
Check Yourself – You Are in Control

It might, heck, -check that- it does seem overwhelming at times. But that is the nature of this collectivist strategy. That is the purpose of this “great reset” bombardment. We must hold strong; you must hold strong.

If you look closely at the attacks that unnerve us, most of them are weak, and almost all of them are targeting your psychology. Do not fall into the trap of despair. Step outside of your home right now; look around, do you see any threat – or is the sense of fear and foreboding created by a dark imagining?  If the latter, ask yourself, is the psychological attack working simply because you are allowing it?

You have purpose. If you walk into a room, and the people within it respond negatively to your presence, it’s likely because your disposition unnerves their demons. The need for control is a reaction to fear, and you have stopped pretending.  As a consequence, you create fear amid those who maintain pretending as a survival mechanism.

When I share the message, “Live your best life”, it is not without purpose. Every moment that we allow the onslaught to deter us from living our dreams, is a moment those who oppose our nation view as us taking a knee. Do not allow this effort to succeed. You might ask yourself how I can, one person, a flea looking into a furnace, retain an optimistic disposition while all around me seems chaotic and mad?

Ultimately, the collective weight of leftism is putting us in isolation. There are many historic references to this disconcerting sentiment to review with hindsight. However, ultimately the feeling of isolation first begins with a rejection of God. Defeat dark imaginings by embracing Him. Stand in the light of a loving and purposeful God. Hold faith, and evil manifest will run away because the dark whispers will fall on impenetrable ears.

Yes, it is true; I will not deny it; all around us is this great sense of foreboding, ugh, and it’s not just connected to you – it’s everywhere. Everything being created by the constructs of those in power is weird; everything created around us is less comfortable; everything created around us is intended to project less joy – and as a consequence, it requires an intensity of thought just to carry on ordinary events. It’s exhausting at times.


Ground Reports – SAF #1

SAF = Slowly At First

As unsettled things begin to take on increased frequency and concern, and at the suggestion of some long-time Treeper members, I agree there may be a benefit to sharing information with each other from our regions.

We are unlikely to get a fulsome understanding of what is taking place nationally from any media outlet. Indeed, there is a greater likelihood of disturbances and regional issues being downplayed and dismissed as they were in the “knock-out game” era.  So, I am going to occasionally post SAF articles where discussion on regional security issues, disturbances that appear coordinated, can be shared among our Treehouse community.

All future SAF posts will be password protected, at least for the first 24 hours.  This will permit me to review the conversation prior to (if at all) removing the restriction and allowing public review.  By now, all CTH readers should be familiar with the password for protected posts.

Consider the SAF threads a specific focus where we can address concerns of regional conflict, civic disturbance or any concerns that appear to threaten the tranquility of our area, neighborhood, region, village or location.   The SAF threads will be a place where you can review what is happening on a more national basis and get an idea of what types of potential threats to civil disorder might be starting to surface.


From the Mailroom

I get it; truly, I understand. The important part is the last element noted.

Do not give power to the dark imaginings; pray to the source of the only pure truth.  Live your best life, boldly.  Resolve yourself; lead, protect with great intensity; stand firm against all of it in any measure of your capability.


Be relentlessly affirmed in your mental resolve.  Remember, you control your thoughts and focus.

I Wish I Never Found You…

…”It was easier being in the dark. Whoever you are, man, your analysis regularly blows my mind. I’m unable to poke holes in anything you write. You make me feel smarter, but in fact I’m simply better informed. Since Rush passed, you have provided the clearest vision and I wish you had his reach.

It’s interesting to note that I’m not Christian and I see it’s a major source of your inspiration. To me, Christianity is bunk, and historically the church has been unkind to my people, to say the least. However, when those who use it as a spiritual guide to the path of righteousness, I have great respect. That’s you, Sundance. Regardless of the path, we both seek the same destination. The truth.

Every day I read your web page and more often than not, I get upset and then have to calm myself so as not to disrupt my home. Few want to know what’s really happening because it’s too painful, too unbelievable.

Because I read a tremendous amount of history books, I have too much perspective, I fear for the future, and I can’t look away. This parallels the Bolshevik/Mao Revolutions in unsettling ways. I have 20 good years left if I’m lucky, and just trying to stumble to the finish.

If 20 years ago someone said that:


Something Necessary to Understand About Washington DC

Spurred from several recent conversations, it becomes entirely necessary for this specific audience to understand a reality that is never discussed.

If you are reading this, wherever you are reading this, by self-association you are in a select group of high information people with a much larger understanding of the issues than your network.  That means you know, comprehend, understand and have a level of insight and discernment that is far above average.  Now, let me be brutally honest.

Factually speaking, all of the people within the mechanisms of DC,  the people you associate with being key allies to fight back against the visible corruption,  the people you assign hope toward,  are not as smart as you.

Re-read that as needed.

One of the biggest shifts of thinking needed, in order to change our dynamic to the abusive relationship with government, is to realize these people you consider important are just not that smart. They are not wiser; they are not more strategic; they are not as well versed in the details at the heart of the crisis; they are not as well informed; they do not have special access to information that makes them more capable; they do not understand the issues better than you.

Again, RE-READ that with new eyes to evaluate and understand the challenge.

