
Deep Weeds Beyond "The Big Ugly"…

Allow me to share right away that if you haven’t followed the entire fourteen months of discussion surrounding The Big Ugly, this is not a discussion thread you will enjoy.
This is more digestible by those who have a comprehensive understanding of the 2016 back-story behind the DOJ and FBI surveillance program of Candidate Donald Trump, then President Trump, and the FISA-701(16)(17) issues therein.
On this subject, as with a few in the past, CTH has presented intricacies beyond the current story.
Oddly, when this happens, and specifically because of our prior crowd-sourcing track record, we pick up ‘nodes’, operational insiders who are curious about how we construct and predict seemingly invisible action.
That said, this entire Justice Department surveillance operation did not start with candidate Donald Trump.  It has been going on, albeit with slightly different methods, for many years.  The past 20 +/- years have seen an exponential growth of the electronic use of U.S. Justice Department political surveillance.
Hundreds of federal and state officials are monitored, and the reason therein is not as riddled with complexity as we might think.  The motives are not deep, they’re shallow. Ultimately, it is all about money.  If an entity can know, in advance, what actions are going to be taken by State and Federal officials, an entity can make massive amounts of money.  Think about government contract bids submitted electronically as one example.
There are billions of billions to be made with the right information.  As such, there are millions of millions to be spent on obtaining that information.  Everything is up for sale.

House Intelligence Committee Votes To Reveal "The Big Ugly"…

The House Intelligence Committee voted today to allow all congressional members to view a summary report of classified documents behind the “Clinton Dossier”.
As Byron York writes in the Washington Examiner: “At the committee’s meeting Thursday morning, Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., offered a motion to allow all House members to review a brief report prepared by the Republican majority summarizing the panel’s investigation into what GOP members call “FISA abuse.””

All of the Republicans voted to allow the sunlight, Adam Schiff and all the Democrats on the committee voted to block the sunlight.

[…]  There will be no copies of the report handed out to House members. Instead, a copy will be made available for them to read in a secure room in the Capitol. They won’t be able to take the report out of the room. But they will know the answers to the questions.


THE BIG UGLY – Why U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras Recusal From Mike Flynn Case is a Big Deal…

Last night news broke that U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras “has been recused” from the case overseeing the prosecution of General Mike Flynn. Details are vague. According to Reuters, both the judge and the Flynn legal team have yet to comment.
Additionally, there is no concrete answer as to whether the recusal was done by the judge himself or was forced upon him. While the reasoning is the key, the difference between the two options adds another layer of consequence within the rest of this outline.  Reuters News Service puts it this way:

(Reuters) – The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia judge presiding over the criminal case for President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has been recused from handling the case, a court spokeswoman said on Thursday.
According to a court filing, U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras, who presided over a Dec. 1 hearing where Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about his contacts with Russia, will no longer handle the case.
Court spokeswoman Lisa Klem did not say why Contreras was recused, and added that the case was randomly reassigned. Reuters could not immediately learn the reason for the recusal, or reach Contreras. An attorney for Flynn declined to comment. (Link)

Obviously, the customary reason for recusal is when there is a conflict of interest between the case as assigned and the judge overseeing it.  However, as you can clearly see, in this case it’s rather odd that if a conflict existed the judge would have even begun to oversee the case at the prior hearing.  Why wait until six days after the first hearing?

DACA Timing – President Trump is Probing, Testing, Gauging, Timing for "The Big Ugly"…

President Trump announced a decision on DACA will be Tuesday.  Will this finally begin the “Big Ugly” confrontation?  Possibly, but one thing is certain, right now he’s probing.
CTH is not a seer of Donald Trump, and anyone who would claim they are should be necessarily dismissed.  President Donald Trump is the only entity who knows specifically what he’s going to do in the moments leading up to what he’s going to do; no-one else.  However, that said, CTH does have a pretty good sense of what evaluation processes Trump takes prior to action.  There are indications Tuesday might be the day.
There is one political enterprise within Washington DC and national politics.  There is only one enterprise.  That enterprise is the UniParty.  There is only one political party in Washington DC, with two internal caucuses – Republicans and Democrats.
The “Big Ugly” is the moment when President Trump decides to rip the masks off the remnants of the Republican wing of the UniParty within Washington DC.  In many ways the “Big Ugly” is the elimination of the Republican party, and the beginning of an era when a second party, a MAGA party, actually enters the blood stream of U.S. politics and stands against the UniParty.

The confrontation is inevitable.  It has been inevitable since the entire GOPe apparatus, including every single GOPe candidate within the 2016 Republican primary, stood up against Donald J Trump.   Candidate Donald Trump held an entirely different series of campaign platform issues the Republican apparatus abhors.  That’s why he won, and they didn’t.

Trump Fires Signal Flare: Winter is Coming – "The Big Ugly"…

Everything is proceeding according to a natural and predictable path.  Mr. Scaramucci is now in charge of White House messaging, the focus can now look toward the Capitol and go on offense; the “Big Ugly” is very clearly on the horizon.

