
Wow Gaslighting – SSCI Chairman Mark Warner Lies About FISA-702 Fundamentals

This statement by Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner is so fraudulent in narrative construct it’s almost ridiculous. “SEN. WARNER: Let’s remember what 702 is. It is the ability for the United States government to surveil, listen in, on non-Americans foreigners who are abroad.”

Absolutely nothing about this statement is accurate.  Foreigners do not have U.S constitutional protection.  All foreign communications can be intercepted without issue, without FISA.

FISA-702 authority only pertains to Americans. The term “702” is specifically referencing private communication with/by an American.  WATCH Warner lie:


MARGARET BRENNAN: We begin today with the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Mark Warner. Good morning, and good to have you here.

SENATOR MARK WARNER (D-VA): Thank you, Margaret.


Sunday Talks – SSCI Chair Warner and Vice Chair Rubio Discuss Current National Security Concerns

The non-pretending reality behind this duo is that Marco Rubio knows Mark Warner participated in an illicit and unlawful effort to target Donald Trump using the intelligence community and the national security institutions which included the DHS, ODNI, CIA, FBI, NSA and a weaponized DOJ-NSD.

There is absolutely zero possibility Rubio didn’t know what the U.S intelligence apparatus, DOJ, Mueller team and his friend across the aisle, Mark Warner, was doing. Despite the SSCI silo that surrounds him, Senator Rubio knew the motives, intents and purposes of every element within this network from 2016 through 2021. Denying this reality is pretending on a level that is insulting to the honest observer.

As a consequence of that reality, anything Rubio and Warner say about the national security status is suspect to an admission they are both selling a story that is based on an entirely false framework about the construct of the geopolitical world outside the USA. If you understand the cleaving taking place between both global zones, West and non-West, then everything Warner and Rubio say about activity outside the Western sphere becomes transparently motivated. Most of their review is complete BS, and akin to trying to obfuscate the reality of the world “out there.”  WATCH:

TRANSCRIPT – MARGARET BRENNAN: Thank you for doing this–


MARGARET BRENNAN: –and for speaking in the bipartisan way you’re sitting down with us today. How would you both define the greatest national security threat facing our country right now?


Sunday Talks – Senator Mark Warner Says SSCI Bill to Block All Presidents from Fourth Branch Classified Intelligence Close to Completion

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) created the systems that permit intelligence weaponization.  The SSCI is the organizational institution that supports the Fourth Branch of Government, the intelligence branch.  Keep in mind, the SSCI previously created a bipartisan “Restrict Act,” to deal with what they deemed dangerous information on the internet (under auspices of TikTok ban).  SSCI Chairman Mark Warner is the current enabler of the continued weaponized intel operations.

In this video segment below, notice how Chairman Warner leads off his remarks.  Two flares triggered.  First, you can tell by his response, that President Trump’s “classified documents” were exactly what we thought they were; evidence against those who constructed the Trump-Russia claims from inside govt.  Second, notice how Warner now wants to block any President from controlling intelligence as defined by the Fourth Branch.  This stuff is getting brutally obvious.  WATCH:

“I’ve got bipartisan legislation that would reform the whole classification process. We way overclassify. We, frankly, should have a process in place so that no president or vice president ever takes documents after they leave office.” 👀

MARGARET BRENNAN: We turn now to Virginia Democrat Mark Warner. He is the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Great to have you here.

REP. MARK WARNER (D-VA): Thank you, Margaret.

MARGARET BRENNAN: I have to pick up where your Republican colleague just left off. Are the Trump and Biden classified documents that were in their personal possession, and not in controlled areas, equally egregious?

MARK WARNER: Well, Margaret, three things quickly. One, the administration took way too long to get us these documents. Two, while Mike and I have a great working relationship, I believe, based on the documents I’ve seen, that there is a difference in terms of the potential abuse that came from the Trump documents. And, third, it’s one of the reasons why I’ve got bipartisan legislation that would reform the whole classification process. We way overclassify. We, frankly, should have a process in place so that no president or vice president ever takes documents after they leave office. That is kind of the lowest common fruit.