It doesn’t matter what position they hold, or what access they have, or what groups, interests, networks or information resources are at their disposal.  You know more than them, and you understand the material at a much higher level of comprehension than they do.  It does not matter what their rank or importance is, YOU know more. Once you realize this, then you begin to change how you look at the challenge and at their functional capability within it.

The informational context you assign to them does not exist.  The things you think they know, they don’t.  The very specific information you believe they are aware of, does not exist in their mind.  The people in Washington DC, those allies who you think might have the skills to fix issues, have no concept of what material you are aware of.   You are light years ahead of them in the scale of information you understand, and the context it means.

I am not being hyperbolic.


One Year Ago, Today….

… Hurricane Ian hit.

One year ago, right about the time I am posting this the eye was passing.  The previous 4 hours had torn the back of the roof to shreds and removed everything in the backyard.  Everything was gone.  Now it was time for the backside of the storm to take out the front side.

I made a quick trip outside in the intermediate lull, only to realize it wasn’t over.  Now it was going to get worse.  The backside brought with it a 15-foot storm surge which had begun and would last for the next five hours.  Thankfully the core structure seemed intact.

Taking a breath and realizing everyone would feed from my vibe, I said a prayer for mercy, retreated to the hunker down position and reassured.

Internally I knew a purposeful God was reminding me of my selfish insignificance.  I knew things would be different tomorrow. I was watching the physical landscape where my youth unfolded, forever changed; much of it erased completely.

The trees which once held the swings and forts for youthful triumphs, felled by nature’s fury and soon thereafter turned to mulch.  Their trunks and branches now landscape mulch for a coming McMansion; a person with no similar attachment.

And so it goes…. And so, it goes.  An apropos metaphor for life, and a not subtle reminder that we are temporarily living it.

If my younger self had known a clock was counting down, perhaps the kid would have paused under the shade of the old banyans and thanked them. Then again, it really wouldn’t be childhood if we carried such weighty concerns.  I am forever thankful I never carried that weight, and simultaneously today I cherish each breeze with a newfound appreciation for what I did not know.

It is easy to lose our sense of optimism.  Retaining a joyful perspective while everything around us seems mad isn’t easy.  However, if you accept that you can create something just a little bit better by making a choice, then you have accomplished a great deal.

If you are reading this, you likely had no idea how much your prayers and support carried me starting one year ago, tomorrow.

I am blessed and thankful.  I cherish you.


Sunday Trivia – Did You Ever Notice The Lyrics

R.E.M is a band from Georgia.  This song was written in 1987.  Did you ever notice the lyrics?

That’s great, it starts with an earthquake,
Birds and snakes, an aeroplane
Lenny Bruce is not afraid.

Eye of a hurricane,
Listen to yourself churn
World serves its own needs,
Regardless of your own needs.
Feed it up a knock, speed,
Grunt no, strength no.
Ladder structure clatter with fear of height, down height.
Wire in a fire, represent the seven games
In a government for hire
And a combat site.
Left her, wasn’t coming in a hurry with the furries
Breathing down your neck.
Team by team reporters baffled, Trump, tethered crop.
Look at that low plane!
Fine then.
Uh oh, overflow, population, common group, but it’ll do.
Save yourself,
Serve yourself.
World serves its own needs,
Listen to your heart bleed. Tell me with the rapture and the
Reverent in the right
You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright
Light, feeling pretty psyched.

It’s the end of the world as we know it.
It’s the end of the world as we know it.
It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.


Guidelines for Comments

“Seek first to understand, then to be understood”

1.) First, please READ THIS ENTIRELY – and the full text of any discussion you wish to participate in.

2.) PLEASE STAY ON TOPIC – do not post something unrelated to the specific matter and content of the thread subject. There is ALWAYS a daily open thread available for any subject you feel should get attention. Never place unrelated, “O/T”, or “Off Topic” comments on a thread unrelated to the topic. It is not ok to say: “sorry, O/T but”… or any iteration therein, it is quite rude.

The Treehouse operates on the ‘old school’ standards and practices of civil discourse amid the original blogging community, long before social media took over.

3.) PLEASE NARROW YOUR THOUGHTS – Quality beats quantity. Please construct your comments to target specific areas and not broad generalizations about the discussion topic at hand. If you have four or five disconnected points, break them up into individual comments; that allows people to respond to the specifics.

4.) PLEASE AVOID GENERALIZATIONS – Do NOT speak in riddles. Words like “he, she, they, it, them” should rarely be used. Spell out “who” using the name, spell out who “they” are at the beginning of every sentence in your paragraph; so that there is clarity as to who you are talking about. Please avoid using acronyms.


Reminder of Some Less Familiar Disaster and Hurricane Prep Tips

The next sixty days are peak hurricane and storm season for the Southeast coast.  While we all hope for a non-eventful next few months, several people have requested a repost of the lessons from Hurricane Ian.  I am duplicating that information for sharing and bookmarking in case you missed it last year.

[Current Tropical Status per NHC]

The ‘context’ of Ian was shared previously {Go Deep}.  What follows below are things to consider if you are prepping for a hurricane impact and/or deciding whether to stay in your home or evacuate.  Standard hurricane preparations should always be followed.  Protect your family, secure your property and belongings, and prepare for the aftermath.
