
What Do The Enterovirus D-68 and A New Measles Outbreak Have In Common?…

If you are willing to accept the world as it is, rather than as you might wish it to be, the answer is obvious.

Enterovirus Obama
♦  Tens of thousands of non-inoculated Mexican/South American children, and their families, have been using Obama’s open border policy to swarm into the United States.
♦  These kids/families, each with 90% no-show rates for the very first immigration hearing, then join public schools and daycare centers without consequence.  After all, there is a three year backlog of cases to find.
♦  Then, not coincidentally, a big surprise – Enterovirus and Measles outbreaks occur almost immediately along a pattern of immigration flow.
CNN measles
And the media is shocked, SHOCKED.
Reminder – […]  However, for our research hypothesis, more relevant than the CDC claim it has not found a link – is the admission the immigrant children were not known to have been tested for the resistant or dormant virus. (more…)

President Obama State of The Union Shocker !!!

The resounding shockwave came within moments of the beginning:

[…]… In two weeks, I will send this Congress a budget filled with ideas that are practical, not partisan. And in the months ahead, I’ll crisscross the country making a case for those ideas….

obama_delivers budget_In two weeks, I will send this Congress a budget“… If true, this would represent the first time in his entire presidency when President Obama would have submitted a federal budget proposal by the statutorily required deadline.
The Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 requires the President to submit his budget request for the upcoming fiscal year no later than the first Monday of February.  He never does.  Last year’s Obama budget arrived April 10th 2014.
[…] “filled with ideas that are practical, not partisan”… In addition to six consecutive years of missed budget proposal deadlines, you also have six years of almost every DEMOCRAT in congress voting against the proposals (again and again) contained within the late budgets.   A cynic might well remember the last federal budget signed into law was signed in September of 2007, yes, NEARING EIGHT FULL YEARS AGO.
Beginning in 2008 Senator -then President- Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have used continuing resolutions (CR’s) to fund government while raising the debt ceiling.  I wonder what changed this year?
Oh yeah,
2014 electorate map 2

President Obama Blames Europe For Not Allowing The Islamists To Kill Them….

If you’ve been with us for a while, and you know about the 2010 Rivkin Project, you are able to see the profound confirmation to our 2011 analysis contained within this message from President Obama.


WASHINGTON (AFP) – Europe must do more to better integrate its Muslim communities, and not “simply respond with a hammer”, US President Barack Obama said Friday in the wake of last week’s terror attacks in France.

“Our biggest advantage, major, is that our Muslim populations – they feel themselves to be Americans,” Obama told a joint press conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron.

“There are parts of Europe in which that’s not the case. And that’s probably the greatest danger that Europe faces… it’s important for Europe not to simply respond with a hammer and law enforcement and military approaches to these problems.”

Understand the Rivkin Project HERE

My First Job (What was yours?)

The admins here at the Treehouse were chit-chatting yesterday (as we often do), and Menagerie called our attention to an article, Seven Signs You’re Too Smart For Your Job.
Menagerie said she noticed it because it was linked to by a former employee of hers.  This person (who apparently thinks that he/she is too smart for the job) failed to exhibit proficiency at either of the two jobs that were assigned, and refused to come to work if it snowed.

The Turbulent Summer Of 2014 – Victor Davis Hanson

If your children are old enough to be in college, they probably think the country they were born into is falling apart.  If you’re a Baby Boomer like myself, you know the country you were born into is already gone.  It’s a hard thing to thwart the general feeling of optimism shared by most Americans during a beautiful summer season.  But, if you stop and take a thoughtful assessment of the disasters currently befalling our world, perhaps you’ll see that the fall might be closer than you think.


