
Re-Purposing for Political Benefit – Democrat Political Interests Stirring Racial Unrest Again…

Taken in the abstract, the ridiculous claim of the fake documentary filmmaker Jason Pollock (unhinged version seen here) seems like the typical leftist approach at manufacturing controversy in an effort for financial gain. St Louis prosecutor Robert McCulloch responds here.  Outline article here.
Wrongful death lawsuits are often aided by public pressure, and the opinion of the public creating that pressure is frequently manipulated by the media; ergo there’s a natural connection between the professionally aggrieved and the media who sell the cause of the grievance.

However, beyond the abstract there’s a network of affiliated political interests who also stimulate the individual events in order to promote their own highly politicized endeavors.
That’s where people like George Soros and the various Democrat Organizations step in to fund the processes of the aggrieved.  The individual events become the tinder for the larger fires of national political manipulation.
So it may not be entirely disconnected that at the EXACT same time Jason Pollock is selling his fake and misleading documentary, another familiar face shows up in Dallas Texas to sell another race-based lawsuit: (more…)

Judge Debra Nelson Throws Out Zimmerman Lawsuit Against NBC – States Zimmerman Was "Public Figure"…

As a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y expected, Judge Debra Nelson agrees with defendant (NBC) motion and dismisses the lawsuit by George Zimmerman against NBC for slander/defamation.

There really was no other way this court was going to rule.   Judge Debra Nelson was the same judge from the original criminal trial.   Two things were brutally obvious:
judge nelson 2
Firstly,  she is horridly inept in legal analysis and opinion.    Nelson relies heavily on her judicial clerks to form and write her decisions.   Subsequently,  in the higher profile Zimmerman case, her staff level decision making was exposed and she was twice reversed in pre-trial rulings by the 5th Florida DCA.
Those ruling reversals were before the Zimmerman trial formerly started – and there were at least 4 or 5 more pre-trial decisions the defense team could have easily appealed and won, but just chose not to.   Including the actual start date of the trial itself which she refused to delay even after the 5th DCA reversed her deposition rulings -in favor of defense- 3 days before trial start was scheduled.
Secondly, Nelson’s actual trial rulings were generally flawed; and most legal analysts would agree she was/is legally weak-minded.   However, worse than the absence of legal acumen was her visible bias against the defendant, Zimmerman, and his defense. (more…)

GZ Civil Case – Judge Debra Nelson Throws Out One Aspect of Zimmerman V NBC Lawsuit… Pondering The Other Three

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The same judge from the 3/16/12 911 call audio tape release injunction.
The same judge from the Zimmerman trial fiasco.
The same judge overturned TWICE by 5th Circuit court of appeals on pretrial rulings.
… now presiding over the civil lawsuit. Would you really expect anything different ? Really?

I think I’ll limit my opinion of this predictable train wreck to pictures.

SANFORD – A judge on Thursday threw out part of George Zimmerman’s libel suit against NBC Universal and held out the prospect that she may throw out the whole thing.
Circuit Judge Debra S. Nelson tossed the allegations related to one of five broadcasts and said she needs to do more homework before deciding about the others. Zimmerman is suing the media company, alleging that it falsely portrayed him as a racist.
He is the Neighborhood Watch volunteer acquitted last year of murdering Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black 17-year-old, a shooting that prompted civil rights rallies. (more…)

The Orlando Sentinel Gains Names and Details of Zimmerman Jurors – Instantly Begins Confronting Them…

A media spokesperson by the name of Ryan Julison has more actual blood on his hands than any other media corporatist in the last decade.    It was Julison who specifically orchestrated race into the initial media hook in the Trayvon Martin shooting to gain attention for his clients, the Martin family attorneys.
Julison’s decision to inject racial anxiety into the Martin Shooting produced the attack theme:

Justice for Trayvon” 

matthew-owens-e1335230852514Ryan julison close

ryan julison facebook final

And not to be outdone…. Today The Orlando Sentinel’s reporter, Rene Stutzman,  runs quickly to the head of the parade to replace Ryan Julison.   Only this this time she brings a hit list with her to make it easier for the race provocateurs to locate their victims:

ORLANDO – The names of the six-member jury panel that acquitted George Zimmerman in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin have been made public for the first time, after a new court order, records show. (more…)

Shellie Zimmerman Takes Plea Deal – Admits Guilt – State of Florida V Shellie Zimmerman

George Zimmerman's wife, Shellie, watches her husband leave the courtroom during a recess in his trial at the Seminole circuit court in Sanford

When asked why George Zimmerman was not in the courtroom for his wife’s plea hearing Wednesday, Sims would only say, “That’s an excellent question.”  (link)

Shellie Zimmerman misled the court because she had been told by others to say  “maybe that’s not my money,” her attorney, Kelly Sims, said after the hearing.  (link)

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Now The Brutal Bias From The Orlando Sentinel In The Zimmerman Case Makes Sense – The Editorial Review Was Full Frontal Racial Bias From Black Content Approvers….

