
The CORE, the ESSENCE, the CORNERSTONE of Globalism – The “Exfiltration of Wealth” – One Exceptional Example

This is so critically important to the understanding of the core, central element where the globalism atom splits and the resulting destruction begins, that I must pause all personal recovery efforts -immediately- and explain.   This is an incredible example of where corporations and government merge.  This is the atom split. This is the root, the nub, the place where “trillions at stake” takes context.

Strong HatTip to Gateway Pundit for this exceptional video and example {Direct Rumble Link Here}.  The understanding comes via a Canadian dairy farmer, who, like thousands of other farmers around the world, is a private business under government control.  This example is about dairy, specifically milk, however, the underlying premise goes much further.

This is modern corporatism, the nexus of govt intervention, regulations and the multinational exploitation of industry.  This is also the globalist example that shows how the concepts of “capitalism” and “free markets” have been destroyed.  First, watch the video:

What you are witnessing in that video is something we have talked about at length for years.

Influential people, politicians (rules) and corporate leaders (profits), both with vested financial interests in the process, have sold a narrative that global manufacturing, global sourcing, and global production is the inherent way of the future. The same voices claimed the American economy was/is consigned to become a “service-driven economy.”

What was always missed in these discussions is that advocates selling this global-economy message have a vested financial and ideological interest in convincing the information consumer it is all just a natural outcome of economic progress.

It’s not.

It’s not natural at all. It is a process that is entirely controlled, promoted and utilized by large conglomerates, lobbyists, purchased politicians and massive multinational corporations.


President Trump is Slowly Stopping The Exfiltration of American Wealth…

Every element of global economic trade is controlled and exploited by massive institutions, multinational banks and multinational corporations. Institutions like the World Trade Organization (WTO), World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), control trillions of dollars in economic activity. Underneath that economic activity there are people who hold the reigns of power over the outcomes. These individuals and groups are the stakeholders in direct opposition to principles of America-First national economics.
The modern financial constructs of these entities have been established over the course of the past three decades. When you understand how they manipulate the economic system of individual nations you begin to understand why they are so fundamentally opposed to President Trump.
In the Western World, separate from communist control perspectives (ie. China), “Global markets” are a modern myth; nothing more than a talking point meant to keep people satiated with sound bites they might find familiar; but the truth is ‘global markets‘ have been destroyed over the past three decades by multinational corporations who control the products formerly contained within global markets.

Multinational Corporations and The Export of American Wealth…

To understand the larger objectives of the global and financial elite it is important to understand the three-decade global financial construct they seek to protect. Global financial exploitation of national markets:

♦Multinational corporations purchase controlling interests in various national elements of developed industrial western nations.
♦The Multinational Corporations making the purchases are underwritten by massive global financial institutions, multinational banks.
♦The Multinational Banks and the Multinational Corporations then utilize lobbying interests to manipulate the internal political policy of the targeted nation state(s).
♦With control over the targeted national industry or interest, the multinationals then leverage export of the national asset (exfiltration) through trade agreements structured to the benefit of lesser developed nation states – where they have previously established a proactive financial footprint.

Since initially explaining this modern import/export dynamic some have asked for specific examples in order to gain a better understanding.  There are a myriad of interests within each sector that make specific explanation very challenging.  However, here’s an attempt.

Indictments, Republicans and Opposition to Donald Trump

As customary in this era of a great awakening, there are a lot more Republican masks dropping this week.  There is a great deal of sunlight upon the professional and institutional Republican politicians that hold office, when contrast against the indictment of Donald Trump.  As we bear witness to the establishment opposition of candidate Donald Trump, once again it is valuable to understand the motive at the heart of this opposition.

CTH can get down in the weeds of each specific issue to discuss the motives and intents (we will, and do), but the big picture MUST remain at the forefront of understanding. If we lose track of the big picture, the weeds are overwhelming.

…“It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who gain by the new ones.”

~ Niccolò Machiavelli

♦POTUS Trump was disrupting the global order of things in order to protect and preserve the shrinking interests of the U.S.  He was fighting, almost single-handed, at the threshold of the abyss. Our interests, our position, is zero-sum. His DC opposition seeks to repel and retain the status-quo. They want to return to full economic control.

In these economic endeavors, President Trump was disrupting decades of financial schemes established to use the U.S. as a host for their endeavors. President Trump was confronting multinational corporations and the global constructs of economic systems that were put in place to the detriment of us.

There are trillions at stake. The need for control is a reaction to fear. The billionaire donor class fear losing control over economic policy and finance. They are funding every candidate, media resource, influencer operation, RNC, RGA, and every institution possible to retain their equity position. Opposition is based on economics; everything else is chaff and countermeasures.


