
Sunday Talks – Trey Gowdy Doesn’t Foresee DOJ Probe Delivering any Legal Accountability for FBI Misconduct…

Trey Gowdy appears for an interview with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the latest known information from the background of the John Durham probes into DOJ, FBI and CIA corrupt intent and activity in the “spygate”, Trump surveillance, saga.

Within the interview Gowdy notes he does not expect to see any legal consequences as an outcome of the John Durham investigation beyond the current pleading by former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith.  While Gowdy can be an insufferable voice at times, on this issue and given the nature of the current political calendar, he would appear to be correct.

Gowdy asks the question about where everything started.  In the earlier interview with Peter Strzok (CBS), the FBI justification (current narrative) was pointed back to George Papadopoulos and his thin gruel conversation with Australian diplomat Alexander Downer.


At this point the corrupt DC elements appear to have successfully ran out the clock for 2020; and that is very frustrating from the position of two-tiers of justice.

However, that said there is a possibility more focus on the special counsel operation could lead to some rather eye-opening information. The public needs to know how corrupt the special counsel investigation was; what their exact intents and purposes were; and there is ample evidence mounting.


Interesting Segment – Trey Gowdy Discusses FBI Investigation and The Flynn-Kislyak Transcripts He Has Read…

On the topic of the FBI capture and use of the December 29, 2016, Flynn-Kislyak phone call…  First we had a hunch; then it became a suspicion… that evolved into a likelihood… that has now become a strong probability.

The capture of the December 29th phone call, which generated the raw “CR cuts“, was an FBI summary, modified for a specific interpretation.  Much like the missing 302 there is now a very strong probability the FBI ‘CR cuts’ do not represent the actual call content.

In this short interview segment Trey Gowdy alludes to one issue, and speaks directly to another.  First, the only reason the FBI opened the internal INSD review is because the information previously hidden has become public.  Second, the Flynn-Kislyak calls that Trey Gowdy has reviewed were “boring” nothing-burgers.  WATCH:


SELECTIVE CAPTURE – Did you note the part where the FBI told Gowdy some of the Flynn phone calls were “not captured”?  Wouldn’t it be a very convenient framework if the FBI was going to summarize one of those non-captured calls into a “CR cut.” 

FBI: “Oh, sorry, we don’t have the actual transcript, but we do have a summary of what we interpreted that call content to be.”  Huh, funny that.


Gowdy: Trump Family Unmasked During Inauguration Day Surveillance Reports… Wait, wha?

Unsurprisingly when Trey Gowdy said “the Trump family was unmasked on inauguration day”… interviewer Sandra Smith never paused to say: “wait, unmasked in what”?

During his tenure as House Oversight Committee Chair, apparently Trey Gowdy has seen intelligence reports showing the Trump family was unmasked on inauguration day. The logical follow-up question would be: who was generating intelligence reports on the Trump family?

Alas, the dangling participle never had the opportunity to dangle… go figure.


Follow the bouncing ball. If Gowdy is correct, and he has no vested interest in just making it up, then there was FBI domestic surveillance of the Trump family on inauguration day; which generated an intelligence report. Yet, apparently, no-one seems surprised by that… I digress.


Jordan and Biggs Tear The Bark Off Trey Gowdy, Culpable Republicans and #Obamagate …

Representatives Jim Jordan and Andy Biggs tear the bark off the Obamagate scandal; including culpable republicans who participated in the DC coup effort.

Appearing with Lou Dobbs on Fox Business, Jim Jordan rips through the timeline early in the interview to expose how it was impossible for all of the activity to be happening without former President Obama being a participant.  WATCH:


Tucker Carlson Calls Out (Softly) Trey Gowdy For His Prior Defenses of Mueller and Comey…

Tucker Carlson has Fox host Trey Gowdy appear for an interview to discuss ongoing events and revelations showing the corrupt behavior of the FBI and DOJ.  About mid-way through the interview Carlson takes a passive aggressive tack, shows Gowdy a video of his own comments in May 2018, and asks if he is still willing to stand by them. WATCH:


So Gowdy waited from January 2017 until three weeks after May 2018 to go look at the direct documents the DOJ and FBI had been concealing?

