
Treatment for Battered Conservative Syndrome…

Common side effects of Growacet™ include: lack of headaches, visual acuity, increased cognition, lower blood pressure, and increased energy.
Other side effects include: uncontrollable optimism, a happier life, decreased desire to listen to talk radio, severe aversion to images of Megyn Kelly, increased testosterone levels, smiling, and decreased patience for major media.  If optimism lasts for more than four hours, seek immediate resupply.

The MSM and GOP Pile On Trump Exemplifies Scope of Battered Conservative Syndrome…

The scope of those suffering from Battered Conservative Syndrome no longer surprises those who have followed the past 15 years of GOP politics steeped in cultural Marxism.
Say something, anything, adversarial or confrontational toward the progressive leftists and you can be guaranteed of a quick fold from those who suffer from the syndrome.  It doesn’t matter that Joe Wilson was correct; or that conservative Paul Ryan passes Omnibus, or that Mitch McConnell is a complete fraud….
judge gonzalo curiel 2Judge gonzalo curiel 3
So let’s look specifically at the aspect which the MSM is intentionally trying to keep everyone from paying attention to.  Beginning with the curriculum vitae as expressed by La Raza Judge Gonzalo Curiel.
I would draw your attention to the Hispanic National Bar Association aspect: (more…)

A Note To Those Suffering From “Battered Conservative Syndrome”…

Don’t get pulled into the weeds.  Don’t get caught up fretting over ridiculous issues which have no substantive bearing on the larger issues we face; and don’t forget the UniParty, both Democrats and Republicans, love to use “social issues” to keep you from noticing the treasury is empty.

patriotIt’s doesn’t matter if Mitt Romney does it, or if Debbie Wasserman Schultz does it, the goals of both are exactly the same – they try to obfuscate the argument to nonsense.

The last federal budget was signed into law on September 23rd 2007 by George W Bush, that was for fiscal year 2008.   There has been NO BUDGET ever since.  Democrats controlled the process in ’08, ’09 for fiscal years 2009, 2010.  The Republicans controlled the process in ’10, ’11, ’12, ’13, ’14, ’15, for fiscal years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.

Neither party passed a budget.  The UniParty was go-along-get-along through continuing resolutions, raising of the debt ceiling, Stimulus I, Stimulus II, QE1, QE2, Omnibus 1 (’08), Porkulous (Dec ’09),  Omnibus II (’11), and Omnibus III (Dec ’15), leading to the eventual removal of the entire debt ceiling by Paul Ryan in December 2015.

Are you aware our Republican house and Senate no longer keep track of the national debt?   If not, why not?  Getting caught up on definitions of “torture” maybe. Or was it the confederate flag that made you stop paying attention. (more…)

“Battered Conservative Syndrome” – GOPe Apology and Reconciliation Phase Begins…

The cycle of abuse is:  “Tensions building”, then the “abusive action” then a “period of reconciliation and apology”, followed by a period of “peace and calm”. Then the tensions begin building again…..   Wash, rinse, repeat.

As the years inside the cycle of abuse continue, the abused look forward to the space between the beatings -and- simultaneously learn how to exit the beating phase as quickly as possible.

Yesterday our GOPe abusers entered the “reconciliation and apology” phase.  Cue the Paul Ryan Video:

If you have spent any significant amount of time here, you’ll note something brutally obvious.  Everything Speaker Paul Ryan is saying the GOPe are doing now, ie. “repeal ObamaCare” and “defunding Planned Parenthood” and “actually putting something on Obama’s desk”….. is something they could have done at any time throughout 2015.


The Personification of a “Battered Conservative”

I have not done this in a while and generally don’t like doing it.  However, given the nature of our assembly and the absolute critical stages of the awakening that are afore us, it becomes a little more important to highlight and deconstruct a common refrain.

