
Sunday Talks: Ted Cruz -vs- Chuck Todd…

Senator Ted Cruz appears on Meet The Press to discuss the fiasco of the impeachment effort…. and things immediately go south.  Chuck Todd flips though page of Share Blue and Media Matters talking points while attempting to interrupt and knock down arguments put forth by Senator Cruz.



IG Hearing: Senator Lindsey Graham, John Kennedy and Ted Cruz Question Segments….

As anticipated the majority of the Senate Judiciary hearing was a two-step.  Most of the questions presented to Inspector General Horowitz and FBI Director Chris Wray did little to advance the understanding of the issues at hand.  There was only one round of questions, several missing senators, and no senators for the duration. The hearing wrapped up early shortly after 5:00pm.
Here’s the only three question segments that approached the central issues.  We discover that former FBI Director James Comey is the subject of an ongoing investigation.  We also discover there is a grand jury impaneled.
Senator Lindsey Graham:

Senator John Kennedy:

Sunday Talks: White House Signals Support For Ted Cruz “Consumer Choice” Healthcare Amendment…

It’s challenging to see the sunlight at the end of this complex tunnel, but it’s there. More visible today than a week ago.

White House Legislative Affairs Director Marc Short appears on Fox News Sunday to discuss the ongoing efforts to reform ObamaCare.  In a very positive shift amid the overall discussion, for the first time the point of the cost on the individual insurance market is brought to the forefront.

CTH readers will note our continuing frustration that 99% of the entire healthcare discussion has centered around medicaid spending, or the state funded subsidy of low-income healthcare coverage.

The vast majority of the most severely impacted people within the discussion, middle-class workers/taxpayers who do not qualify for medicaid, have been essentially locked out of the legislative consideration. It is refreshing to see middle America finally being part of the equation.  Within the Senate bill, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee have finally advanced something of value.

The “Consumer Choice Amendment” would allow insurance companies to sell plans that do not follow regulations created under Obamacare, with the caveat that those insurers have to sell at least one plan that adheres to Obamacare’s mandates. The proposal would allow insurers to sell plans with tailored benefits.

(Video Below)


Follow Up: Senator Ted Cruz Admits “Inadvertent Fraud” From Goldman Sachs Campaign “Loans”…

Those who followed the 2016 presidential campaign might remember when Senator Ted Cruz was discovered to have hidden $1.3 million in campaign “loans” from Goldman Sachs and Citibank during his 2012 campaign for the senate.

At the heart of the issue was a failure of Ted and Heidi Cruz to list Wall Street “loans” on the required Federal Election Commission financial reports.

Beyond the financing was the most likely reality that Goldman Sachs insiders were actually financing Senator Cruz and using “loans” as a tool to skirt campaign finance laws.

During the heat of the 2016 primary campaign the Cruz Team, and the legions of supporters therein, vociferously defended the revelations and stated there was no issue with their campaign filings.

In response to the issue the Ted Cruz campaign said they’ll go through the enforcement mechanism of the FEC instead of the compliance division for resolution.

By going through the “enforcement division” (took over a year) they would delay any damaging information from discovery until after the 2016 Presidential Election.

Well, the enforcement division of the FEC finally made a decision as to the entire construct of the dubious campaign financing: (more…)

Senator Ted Cruz Continues Fleecing The Sheeple – Professional “Grubering”…

This is more than a little funny.  Senator Ted Cruz must not be having much success fundraising for his re-election campaign, as his latest publicity stunt outlines:

In essence, the architect of Obama’s Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority bill is using the border wall, which he is paid to oppose, as a tool to “gruber” his sheeple followers.  Judging by the number of people responding to the tweet, he’s found a goldmine.

As many people are aware, Senator Cruz is part of the ‘controlled opposition’ ploy.  As a dedicated UniParty benefactor of the U.S. CoC lobbying expenditures Ted’s role is to plow through the political field giving a crony-constitutional impression of one thing while loyally working to deliver the end result of the thing he optically rails against, like TPP or TPA.

The El Chapo/wall angle as a narrative and fundraising mechanism, is similar to the dead-end ploy previously exhibited by Senator Rand Paul in last month’s ObamaCare repeal narrative used as his fundraising tool.   Both are fallacies of false choice.  Both have no foundation in actual goal or intention.  Both are ruses.


