
Shot Goblin Fauci Says Kids 6 Months to 4-Years-Old Will Get Three Shot Series After Political Approval

The official U.S. shot goblin, Anthony Fauci, announced earlier today, kids 6 months to 4 years-old will receive a three-dose vaccine schedule as soon as the political operatives in the FDA come to an agreement with the multinational pharmaceutical companies.

However, other than the most entrenched Branch Covidians, who are willing to subject all of their children to the experimental drugs and gas station sushi, a wider effort might run into a much more skeptical American population.

The increased skepticism, some would say ‘awakening’ over the vaccine intent and efficacy, is highlighted by the reluctance of the previously vaccinated population to take a booster shot.  First, to the kids:

(New York Post) – […] Two clinical trials of the Pfizer vaccine on children ages 6 months to 2 years old, and ages 2 to 4 are underway, but the older group hasn’t yet met standards, White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said at a press conference.

“Dose and regimen for children 6 months to 24 months worked well, but it turned out the other group from 24 months to 4 years did not yet reach the level of non-inferiority, so the studies are continued,” Fauci said, referencing effectiveness standard comparison to adults.


Sunday Talks, Shot Goblin Anthony Faucissus Says Fourth Booster Entirely Conceivable

The U.S. shot goblin known as Anthony Faucissus appeared on ABC This Week to proclaim that a fourth booster shot may be needed for both the bottom line of his objectives and the bottom line of the Rx profit and loss statement. [Full Video Here]

Why anyone is still listening to this guy is beyond my comprehension.   It was clear from the first moment he was elevated in prominence, that Fauci has some seriously disturbed outlooks toward health policy. This is not a stable minded person. During the ABC segment, Faucissus advocated for a fourth booster and continued mask wearing in schools by students. WATCH:

At this point, the COVID-19 virus is akin to a seasonal flu.  We never went to any of these lengths with flu vaccines and mandates, and we certainly never forced students to wear masks over flu concerns.

The Branch Covidians may want to take these never-ending COVID booster shots, but the rest of the nation seems ready to move on.  Enough, is enough.


A Modern Take on a Caravaggio Classic, Faucissus

Narcissus is a painting by the Italian Baroque master Caravaggio, painted circa 1597–1599. It is housed in the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica in Rome.  It is thought to capture the story of Echo and Narcissus in Greek mythology.   Echo’s ability to speak was taken away and she could only respond to questions. Narcissus fell in love with his own image.

This is a modern interpretation:



Heated Exchange Between Senator Rand Paul and Notorious Liar Dr. Anthony Fauci

Senator Dr. Rand Paul confronted Dr. Anthony Fauci and they got into a heated exchange during a Senate committee hearing on COVID-19.

Senator Paul confronted Fauci about his efforts to manipulate science based on his political ideology.   Dr. Fauci pulled the first line of leftist retort, become a victim, and replied that Senator Paul was trying to get him killed.

Dr. Fauci’s extremely partisan political views form the basis of his ¹instability.  Suffering from extreme delusions of grandeur and enabled by a group of leftist sycophants in politics, media and Hollywood, Fauci has a severely inflated view of his importance, while simultaneously carrying a fear of being exposed as the fraud he is.  The defensive pearl-clutching is a big tell.  WATCH:


Sunday Talks, Fauci Says CDC Quarantine Guidance Will Change Tomorrow After Feedback from Media, Not Science

Before getting to this soundbite, a note for those who travel the deep weeds.  Notice how whenever Fauci is answering questions on COVID subjects that are positive to his worldview, he uses the phrase “we“, including himself in the conduct of health officials.  However, whenever Fauci is answering questions that are critical of health officials, he uses the phrase “they“, to distance his role in the decision-making.  This is a key ¹*tell* in any conversation with leadership and/or teambuilders.

In this soundbite [full interview here and below], Anthony Fauci notes the CDC guidance on quarantine exit is likely to change, specifically because the feedback from media has been critical.  The media have been struggling to support the fear narrative, and the CDC changes are not helping them.  As a result, Fauci says the CDC quarantine guidance will change.  Not very science-y, huh?  WATCH: 

Fauci, along with Stephanopoulos, is a big fraud and a narcissistic con artist.  Notice in the full interview (below) Stephanopoulos asks if the media should stop focusing on infection rates now.  Transparently, the media motive is to stop the criticism of the Biden administration.

Going deeper on the introductory point:  Blame-casting is a profoundly negative leadership trait, with horrific consequences.  Stable executives, those with extraordinary skills at leading massive institutions, always look for this blame-casting trait when listening to peers, lower-level executives and teambuilders within the organization.


Fauci Takes Professional Gaslighting to New Levels, Now Admitting Children Hospitalized COVID Cases is Wrong

This admission is exactly what people have been arguing for two years.  This exact point, and the “with COVID -vs- from COVID” argument within the false narrative, is what justified Big Tech to ban COVID critics from their speech platforms.

I’m not going to comment further; at a certain point these reversals just get silly.  WATCH: 


Suddenly, as the magic politics of COVID infection rates turns into a liability, the accuracy of hospitalized COVID tests is something to clarify.