Why the Durham Report Matters – Part 2, the FISA Court Silo and SSCI Vice-Chairman Mark Warner

[Part 1, understanding how the silos are used to deflect accountability.]  In this #2 outline we give specific background examples of how weaponized Trump-Russia fraud worked and calling out names with examples of what they did.

On March 15, 2017, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes held a press conference announcing there was no specific evidence of “wire taps” at Trump Tower {HERE}.  However, on March 22, 2017, Nunes held another press conference saying information was brought forth to the HPSCI showing the Trump campaign was under Title-1 surveillance by the FBI and former Obama administration {SEE HERE}.  In between those critical six days, something happened that was important.

With the full backdrop of the Durham report as the baseline, we now know there was zero evidence of any Russian interference effort in the 2016 election.

The Trump-Russia narrative was created by the Clinton campaign, promoted by the FBI and Main justice and advanced in narrative construction by the Obama administration.

On March 17, 2017, Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chairman Mark Warner asked the FISA court for a copy of the FISA application used against Trump campaign official Carter Page.

This is not in doubt and was evidenced in DC USAO court records related to SSCI security director James Wolfe who was initially indicted for leaking that specific copy of the FISA application.  The FISC stamp is also visible on the copy of the FISA that was eventually released.

QUESTION:  Why did Mark Warner request a copy of the FISA application from the FISA COURT and not from DOJ Main Justice?  The answer to that question falls into how insiders played the silo game against the Trump administration.

Warner didn’t request the FISA application from Main Justice because: (1) the DOJ insiders were going to fight the release of any toxic information that proved the Trump campaign was under active Title-1 surveillance; they were going to fight release to Devin Nunes. And (2) the legislative branch was part of the Trump-Russia attack construct and the SSCI membership were active participants with the DOJ and FBI (executive branch).


Sunday Talks, SSCI Chair Warner and Vice-Chair Rubio Give Their Perspectives on Classified Document Issues and Control Operations

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, SSCI, is the epicenter of the larger intelligence apparatus that controls government.  It was/is the SSCI who helped to create the weaponized system we call the Fourth Branch of Government.  The SSCI is the institutional origin where the outcomes of the FISA courts, domestic surveillance, and downstream consequences of the Patriot Act are supported and facilitated.

Because of their unique role in creating our national security state, where U.S. citizens are regarded as the potential threat to the interests of that state, the SSCI is a unique stakeholder in retaining the corrupt systems of domestic surveillance power.  No institution within the elected legislative branch of government has done more to destroy the freedom and constitutional protections within the U.S. than the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

The intelligence community interacts with the SSCI with that benefactor/beneficiary alignment in mind.  This is why the SSCI claims such bipartisanship, and why the corporate media herald the SSCI as an important functional tool. Without the assistance of the SSCI, the U.S. domestic surveillance state could not exist.  When the IC feels threatened, they run to the SSCI for protection.

The chair (Warner) and vice-chair (Rubio) of the committee are also members of the Gang of Eight, intelligence oversight group.  It is laughable to see Senator Mark Warner decry the possibility of national security leaks and compromises within the classified document issue.  Warner himself was the most consequential leaker during the Trump-Russia investigation (Wolfe leak of FISA application), and the SSCI facilitated everything that happened in the Mueller investigation.  [WATCH, Transcript Below]

[Transcript] – MARGARET BRENNAN: Let’s start on the news of the moment. I know the two of you were briefed by the Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines. Do you have any timeline in terms of when you will get visibility into the documents of classified material that both President Biden and President Trump had in their residences?


Interesting Timing – AG Barr Meets With Mitch McConnell – SSCI Vice-Chair Reacts to Esper Firing…

Do not attribute anything extraordinary to this series of events.  Quite likely, they are disconnected and not what most of us would love to believe.

In no way should this be construed as fuel for the trusty plan community.  However, that said, it is interesting.

U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr meets with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell today.

There are no immediate reports on the intents or purposes of the meeting, and with all things Barr does the meeting provides multiple ways of looking at it.