Perhaps people already knew this and I’m the first to catch on to the obvious.
When Rene Stutzman, a reporter for The Orlando Sentinel, informed me about the editorial board deciding “what” content would be “permitted to be discussed”, within the Trayvon Martin reporting of her newspaper, I had no idea the Senior Vice-President / Director of Content was African American.
Nor did I know the editor she was talking about, Mark Russell, was also African American.
It just never crossed my mind to ask.
Now I see two articles (here and here), discussing who was actually behind those decisions she was speaking toward, it all begins to make sense.
The editor in charge of the Sentinel was Mark Russell. Obviously, based on the extreme position taken by the editor and shared with me via Stutzman, the position was such that no aspect of Trayvon Martin’s background would be covered by the paper.  It was clearly a racial position.
A position amplified by the fact the Director of Content, Avido Khahaifa, would also be the key decision maker, and who was/is also demanding his reporters filter the news on the basis of race first.
Now it all makes sense. (more…)

Zimmerman Post Trial Debrief – Open Discussion Thread

patriotThings are settling down. Thankfully.
Let me give you some perspective.   Remember, we welcome participation – but we do not welcome a site reflecting a non-mannered sports bar after your team wins the FA Cup (look it up).    We have a set site security process of first comment approval.  Hence,we are generally at maximum capacity with inbound site traffic in the range of 3,000 people per hour.  (that’s generally where we max out efficiency)
For the past 3 days, we have been running around 15,000 inbound visitors per hour EVERY HOUR.    To say the site has been running sketchy is a slight understatement.  The admins have been valiant,  I would say incredibly so.   In just trying to manage the volume of trafficked comments.   (more…)

Federally Approved DOJ CRS Extortion – Dream Defenders and Thomas Battles Turn "Justice" into "Just Us"…

*Important note as you process this information. There are two videos that MUST be watched in order to intellectually absorb the level of corruption at work.  The information is critical to understanding, and the post itself needs to be understood quickly.  I cannot stress the importance against the backdrop of understanding the deception.
The civil rights arm of the Dept. of Justice is now a modern leveraging or enforcement mechanism to insure the aggrieved are paid off as well as protected. The legal terms such as “adverse impact”, “disparate treatment” and others, have been corrupted to apply to black skin color as the common denominator for the application being reviewed.
The protective agency, who guard the optics of the Black Grievance Industry, is the Community Relations Service (CRS), also known as the DOJ “Peacekeepers”. The primary role of the CRS Peacekeepers is to protect the image of the Black Grievance Industry. They do this by keeping the public unaware of the consequences of the BGI activity and at the same time telling the BGI to put down the molotov cocktails because they can be too easily seen.
Thomas BattlesThe CRS is a federally protected super-secret agency within the DOJ who operate with stealth immunity on behalf of black citizens. To the public the CRS will claim their interests are to represent, and look out for, minority interests.  However, in actual application their only engagements are facilitations around persons of black skin color. The Marxist SPLC spins the Peacekeepers thusly:

[…] Reserved and discreet, yet engaging and well-connected, Thomas Battles and his team were dispatched to the city as the shooting was making national headlines — to assist without drawing attention to themselves.
“He and his staff largely operate out of the spotlight doing very important, very necessary work,’’ said Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center, where Battles and his team have received training. “They are going to cities like Sanford that are torn apart by a racial rift, put in an international spotlight. These are places that need help quickly.’’ (link)

Thomas Battles is the Southeast Regional Director of the Community Relations Service. (more…)

How do you solve a problem like Kru-id-bos ?

The number of people throughout this nation who can understand exactly what the issues are within this video would not fill a standard college lecture hall. Lucky for us, they are all reading this site. So y’all are in very good company.

It has been several months since this took place. And it might be a good time to refresh your memory, because its going to be with us for a while.
The Brady violations in State discovery are a big deal not only for George Zimmerman, but also for Ben Kruidbos, who has been fired from his job for speaking up about the hiding of, and manipulation of, evidence in the case. (more…)

Zimmerman Case – Post Trial – Open Discussion Thread

During the time the jury was deliberating, and in anticipation of a possible guilty verdict, I had written a post outlining what was structurally wrong with the basis of the “optics” in the defense case.  It contained, essentially,  two possible issues to think about:

justice_scalesThen, as I was going to delete the post, it occurred to me that even in victory it actually still applies.
Well the structure of what I had written was about the aspects never presented to the jury.  What I realized in reading it yesterday, was it still applies – only this time with modifications to explain why the viewing public had such a negative outcome to the verdict.
In essence, the same reason(s) the jury could have found George guilty, is the very same reason(s) the public is unable to accept his acquittal.
FIRST: Mark O’Mara spent 4 minutes of silence to prove what exactly?
Sure, the implication was that Trayvon should have made it home;  But he never actually said that directly, instead he just implied it was a possibility.  Which “implies” Trayvon could have hidden around laying in wait for the “creepy ass cracka” to show up.  But again he never actually presented the basis for Trayvon provoking the encounter. (more…)