These officials are just throwing magic beans into the audience at this point.  In the past ten days, the CDC, NIH and FDA have jumped so far over the justification shark, the light from where justification shark jumping starts could not catch them for years.


Biden Says He Is Ready to Trigger Mandatory Vaccine Requirement for Air Travel as Soon as Fauci Tells Him

If you listen to most champagne socialists, they will tell you they believe airline travel has become too affordable and just about anyone is able to fly now.  For a few decades this has been a source of consternation amid the Democrat cocktail party class, whenever the subject is approached.

It stands to reason the people behind Joe Biden will eventually concede the issue of mandatory vaccine passports for domestic air travel to the administrative state and their donors amid the Branch Covidians.  They’re in  the same group circles where Anthony Fauci is venerated and appreciated.

However, I doubt it will happen until after the U.S. universal passport system, the ¹vaccination ID, is put into place – because currently, the airline companies would stand to lose too much revenue.

WASHINGTON DC – President Biden said Tuesday he would impose a mandate that Americans be vaccinated against COVID-19 to travel domestically if his medical team recommends it.

When asked when he would make a decision on domestic travel vaccine requirements while out for a walk in Rehoboth Beach, Del., Biden told reporters, “when I get a recommendation from the medical team.”


Mainstream Media Attempt to Claim CDC Guidance Change Is an Effort to Reduce Risk of Transmission, Despite Fauci Admissions the Quarantine Changes Are All About Economics

The CDC changed guidance on quarantine times yesterday, highlighting their motive as always driven by politics and money, not public health {Go Deep}.  Many people immediately recognized this, but the visible intent of the change is problematic for the government institutions.

To defend the administrative state, the media -incapable of admitting what is transparently obvious- now need to reconcile the CDC quarantine changes through the false prism of public health.

The result is 100 percent demonstrable gaslighting.  Look at this spin:

(Philly Inquirer) – “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its guidelines this week for what people should do if they’re exposed to or contract COVID-19, following new research that shows most transmission occurs early in the course of illness.

The update comes as people return home from holiday gatherings with friends and family, and schools prepare to reopen — as the highly contagious omicron strain continues to spread. The new guidelines, which reduce the amount of time asymptomatic people must quarantine at home after exposure, are an attempt to reduce the risk of transmission while minimizing the disruption to people’s daily routines.” (read more)

Everything about that claimed justification for the quarantine changes is demonstrably and provably false.

Last night Dr. Anthony Fauci openly admitted the only reason the CDC changed the quarantine times was because they needed to help corporate employers reduce sick time, or time “out” of work.  Twitter Video:


Fauci Admits Vaccine Requirement for Airline Travel Only Beneficial to Get More People Vaccinated, No Scientific Benefit

Trust the science they say…. and then, accidentally, the “scientists” admit that what they are doing under the guise of public health has absolutely nothing to do with science.

Anthony Fauci appears today on ABC This Week to push the vaccine narrative.  When asked about a vaccine passport requirement for airline travel, Facui admits openly the only reason for a vaccine mandate is to force people to get the vaccine.  There is no other benefit for the mandate other than to force people to get the vaccine.

The vaccine doesn’t stop infection.  The vaccine doesn’t stop the spread of infection.  The vaccine has no value from the position of decreasing the spread of a COVID-19 virus or any variant therein.  The value of the vaccine is in getting people to take the vaccine.  It sounds goofy, but that’s exactly what Dr. Anthony Fauci admits in this interview.  Watch at 09:10 prompted.


Once again, it seems the vaccine requirements overall are a tool to create a system for the Vaccine Passport.  The passport is then a simple tracking mechanism to identify the movements of all the people being forced to show it.   The Vaccine Passport is essentially the gateway to a digital id system.

With everything that has happened in this Overton window of the past two years, it is stunning how many people now accept the reality of their papers being demanded to move around and simply live life.  The axiom “papers please” used to trigger a common American aversion.  Now, there are millions of people who comply as if they cannot see what lies at the end of their acceptance.


Anthony Fauci Says Unvaxxed Relatives Not Worthy Enough to Attend Family Christmas Gatherings

Dr. Anthony Fauci is a thin-skinned, unstable ideologue with visions of grandiosity.  He has wreaked havoc on our nation and permeated a major crisis on the global stage with his poor advice on COVID-19.   He personifies a mentally and emotionally unstable person within his worldview.

Fauci is representative of a group of psychologically unstable people who need a career operating in government systems and institutions, because they could never be successful in the private sector.  They can only succeed in academia and institutions without merit-based structures.

These are very disturbed people who have allowed a taste of power and influence to fuel an underlying narcissism. Their disorder exhibits as vengeful bitterness, the result of adolescent isolation and no emotional balance.  History will not look well upon Anthony Fauci any more than history reflects well upon Josef Mengele.

In this short Q&A snippet, Anthony Fauci reveals his bitter worldview by saying unvaccinated people should be told to stay away from family events this Christmas.  Notice the reference point of the response is that people should appreciate being in his presence.    WATCH (18 Seconds):


Notice how Fauci doesn’t have that “tell them not to show up” outlook toward unvaccinated illegal aliens entering the country?