This example comes from the typeset of a poster named William Kenan Rand, who is triggered by the truthful expose’ about Ron DeSantis and the hidden manipulative intents and constructs that surrounded his fraudulent run for the Republican nomination.  I will set aside the motives of Mr. Rand, which I will say seem quite obvious. When you expose fraud, those who rely on a pretense to maintain fraud, are often triggered by the truth. I digress…

In essence, what is espoused here is a great example of “battered conservative” thinking.  So, I will walk through the deconstruction of it:

William Kenan Rand – “With all due respect and not wanting to get kicked out of here, just have to ask. DeSantis was trying to become president and working the system and that’s cunning and deceitful? Isn’t that just politics?”

If you accept that Machiavellian deceit, purposeful manipulation and lying is just politics, then yes, I guess the candidate you support, Ron DeSantis, is just another run of the mill liar in a long list of Republican run-of-the-mill liars.  Also, this would be precisely the reason not to support him.

“He ran a bad campaign and really was never going to beat Trump, but the idea seems to be because he had to appeal to the big money people in order to raise money, that’s he’s not his own man and just an establishment stooge.”

DeSantis didn’t run a bad anything.  The campaign was created for him, to use him. He was willful to the campaign intent.  You see, Ron DeSantis is not an employer, he is an employee of the system.  He does the bidding of those who sign the checks.  You seem to accept this as okay, without realizing the nature of that relationship makes him a political puppet to deliver an outcome that is entirely different from the stage performance you claim to want, and he promises to deliver.


Battered Conservative No More

The headline here is a twist on a great book about how to not be a participant in your abuse called “Codependent No More“.  The message directly relates to something CTH discusses frequently in both articles and in the comments section.

In order to stop being abused, you must first stop making excuses for your abuser.  Accept things as they are, not as you interpret them to be.  This tweet by Robert Barnes is a great example:

At first blush Barnes is saying something we can all agree with.  Yes, Liz Cheney is toxic to the base of support within the republican party; and yes, the GOP putting Cheney into a very visible position of leadership tells us something.  However, the visiblity of Liz Cheney is not because the GOPe are stupidly disconnected from their base, Liz Cheney is purposefully visible because the GOPe wants her there.  She is a feature not a flaw or mistake; and the GOP totally gets it.

The Republican party believes the conservative voter base of the party is the problem, not the leadership.  Please accept that as an empirical fact or we will continue to have discussions that are misinterpretations of motive.  From the mindset of the institutional Republican party YOU are the problem, not Liz Cheney.


Jeff Sessions and Christopher Wray Suffering From Severe Battered Institutional Syndrome…

For about eight months columnist Andrew McCarthy appeared on television and wrote dozens of articles about the slow-drip of information stemming from the Trump-Russia probe and the IG Horowitz investigation.  Almost all of the articles were sympathetic to the institutions being challenged. However, in mid-May a funny thing happened.
The weekend before May 15th McCarthy actually broke down and read the six-month-old Lisa Page and Peter Strzok text messages he had been delivering opinion on; and guess what happened?  Yup, his perspective changed within a period of 36-hours, and with it – a radical shift in tone and delivery.  In essence, he red-pilled himself.
What does that have to do with FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Jeff Sessions?  Please bear with me.

When Christopher Wray appeared before the media three hours after the IG report, one thing was stunningly obvious: he never read the report.  Wray might have been briefed on a summary of the report, but there was no way Director Wray actually read the documented substance, the details and the facts, within the center of the report.
As a direct consequence Chris Wray looked and sounded like Baghdad Bob standing in front of the cameras.  “There are no Americans bombing Baghdad”, as the explosions are seen over his shoulders, was akin to “there’s no structural or institutional bias” as nom de plume FBI agents madly wave “F**k Trump” banners in the background.
It was an absurd display of a disconnect from the institution he is leading.
If you only read the executive summary of the IG report, you might not see how ridiculously absurd Director Wray’s presentation was.  In the old school corporate world we used to have a saying: “never allow your leadership to be compromised“; obviously those who briefed Wray had no issue watching him make a professional ass out of himself. Then again, perhaps that was the intention.

