
Senate Judiciary Committee Releases 11 Transcripts From Investigation into DOJ/FBI Misconduct During Crossfire Hurricane

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham released 11 transcripts of interviews conducted during the Senate Judiciary Committee’s inquiry into the origins and aftermath of the Crossfire Hurricane Investigation.  (press release)

  1. Handling Agent 1: Interviewed on Tuesday, March 3, 2020 (Transcript)
  2. Michael B. Steinbach: Interviewed on Friday, June 12, 2020 (Transcript)
  3. Stephen C. Laycock: Interviewed on Monday, June 15, 2020 (Transcript)
  4. Dana J. Boente: Interviewed on Monday, June 22, 2020 (Transcript)
  5. Bruce Ohr: Interviewed on Tuesday, June 30, 2020 (Transcript)
  6. Stuart Evans: Interviewed on Friday, July 31, 2020 (Transcript)
  7. Supervisory Special Agent 1: [Joseph Pientka, the name no-one is allowed to repeat] Thursday, August 27, 2020 (Transcript)
  8. Jonathan Moffa: Interviewed on Wednesday, September 9, 2020 (Transcript)
  9. Deputy Chief, Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, Justice Department: Interviewed on Friday, September 18, 2020 (Transcript)
  10. Case Agent 1: Interviewed on Friday, September 25, 2020 (Transcript)
  11. Supervisory Intelligence Analyst: Interviewed on Thursday, October 29, 2020 (Transcript)

“The bottom line is that going forward we must have more checks and balances when it comes to political investigations. We must have more meaningful sign-offs on warrant applications, and we need to restore the trust to the American people in this system.”  – Press Release

Lots of reading to do… I shall be starting with #4 Dana Boente, the FBI legal counsel hired by FBI Director Chris Wray who was removed from his position by AG Bill Barr.

Judicial Watch Receives Originating FBI “EC” Electronic Communication – The Start of Crossfire Hurricane…

The “EC” or electronic communication that started the July 31st counterintelligence operation was one of the original declassification requests from Devin Nunes original bucket list in 2018.   The EC has been declassified and Judicial Watch received it.

Originally the EC was presumed to be a CIA communication to the FBI detailing the need for a counterintelligence investigation; however, the EC as presented is originated by FBI Agent Peter Strzok and centers around George Papadopoulos.

This means Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI investigation into the Trump campaign, was predicated based on gossip, innuendo and rumors related to George Papadopoulos.   The information was relayed by Australian Diplomat Alexander Downer.

(Judicial Watch) […] The redacted document details seeming third hand information that the Russian government “had been seeking prominent members of the Donald Trump campaign in which to engage to prepare for potential post-election relations should Trump be elected U.S. President.” The document also alleges Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos, claimed to an unnamed party that “they (the Russians) could assist the Trump campaign with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton.” (more)

The EC is below:


Maria Bartiromo Outlines The Architect of "Spygate" and "Crossfire Hurricane", CIA Director John Brennan…

Among all media personalities Maria Bartiromo easily has the most comprehensive grasp of the 2016 operation against President Trump.  During two interviews today Bartiromo outlines the evidence that leads directly to the person at the origination point, former CIA Director John Brennan.
First, here’s a mash-up of the two interviews (Senator Graham and John Solomon) where Bartiromo asks the same question.  [hat tip Michael Sheridan for the video]

Former CIA Director John Brennan lies at the heart of the intelligence community decision to weaponize against Donald Trump. In this outline I will provide supporting evidence for Bartiromo’s assertion, which I suspect has already led to a criminal referral to U.S. Attorney John Durham by HPSCI Ranking Member Devin Nunes.

"Unofficial Channels" – Reconciling Mueller's Strategically Worded Origin of Operation Crossfire Hurricane…

Early May 2016

After the third reading of the strategically worded Weissmann/Mueller report, we are able to reconcile some issues. This outline reconciles the oddly worded Weissmann/Mueller claim to the origin of the FBI counterintelligence operation known as “crossfire hurricane” on July 31st, 2016.
It must be first noted that Devin Nunes has outlined the two-page “Electronic Communication” or “EC” from CIA Director John Brennan to FBI Director James Comey was not from official intelligence channels. Meaning the intelligence used to originate Crossfire Hurricane did not come through officials Five-Eyes intelligence communication.
When we reviewed the documents recently released by the Australian government, there was a disparity between the dates of George Papadopoulos meeting Australia’s High Commissioner Alexander Downer. The Weissmann report seemed to put the meeting as May 6th, 2016, but Papadopoulos and Downer (Australian docs) put the London meeting on May 10th.