Trump Inauguration Breaks Live Stream Records – Ted Cruz: "The Beginning of a New Era"…

Washington DC is a bubble of self-centered ideological brethren.  The statistics within the DC vote speak for themselves: 91% supported Clinton, 4% supported Trump.  That’s an ideological ratio of 22:1  (link)  For every one resident within DC who identifies as a Trump supporter, there are twenty two who are opposed to President Trump policy initiatives and approach.
Each day the DC media personalities, producers, pundits and journalists interact and live within this skewed isolated bubble and outlook toward the world.  In their coffee shops, restaurants, and the schools attended by their children, that 22:1 ratio is the reality behind how their cognitive disconnect originates.
trump-wolverines-1The Media Is Not a Reflection of Reality
That 22:1 ratio is also the primary reason why all evidence that doesn’t align with what the bubble interests define as their world-view must be reconciled to a reality that fits their day-to-day experiences and interactions.
Data that is counter-intuitive to their echo-chambered views must be re-purposed to fit their cognitive narrative; hence “alternate fact assembly” is the outcome.
However, here’s some data gathering they just cannot reconcile to their comfort:

WASHINGTON – Though some cried while others cheered, both sides tuned into to watch President Trump’s inauguration in sizable numbers – record-breaking numbers, in fact. The event has broken new ground, becoming the largest, single live news event that content delivery network Akamai has ever hosted, the company says, following an analysis of its live video data.


Ted Cruz Endorses Donald Trump…

Grandma always said: “If you don’t have anything good to say about house guests, then don’t say anything”.  It becomes difficult to write anything about Ted Cruz.
defeatedYesterday Ted Cruz was rebuked by his congressional peers and leadership:

WASHINGTON — Senate Republican leaders did not include a provision pushed by Sen. Ted Cruz to prevent a planned transfer of internet domain control in the text of a stopgap spending bill unveiled Thursday to keep the government funded until December.

Cruz said in a written statement that he was “profoundly disappointed” in the result of the Senate negotiations, accusing his colleagues of giving in to “White House demands to hand over increased control of the Internet to authoritarian regimes like China, Russia, and Iran.” (read more)

Today, Senator Ted Cruz announces his endorsement for Donald Trump via Facebook:

UPDATE: Toxic Ted Cruz’s First Victim Confirmed – Representative Tim Huelskamp Defeated in Primary…

Remember what we have stated about “tremors” and “twitches” that get overlooked by most media?  Yeah, well…

update-1UPDATE 11:30pm EDT Race Called !  Huelskamp Lost

tim huelskamp 5

(((snicker))) A July 15th Poll Release: showed U.S. Rep. Tim Huelskamp (+9) leading Republican primary challenger Roger Marshall, 47 percent to 38 percent.

However, one of Toxic Ted Cruz’s biggest republican advocates, Tim Huelskamp (Kansas), looks like he is about to lose lost his re-election bid with a primary challenge from Roger Marshall.

tim huelskanp 3Tim huelskamp 1

Secretary of State Website HERE, Media Link to Race HERE

Tim Huelskamp is a rabid, VERY RABID, Trump hater.  He was one of the inner network republican house rep #NeverTrump antagonists, and a full-throated Ted Cruz supporter. A really nasty piece of work. – SEE HERE

Representative Huelskamp even advertised and promoted his hatred for republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.  A primary defeat tonight would portend some favorability toward the odds of a Paul Nehlen victory next week (Tuesday August 9th)


Whoa – Robert Mercer Excoriates Ted Cruz For His Non Endorsement Convention Speech…

There were some who clung to the belief that Senator Ted Cruz could survive his belittling, too-cute-by-half, selfish convention speech.  That group just lost a whole lot of members with this published story.

Robert Mercer, the renegade, outlaw (non traditional) political billionaire who determines where all other outlaw political billionaires go with their view$, has just delivered a non recoverable smack down upon Senator Ted Cruz.

robert mercer

Noted, of course, is the vessel (NYT) utilized by an angry Mercer – to deliver the message and drive home the scope of his rebuke:

(Via New York Times) In an extraordinary public rebuke, two influential donors who were among the biggest supporters of Senator Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign excoriated Mr. Cruz on Saturday for his decision not to endorse Donald J. Trump at the Republican National Convention.

The remarks from Robert Mercer of Long Island and his daughter Rebekah Mercer suggest widening fallout over Mr. Cruz’s convention speech, in which he did not endorse his former rival and, instead, suggested that Republicans should “vote your conscience” for candidates “up and down the ticket.”
