
Oh Snap, Canadian Trucker Vaccine Mandate is Back On – All Cross Border Truckers Will Need Proof of Vaccine Starting January 15th

This is crazy.  The Canadian government is saying someone made a mistake when they announced they were rescinding the vaccine mandate for cross border commercial truck drivers.  As of right NOW, the January 15th deadline is in place.  All truck drivers from the U.S. or Canada will have to prove their vaccinated status in order to cross the border.

CANADA – The federal government says that unvaccinated Canadian truckers will not be exempted from the new federal vaccine mandate for truck drivers coming into effect this weekend.

In a joint statement, Canada’s transportation, health, and public safety ministers said that Canada’s initial policy requiring truckers coming into Canada to be fully vaccinated, or face PCR testing and quarantine requirements, stands.

Despite the Canada Border Services Agency telling reporters on Wednesday that unvaccinated Canadian truck drivers arriving at the border would “remain exempt” from any testing or quarantine requirements, the government now says that information, provided by a spokesperson, was incorrect.


All The Wrong Moves – Western Australia Triggers Full Society Lockdown for All Unvaccinated Citizens, Harshest Measures in All of Nation

Comrades, the Premier of Western Australia, Mark McGowan has announced new rules for vaccine passports in the state.  Premier McGowan says life will become “very difficult” for the state’s unvaccinated, as he unveils the toughest proof-of-vaccination rules in Australia.

Let me be very clear, these rules and regulations are going to lead to unintended consequences that government officials have never considered.  The pain this will bring upon the vaccinated, yes, the vaccinated, will be of such consequence the government will be defending itself for years from the backlash of unintended consequences that global leaders have yet to fathom.  More on that later…

In the interim, in his announcement today, McGowan announces that vaccine passports will be required to participate in any level of civil society, and the unvaccinated are going to be intentionally locked out of almost everything.  Watch Video from 01:00 to 04:00 to see the scale:

This totalitarian interventionist exercise will bring a scale of consequence that Australians have yet to realize.  Unfortunately, many state and municipal leaders in the United States are not that far behind.


Airline Travel Chaos Continues, Another 4,324 Flight Cancellations Today So Far

ABC was warning yesterday that airline travel was likely to continue with major disruptions as the industry claims Omicron impacting their operational capacity.

(VIA ABC) […] Federal Aviation Administration is warning of staffing issues of its own, such as sick air traffic controllers. In addition, the FAA warned on Thursday that weather, holiday traffic and COVID-19 “are likely to result in some travel delays in the coming days.”

“Like the rest of the U.S. population, an increased number of FAA employees have tested positive for COVID-19,” the FAA said in a statement. “To maintain safety, traffic volume at some facilities could be reduced, which might result in delays during busy periods.” (read more)

There are currently 4,324 flight cancellations today via FlightAware.


U.S. Announces New Travel Restrictions as Scientists Give New COVID Variant The Name Omicron – A Strategic New Variant Introduced to Help Offset Global Inflation

We originally outlined the new COVID-19 variant along with the international motives of the science community for delivering it HERE.  Previously the new worrisome, 10 spike, vaccine resistant variant was called “The B.1.1.529 variant“.  However, those types of names do not work well for larger fear narrative distribution.  As a result, the international scientific community has given it the name “Omicron“.  Perhaps the “Merry Christmas” variant would be culturally insensitive.

Globally, and not coincidentally –politically– the greatest challenge to those in power is a massive rise in direct inflation.  What is the quickest way to eliminate the political risks due to inflation?  Shut down demand….. lock down the economies… turn the values closed on economic activity, and then watch oil prices plummet.

As the science is told, Omicron originated in South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique and Malawi.  Government officials around the world have responded to the Omicron variant by banning travel from those countries.  The U.K and Australia kicked off the latest round of fear porn with their travel bans.  Subsequently, fellow EU nations Austria, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Malta all announced imminent entry bans to all travelers who’ve entered South Africa and surrounding nations in the past two weeks.

