A whiffer” – a batter who strikes out by swinging at and missing the third strike !

Reince-Priebusjeb bush

Almost everyone, except the political Mossad, have entirely missed the obvious set-up within the Colorado RNC/GOPe debate.  They had a plan, they had a very good plan, this was their home-turf, this was their home audience – this was personal.

The GM, Reince, had gone along with the family and developed a political strategy; a very political strategy.  The umpires:  John Harwood, Carl Quintanilla, were pre-selected, vetted, nudged, and the necessary game-saving political ball was resting easily upon the tee….  But Jeb whiffed !

Yes, RNC Chairman Reince Prebius was angry last night post-debate, but he wasn’t necessarily frustrated by the venue, his frustration was the collapse of the best laid plan.  Jeb whiffed.

Colorado is Bush Country – we tried to draw attention to this before the debate.

Colorado is Bush Country – we tried to remind everyone about this during the debate.

Colorado is Bush Countrypolitical royalty, may get frustrated by their kids, but they do not give up on them.  EVER.

We have continually stated, the RNC/GOPe will never give up on Jeb Bush.  He is, quite simply, their guy.  The entire construct of two years of developed GOPe road-mapping is contingent upon Jeb Bush as the Wall Street candidate along with Hillary Clinton.

All of the splitters, all of the seed money, all of the professional political class of Billionaire Donors (those advocating globalism), have been aligned for more than a few years to deliver an outcome.

They are frustrated with Little Bush; but no, one whiff will not stop or derail them. You must remember, they have the nomination pre-paid and sitting on electoral layaway. They’ve pre-paid for the pick-ups all the way through April 2017.


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Do you really think the Fantasy Football question was just random happenstance?  Do you really think Jeb’s retort of his players, his gamesmanship, was really just an off the cuff remark? If so, we’ve got an ABC George Stephanopolous ‘War-On-Women’ to sell you, real cheap.  High-miles, but well maintained…. great deal.

The set-up question to Senator Marco Rubio, about the Sun Sentinel article calling for his resignation, was a no-brainer.  Both Bush and Rubio knew that one was coming – hence, Rubio had all his previous senate candidate ducks-in-a-row talking points ready to deploy.

However, what was known only to The Family (sworn by code of Omerta), was the follow-up designed to be the ball placed upon the tee for Jeb.

But he whiffed.



Because he sucks…. too much silver spoon coddling, not enough callous building.

Daddy Bush (former CIA), just like Grandpappy Bush, delivered Florida for Jeb via Porter Goss (also former CIA), not by merit – by decree.

Trump rubio bush

Meanwhile, Ohio Governor John Kasich was working his wolverine attack role on behalf of the professional political class until Donald Trump delivered a FANTASTIC singular dispatch to Governor Kasich -via the atomic sledgehammer of truth.

Trump exposed Kasich’s boardroom relationship with Lehman Brothers and associated bankruptcy.

How effective was the smack down?  Well, we never heard another squeak from Kasich.  Not only did Trump just shut him down, he delivered the thermonuclear kill shot for Kasich’s entire campaign.

Kasich is done.  (Notice the media today is crickets about John Kasich).

Donald Trump is a brilliant strategist, we initially sold him short on occasion – but these kill shots are devastating.

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The almost invisible follow-up wink by Trump to Ben Carson, also the subject of Kasich attacks, was the highlight of the entire night.  And you better believe Carson is smart enough to know what just happened – when it just happened.

Last night played out exactly as the adaptable Donald Trump would anticipate.  The entire anti-Trump coalition of globalists and media co-horts knew an economic forum filled with monetary, budgetary, or fiscal policy wonk-speak would have been in Trump’s strike zone.  As a consequence, CNBC took the debate to other stuff – well outside even their own wheelhouse.

Nothing plays into Trump’s hand better than seeing the field of ‘Splitters’ and their subsequent Super-Pacs, having to justify their candidacy and viability.  Donald Trump has reversed their advantage and is now using their own strategy against them.

There is no better scenario for Donald Trump than to see the field consist of:

  • Donald Trump
  • Ben Carson
  • Marco Rubio
  • Jeb Bush
  • Ted Cruz
  • Chris Christie

Once the ankle biters are removed from the equation, you start getting down to brass tacks.  Each of the candidates below Trump -outlined above- is just as susceptible to the Atomic Sledgehammer of Truth as John Kasich was.

The delicious part of that aspect is a reality that each of those potential victims knows their own vulnerability.  They will be walking around fearful of when Trump uses it.

