
REMINDER: Fox News, Rupert Murdoch, Tucker Carlson and The GOPe Amnesty Immigration Agenda…

During the 2015 Fox Business News GOP Primary debate several political junkies noted a rather curious and brutally obvious omission: Senator Marco Rubio was never questioned about the 2013 Senate Gang-of-Eight bill and his stance on Comprehensive Immigration Reform. In fact, if you were to review the 2015 debate substance you’d note candidate Rubio wasn’t directly questioned about his immigration positions at all.
GOP gang of 8

It is not disconnected that during the 2013/2014 Gang-of-Eight immigration constructs we later discovered Fox News was an active participant in the promotion of the immigration reform proposals.
In order to facilitate the congressional immigration intent Fox launched a previously unknown pro-amnesty propaganda blitz to support senate immigration bill.
What follows below is an evidenced expose’ of their agenda.

Federal Judge Orders IRS to "Name Specific People" Who Directed Tea Party Targeting…

If the U.S. electorate were ever to grasp the full scope of what took place in the IRS, FBI and DOJ weaponization of government to specifically target people, no-one in Washington DC would ever be safe from the backlash.
There’s enough material inside the IRS story for multiple Pulitzer prizes, in addition to severe and jaw-dropping revelations as to republican politicians who aided the overall scheme.  Start by finding out who in the IRS specifically sent 21 CD-ROM’s to the FBI, and find out who specifically received them inside the FBI, and what they did with them.

WASHINGTON A federal judge has ordered the Internal Revenue Service to release the names of specific employees involved in targeting Tea Party groups, after years of litigation over what conservatives have long called “chilling” behavior by one of the government’s “most feared” agencies.

Judge Reggie B. Walton of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia also said the IRS must provide information about which groups were targeted and why, along with a strategy to make sure such targeting doesn’t happen again.


The Peoples President…

For a select group of dedicated people today marks a moment on a specific timeline over seven years long.

2008 and 2009 were tough years for advocates of small government and constitutional freedom.  The Auto-bailout, TARP, Omnibus and a trillion dollar “stimulus” signaled fiscal irresponsibility toward many; but a small group understood the larger issues which would tear apart a constitutional republic.  We connected, and more importantly, we assembled.
EnoughAfter another defeat at 1:38am on December 23rd 2009, we knew our heels were over the precipice of the abyss.  Act, or be acted upon.
Within four days the urgent message was transmitted though every possible resource that we could muster.
Meeting at the old mill, we rode that night, December 27th 2009, with urgency.  Our destination was Wrentham Massachusetts.
Three intense weeks and thousands of like-minded supporter notifications later, we finally had a win.  Ted Kennedy’s people’s seat was secured at least temporarily.  This was battlefield triage; everyone, every-darned-person was clear-eyed that Scott Brown was only buying us time to catch our breath….. Again, unfortunately, we were right. (more…)

Democrat AG, Kathleen Kane, Found Guilty on Nine Criminal Charges – Criminal Conspiracy, Perjury…

update-1A Pennsylvania Jury found Democrat Attorney General Kathleen Kane guilty on nine criminal counts last night including conspiracy and perjury.  Elected to office in 2014, found guilty of criminal conspiracy in 2016:

kathleen kane 3

(Via New York Times) […]  Ms. Kane stared straight ahead as the word “guilty,” uttered decisively by a juror in a flowered dress, echoed nine times around the courtroom. The lawyers immediately went into a private conference with the judge, leaving Ms. Kane, who campaigned on a promise to uncover political interference in Pennsylvania, alone at the defense table.

And when Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy returned to the courtroom, she turned directly to Ms. Kane with a stern warning, her words slicing through the silence.

There is to be absolutely no retaliation of any kind against any witness in this case, either by your own devices, from your own mouth or your hand, or directing anybody to do anything,” the judge said. She threatened Ms. Kane, who is currently free on bail, with immediate incarceration if she failed to comply. (more…)

The Grandest Usurpation – President Obama and Angela Merkel Talk Trade and Immigration…