If investigative findings were ever going to bring sunlight upon the corrupt machinations at the gateway to the swamp, the DOJ would eventually have to have a conversation with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell about the corrupt activity of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI).   Is this that?  Likely no, but wishful thinking always puts that little element of hope into a series of events…

If the DOJ were ever going to go full wolverine on the schemes, lies, manipulations and known malfeasance of the body politic, who would be the most at risk in that scenario?

The answer is SSCI vice-chairman Mark Warner…. who just coincidentally sends out a statement today warning President Trump about firing ‘senate confirmed’ executive branch officers like Defense Secretary Mark Esper:


Remarkable, and Revealing, Interview With SSCI Chairman Marco Rubio…

Senator Marco Rubio appears on Fox News with Maria Bartiromo to discuss a variety of issues and subjects from the 2020 election to the current policies toward China and social media surveillance.

However, at the mid-point of the interview Bartiromo asks the SSCI Chairman about the committee refusal to provide Senators Grassley and Johnson with documents and transcripts from testimony previously given to the SSCI in their Russia investigation.

While explaining the reason for the refusal to share transcripts, Senator Rubio shares that all prior testimony to the committee was provided with the expressed agreement that none of the witness testimony would be shared with anyone else. A remarkably self-serving construct with the deliberate outcome of allowing strategic leaks and narrative assembly without sunlight on the actual questioning.


An additionally revealing aspect from this Rubio segment is the statement that Chairman Burr and Vice-Chair Warner have constructed committee rules that both parties must be in agreement with any process within the committee – before any action is taken. This is a key facet when we consider that Senator Warner made covert contact with Chris Steele’s lawyer Adam Waldman in 2017.


Nuts ! – Senator Lindsay Graham Still Doesn’t Know Who Delivered Feb 14, 2018, FBI Briefing to SSCI…

This is theatrically absurd now.  Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsay Graham appears with Sean Hannity to say he’s going to ask Chris Wray who was the FBI official who falsely briefed the Senate Intelligence Committee on February 14, 2018.

First, it was Scott Schools (Main Justice) and Andrew McCabe from FBI.  According to their own records that’s who did the briefing – what the hell is Graham trying to figure out?

Second, presume there were no records…. why the heck doesn’t Graham just walk down the hall and ask his senate friends who it was?  This is not a complex puzzle to solve. And Sean Hannity is just clapping and nodding along… Ridiculous kabuki.  This is what we are up against.  Nuts.


Seriously, this is Pravda-esque controlled media at this point.


FBI False Dossier Talking Points Feb 14, 2018, to SSCI – Same Day As Andrew McCabe SSCI Testimony…

It would be an extreme long-shot if these two documented events were not analogous.

Senator Lindsay Graham asked today {Go Deep} who was the FBI official who delivered a set of false talking points to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) on February 14,2018?

Now we look within the SSCI Russian Active Measures Report… [Page #10, Footnote #25]


Senator Lindsay Graham Releases FBI Talking Points for SSCI Briefing February 14, 2018 – Graham Positioned to Defend SSCI…

Today Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsay Graham released a set of talking points [full pdf belowAND here] from the FBI during a briefing on February 14, 2018 to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

The unknown FBI briefer is informing the SSCI about the reliability of Chris Steele’s primary sub-source, and whether he agrees with the Dossier content & conclusions:

At first blush the impression from the release; and indeed the expressed position as outlined by Graham in the release; is that some unknown entity from the FBI was misleading the SSCI in February of 2018 about Christopher Steele and the perspective of his primary sub-source. However, there’s a deeper story.

Within the release it must be noted the date of the briefing material is February 14, 2018. The unknown FBI briefer is saying, in essence, the primary sub-source doesn’t dispute the Dossier material. Obviously this position is demonstrably false given how the PSS said the Dossier was full of “rumor”, “gossip”, “innuendo” and “bar talk”.

The FBI briefer is misleading the Senate and so today we see the angry position expressed by Graham as he reveals this misleading briefing. However, five days prior to this briefing, on February 9, 2018, the text messages between SSCI Vice-Chairman Mark Warner and Chris Steele’s lawyer, Adam Waldman, were released. This frames the accurate context to consider the position of the SSCI and FBI briefer on Feb 14, 2018.
