
Is DNC Chair Tom Perez Trying "Broken Arrow" 2018?…

Aside from the common vernacular of ‘broken arrow‘ referencing a loss of a nuclear weapon it also means:

“a code phrase that a ground unit is facing imminent destruction from enemy attack and all available air forces within range are to provide air support immediately.”

In essence, with enemy completely overwhelming a position – a military commander calls in direct fire upon themselves in a last-ditch effort to at least retain some of their own forces in the aftermath.
For the sake of this discussion do not consider the reference ‘federal politicians’ (ie. DC congress and Senate); but rather consider the term “broken arrow” a metaphor for the totality of the past eight years and the collapse of the Democrat political apparatus in state House seats and state Senate seats.

  • State House Majority Control: 38 states Republican / 12 states Democrat
  • State Senate Majority Control: 37 states Republican / 17 states Democrat / 1 state tied.
  • State Governors: 34 Republican / 15 Democrat / 1 Independent

If you put a blue marble on a table for each of the Democrat politicians in state office and a red marble on the table for each of the Republican politicians in state office the table would be roughly 65% red marbles and 35% blue marbles.

Elizabeth Warren Admits the 2016 Democrat Primary Election Was "Rigged"…

… And here we go.  Toldyaso.  Right on cue…  Elizabeth “Liawatha” Warren outlines to Jake Tapper, the #1 goal of current DNC Chairman Tom Perez is to bring back the Bernie Sanders supporters ahead of the 2018 elections.

Of course the part Senator Elizabeth Warren leaves out is that she knew the DNC was under the direction and control of the Hillary Clinton campaign back in 2015, Hillary told her, and that’s why Warren never put her name in the candidacy hat. Duh.  Oh, and like none of the-deep-in-the-weeds political reporters knew this?  Ohhkay. Sure. Whatevs.

Unfortunately the Bernie crowd is just gullible enough to buy this re-branding strategy. And of course, in an effort to retain their opinion of Teh One, none of the progressives will admit to themselves that President Obama most certainly knew of the plan.



After Creating Chaos For Brand Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz Steps Down – Preparing For 2020 White House Bid?…

According to a report in the Seattle Times, Howard Schultz, the current CEO of Starbucks, will step down from his role at the coffee chain next month.  This comes following the collapsing brand image as a direct result of Schultz’s political virtue signaling to hire 10,000 refugees and avoid hiring Americans.

The refugee announcement followed the first President Trump temporary travel-ban and many Trump supporters boycotted the coffee chain.  In a letter to employees Schultz claimed the promise of the American Dream was ‘being called into question’ and ‘the civility and human rights we have all taken for granted for so long are under attack.’

However, with the successful installment of Tom Perez as head of the DNC – the timing and political transparency indicate Howard Schultz could also be  positioning himself for a 2020 White House run.

Schultz has long been a favorite candidate for the professional political donor class within the DNC and was a top-tier contender for Clinton’s VP in 2016.   The DNC will always position the winning candidate as one they are able to control. (more…)

Re-Purposing for Political Benefit – Democrat Political Interests Stirring Racial Unrest Again…

Taken in the abstract, the ridiculous claim of the fake documentary filmmaker Jason Pollock (unhinged version seen here) seems like the typical leftist approach at manufacturing controversy in an effort for financial gain. St Louis prosecutor Robert McCulloch responds here.  Outline article here.
Wrongful death lawsuits are often aided by public pressure, and the opinion of the public creating that pressure is frequently manipulated by the media; ergo there’s a natural connection between the professionally aggrieved and the media who sell the cause of the grievance.

However, beyond the abstract there’s a network of affiliated political interests who also stimulate the individual events in order to promote their own highly politicized endeavors.
That’s where people like George Soros and the various Democrat Organizations step in to fund the processes of the aggrieved.  The individual events become the tinder for the larger fires of national political manipulation.
So it may not be entirely disconnected that at the EXACT same time Jason Pollock is selling his fake and misleading documentary, another familiar face shows up in Dallas Texas to sell another race-based lawsuit: (more…)

Prescient Trump Tweets DNC Election "Rigged"…

One of the reasons why President Trump continues to give the media trouble is because he speaks common sense truths directly about issues.  In the latest example the people, not leaders, within the Democrat party know what he’s saying is fundamentally accurate.
trump-tweet-dnc-riggedBernie Sanders appearing on CNN responded when questioned about the issue, and everyone notes Sanders doesn’t actually dispute what Trump is highlighting.