Several years ago we first began pointing to the presidential election of 2016 as a grandly constructed enterprise of financial global entities.  Toward that end point we began to outline the strategic global players who were spending tens of millions lobbying congress for Wall Street’s global financial interests.
The conversation is vastly to expansive in scope for any reasonable encapsulation. Indeed our archives from the past four years are filled with reports and warnings about how all of the Wall Street financial interests -as they relate to the 2016 election- would ultimately boil down to global trade and commerce pacts like the Trans-Pacific Trade deal (TPP), and the Trans-Atlantic Trade deal (TTIP).
Tom donohue 5Barack Obama, Julian Castro, Thomas Donohue, William Bratton
Globally, the economic wealth of massive corporate financial banks and financial institutions is dependent on the continual nudging toward the ratification of these trade pacts.  There are trillions at stake as the derivative markets are also tied to hedged bets on the outcomes.
Global trade is approximately $75 trillion annually.  However, the Wall Street derivatives market, which are essentially bets placed within this entire financial construct, now account for more than $500 trillion. (more…)

How Can One Vote Change The Course of History – Here's A Recent Example Few Comprehend…

The current U.S. Presidential Race, combined with House Speaker Paul Ryan at the helm of the DC legislature, provides an opportunity to highlight just how close passage of Amnesty law was in 2014.

A passage that would have fundamentally, and irreversibly, changed the landscape of the U.S.A forever.

cruz rubio Lee immigration
The senate “Gang of Eight” comprehensive immigration reform bill, which included amnesty legislation was not blocked by Senator Ted Cruz or Senator Marco Rubio – it specifically passed the senate because of them, not despite them.
A very insightful PBS documentary “The Immigration Battle” lays out exactly what took place during the 2013/2014 legislative time frame. If you have not watched the documentary I would strongly recommend you do so, it is profoundly enlightening. (more…)

Trump’s Campaign Highlights The Hypocrisy of the GOPe “Growth and Opportunity Project”, The GOP Autopsy…

A recent article in U.S. News and World Report highlights a profound republican party irony and simultaneous hypocrisy.

On the heels of a devastating defeat of John McCain 2008, and immediately following the disastrous defeat of Mitt Romney in 2012, the power-structures within the Republican party decided to do a complete “GOP Autopsy” and figure out what they could do to start winning presidential elections again. They called it “The Growth and Opportunity Project”.


The officials (co-chairs) in charge of conducting the autopsy were: Ari Fleischer, a former press secretary to President George W. Bush; Henry Barbour, an RNC member from Mississippi; Zori Fonalledas, an RNC member from Puerto Rico; Glenn McCall, an RNC member from South Carolina; and Sally Bradshaw, a political strategist from Florida.

You would think their resulting 2013  100 page report with recommendations like: (more…)

Just How Close Was The 2014 Amnesty Vote? – Here’s The Back Story…

The he-said, he-said, between presidential candidates Senator Marco Rubio and Senator Ted Cruz provides an opportunity to highlight just how close passage of Amnesty law was in 2014.

cruz rubio Lee immigration

The senate “Gang of Eight” comprehensive immigration reform bill, which included amnesty legislation  was not blocked by Ted Cruz nor Marco Rubio – it specifically passed the senate because of them, not despite them.

A very insightful PBS documentary “The Immigration Battle” lays out exactly what took place during the 2013/2014 legislative time frame.  If you have not watched the documentary I would strongly recommend you do so, it is profoundly enlightening.  (more…)

Fox News, Rupert Murdoch, and The Immigration/Amnesty Agenda…

During the Fox Business News debate several political junkies noted a rather curious omission: Senator Marco Rubio was never questioned about the 2013 Senate Gang-of-Eight bill and his stance on Comprehensive Immigration Reform.  In fact, if you were to review the debate substance you’d note that candidate Rubio wasn’t directly questioned about his immigration positions at all.

Candidate Jeb Bush attends Chamber of Commerce dinner with Fox's Rupert Murdoch and Valerie Jarrett (December 2014)
Candidate Jeb Bush attends Chamber of Commerce dinner with Fox’s Rupert Murdoch and Valerie Jarrett (December 2014)

It is not disconnected that during the 2013/2014 Gang-of-Eight immigration constructs, Fox News was an active participant in the promotion of the immigration reform proposals.  In order to facilitate the congressional immigration intent Fox launched a previously unknown pro-amnesty propaganda blitz to support senate immigration bill.

What follows below is an evidenced expose’ of their agenda.

♦  It was less than a year ago when Mickey Kaus was chastised by Tucker Carlson, a Fox Contributor, for writing an article in the Daily Caller outlining the relationship between Rupert Murdoch, his company Fox News, the talking heads under his control and authority, and Murdoch’s request for pro-amnesty propaganda to be broadcast on the network. (more…)