
Growing Invasion Force Overwhelms Mexican Authorities – Approximately 10,000 Now Traveling through Mexico to U.S. Southern Border….

Despite media claims to the contrary, elected Mexican officials previously promised to allow the invasion of Central American migrants. There is a history here.

The heavily financed horde of Central American migrants has overwhelmed the token resistance from Mexican military and advanced north toward the Southern U.S. border.  As described by the Associated Press today: “growing army of migrants resumes march toward US.”  This is a well financed, well organized, left-wing political operation strategically timed to reach the U.S. border and coincide with the 2018 mid-term election.
Estimates as to the number of economic migrants varies between 7,000 to 10,000 and the numbers are growing fast as they are now facilitated by, and joined by, ideological comrades within Mexico.   The ‘invasion force’ is now more than two-miles long. The group claims to be fleeing violence in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, yet the group has deployed violence against Mexican officials who are vastly outnumbered.

President Trump has requested that Mexican officials stop the advancement of the massive group and praised any efforts therein.  However, it appears there is a disconnect between what actions U.S. officials think is happening – and the actual advancement on the ground.  Those marching toward the U.S. are no longer finding any resistance.
As explained in a USA Today review: “Sunday the crowd was large and the mood mostly ecstatic. Olivin Castellanos, 58, a truck driver and mason from Villanueva, Honduras, said he took a raft into Mexico. He hopes to work in construction in the United States.”  “No one will stop us, only God,” he said. “We knocked down the door and we continue walking.”
Initially the group was between 3,000 and 5,000.  However, in the past 36 hours the numbers have grown considerably; seeming to double in size overnight.

Federal Judge Rules Trump DACA Program Elimination Appropriate and Authorized – Full Judicial Ruling…

Federal judge Roger W Titus (Maryland) has ruled that President Trump acted appropriately and within his authority by announcing his intent to rescind the Obama-era executive order surrounding Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). However, the Judge Titus order does not stop the previous blocks by activist judges currently working through the courts.

Eventually the state challenges to the recension of DACA will work through the appellate courts and arrive at the Supreme Court. It is likely SCOTUS will take the same position on DACA as they did on DAPA; overrule the state challenges and determine the program unconstitutional.

In the interim, President Trump had requested that congress take up the DACA issue as part of their responsibility to put forth an immigration reform bill. Democrats have abandoned legislative efforts to assist those impacted by DACA, and have instead chosen to make DACA a political issue for the 2018 mid-term election.

MARYLAND – […] Judge Roger W. Titus, a Bush appointee, ruled late Monday President Trump acted within his authority in his plan to rescind an executive order former President Barack Obama announced in 2012 as a way to protect illegal immigrants who were brought to the United States as minors. Trump ended the order over a period of six months until Congress could legislatively solve the problem.


Mexican President Pena Nieto Spends $50 Million To Keep Mexicans out of Mexico…

Continuing with the absurd politics of a Mexican Presidents’ desperation to keep Mexicans from returning to Mexico:

… President Enrique Peña Nieto recently budgeted about $50 million to the country’s 50 consulates to help pay the costs of defending migrants who are in the U.S. illegally and facing deportation. –LINK

A bizarre, albeit understandable policy, given the dependency on the Mexican economy created by $25 billion in remittances sent home from Mexican nationals illegally living/working in the U.S.

Report: President Trump To Announce Border and Immigration Executive Actions Tomorrow…

According to several media reports (Fox News and Reuters) President Trump is starting tomorrow with executive action targeted toward the larger immigration policy initiatives discussed throughout the presidential campaign.  Don McGahn is obviously a very busy man:

(Via Fox News)  President Donald Trump will begin rolling out executive actions on immigration Wednesday, beginning with steps to tighten border security — including his proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border — and other domestic immigration enforcement measures, according to two administration officials.
Later in the week, the president is expected to take steps to restrict the flow of refugees to the United States. One official said the president was expected to roll out immigration measures over the next few days.


No, President Trump Does Not Need To Take Immediate Action on DACA – Here's Why…

There are multiple voices raising concern about President Trump not taking immediate Executive Action to reverse former President Obama’s DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program.  To those voices this message is intended.
trump-portraitillegal aliens major
Now is not the time to address DACA.  The UniParty and the UniParty friendly media are trying to bait President Trump into jumping into a politically charged issue they will use to slow, if not destroy, the larger agenda.
There are two Obama executive action constructs, DACA and DAPA.

♦ Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), also known as “The Dreamers” executive order which has been implemented and carried out deferring immigration enforcement for the children of illegal aliens.

♦ Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA), was the executive action found unconstitutional by Judge Hanen (Texas), blocked by injunction, and subsequently the injunction was argued through the appellate court all the way to SCOTUS – and upheld.

The Department of Homeland Security reluctantly halted DAPA implementation after they were defeated in the court system.   However, DACA, the deferred action for “dreamers” has been ongoing.  It is the DACA program that contains the largest political issue.

SCOTUS Splits 4-4 On Obama's Executive Amnesty – Lower Court Ruling Stands – DAPA Blocked…

D.A.P.A or Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program – is the executive action Obama attempted in November of 2014 which was shut down by Federal Judge Andrew Hanen in February ’15 with the issuance of an emergency injunction.

judge andrew hanen scotus ruling

Hanen Ruling Stands – Texas Wins – Obama Loses !