The summer of 2014 will go down in history as the season when America fell apart. Let’s take a tour of the disasters…

nsa-obama-spying-angela-merkels-phone(Townhall)…Germany in 2008 enthusiastically hosted candidate Barack Obama for his so-called “Victory Column” speech. Now, Germans suddenly sound as if they are near-enemies of the U.S. Chancellor Angela Merkel reportedly was furious that her cell phone was tapped by American intelligence agents. She just kicked the top CIA official out of Germany, further enraged that the U.S. had recruited at least one German official to provide intelligence on the German government. Polls show that Germans find Vladimir Putin’s Russian tyranny almost as popular as Barack Obama’s America.
Japan is becoming similarly frustrated with the U.S. It is rearming like crazy to confront an aggressive China. Both Asian powers apparently assume that Obama won’t guarantee the security of the Japanese as America had in the past. (more…)

Dawn, March 6, 1836, Siege of the Alamo – Day 13

th_el_zpsf7513b28    By Elvis Chupacabra

“The Siege of The Alamo” by Lajos Markos Reproduced with thanks to the Markos Estate

The old timers said that a dry, chill wind was blowing out of the northwest, right from the heart of the Commancheria, that dawn of March 6, 1836. It ripped the palls of black smoke billowing from the old Alamo mission into ragged tendrils and hurled them away, as if trying to clear the air of the sickly sweet smell of burning flesh and the acrid stench of gunpowder. By the time the sun broke above the horizon and cast a golden light over the old mission-turned-fortress, gunshots still sporadically rent the air, but the main sound was that of an enraged mob. (more…)

Dawn, March 6, 1836, Siege of the Alamo – Day 13

th_el_zpsf7513b28    By Elvis Chupacabra

“The Siege of The Alamo” by Lajos Markos Reproduced with thanks to the Markos Estate

The old timers said that a dry, chill wind was blowing out of the northwest, right from the heart of the Commancheria, that dawn of March 6, 1836. It ripped the palls of black smoke billowing from the old Alamo mission into ragged tendrils and hurled them away, as if trying to clear the air of the sickly sweet smell of burning flesh and the acrid stench of gunpowder. By the time the sun broke above the horizon and cast a golden light over the old mission-turned-fortress, gunshots still sporadically rent the air, but the main sound was that of an enraged mob. (more…)

March 2, 1836: The Republic of Texas is Declared!

Texas Independence Day

March 2, 1836

th_el_zpsf7513b28    By Elvis Chupacabra


Lorenzo de Zavala

When I was a mere lad, Texas Independence Day was celebrated in schools with patriotic songs, readings of the Declaration by schoolkids and grave lectures on our role as Texans by our teachers. Even the Mexican kids participated, because anyone who’d read the  hallowed rolls of the Alamo and Goliad dead knew that there were plenty of martyrs with Spanish surnames. We also knew of Lorenzo de Zavala and Juan Seguin, both Texian heroes of the Revolution.

Juan Seguin

It was understood by the youngest of us that Texas went from being just the mostly empty northern part of the Mexican state of Cohuila-Texas to the independent Republic of Texas with the signing of this document. Like the beloved United States, from whence the spirit -and some would say impetus – of revolution had come, we won our right to be free through the force of arms, wielded by brave and bold men. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, the despot which our Texas Forefathers overthrew was ever bit as evil and prone to predations as Britain’s George III. His one saving grace, that he invented that most American of oral fixations, chewing gum, was more than off-set by his cruelty and duplicitous nature. The self-proclaimed Napoleon of the North, he boasted an army well-officered and well-equipped that had spent the past couple of years putting down rebellions in Mexico. It wasn’t just the Texians who longed for the return to a government who respected the liberal Constitution of 1824.  (more…)

Thirteen Days Of Glory: Day One, February 23, 1836


This series of articles is guest posted by Elvis Chupacabra!

The Alamo Siege

February 23, 1836:

General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna reaches San Antonio with a large body of his troops, mostly cavalry. Much of his assault infantry, engineer troops and siege artillery are strung out along the road back to the Rio Grande. Of these, many of his native troops, lightly dressed for the warmth of Mexico, have suffered in a late and particularly harsh winter storm along their hasty, forced march towards the rebellious province of Tejas. (more…)