
BREAKING – Full Transcript of Today's Supreme Court Oral Arguments – Obama's Executive Amnesty "DAPA"…

D.A.P.A or Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program – is the executive action Obama attempted in November of 2014 which was shut down by Federal Judge Andrew Hanen in February ’15 with the issuance of an emergency injunction.

  • The DOJ appealed the Hanen injunction, on merit, to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and lost.
  • The DOJ then appealed the Hanen injunction, on standing, to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, and lost again. (Full Backstory) <– Absolutely critical read to understand the scope of what was argued today – includes prior court rulings.

The Supremes 2012
The DOJ filed an appeal with the US Supreme Court. On January 19th, 2016 the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the case.
Today, April 18th, 2016, the court heard oral arguments –full pdf transcript below– decision expected in late June/July.  We bring you the direct source information so you can make up your own mind and don’t need the media’s interpretation.
The 108 page transcript of the 90 minute hearing is a GREAT READ:

Trey Gowdy Endorsement of Marco Rubio Highlights The GOPe “Amnesty Masks” in Congress…

Most Americans are unaware how close the House of Representatives came to passing the Senate ‘Gang-of-Eight’ bill in 2014 which included amnesty for illegal aliens. The vote was only stopped by the last-minute primary defeat of Eric Cantor.

However, one of the benefits if the current presidential campaigns is the lifting of the veil for the hidden advocates…

gowdy rubio

(Via Breitbart – by Julia Hahn)  Congressman Trey Gowdy’s endorsement of Sen. Marco Rubio may shine an unwanted spotlight on the South Carolinian’s record of past radical statements on immigration and his aggressive support for donor class policies embraced by Sen. Rubio.

Gowdy’s extreme immigration declarations come in addition to his long-standing support for donor-class Republican lawmakers. For instance, in a closed-door GOP leadership election in November of 2014, Gowdy seconded John Boehner’s nomination as House Speaker. Similarly, Gowdy was the Congressman who nominated Paul Ryan for Speaker. According to Politico, Boehner “secretly urged Gowdy to run” for House Majority Leader.


Candidate Donald Trump and The 99.9914%…

Last week’s elections showed progressive policies and political agendas’ were wiped out by a massive electoral backlash against their insufferable nonsense.   #ColdAnger

Millions were spent by progressive moonbats to advance their favorite causes coast to coast.  In Virginia, Texas, Kentucky, California, Ohio and beyond their attempts failed miserably.  It was a resounding defeat for President Obama and the various left-wing agents of the Democrat party.  #ColdAnger

trump snl protest


So it should come as no surprise to see their antagonistic efforts fail yet again last night in New York City during a protest against Donald Trump: (more…)

Splodey Head Alert – Shock Poll: 59% of Americans Favor Forced Deportation of Illegal Aliens – Even 40% Hispanics Support Forced Deportation….

Oh My !

Whoopsie, Ann Coulter is profoundly vindicated, Donald Trump has the pulse of the electorate, and Hillary Clinton’s “cattle-cars” talking point appears a little, well, out-of-touch with the majority of adult Americans.

(Via IBD) Immigration: When Donald Trump proposed mandatory deportation of illegal aliens, pundits and politicians on both sides of the political aisle were appalled. But on this issue it looks like Trump has the public on his side.
The fire from the right was almost as fierce as that from the left. “It’s not conservative and it’s not realistic and it does not embrace American values,” said Jeb Bush.
Sen. Lindsey Graham called it “absolute gibberish.”
Conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer called the idea “crackpot” and “morally obscene.” (more…)

Another Death By Illegal Alien – Woman Shot In Her Bed While Sleeping…

No flags lowered, no marches, no righteous protests, no justice warriors filled with outrage blocking intersections….. just another American quietly killed by an illegal alien sponsored by President Obama and the open border advocates.

MASSACHUSETTS – A Massachusetts woman killed as she slept in her bed by a bullet fired through her ceiling would be alive today, if the men accused of shooting her had been deported, according to anti-illegal immigration activists.

Death by illegal

Mirta Rivera, 41, a nurse and grandmother from Lawrence, was shot July 4 from an upstairs apartment where two illegal immigrants lived despite being under federal deportation orders, according to the Boston Herald. Dominican Republic nationals Wilton Lara-Calmona and Jose M. Lara-Mejia both had long histories of sneaking into the U.S.


Judge Hanen Forces DHS To Go Door-To-Door Collecting Illegally Granted Work Authorizations…

Judge Andrew Hanen has given Jeh Johnson and the Department of Homeland Security until the end of this month to recapture all of the illegally distributed “amnesty and work authorization” permits the DHS allowed during the time they ignored the judges’ order.