In North America, Canada will be “banning the entry of foreign nationals…that have traveled through southern Africa in the last 14 days,” due to the new coronavirus variant Omicron, Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos said at a news conference Friday. (link)  And right on cue the Biden administration joins the effort:

WHITE HOUSE – “This morning I was briefed by my chief medical advisor, Dr. Tony Fauci, and the members of our COVID response team, about the Omicron variant, which is spreading through Southern Africa. As a precautionary measure until we have more information, I am ordering additional air travel restrictions from South Africa and seven other countries. These new restrictions will take effect on November 29. As we move forward, we will continue to be guided by what the science and my medical team advises.” (more)


Holy Hell, Australia’s Northern Territory Announces Mandatory Vaccination or $5,000 Fine Effective November 13th

If Australia is the totalitarian beta-test for western government (which seems likely), specifically in alignment with Joe Biden, then today’s announcement from Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner portends the direction of the White House.

Chief minister of the Northern Territory Michael Gunner appears to be a man of intemperate disposition.  Describing himself as “intensely passionate” about forcing people to get vaccinated, Gunner announced today that all workers in the NT must be vaccinated by November 13th or face a $5,000 fine.

Good grief, considering this is a politician who presumably is responsible for leading people, this unstable guy projects himself as an angry power-thirsty totalitarian dictator.  WATCH:

The Northern Territory has seen just 214 cases of Coronavirus since the pandemic began in early 2020, and they have encountered zero deaths…. not one.  This over-the-top response is complete madness.

Around the world, an apartheid state has been created where two classes of people have been designated.  The unvaccinated are now routinely barred from indoor or crowded venues, “but the Northern Territory’s rules go further than most democracies”.  [Media Link]


Horrific Scenes From Kabul Airport, 7 Afgans Killed Amid Growing Chaos as Desperate People Beg for Help and Attempt to Flee

The crisis unfolding at the international airport in Kabul has reached horrific levels.  Afghan nationals are swarming the airport in an effort to escape the onslaught, as Taliban fighters go door-to-door looking for people who have assisted the United States during the 20 year war.

At least seven people were killed at the airport, many fell to their deaths as they clung to the outside of U.S. C-17 transport planes.  Horrific videos have surfaced showing desperation amid the humanitarian crisis. The AFP is reporting:

KABUL[…] Residents raced to Kabul’s international airport, where the “civilian side” was closed until further notice, according to Afghanistan’s Civil Aviation Authority. The U.S. military and other Western forces continued to organize evacuations.

Videos circulating on social media showed hundreds of people running across the tarmac as U.S. troops fired warning shots in the air. One showed a crowd pushing and shoving its way up a staircase, trying to board a plane, with some people hanging off the railings.

In another video, hundreds of people could be seen running alongside a U.S. Air Force C-17 transport plane as it moved down a runway. Some clung to the side of the jet just before takeoff. Another video showed several falling through the air as the airplane rapidly gained altitude over the city.


Dept of Homeland Security Makes Official U.S. Government Announcement, If You Question Govt COVID Response You are Considered A Domestic Violent Extremist

The United States Department of Homeland Security made a quiet and alarming announcement yesterday, creating the official position of the United States Government under the Joe Biden regime. [SEE DHS STATEMENT HERE]  According to the statement, if you question the orthodoxy, mandates, or COVID-19 response from the U.S. government, you are now considered a “terrorist”, specifically a “Domestic Violent Extremist” (DVE).

This is quite a remarkable development and seems to underpin the tenuous, unstable and fragile disposition of the current regime.  The Department of Homeland Security seems rather paranoid in their need to label anyone who would question the COVID-19 response.  More than half the country would now be defined as dissidents and domestic terrorists within their our homeland.  Think about that.

DHS – The Secretary of Homeland Security has issued a new National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin regarding the current heightened threat environment across the United States. […] These threats include those posed by domestic terrorists, individuals and groups engaged in grievance-based violence. […] Such threats are also exacerbated by impacts of the ongoing global pandemic, including grievances over public health safety measures and perceived government restrictions. (read more)

Notice the wording of that introduction.  The government imposed mandates, mask and vaccination requirements are only “perceived government restrictions.”  The chains that bind your expressions of liberty and freedom are merely figments of your imagination.  The rules and denials of activity that we are forced to live by, under the auspices of “public health and safety measures“, are only perceived demands.