Sunday Talks, Likely 2024 Candidate Chris Sununu Waxes Philosophically About the Value of “Free Market Conservatism,” the Policies That Created The Rustbelt

If you accept the likelihood of the 2024 Wall Street Republican roadmap being the defining difference between 2016 and 2024, then you can easily see how the Republican Governor’s Association (RGA), the state level system where the policy of GOP governors are purchased by big money, will be the driving influence.  It is into this mixed manipulation where New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu becomes of strategic value.

Someone has to try and maintain the narrative of “free markets” as a Republican priority, enter Chris Sununu.  Readers here and middle-class workers of America have decades of experience seeing exactly what the outcome of Republican “free market” capitalism creates.  Selling out the U.S. worker and manufacturing base in favor of globalism, multinational corporate exploitation and profits at any cost are the result.  In modern economic reality, there is no such thing as a “free market,” there are only controlled markets {GO DEEP}.

Pushing the conservative ‘free market’ narrative, the corporate controlled Chris Sununu appears on Face the Nation to gaslight the base republican voter with old catchphrases that used to work; they no longer do.  People can now see through the rustbelt prism and identify the destruction created by the Wall Street funded UniParty apparatus.  This is what 2024 presidential candidate Chris Sununu is trying to lie about. However, no republican candidate is an economic nationalist, except President Donald Trump.  WATCH: 

[Transcript] – MARGARET BRENNAN: Welcome back to Face the Nation. We’re joined now by the Republican governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu. And it’s good to have you here…

GOVERNOR CHRIS SUNUNU (R-New Hampshire): Thanks.

MARGARET BRENNAN: … in person.

GOVERNOR CHRIS SUNUNU: Great to be here. Better here than the rest of Washington, because this whole town gives me the — it gives me the chills sometimes.


MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, you might need to go get over that if you’re going to run for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, as, apparently, you are considering doing.


Multinational Controls Over Commodity Inventory Continues to Drive Inflation Even Higher

People are starting to catch on.  First, how it is surfacing:

(Zero Hedge) ...”traders are paying bumper premiums for immediate supply” … “Commodities are severely undersupplied” … “The shortage of, well, everything has translated into record price of virtually all commodities: the Bloomberg Commodity Spot Index, which tracks 23 energy, metals and crop futures, has touched a record this year. That has been driven in part by surging oil prices, which have hit their highest level since 2014.” (read more)

CTH readers are specifically well positioned to understand what is happening in the background we have discussed two specific issues:

(1) In any era of hyper-inflation, we always see the advanced purchasing of inventory for profit.  Meaning, when prices are quickly rising multinationals use their size and power over commodity goods to store, physically or through contracted future purchases, goods that are held until a specific target price is reached and then sold for a bigger profit.  In 2022 the “supply chain disruption” is being used as a cover.

(2) In the modern era, the major multinationals control the supply of originating products.  There’s no such thing as a free market. In the modern era it is a controlled market.

Long before the word “inflation” hit the 2021 headlines, April/May of last year, CTH specifically identified where we are right now.

In the background right now, the multinationals are exploiting the two issues above.  The Zero Hedge article “Shortages of Everything” is discussing the surfacing symptom, i.e. goods traders willing to pay premium prices to secure inventories, not necessarily the root cause.


Price Inflation Does Have One Benefit – More People Understand Now That Free Markets Collapsed Years Ago, This Is the Era of Controlled Markets – The Beef Industry is Spotlighted

The screamingly high rate of pricing inflation is catastrophic to the American working middle class; however, there is one small benefit.  More and more people are waking up to the reality that free market principles have been destroyed; what we have now are markets controlled by massive multinationals.

This isn’t news for CTH readers.  Long before prices started to rise, we stood up against pressure from so-called ‘conservative’ pundits to outline that free markets were a joke in the modern economic era.  The truth inside the economic argument is precisely why we stood up to support candidate Donald J Trump in 2015; and the truth inside that economic argument is exactly why we will stand again to support him if he runs again in 2024.  Everything, e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g… every scintilla of a thing, centers around the economics of it.  Economic security on every scale is what keeps YOU free.

In a brilliant outline of how the beef and cattle industry is now trying to fight back against the multinationals of Tyson Foods, JBS, Cargill and National Beef, Matt Stoller uses the cattle industry to talk about what we have outlined on these pages for ten years.   The distance from the red line (steer price) to the blue bar (beef price) is the scale of the multinational profits inside this controlled commodity:

MATT STOLLER – […] Despite high consumer prices, independent ranchers are losing money, and going out of business. “If we don’t get some of these problems fixed quickly, we won’t have any independent ranchers in this country,” explained Oklahoma Farmers Union president Scott Blubaugh.