Trey Gowdy Draws Distinction – McCabe Ain't Talking About "Crossfire Hurricane"…

This is one of those rare interviews where granular substance surfaces.  On a particular issue Trey Gowdy is a valuable SME.  Gowdy has seen all of the classified documentary evidence that surrounds the July 31, 2016, FBI counterintelligence operation against the Trump campaign to include Crossfire Hurricane FISA documents, and issues related to “spygate”.  Gowdy was one of the few who reviewed all source documents.
In this interview Gowdy draws a distinction between 2016 CH (spygate) and what Andrew McCabe is discussing; highlighting how the investigative issues McCabe continues to talk about are the two additional FBI investigations, one counterintelligence and one criminal, McCabe started on May 10th, 2017. WATCH:

For sake of brevity there are essentially three investigations: ♦One counterintelligence investigation known as Crossfire Hurricane, began on July 31, 2016, into the Trump campaign and possible Russia involvement.  ♦One counterintelligence investigation that McCabe started on May 10th, 2017, (Trump as the target w/Russia); and ♦one criminal investigation (Trump obstruction) that also began on May 10th, 2017.

Sunday Talks: HPSCI Chairman Devin Nunes Interviewed By Maria Bartiromo – FBI Operation Crossfire Hurricane…

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes appears on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo.  The primary discussion topics are the refusal of the DOJ to turn over origination documents; and the FBI using FISA surveillance, active measures, and informants paid by the U.S. government to target political opposition.


The Origin of The Feces – Corrupt Intelligence Community Now Leaking To Justify Unlawful Election Surveillance: Operation “Crossfire Hurricane”…

U.S. intelligence officials who participated in the 2016 Russian interference narrative/scheme are now attempting to justify their conspiratorial conduct with leaks to the New York Times and Washington Post.  Their leaks are a transparent effort to justify prior conduct. This cover-up endeavor has been their primary focus since congress started demanding documentary evidence from the DOJ, FBI, State Department and intelligence participants in the scheme.

Before breaking-down and explaining the recent obfuscations allow me to posit one simple but central example that highlights the gross intelligence misconduct.

On October 21st, 2016, the DOJ and FBI used the Steele Dossier as the foundation for their FISA Title-1 Surveillance application against Carter Page.  Surveillance was a key part of the FBI counterintelligence operation to investigate Russian interferance in the 2016 election.  However, almost three months later, on January 4th, 2017, when John Brennan, James Clapper, and James Comey produced their Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA), the same individuals who created the FISA application did not include the Steele Dossier in their ICA report.

Think about the contradiction in this example. It is within this contradiction, and many more, where we discover the origin of the feces. If the Dossier was valid enough to present to a FISA court as evidence of Russian involvement; then why wouldn’t that same Dossier be valid enough evidence to include in their January Intelligence Community Assessment?

When you start asking these irreconcilable common sense questions, you begin to realize -and expose- how insufferably corrupt the entire intelligence scheme really was.  The entire scheme was an assembly of individual lies; each lie a thread rolled into a bigger ball of entwined nonsense.  Look at it from a distance and it looks like a vast Russian conspiracy ball; however, pull any single strand out, look at it, and there’s no truth to it.

It’s all an illusion.


Waco "Twin Peaks" Shooting – The Crossfire and The Four Dead Bodies We Don't See…

One of the more frustrating aspects to the Waco “Twin Peaks” biker shooting story is the lack of photographic references to aid in a full understanding of the proximity of all the characters, suspects and witnesses involved.
However, after reviewing hundreds of media articles showing bits and pieces of the event we finally have some optical references for a story as it is told.
But before going to that aspect another controversial point should be expressed.
No-one here is saying the police, in totality, did anything wrong.  Conversely, it would be unfair to think EVERYONE, who were rounded up as 170 ‘conspiracy suspects’ and who were detained in the aftermath, is guilty of murder.
waco 24 mugshots
There are many concerning aspects which need sunlight regarding the immediate police response to whatever caused the spark of violence.  Similarly, there are concerning aspects about the wholesale arrest of ‘bikers’, or unaffiliated motorcycle riders, purely due to their proximity to a violent event they did not participate in.
Hopefully, anyone vested in the interests of lawful due process (ie. everyone) would be concerned with ‘wholesale roundups’.
Think about the following analogy. (more…)

*Follow-Up* As Predicted Last Year – CNN's Crossfire Show Failing and Dropping Ratings Even Further

Within a Politico article which outlines the hiatus of the CNN Show “CrossFire” you find the following detail:

Crossfire brought the 6:30 p.m. ratings down 25 percent in total viewers and 23 percent in the 25-to-54 demo when compared to the nine months leading up to its launch. (link)

This is exactly as we predicted eight months ago.
Original Article From September 8th 2013 CNN SET TO FAIL:  Next week (on Monday) CNN is set to rework the old Crossfire Show with a new cast. Unfortunately, because of pundit selection, it is set-up to fail before it even starts. The problem is best defined as “intellectual dishonesty”.
crossfire 1

Ted Cruz on Crossfire !!

Sheldon Whitehouse is the infectious cellular organism who swims comfy amid the pus growing the boil on our Republic.

Hostages?… “HOSTAGES”? Where the heck was that media talking point when Harry Reid was keeping the entire Senate from going home over the 2009 Christmas Holiday Season, and kept all of the Senators sequestered/hostage so they could not hear from, listen to, or communicate with their constituents who were desperately trying to get their representative to STOP the Obamacare nonsense?

Where was the media telling the public the Senate was being held hostage?

Arrgh… Insufferable left-wing limo-liberals. A pox on all their houses !!