Tom Perez -vs- Keith Ellison For DNC Chair – CNN Debate 10pm Tonight…

Yeah, there’s a lot of political stuff swirling the various news feeds.  However, it’s worth watching the CNN debate tonight between Tom Perez and Keith Ellison for DNC Chairmanship.  The actual DNC voting will take place on Saturday February 25th.
The long term future of the Democrat party is being fought amid two distinct constituencies.  The establishment wing of the Democrat Party, represented by Perez; and the more insurgent wing of the party apparatus represented by Ellison.
UPDATE: Video Added
While there is a considerable amount of cross-over between the two ideological camps, essentially the direction the Democrat party will take in the 2018 mid-term election is the most visible issue.  Political junkies will be able to identify what direction is chosen by seeing which candidate the DNC selects for Chair. (more…)

Have You Noticed Media Pushing a National Narrative of Anti-Semitism Today? – Here's Why…

Many people are noticing a rather familiar, albeit oddly timed, leftist “anti-Semitism” narrative being pushed into the media broadcasts over the past 36 hours.   Yes, it seems to have come out of nowhere.  Why?  No one is really understanding what’s going on.
Understandably, the right side of the political continuum are referencing the media push from the position of their own camp; that makes them defensive.  However, the actual motive of the professional corporate media to push this meme has nothing to do with President Trump or republicans – it’s an internal maneuver and transparently Clintonian.
Team Clinton, meaning the professionally political elements of the Democrat machinery, are pushing the anti-Semitism storylines because the party is in the final stages of framing their argument to ensure their preferred DNC head, Tom Perez, wins as party chair.

The Democratic National Committee votes this week for its next leader. The winner of the DNC chair race will very likely reflect whether the committee’s voting members think it prudent to align their party with the Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama camp, the Bernie Sanders camp — or neither.  ~NPR

Tom Perez endorsements: former Vice President Joe Biden, former Attorney General Eric Holder, former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and former Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
Keith Ellison endorsements: Sen. Bernie Sanders; Sen. Elizabeth Warren; Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer; Rep. John Lewis; New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Raymond Buckley
Pushing odd, vague, disingenuous and sparsely connected stories about anti-Semitic news, is the way Team Clinton undermine Perez’s opponent, Keith Ellison.
Representative Ellison, a Muslim, carries a strong anti-Semitic liability from his past associations and past engagements speaking negatively about Jewish people. (more…)

DNC Candidate Keith Ellison Wants Full Democrat Filibuster on Gorsuch Nomination…

During the last of the DNC regional forum’s today in Baltimore Maryland, leading candidate Keith Ellison outlines why every non-Democrat should hope he wins the chairmanship.
Ellison’s expressed approach is that Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch should be filibustered by all Senate Democrats.  This is Keith Ellison’s strategy:

BALTIMORE – […]  Ellison said Democrats should filibuster Gorsuch’s confirmation after Republicans refused to consider Merrick Garland, President Barack Obama‘s nominee for the seat.
“We have to oppose Gorsuch at every millimeter, and the reason why is Republicans stole a Democratic seat,” he said. “We cannot capitulate to that kind of bullying. They’re the ones who broke the rules.”  (more)

This short-sighted, inside the bubble and disconnected approach plays brilliantly into the hands of team Trump.  This approach is exactly what will trigger the nuclear option as we have described previously.

No, President Trump Does Not Need To Take Immediate Action on DACA – Here's Why…

There are multiple voices raising concern about President Trump not taking immediate Executive Action to reverse former President Obama’s DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program.  To those voices this message is intended.
trump-portraitillegal aliens major
Now is not the time to address DACA.  The UniParty and the UniParty friendly media are trying to bait President Trump into jumping into a politically charged issue they will use to slow, if not destroy, the larger agenda.
There are two Obama executive action constructs, DACA and DAPA.

♦ Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), also known as “The Dreamers” executive order which has been implemented and carried out deferring immigration enforcement for the children of illegal aliens.

♦ Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA), was the executive action found unconstitutional by Judge Hanen (Texas), blocked by injunction, and subsequently the injunction was argued through the appellate court all the way to SCOTUS – and upheld.

The Department of Homeland Security reluctantly halted DAPA implementation after they were defeated in the court system.   However, DACA, the deferred action for “dreamers” has been ongoing.  It is the DACA program that contains the largest political issue.

"No Justice, No Quiche" The #Blackbrunch Planning Manual and Rulebook (For Black Eyes Only)

Page #8 …”This movement has been organized by Black folks for other Black folks. Again we ask, please only forward this information to members of the Black and African diaspora”…

On Saturday and Sunday morning in California and New York, activists from the Black Lives Matter group invaded numerous eateries shouting, harassing customers and screaming anti-police rhetoric. Their stated goal was to impress upon people of all races the struggles of what it’s like to be black in America. Unfortunately for them, their cause was mostly ignored and in many cases mocked by patrons and social media.
In a document obtained by Weasel Zippers, activists outline their plans for disrupting businesses, assigning members of their group to stall and talk with store owners and management. They assign various persons the tasks of taking photos, shooting video, interacting with police and ensuring the safety of illegal and disruptive demonstrations.
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