
The Sketchy Fusion GPS "Dossier" Links Clinton Campaign To Media Narrative Engineers…

Things could get a whole lot more interesting if Kimberley Strassel is correct in her research and analysis of how the Clinton Campaign paid for the creation of the “Steele Dossier”, pushed it to the FBI, and then used their influence to generate media coverage of it.   There’s a lot more questions to be asked; a lot more.

The basic outline as it appears is:  Clinton paid for the sketchy dossier to be put together; then pushed it to the FBI (Sally Yates); who then used it to open a counter-intelligence investigation; which was then used to begin wiretaps etc. on Trump; while simultaneously reporters were fed information -from Fusion GPS- about the dossier and intelligence investigation; to start the Russian conspiracy narrative, using leaks within the intelligence investigation which were created by the dossier.
Byron York lays out the timeline and asks a similar set of questions.  Additionally, there are strong indications Fusion GPS paid journalists to promote the dossier narrative along with other stories.

Syria's President Bashar Assad Admits Terrorist Embeds Within Syrian Refugee Population…

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Investigative reporter Michael Isikoff interviewed Syria’s Bashar al-Assad about the civil war and the ongoing refugee crisis.  Isikoff did not expect to hear Assad confirm President Trump’s position that terrorists are embedded within the refugee community.

Worth noting, amid the 30,000 foot view of the larger issues, is how accessible Assad is to this western journalist interview.  Ask yourselves, why hasn’t the New York Times, or Washington Post interviewed Assad and delivered a similar finding?….

Reminder, everything discussed in this interview has been previously outlined with documented research.   This is not spin by Assad, there have been multiple independent sources who have confirmed these aspects.

(Via Yahoo News) Weighing in on one of the most contentious issues in American politics — the danger posed to host countries by the 4.8 million people who have fled from Syria’s civil war — Syrian President Bashar Assad told Yahoo News that some of the refugees are “definitely” terrorists.


Report: Eric Holder Personally Targeted Fox Reporter James Rosen – Meaning He Lied To Congress Last Week

eric_holder_ap1WASHINGTON — Attorney General Eric Holder personally signed off on the warrant that allowed the Justice Department to search Fox News reporter James Rosen’s personal email, NBC News’ Michael Isikoff reported Thursday.

The report places Holder at the center of one of the most controversial clashes between the press and the government in recent memory. The warrant he approved named Rosen as a “co-conspirator” in a leak investigation, causing many to warn that the Justice Department was potentially criminalizing journalism. The warrant also approved the tracking of Rosen’s movements in and out of the State Department, as well as his communications with his source, Stephen Kim. (more…)

Ex-Hawaii official denounces 'ludicrous' birther claims…..

and then lies (see below) …….. (MSNBC) By Michael Isikoff:   The Hawaiian state health official who personally reviewed Barack Obama’s original birth certificate has affirmed again that the document is “real” and denounced “conspiracy theorists” in the so-called “birther” movement for continuing to spread bogus claims about the issue.   “It’s kind of ludicrous at this point,” Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the former director of Hawaii’s Department of Health, said in a rare telephone interview with NBC. (more…)