San Jose Undercover Cops: "Trump Supporters were running for their lives – We were unable to help"…

Understand the scope of this story and you understand the reason why the entirety of the progressive left has been harping on the Trump University story.  They are desperate to keep eyes and attention from the San Jose violence and the city officials who factually facilitated and organized it.  Of course the insufferable GOPe and ‘Conservative Punditry’ are stupid enough not to see that. 
Newly released arrest reports, from one of the only charges filed so far in the San Jose mob attacks against Donald Trump supporters, contain some harrowing accounts written by under cover police officers who witnessed the onslaught.
warren san jose 1
Below you will find an 8 page pdf of police statements outlining the violence they witnessed.  Example:

Under Cover San Jose Officer #1: […] Throughout the afternoon and evening I watched several individuals wearing “Trump” articles of clothing getting punched, kicked and pushed.
Under Cover #2: […] I was assigned to the Covert Response Unit and dressed in a plainclothes capacity. … As time came closer to 18:00 more protesters arrived; mostly younger males and females between the ages of 14 to 25.  … some began burning the United States flag in the middle of the street. It became inherently dangerous for anyone wearing a hat or T-Shirt in support of Trump.  I observed Trump supporters being spit on, objects being thrown at them, punched, kicked and even robbed of their personal belongings.  In these instances I observed victims running for their lives because protesters began adopting the mob mentality and attacking people.  I was unable to make contact with any of these victims due to my undercover capacity and fear for my own safety as well.

These are just two of many almost identical officer written reports found in the arrest records of individuals detained as an outcome of their violent behavior.

Understanding The Changes With the RNC Hispanic Media Director and Beyond…

The Washington Post reports today that Ruth Guerra, RNC Hispanic Media Director, has resigned and will be replaced by Jeb Bush GOPe operative and campaign adviser Helen Aguirre Ferre.
Leaving the RNC Ruth Guerra will now go to American Action Network an organization that aides enlistment of, and protection for, Republican House members.  Helen Ferre will take up the Media Director position in DC and work with GOPe/RNC leadership including Paul Ryan.
cheeseheads walker ryan preibus
Understanding The Shift –  To understand what’s going on, a person must first remind themselves of the RNC position regarding Latino outreach and advocacy.
Take yourself mentally all the way back to the original 17 candidates for the Republican Nomination and you’ll note sixteen of them all aligned with the Official RNC Position, as outlined in the 2013 “autopsy”, regarding immigration.
Only one candidate, the vulgarian Donald Trump, defied Republican party orthodoxy and changed the entire conversation about the RNC immigration position.
Donald Trump came out strong mid-June on a central focus of ¹stopping illegal immigration, ²building a border wall, and ³officially deporting illegal immigrants.

Activist Trump University / La Raza Judge Now Attempts To Re-Seal Court Documents…

Candidate Donald Trump previously accused Judge Gonzalo Curiel of having a bias, a specific political and agenda bias, to the benefit of the plaintiffs in the case; and it appears he is correct.
Yesterday it was discovered that Judge Curiel, an activist for illegal immigration, works on behalf of San Diego La Raza immigration activists to select illegal aliens for scholarships.
judge gonzalo curiel 2Trump arizona 4
Today his inherent rush to judgement surfaces once again, as Judge Curiel now tries to reverse course on a decision to unseal court records.
His original order unsealed court documents which were unredacted and exposed the personal information of people within the civil lawsuit.  Today, claiming it was a “mistake“, Judge Curiel tries to put the toothpaste back in the tube: (more…)

Stunning Judicial Ruling From Judge Andrew Hanen – Requires "All DOJ Attorneys" Attend Ethics Classes – Gives U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch 60 Days To Present Correction Plan…

I just finished reading the ruling of Texas federal Judge Andrew Hanen (full pdf below)  directed to the U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and all DOJ Attorneys appearing in any federal court of the 26 states outlined in the State of Texas v U.S. “DAPA” lawsuit.

To say the ruling is both righteous and stunning would be a disservice to the words “Righteous” and “Stunning”.

Judge Hanen has ordered all DOJ attorneys appearing in any federal court of the 26 affected states to attend three hour mandatory ethics classes, this year and every year, for a period of five years. In addition Judge Hanen has given Loretta Lynch 60 days to file a written response outlining what specific corrective action she is personally taking to ensure all DOJ attorneys are truthful and honest:

  • DOJ lawyers attend ethics class.
  • DOJ provide a list of every name, address, and location of each DAPA recipient who was granted unlawful immunity.
  • Attorney General to deliver a corrective plan within 60 days.

facepalm-ObamaLoretta lynch
The ruling stems from the DOJ conduct in the Deferred Action for Parents of Aliens (DAPA), or Obama’s November 2014 “Executive Amnesty”, which led to a lawsuit from 26 states, which was recently argued in front of the Supreme Court.
In February 2015 Judge Hanen issued an injunction blocking DAPA from being implemented. (Best Full Backstory Link Here)  During a period from February 2015 to May 2015 attorneys for the DOJ lied to Judge Hanen, while the Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) intentionally violated the injunction.  (more…)