Image: Barack Obama, Jeh Johnson

“The government has conceded that it has directly violated this court’s order in its May 7, 2015 advisory, yet, as of today, two months have passed since the advisory and it has not remediated its own violative behavior,” the judge wrote. “That is unacceptable and, as far as the Government’s attorneys are concerned, completely unprofessional.”

[Hanen] set an Aug. 19 hearing, and said unless the government can fix things by July 31, each of the defendants named in the case — Mr. Johnson and his top lieutenants in the immigration agencies — would have to appear to explain themselves.

“Otherwise, the Court intends to utilize all available powers to compel compliance,” Judge Hanen wrote. (link)

DHS is now facing a challenging task of remediating the approvals and work authorizations previously granted.   (more…)

Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals – Obama’s Executive Action On Immigration Likely Headed for Another Defeat…

Judge Jennifer Walker-Elrod, Judge Jerry Smith and Moonbat Judge Carolyn King heard oral arguments Friday from an Obama administration appeal to lift the Judge Hannen injunction blocking implementation of President Obama’s Executive Action on Immigration. (full backstory here)

080822_obamalaw_smith(via Politico) […] The Obama administration has argued that the executive actions were a standard use of prosecutorial discretion, since the federal government does not have the resources to deport the estimated 11 million immigrants here illegally. But Judge Jerry Smith disputed that contention.

“It puts them one step ahead in terms of being eligible for lots of potential benefits, whether those are Social Security and Medicare, work authorization, earned income tax credits, and on the state level, drivers’ licenses,” Smith said of immigrants who would benefit from Obama’s actions. “Just seems to me that … it really is a lot more than prosecutorial discretion.”

And Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod, like Smith a Republican appointee, repeatedly grilled administration lawyers on Friday. (more…)

Obama’s Next Best Hope For Illegal Immigration “Executive Action” Comes This Friday…

President Obama’s next, most likely last, hope to implement his Executive Action on Immigration will take place this week.  MSM Silent.

Barack ObamaTexas Judge Andrew Hanen previously blocked Obama’s 2014 unconstitutional “Executive Action on immigration” which expanded deferred deportation and granted employment status for illegal aliens.   The DOJ appealed the injunction to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.  On May 26th, 2015, the DOJ lost and Hanen’s injunction was upheld by a three judge panel within the appellate court (2-1).

The DOJ had two options after their loss in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals:

♦ They could request a summary review by the U.S. Supreme Court (the 5th CCA district review SCOTUS justice is Antonin Scalia).  Or,
♦ they could ask for the entire panel (full panel) of the 5th CCA to seat and hear full oral arguments.

Two days after their appellate loss, on May 28th, the DOJ chose the latter.  An expedited hearing was scheduled for July 10thTHIS FRIDAY. (more…)

Donald Trump Releases Statement Pushing Back Against Apoplectic Politically Correct Criticism….

Since Donald Trump announced his candidacy, and pointed out the criminal behavior of illegal aliens such as MS13 gang members, he has been inside a firestorm of media-spun, PC-fueled hatred, directed specifically to tear him down.

Today Trump responds with a rather long press release; and in what’s sure to create a stir, The Donald points out the infectious disease issue. Here’s the full statement:

Donald TrumpTRUMP: I don’t see how there is any room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the statement I made on June 16th during my Presidential announcement speech. Here is what I said, and yet this statement is deliberately distorted by the media:

“When Mexico (meaning the Mexican Government) sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you (pointing to the audience). They’re not sending you (pointing again). They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people!


Kate Is Dead Because Donald Trump Is Not President – Five Time Deported Illegal Alien Felon Kills Another Innocent American… *Update* Trump Tweets, Liberal MSM Heads Explode…

update-1UPDATE 7:00pm EST YES !! Donald Trump tweets the story and, as expected, the media go into apoplectic spasms of simultaneous moonbattery and splodey head – with jaws agape. How Dare He !!

trump tweet immigration
trump tweet immigration 2

This is exactly what Trump should do. And the reaction from the liberals in the media will exemplify why this is so dangerous to them. Remember, liberals jump on shootings to call for gun control, they exploit every tragedy for political benefit; yet they will now rail against Trump for calling for a secure border – against the backdrop of this story.   Do Not Back Down – Call Dem’s out on their hypocritical and selective moral outrage.

Kathryn “Kate” Steinle, 32, was shot to death in broad daylight by alleged shooter Francisco Sanchez in front of her dad and a friend.  Sanchez, 45, is a 7-time felon who should have been handed over to immigration authorities following a Bay Area arrest four months ago. Kate’s mother, 69-year-old Liz Sullivan said, “She just kept saying, ‘Dad, help me, help me'”. Two television news crews reporting on the killing were later mugged at the scene, with a masked gunman pistol-whipping a camera operator.

This is the winning 2016 campaign message: => President Obama empowered Kates’ killer to murder Americans. Candidate Trump has vowed to stop the illegal invasion of Mexican criminals.  Who will you vote for? (more…)