The needle being forced into the arm of federal workers by the Federal Government is only the perception of a forced medical treatment, your perception of what they are doing is the problem.  You must correct your wrong-thoughts to eliminate the wrong perception.  Dear leader appreciates your compliance.

Comrade dissidents, that statement is full blown Stazi-level propaganda.  The bulletin continues:


COVID Compliance is Infrastructure – Google Deletes Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Roundtable Discussion on COVID From Youtube

The Big Tech ministry of COVID compliance has again removed scientific discussion that runs counter to the approved narrative presented by the ideological community.  In this article we explain why….

…”COVID Compliance is Infrastructure

Governor Ron DeSantis held a roundtable discussion with panel experts from world-renowned doctors and epidemiologists from Oxford, Stanford and Harvard.  However, the panel debated the efficacy of masks on children and that apparently was considered too contrarian for the Big Tech control agents.

(Via NBC) – […] The video of DeSantis’ roundtable discussion last month at the state Capitol in Tallahassee was removed on Wednesday because it violated the social media platform’s standards, YouTube spokesperson Elena Hernandez said.

[…] “YouTube has clear policies around Covid-19 medical misinformation to support the health and safety of our users,” Hernandez said in a statement. “We removed AIER’s video because it included content that contradicts the consensus of local and global health authorities regarding the efficacy of masks to prevent the spread of Covid-19.”


Biden Gas Price Increases and New Mileage Tax Will Cost Middle Class Twice as Much as COVID Stimulus Checks Received

This is a specific example that needs to be drilled down quickly so that people with only a cursory interest in politics can understand how it impacts them.  Biden’s $1400 stimulus checks are useless, literally wiped-out, when compared with the increase in gasoline prices already in place as part of the Biden energy policy.

Gas prices have already jumped $1/gal in most areas as a result of Biden killing the oil production energy sector.  Factor in the increased transportation costs for goods and services, including the costs associated with deliveries of home meals, Uber rides, products delivered, airline charges; and the gas price increase hits the family checkbook far beyond the $1400 provided for stimulus.

Add to that charge and the increases in electricity prices, together with the increase in product costs that are based on petroleum (rubber, plastics, containers etc), and you can see how the increased cost of Biden’s ridiculous energy policy hits families even harder.  But wait…. it gets worse…. If that were already not enough of a problem, Biden is now proposing a mileage tax on top of a gasoline tax increase that will hit the middle class much harder. [SEE Video at 01:30]

The middle-class commutes to work much more than all other sectors.  Any increase in gas prices, gasoline taxes or mileage taxes hits the blue-collar worker at a disproportionate rate.  A proposal to install a mileage tax does nothing but add another cost onto the American middle-class.

This is an issue of leftist policy, as the far-left now move to push their climate change agenda and simultaneously push federal infrastructure spending.  Of course, in order to keep advancing their severe leftist agenda, the democrats have to pretend not to know things.


V-Shaped Recovery Achieved – Third Quarter GDP Growth a Record Breaking 33.1 Percent…

For several months the Trump administration has been talking about a “V-Shaped recovery,” meaning the COVID-19 rebound would be as strong as the preceding quarter contraction.  Today the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released the third-quarter economic stats reflecting exactly that, a V-shaped recovery.

The 3rd quarter rebound in GDP growth was 33.1 percent, larger than the 2nd quarter contraction of 31.4 percent.  And keep in mind this is with a major part of the U.S. leisure and hospitality sector remaining severely impacted. [See Table 3, Line 20]

Despite several blue states attempting to stall their economic recovery, overall the economy is rebounding as expected.  Obviously the threat of COVID has been weaponized as an election strategy. It is against the interests of the administration’s political opposition to support a more honest, open and engaged economic recovery.