Not coincidentally; and in direct alignment with the expressed defenses of Gowdy; two months later, July 12, 2018, the DOJ and FBI told the FISA court the underlying predicate for the FISA warrant against Carter Page was still valid….


Sunday Talks: Trey Gowdy Discusses DOJ and FBI Misconduct in Flynn Case: “It doesn’t have to go all the way up to the President”…

Trey Gowdy appears purple-tied on Fox News with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the ongoing DOJ/FBI revelations from document releases related to the Michael Flynn prosecution.

After numerous appearances in 2018 and 2019 proclaiming the integrity of Robert Mueller, IG Horowitz and FBI leadership, Trey Gowdy now holds a divergent perspective. Perhaps because he is now a paid Fox contributor, Ms. Bartiromo never asks Gowdy to reconcile previous assertions against current information.  Additionally, Gowdy says there’s no reason to take the investigation to former President Obama because the current spotlight reaches high enough. WATCH:


Matt Gaetz Goes Full Wolverine on Trey Gowdy – Exposes Gowdy and Paul Ryan Working on Coup Effort…

Oh my gosh; too funny. First, this will not come as a big surprise to those who have been following along for several years; but it’s still funny… perhaps even, well, ugly.

Earlier today President Trump held a meeting of the congressional war council; essentially the new 2020 Trump-branded version of the republican congressional caucus.  Apparently Matt Gaetz felt inspired because a few hours later he appears on Sean Hannity and throws a sunlight grenade directly into the broadcast.

Matt Gaetz, calls out the duplicity of Trey Gowdy and points out how the former rep and former House Speaker Paul Ryan blocked their 2017/2018 House investigative committees from issuing subpoenas against the coup-plotters. WATCH:


Both Paul Ryan and Trey Gowdy, amid a host of others, retired in 2018.  Below is the segment that Matt Gaetz draws attention to:


Sunday Talks: Jim Jordan and Trey Gowdy React to Latest Flynn Developments…

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and former representative Trey Gowdy appear on Fox News to share their review of the latest Flynn documents with Maria Bartiromo.

Both Jordan and Gowdy note the driver of the FBI effort appears to be Peter Strzok who worked around his immediate superior, Bill Priestap, to work with the more politically aligned FBI Director James Comey and FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.


Interesting juxtaposition in this interview.  Roosterhead really wanted to avoid criticizing current FBI Director Chris Wray, and he was successful talkin’ circles.  As long as the Rooster “knows” things he is satisfied and content.  Why? Because it takes an actual connection with “deplorables” and “MAGA” to really fight with all they have for the greater cause…. an emotional connection missing in the Rooster yet evident in Jim Jordan.

From the Rooster’s perspective, the problem is not that people and families have continued to suffer due to ongoing DOJ prosecutorial terror-tactics; and/or the fact that fake media has fooled 50% or more of the public with their deep state fiction narrative; from the perch of the Rooster it’s all just a puzzle to outline and satisfy the appearance.

The Rooster types tell Jordan privately he’s too “ate up with it”…


Sunday Talks: Trey Gowdy Discusses McCabe Non-Indictment and Ongoing Durham Investigation…

Former congressman Trey Gowdy appears with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the issues surrounding the non-indictment of Andrew McCabe for lying to DOJ-OIG investigators about his leaks to the media.
Gowdy breaks out the narrow issue surrounding the internal McCabe investigation as compared to potential criminal conduct that may exist outside that narrow window.

Additionally, Gowdy notes John Durham is looking at specific issues related to former CIA Director John Brennan and activity within the intelligence community that took place prior to the official opening of Crossfire Hurricane on July 31st, 2016.
Included in that Durham review are documents that show CIA activity….

Mark Meadows and Trey Gowdy Discuss Impeachment and FBI FISA Fraud…

Mark Meadows and Trey Gowdy appear on Fox News with Maria Bartiromo to discuss their perspectives on the ongoing impeachment trial of President Trump.  Both Meadows and Gowdy point out the important aspect in HPSCI Chairman and Lead House Manager Adam Schiff constructing false information to continue an ongoing effort; that has never ceased since the original fraudulent claims around the Russia collusion conspiracy.
Mr. Gowdy notes the unusual 2020 narrative that running for office makes you immune from any federal investigative inquiry; and contrasts that position against 2016 where candidate Donald Trump was considered a viable target by the Obama administration.
