and a 2011 settlement with the agency.

“Specifically, while Twitter represented to users that it collected their telephone numbers and email addresses to secure their accounts, Twitter failed to disclose that it also used user contact information to aid advertisers in reaching their preferred audiences,” the complaint said.

[…]  “Twitter obtained data from users on the pretext of harnessing it for security purposes but then ended up also using the data to target users with ads,” said FTC Chair Lina Khan in a statement. “This practice affected more than 140 million Twitter users, while boosting Twitter’s primary source of revenue.”


Tucker Carlson Emphasizes the Mission Priority of Newest DHS Agency, Disinformation Governance Board

In his opening monologue tonight, Fox News host Tucker Carlson outlined the latest Dept of Homeland Security agency, the “Disinformation Governance Board,” and the head of the social media control agency, Nina Jankowicz.  WATCH:

BACKGROUND – Previously the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) announced a new Dept of Homeland Security priority to combat disinformation {LINK} on technology platforms including social media.

Many eyebrows were raised as the announcement appeared to be an open admission that the U.S. government was going to control information by applying labels… that would align with allies in social media…. who need a legal justification for censorship and content removal.


Tucker Carlson Outlines the Recent Revelations of Clinton Allied Government Contractors Spying on Trump White House

Fox News Host Tucker Carlson used his opening monologue to outline the recent court documents highlighting how government contractors aligned with the Hillary Clinton campaign were permitted to conduct electronic surveillance of Donald Trump as a candidate and a President.

The electronic data was extracted by Neustar, a federal contractor.  The head of the organization, Rodney Joffe, then used cyber tech resources from Georgia Tech to assemble the data and deliver a false report to the Clinton campaign of Trump-Russia connections.


NSA Reports for 5th Consecutive Year the Intelligence Agency Has Extracted Unlawful Electronic Data Without Warrants

At this point in our nation’s history, certain acceptances are needed in order to accurately identify the current status of our situation.

    • The Legislative Branch (SSCI) created the Intelligence State, the Fourth Branch of superseding government.
    • The Executive Branch (FBI, DOJ, NSA) control the Fourth Branch of superseding government.
    • The Judicial Branch (FISA Court) is the facilitating approval apparatus for the Fourth Branch.


With that empirical and well documented reality in place, all three branches of U.S. government work in unison.  Who or what can intervene to stop the Fourth Branch of government from operating unilaterally?

This is the serious question that no one ever discusses.

The FISA Court is the private, secret, unchecked judicial system authorizing the power for the Intelligence State.

As a result, we continue to see NSA reports showing the unconstitutional surveillance of the American people continuing without consequence [NSA Release Here].

This is the 5th straight year where the National Security Agency (NSA) produces a document admitting their metadata capturing system, the system that captures all electronic communication of every single American and puts it into a stored database, is continually used as a research library for unnamed federal agents to scour (without search warrants) for the private documents of American citizens.

At this point, the NSA admission without consequence is simply just another Tuesday, it literally doesn’t even make the headlines anymore.

The executive summary does, however, include the NSA introducing the latest admissions about violating the 4th amendment right of Americans, while bragging about how their diversity hiring efforts have paid off.

So, there’s that.


Biden Will Introduce Six Step Plan To Continue COVID Fear and Control System, Will The Administration Follow France or Australia Beta Tests

On Thursday, at 5:00pm ET, the installed occupant of the White House, Joe Biden, will announce the latest U.S. Government approach to COVID mitigation which is anticipated to carry more mandated vaccination requirements.  The details are not yet known; however, we can judge the approach by looking toward two specific allied nations who have been conducting the beta test on behalf of, and in coordination with, the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Intelligence Branch of government.  The Biden plan is reported to be a six prong approach.

The vaccine passport approach, triggered by France, seems to be the most likely scenario that Biden and the DoS will follow.  The monitoring, tracking, and rules against non-compliance for vaccine mandates will likely come from the approach being deployed in Australia.  The U.S. version tenuously has to avoid the pesky issues with constitutional limitations on government that are not present in France or Australia; so our version will likely be a blend of the two systems.