A Worthwhile Reminder When Anyone Talks About Trust in U.S. Government

This well assembled video is recirculating as a reminder of what took place during the media hype of the COVID-19 alarmism. It’s easy to forget just how crazy and insane the lying and manipulation actually was; this video captures only a small element of the demanded narrative.

When anyone asks a question about why so many Americans no longer trust institutions or U.S. government leadership, the issues within this video serve as a mic drop. Watch and be reminded:


These same media voices demanded everyone accept the fraud of the Trump-Russia narrative; then these same voices demanded we ignore the truth of the Hunter Biden laptop; then these same voices demanded again that we adhere to their untested vaccine position; and now they demand we pay attention to their narrative around the fraudulent Lawfare cases against President Trump.

The crazy never ends…


Professional Republicans Unhappy Donald Trump Has Not Reached Out to Nikki Haley Democrats

The apparatus of the Republican influence system is not happy that President Trump has not reached out to Nikki Haley and her coalition of Democrats in order to solicit their support.  Politico outlines the unhappiness amid the Koch network that President Trump has not called them or asked for their support.

The MAGA movement should anticipate the professional Republican apparatus now looking to embed Bush-Cheney-Haley types to control the outcomes of Donald Trump, and the likelihood of a successful presidential race.  Nothing angers the professional Republicans quite like ignoring them and being successful without their crustless triangle cucumber sandwiches.

WASHINGTON DC – When Nikki Haley exited the presidential race earlier this month, she issued what sounded like an ultimatum: Donald Trump needed to “earn the votes of those who did not support him,” and it was “now his time for choosing.”

So far, Trump hasn’t chosen to do much for the sake of reconciliation after calling for the party to come together. In fact, he hasn’t reached out to Haley or some of her top allies at all.

Art Pope would know. The former chair of Americans for Prosperity, the anti-Trump Republican outfit that boosted Haley in the primary, and a top GOP donor who backed Haley himself, told POLITICO the Trump campaign hasn’t reached out to him.

It’s been less than two weeks since Haley dropped out. But the lack of contact is indicative of rifts that persist even after Trump officially became the presumptive nominee this week. (read more)

As I said before, the Nikki Haley “Republicans” are not Republicans, they are Democrats and official supporters of the DC UniParty.


Biden Team Confident They Can Win Haley Supporters, Because Haley Supporters Mainly Democrats

The following NBC article is a little humorous, from the perspective that MSM writes an article about something that is transparently obvious to those who have followed the nature of the 2024 GOP primary.

Essentially, the gist is that Team Biden is confident they will win the vast majority of Nikki Haley supporters in the 2024 general election.  NBC posits that President Trump is not trying to make progress winning those voters, because he’s divisive or something.  However, the core underpinning of the promoted narrative is creating the illusion of something that doesn’t actually exist.

As highlighted by actual results, exit polling and various reviews of the people who voted for Nikki Haley, her bid for the GOP nomination was supported by Democrats, not Republicans.  Democrats in New Hampshire, Washington DC, Virginia and Vermont supported Haley.

It is not coincidental that strategic efforts were made to court Democrats to support her.  Also, the places where she did well were states and municipalities with open primaries, same day registration/voting, and easy election day party switching.  These processes made it simple for Democrats to vote in the Republican primary.

Bottom line, the overwhelming majority of votes for Haley came from Democrats, who were/are going to vote for Biden anyway. So, it’s an exercise in being obtuse not to accept the reality of who exactly represented the Haley voting base.  Then again, professional and intentional ignorance and strategic pretending is a trait of those skilled in gaslighting.

As a consequence of the dynamic, President Trump making any effort to court the Haley vote is an exercise in futility.  Trump is right to just move on, snark at the nonsense that Haley represented, and avoid spending energy on an attempt that will generate nothing substantive in value.  However, for Team Biden saying they will win Haley voters is just an exercise in political narrative engineering the media love to promote.
