
The Politics Of Envy (Reposted)

I have run into several comments/posts/videos this past week that reminded me of this opinion piece that I originally posted in July of 2012. It still applies. Envy is used politically by the left to create an atmosphere of resentment and hate. It is VERY IMPORTANT that we do not fall into the trap.

“The rich should pay their fair share.” 
…”when you spread the wealth around it’s good for everybody.”
“Nobody’s ideas or effort are really that much more innately valuable than that of their peers. You can, however, use your abilities to steal that much money.”
”The central lie here being getting rich through hard, honest work. I don’t think anyone has ever gotten rich without the determination of screwing other people out of their money.”
“Romney never created any jobs. He only created wealth for his partners. There is a big difference.”

“If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

Was It Prophecy?

This is an interview that Reagan did with 60 Minutes just before he took office as President Of The United States.

And what is Fascism? Fascism is private ownership, private enterprise, but total government control and regulation. Well, isn’t this the liberal philosophy?

The conservative, so-called, is the one that says ‘less government, get off my back, get out of my pocket, and let me have more control of my own destiny.’

If that’s true, and what we seeing today is the future that Reagan foresaw, what are we doing about it?

Tail of Woe: Woman gets a ticket in the mail based on her “crime” she “admitted guilt” to in Facebook Post

Her tail of woe began with an innocent comment on Facebook …….

imagesChristine Adamski said she was surprised last week when she received a citation in the mail for a comment she made on Facebook, but she also knew immediately she wasn’t going to pay it.

Adamski, 25, opened the $50 ticket from the Will County Forest Preserve District last week and read the letter alleging she had used a dog park without a proper permit.

The citation arrived at her Bolingbrook home with a letter explaining the ticket, an application for a dog park permit as well as a copy of her social media post “admitting her guilt.”


The PURSUIT Of Happiness – And Failure Is Our Friend

It’s about living life.  Sometimes we fall flat on our face, and sometimes we soar.  The exciting part is in the striving and uncertainty, goals to chase, and dreaming dreams.

Here is our friend, Bill Whittle, again.  As Bill points out, the Declaration of Independence is demonstrative that its writers understood the essence of the human heart:

When Thomas Jefferson came back with his draft of the Declaration of Independence, Franklin and Adams and all the other Founders must have been amazed: life – yes. Liberty – absolutely. But the pursuit of happiness? That wasn’t just revolutionary – it was transcendental.

See, Jefferson knew you didn’t have a right to happiness – who can guarantee that? But he had a vision of place that didn’t guarantee the right to be happy, but the right – the inalienable right — to try to be. What Jefferson guaranteed in the Declaration was not the certainty of success but the guaranteed opportunity to fail.


“All Your Internet Thoughts Are Belong To Us” ! – Dem Senator Markey Seeks To Regulate Media For ‘Hate Crimes’…

On the good news side of things, younger people are waking up to the truth of who actually wants to take away their freedoms. The party of Hope and Change is now more openly identified as the party of Hoax and Chains.

Markey1-550x412A new Democrat proposal would empower the feds to scour the Internet, TV and more for so-called hate speech.

Democratic Sen. Ed Markey is pushing a bill to have a federal agency monitor anything that it suspects may encourage hate crimes. He wants the agency to work in connection with the Department of Justice and U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, then file a report to Congress on what’s hateful and could lead to hate crimes.

So, who gets to decide what’s hateful and what will they then do about it?

Read more about the issue HERE

Utah School District Reports At Least 2,000 Students Have Stopped Eating School Lunch Because of Nutrition Requirements Imposed By Michelle Obama…

school lunch
School Lunches
UTAH – Thousands of students in Utah’s Weber School District no longer eat lunch at school because of “healthier” federal lunch regulations imposed on schools by First Lady Michelle Obama and federal bureaucrats. (more…)

A Trip Around Dear Leader's Partial Globe – "Lightbringer Edition"….

Sometimes it helps to pause and reflect, then evaluate for yourself:

obama lightbringer
IRAN – In 2009, from the now infamous Cairo Speech, an uprising of the student led “Green Movement” striving for a voice amid the heavy hand of hard-line Islamist governance began.   President Obama chose to reach out to Iran’s leadership and ignored the calls for assistance from the young reformers.   The Green Party was killed.  The Mullahs reigned supreme.  Through inaction Obama sided with the Islamists.
Tunisian immigrantsTUNISIA – (Where the West claimed the “Arab Spring” began)  Tunis caught the global political elites off guard.  It should not have come as a surprise.  We were outlining the growing immigration powder keg for years.   Tunis exploded as a consequence of Ben Ali and Quadaffi taking billions from the EU to shut the immigration gates.
Simultaneously, in the WEST, the more willing to engage ‘New Media’ began to report the speeches from UK, France and Germany that Multi-culturalism had failed.   However, few connected the dots to Tunis and how the shutting of the North African gates created a bottleneck within Tunisia and Libya.   It was simply a matter of time before economic anxiety exploded within the cultural petri-dish.  It did, in a big way.

Guest Post by Michelle Hart – Gun Ban, Part 2

titleHistory is replete with the failures of man, it highlights his cruelty, his desires, and often reveals his true nature no matter what social or moral standards have been established.
In 1895 the English author H. G. Wells laid out the exact template for how The United States would be overtaken by a brutal enemy that is completely malicious and incapable of mercy. Decades later in 1938 the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network, directed and narrated by actor and filmmaker Orson Welles, put that sordid template into action.
While I don’t know if H. G. or Orson were communists, nor do I care, the template and plan of attack is the focus not their personal philosophies. With only the spoken and written word both convinced a nation that is was being overtaken by a foreign invader that sought their complete subjugation. The same holds true today, but it’s done in soundbites, and digital form with far greater speed and reach.

Sewer Dwelling: Obot Acolytes reach new lows in Cultural Marxism; Demonize US military & exalt Muslims

Note:  the following is an opinion piece, protected under the rights afforded by the First Amendment to the US Constitution.  Offended Obot trolls will not be let out of the basement to “comment”.  That is all.

Just when you thought the domestic battle for “hearts and minds” couldn’t get any more perverse, in steps “helper Monkey” Hollywood to drag us down into the sewer, reaching a new low in cultural marxism.

Dragging us down into the sewer, where the Cultural Marxists Trolls dwell..... Ewwwww.
Dragging us down into the sewer, where the Cultural Marxists Trolls dwell….. Ewwwww.

There has been an ongoing psyops war waged by the Obama Administration and its sycophants against the U.S. military.

Traditionally, the U.S. military has always enjoyed high approval ratings from the American public at large – they support the military in funding; in its non-combat humanitarian missions as diplomatic outreach (such as the US Navy Hospital Ships, USNS Comfort and USNS Mercy); and are, for the most part, proud of the work that the US military does in defending freedom and the highest ideals of “America” –

individual liberty, peace, free trade, domestic stability among the many hallmarks of the “shining city on the hill”.  In very few other countries, do so many citizens have direct experience – having served, themselves – or a first degree relative connection to someone who has served in the armed forces. (more…)