The mandatory vaccine passports will most likely follow the merging of Government and Corporate world.  In olden days, this was called Fascism; however, with the Antifa foot soldiers of the FBI acting as brownshirt operatives to obfuscate the historical record, they will not use the same terminology.

The enforcement mechanism will come from a similar merge of Government with Big Tech.  However, the Australian model of geolocation, QR codes and the cell phone app for check-in,  verification of vaccinated status and monitoring of U.S. citizens in a central database, will likely not pass U.S. constitutional muster if challenged.  It will be interesting to see how the federal government will propose the “enforcement” mechanism.

Joe Biden is a disposable front-man for the people organizing the objective, so they don’t have to worry about political damage.   The Biden term was designed for a single set of four-year rapid advancements for the Democrat Socialist agenda.  The Biden poll ratings and favorability, or lack therein, do not factor into the plan of action; those issues are irrelevant.  The announcement will come at 5:00pm ET from the State Room in the White House. (more…)

Cyber Symposium Video – Seth Keshel Presents Ten Statistical Anomalies Highlighting 2020 Election Vote Fraud and Manipulation

During day #2 of the Mike Lindell Cyber Symposium, political statistician Seth Keshel gave a presentation highlighting historical voting data. {Direct Rumble Link}

As noted by Keshel there are ten statistical anomalies indicating vote fraud and manipulation in the 2020 election. WATCH:


Stunning Video Explanation – Dr Douglas Frank Shows How The 2010 Census Was Used to Create the Algorithm That Fabricated the 2020 Electronic Vote Outcome

This is a stunning video and represents the best presentation to show how the 2020 election was determined; not by actual people voting but by algorithms inserted into election tabulation machines.  {Direct Rumble Link}

Dr. Douglas G Frank explains information he discovered as he reviewed election outcomes. Dr. Frank found the baseline for the 2020 vote was created by applying an algorithm that used the 2010 census to fabricate the illusion of registered voters at a state level (predetermined) and then results are controlled at a county level.

Every state is impacted, and every county within the state generates the exact same age and voter registration ratio.   So far they have identified 3,006 counties with the exact same predictable voter outcome and ratio. This really is a must watch:


Action Alert, Windham New Hampshire Ballot Issues Identified in Adjacent Counties – Exact Same Ballot Issues, State Audit Needed

Perhaps this is one of the most important election audit videos to date.  Unfortunately the presenter and production quality are not as good as needed; however, the content is exceptionally important.  The video below needs to be watched in its entirety, perhaps a few times to digest the content.

BACKGROUND – In Windham, New Hampshire, folds in ballots are presumed to be the primary issue that generated disqualified ballots.  When the ballot fold runs near a blank oval space (where a vote would be registered) the ballot counting machine was counting the fold and crease as a vote.  This generates what’s called “overvotes“, meaning more voter selections made on the ballot than allowed.  The overvotes create disqualified ballots.

It appears many, if not all, folded ballots create overvote ballots, and those overvote ballots are disqualified.  This is why there is such a high percentage error rate between the electronic tabulation results and the hand recounts not using machines.

This outcome is also what creates the disparity in votes cast and actual voting percentages as identified in the tabulation results for specific machines.  The higher the number of overvoted ballots, ie (disqualified) ballots, through a machine, the more flawed the tabulation result as a comparison of all voter ballots through similar machines. This is what has been identified in Windham, New Hampshire.

The Windham election officials, and auditors with a vested interest in the position of the New Hampshire state officials, have said the ballot folding issue, aka “the overvote issue”, is isolated to just that one city, Windham.

However, the research teams have identified other counties in New Hampshire with the exact same “overvote” issue, which creates the exact same disqualified ballot issue, and matches the exact same statistical anomaly in the tabulation results as seen in counting machines in other counties.