White House Very Worried About Being Held Accountable for Food Price Inflation Their Policies Have Created

The architect of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber, famously said, “We relied upon the stupidity of the American voter“, when they lied about the changes to healthcare in order to get Obamacare passed into law.   Today the White House Chairman of the National Economic Council, Brian Deese, pulled out the Gruber playbook and attempted the same level of nonsense to convince the media that food inflation wasn’t real.

The effort is to downplay the massive scale of food price increase.  Watch a few minutes of his presentation  as prompted below:


Just about everything Brian Deese stated in that segment about the root cause of food price inflation is false.  He’s not mistaken, he is not getting it wrong, he is not looking at false assumptions, he is lying.  He knows what he is saying is false…. he also knows it is abjectly silly on its face.  The proteins are driven up by the skyrocketing feed prices underneath them.

If you take away the food products driving the highest price increases, the price increases don’t look quite as high.   What the heck kind of bizarro-world spin is that?   Yes, it is true, if I take the fork I stabbed you with out of your eye the headache might subside slightly.  Good grief.

Wheat, corn and soybeans are the foundation of the U.S. food supply. They are primarily used as ingredients in processed foods, oils, and are fed to the cattle, hogs, and poultry that supply meat and eggs for the American diet. When those grain harvests go up in price, the downstream increase in price is far reaching.  Additionally, the part about multinational corporations merging and profiteering is a little disingenuous considering Joe Biden recently increased the amount of food stamp assistance by 25% per recipient, and expanded the program.


Biden Administration Admits Food Inflation Massive, Will Permanently Increase Food Stamp Payments 25 Percent and Expand Program

During our previous discussion on historic, predictable and purposeful food inflation, on August 13th CTH notedBigAg has likely already made deals for increases in government welfare payments (EBT and Foodstamps, WIC etc.). BigAg lobbies congress for higher reimbursement rates so they can raise the prices of food and export domestic product to other nations. Food assistance payments increase, and BigAg benefits. In essence, BigAg takes the fed food subsidies and fattens their profit margin. Then, they payback the politicians. It’s a circle of money.“….

If you know how the game is rigged, it’s actually easy to predict the background.  Today, exactly on cue, several media outlets are now reporting that Joe Biden is going to increase the amount of food stamp assistance by 25% per recipient, and expand the program.

New York Times – WASHINGTON — The Biden administration has revised the nutrition standards of the food stamp program and prompted the largest permanent increase to benefits in the program’s history, a move that will give poor people more power to fill their grocery carts but add billions of dollars to the cost of a program that feeds one in eight Americans.

Under rules to be announced on Monday and put in place in October, average benefits will rise more than 25 percent from prepandemic levels. All 42 million people in the program will receive additional aid. The move does not require congressional approval, and unlike the large pandemic-era expansions, which are starting to expire, the changes are intended to last. (read more)

This announcement is actually revealing in more ways than just the predictability of it.

♦ First, the 25% permanent increase is an admission by the Biden administration that food price inflation is here to stay.  The massive scale of the increase also highlights the actual reality of how much food prices are rising.   This massive and permanent increase directly undercuts the previous White House and Biden claims that inflation was “temporary”, “transitional” and likely to end soon.


150 Multinational Corporations, The Wall Street Crowd, Urge Congress to Take Over U.S. Elections

There Are Trillions At Stake…

Here we go again, 150 multinational Wall Street corporations write a collective letter urging congress to pass the stalled legislation that would trigger a federal takeover of U.S. elections.  [Reuters Article Link] I’m not going to post the article directly, because it is the same group of characters, the same motives and intentions that we previously wrote about [HERE].

[Please note: all leftist media call them “corporations” when the narrative is purposed to attack capitalism (ie. ‘Occupy’), and then the media switch to the term “companies” when the narrative engineering needs to support the same corporations they previously attacked.  The Alinsky wordplay is part of the design.  Democrats say “corporations bad” to their woke sheep, so when they need to hide their alignment with the same businesses, the media switch words to call them “companies.”  I point this out because it is actually a useful tool to help people wake up and spot the manipulative and purposeful hypocrisy of the leftist ideology.]

At the heart of the issue, we are yet again back to the familiar battle, Wall Street -vs- Main Street.

Remember in April when 100 multinational corporations held a conference call to organize messaging on state election laws?  Well, this is the same crew only now with targeted messaging toward congress.

Additionally, I guarantee you the G-20 discussions about a “global minimum corporate tax” are being leveraged by the White House against these U.S. Multinationals in order to get them in line supporting the federal election takeover.  I guarantee you backroom deals and carve-outs, collusion between government and corporations, are being made.

Their commonality of purpose.  The multinationals need the federal takeover of elections because Wall Street needs globalism in order to continue advancing their financial objectives.  Main Street nationalism, or economic patriotism, is antithetical to their income statements.  The current White House and the Multinational Corporations have a common enemy, Main Street.