Operation Hummingbird was successful in that it pushed Marco Rubio closer to the center of the stage which is where the RNC/GOPe wanted him.  They wanted the vulgarian contrast with their well spoken golden boy.

However, in some ways the contrast they were expecting is backfiring:  #1 – Rubio seems even smaller, perhaps nervous, in comparison to the looming and experienced Trump; and #2 – Rubio is actually pulling too much down-stream electoral support away from Jeb, hence the polls.

The other side of the Op Hummingbird equation has failed miserably.  Carly Fiorina, by all accounts, had the most broadcast airtime – yet do you remember a single thing she said amid all of that pursed-lip pontification?    Fiorina sells well amid the GOPe crystal decanter class, but she doesn’t transfer beyond that because she’s an empty pantsuit; all hat and no cattle.

GOP primary 2

Just a Reminder, this is an insurgency. – The modern enemy of Wall Street is Main Street vulgarians. The enemy of the RNC/GOPe is not Democrats, it’s Grassroots Conservatives, more vulgarians.

The Republican Party, and the Republican media apparatus, view us as their enemy. We are the enemy they need to protect themselves from:

In 2014, the RNC approved selection rules that govern how each state’s delegates are portioned out from the primaries. Under one of the changes, states holding their primaries between March 1 and March 14 will have their delegates doled out proportionately with election results, a change that will likely stymie a movement candidate.

States that have primaries on or after March 15 will be winner-take-all states.

That’s important because another RNC rule change requires that a candidate must win a majority of delegates in eight or more states before his or her name may be presented for nomination at the 2016 Republican National Convention.

With 18 GOP presidential candidates, for now, it will be that much harder for any candidate to win a majority in any state, let alone eight. (Article July 2015)

GOP-versus-Tea-PartyNow, ask yourself, why would the RNC want to “stymie a movement candidate“? Who exactly does that benefit? Obviously, the “non-movement” candidate, ie “the turtle“.

Isn’t the entire reason for campaigning in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina etc. to make a movement/momentum?

In addition Rule #40 changed in 2014 from previously five needed state wins, to a newer threshold of eight (8):

Officially, it’s Rule 40 in the RNC handbook and it states that any candidate for president “shall demonstrate the support of a majority of the delegates from each of eight (8) or more states” before their name is presented for nomination at the national convention. (article March 2014)

Again, ask yourself who does this benefit? A candidate can win seven states outright, and still not have their name presented for nomination?

These rules were made/affirmed in 2014 – Who or what exactly was the GOP concerned about blocking in 2016 that would necessitate such rules? When combined with other rule changes you can clearly identify a consolidation of power within the RNC apparatus intentionally constructed to stop the candidate of the GRASSROOTS from achieving victory.

It’s all part of their GOPe Roadmap.

♦ Reference and Resources – (links to internal MSM references are contained within prior outlines): RNC Rule Changes RNC Rule Battles

  1. Following The Money
  2. The GOPe Roadmap
  3. ♦ The Roles of The Players – “The Splitters
  4. ♦ How each candidate is aligned in the Roadmap
  5. ♦ Arrow #1 Trump Hits The Super-PACs – The GOPe Achilles Heel
  6. ♦ Arrow #2 Trump Hits Bush – Inside The Wall Street Fortress
  7. ♦ Arrow #3 Trump Cuts Off Rubio/Bush switch – The GOPe Switch
  8. ♦ The Rick Perry Tripwire Exposed – DC Super-Pac
  9. ♦ Jeb Bush Super-Pac Will immediately spend $10 Million
  10. ♦ Proving there is only one political party in Washington DC
  11. ♦ Why Support Trump – Part One (The GOPe Ruse)
  12. ♦ Why Support Trump – Part Two (Stop being played)
  13. ♦ Why Support Trump – Part Three (Intellectual Details)
  14. ♦ How To Defeat the GOPe Road Map
  15. ♦ Current Polling Exposes – the Ohio, Florida, Texas, Virginia, New York Splitters
  16. ♦ Florida Polling Exposes – Donald Trump defeating Jeb’s Florida Strategy
  17. ♦ Rush Limbaugh Discusses/AffirmsThe “splitter strategy”
  18. ♦ The Biden Paradox – Trump Winning Means Clinton Must Be Removed
  19. ♦ Salem Media Communications (GOPe Media Arm) Launches Attack
  20. ♦ Open Letter To GOPe – The Conservative Frustration
  21. ♦ Why The GOPe Will Never Stop Attacking Donald Trump