Anxious Trump voters have been understandably frustrated by the lack of speed with which President Trump is able to force the MAGA agenda onto an unwilling DC political apparatus.  However, if you step back and look at the scope of the challenge, the situation is entirely understandable.
Donald Trump was a 100% pure political outsider, a citizen politician.  There was never any underlying organizational apparatus to support victory.  There was Dan, Hope, Michael and Corey; later Paul then Kellyanne and Steve. Everything else needed to be constructed from scratch and even the party apparatus didn’t support candidate Trump.
On November 9th 2016 President-elect Trump did not wake up with a staff of 50 political career employees sitting at Trump desks with Rolodexes filled with a network of affiliate political allies, personnel and associates to call upon to create the Trump administration.  Consequently President Trump needed to import the entire administrative personnel architecture to support the move to the White House. (more…)

Big Ugly Shift – Koch Network Drops Haley Support, Retreats to Senate Decepticon Alamo

It is imperative to overlay what the Charles Koch network, specifically Americans for Prosperity (AFP), really represents when considering their announcement to withdraw financial support for Nikki Haley.

Koch and AFP are part of the network of multinational/Wall Street entities who previously held all power in the Republican apparatus. All of the systems of the Republican Party apparatus were essentially controlled by a small group of big money influence makers and political interests.

The corporation known as the RNC was molded over a few generations to focus on the money part of political outcomes, not the policy or ideology – the money. Frustrated conservative voters had a difficult time understanding why their voting to put the Decepticon (GOPe Republicans) in power rarely generated a change in overall domestic policy.

Battered conservative syndrome is an outcome of the majority of those Republican voters misunderstanding that corporate desires of the Republican and Democrat club apparatus are essentially merged into one party. Give the Democrats control over policy, and they are happy. Give the Republicans (leadership mostly) money to acquiesce, and they too are happy. And so it goes.

Then came Donald Trump who turned that dynamic on its end. Suddenly, an America First agenda was being pushed by a Republican candidate, and it didn’t take long for the abused Republican and middle class voter to see their best interests were represented by Trump. A substantive conflict was immediately created between Trump and the corporate Republican apparatus. A battle for control began.

As a candidate, Nikki Haley has always represented the effort of the corporate Republican establishment. The corporate Republican network, who thrives on the status quo, have used Ron DeSantis and then Nikki Haley in their effort to rid themselves of the problem represented by Trump and the MAGA base of economically minded voters and supporters. However, both efforts have failed against the scale of the MAGA movement.


Best Move So Far in BIG UGLY, Liz Cheney Removed From GOP Leadership – Vows to “Do Everything She Can To Ensure Former President Trump Never Gets Near The Oval Office”

Former Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney runs immediately to the microphones after being kicked out of the GOP House leadership position.  In a bitter statement the deep state DeceptiCon operative vows to do “everything I can to ensure [President Trump] never gets near the oval office.”

The next task is for Wyoming voters to primary Liz Cheney even more deeply into the land of total irrelevance and crush her in the 2022 election.


There was always going to be a need for a fracturing of the GOP to eliminate this entrenched DeceptiCon class of professional politicians.  That is the essence of what we have called “The Big Ugly” on this website.  The reason this place is named “the last refuge” is an outcome of our association calling for this type of action more than ten years ago.

We are blessed and fortunate that Donald J Trump came to the forefront and awakened the majority of GOP voters to the deception within the party.  It will take a long time to cut out this cancerous wing of the UniParty bird, but it must be done…. precinct by precinct, district by district, state by state, election by election, these professional DeceptiCon politicians must be removed.  The removal effort must be unrelenting and unforgiving.

Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Dan Crenshaw, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, and every other member of the DeceptiCon caucus must be removed. We must then ensure that no-one like Nikki Haley comes back into the world of politics.  All must be cast into their true ‘America Last’ tribe with Democrats.

President Trump responds below:


Report: President Trump Set to Trigger Big Ugly in March, Will Pre-Screen Candidates for 2022 Mid-Term Support

A very interesting article from Politico notes that President Trump is positioning himself to screen candidates for 2022 who support the MAGA initiatives.  This would essentially be considered a hostile move by the professional republican elites.

As we previously mentioned, no republican is going to win any nomination, primary or general election without the MAGA endorsement of President Donald J Trump.   This is the leverage that begins the “Big Ugly”, the destruction of the DeceptiCon wing of the UniParty bird.

POLITICO – […] According to three people familiar with the planning, Trump will soon begin vetting candidates at Mar-a-Lago who are eager to fulfill his promise to exact vengeance upon incumbent Republicans who’ve scorned him, and to ensure every open GOP seat in the 2022 midterms has a MAGA-approved contender vying for it.

Trump already has received dozens of requests from prospective candidates seeking to introduce themselves and nab his endorsement, and formal meetings with them could begin as early as March. Now that Trump has survived his second Senate impeachment trial, he has shifted his focus to post-presidential activism — a venture mostly bankrolled by his new leadership PAC, Save America, which had $31 million in its coffers at the start of this month. (read more)


Tucker Carlson, Byron York and Jonathan Turley Discuss Big Ugly “Insurance Policy” Details…

Tonight on Tucker Carlson, Byron York and Jonathan Turley discuss the latest revelations amid the ongoing 2016 election spying and surveillance scandal.

In 2013 DNI James Clapper was forced to apologize for lying to congress about spying and surveillance on the American people.  In 2014 CIA Director John Brennan was forced to apologize for spying on the Senate and conducting surveillance of congress.  Suffice to say the Obama administration intelligence apparatus has no credibility today when they claim not to have conducted political surveillance on Donald Trump.


The Russia investigation continues to expose deep and terrifying corruption in Washington, and not in the ways the people who launched it expected. The New York Times and Washington Post reported that the Obama administration employed a spy who posed as an adviser to the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, a longtime CIA asset who fed information back to federal intel agencies. The Obama people lied about this.
