
Following Boost of $80 Billion from Congress, Treasury Secretary Tells IRS Enforcement to Prepare for New Technology Era

When congress approved $80 billion in new funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) enforcement division, the intellectually honest crowd knew this was not just about hiring more IRS agents.  Indeed, the personnel side of the spending will almost certainly pale in comparison to the IRS creating new technological enforcement mechanisms to track electronic payment systems.  Ultimately, it’s just an obvious evolution in IRS monitoring and surveillance.

Today, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen seemed to outline exactly that when she sent the IRS a memo instructing them to develop an action plan within six months for how to improve the technology needed to expand enforcement {link}.  What we are likely to experience is the next phase in the public-private partnership, this time focused almost exclusively on electronic payment systems, income and earnings.

On August 10th, after reviewing the legislative language, CTH said, “I predict (in phase one) the IRS will soon create an office of “digital income verification and audits” or DIVA. This agency will be used to confiscate and remove access to on-line funds. In phase two they trigger the ‘climate change’ control mechanisms.”  {link} It’s not that much of a prediction as it is just an acceptance of this ongoing big government continuum. 

An IRS enforcement agency specifically focused on “Digital Income Verification and Audits” (DIVA), is a transparent mechanism following the basic principles of the government partnership with big tech social media.  The IRS version will be a collaboration, and/or monitoring system, between the Treasury Dept and processors of on-line funds like PayPal or GiveSendGo, etc.   Just like social media, the payment processing systems will eventually be merged with government systems.


DHS and Intel Community Media Outlets Proactively Move to Defend Dominion Voting Systems Ahead of Report on Electronic Election Hardware Issues Coming This Week

The timing is not coincidental.  A 100-page report on electronic voting systems, by University of Michigan computer scientist J. Alex Halderman, remains under seal in a federal court in Atlanta as an outcome of election integrity lawsuits surrounding the Dominion voting system.  That report is rumored to be released soon, perhaps as early as this week.

In what appears to be a proactive move to get out ahead of identified voting system irregularities specific to the electronic voting systems, the Dept of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (DHS-CISA), updated the election page on their website [SEE HERE] under the “Rumor Control” section.  DHS made the update on May 27, 2022, last week.

The very next day, May 28, 2022, The Washington Post produces an article [SEE HERE] describing an upcoming DHS-CISA 5-page memorandum that is in the process of being sent to the states ahead of a public release.

With the WaPo being the outlet of choice for the intelligence community & security state, it appears they received an advanced copy to help establish an early response effort.

Within The Post article, “there are nine flaws affecting versions of the machine called the Dominion Voting Systems Democracy Suite ImageCast X, according to a copy of an advisory prepared by CISA and obtained by The Washington Post.”  The article then goes immediately to downplay the problems. “The flaws, many of which are highly technical and which mostly stem from machine design as opposed to coding errors, generally require an attacker to have physical access to the devices or other equipment used to manage the election, CISA said.

[…] CISA’s five-page advisory is based in part on Halderman’s 100-page report, which remains under seal in a federal court in Atlanta. The advisory is expected to be released next week after officials in all 50 states are notified.

The WaPo article is filled with ‘nothing to see here, move along – move along,’ verbal engineering.


Joe Biden’s $600 IRS Reporting Requirement Was Already Put Into Law Inside Obamacare, Then Repealed in 2011 – The Current Proposal Is Just Another Way to Return to The 2010 Objective

For those who have been following politics for a while, you might have remembered something about $600 and IRS reporting from a decade ago when Obamacare was passed.

Within the 2010 Obamacare mess, “It was added that payments for goods more than $600 in a 12 month period needed to be reported as well as services. Obamacare further provided that, beginning in 2012, payments to non-tax-exempt corporations—which had previously been exempt from the reporting requirement—would be subject to information reporting.” (link)

The 2010 tax law was actually enacted, briefly, and was scheduled to take effect in the 2012 tax year.

I well remember at the time everyone was like WTF, I’ve got to fill out a 1099 any time I give $600 to a service provider or business?

Yes, the embedded law inside the Obamacare law meant that anyone who paid any person or business $600 or more for a good or service was supposed to fill out a 1099 tax filing reporting the transaction to the IRS.

The political premise of the law was so obvious, stupid and cumbersome in 2011, after Obama’s 2010 mid term election “shellacking“, one of the first acts of a new republican congress was to repeal that ridiculous segment of the law.  As it was noted at the time:

[…] “Essentially, with President Obama, signing into law H.R. 4 [2011], the reporting rules now revert back to what they were before the 2010 legislation (Obamacare and Small Business Jobs Act) was passed.  We are now back to where we were before the government started monkeying around with things in the first place.” (read more)

So, for those of you paying attention; and for those of you who realize Joe Biden is just a false front for Obama’s third term; indeed the current 2021 effort by the Treasury Department to require banking notifications to the IRS for $600 transactions looks exactly like what Obama’s team previously tried in 2010.

♦ The difference this time is they are switching the reporting requirement from the individual taxpayer to the financial institution.  THE GOAL IS THE SAME.


REPORT: Several Hundred Thousand Maricopa County Ballots Missing, Boxes Identified With Totally Blank Ballots

I give this report from the audit in Maricopa County, Arizona, a little more weight for two reasons: First, Patrick Howley is generally accurate in his reporting by disposition; and second, the source of the information is on record, not anonymous.

If this reporting turns out to be accurate, this will be an explosive development.  However, that said, if this report is accurate… this is likely the reason why Maricopa County officials have been fighting the audit, hiring lawyers and positioning themselves in an attempt to undermine the chain-of-custody of the ballots.

Remember, the county Board of Supervisors would not let the State Senate audit take place in their tabulations center.  In an effort to block and stall the audit, the county officials forced the audit organizers to transfer the tabulation machines and truckloads of ballots to the Veterans Coliseum.  Then the board of supervisors held closed-door meetings (shutting out the public) with their lawyers.

ARIZONA – Several hundred thousand votes that were counted in Maricopa County, Arizona are associated with missing ballots, according to an audit organizer who is speaking regularly with people on the audit floor.

“We found a ballot shortage, anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of the votes,” Josh Barnett, an audit organizer who led the affidavit drive to make the audit happen, tells NATIONAL FILE. “It looks like a couple hundred thousand ballots are unaccounted for. The ballots are missing.”


Supreme Court Clears Path for New York Grand Jury to Receive President Trump Tax Returns

The background of all these institutional moves is obvious if we stand back far enough to see the bigger picture.  Ultimately, Donald Trump represented an existential threat to the corrupt systems of U.S. government established over the past several decades.

As an outsider Donald J Trump had never participated in government beyond cursory attachment to some political figures.

However, Trump held the greatest priority over protecting the U.S. economy, worker and way of life for the middle-class.

President Trump’s motives in office were all about rebuilding the systems that provided Americans with a better way of life and advocated for a true nationalistic perspective.

In the era of advancing leftist-globalism; and considering the trillions previously spent to protect multinational corporations at the expense of the U.S. working-class; anything President Trump did to reverse this erosion was viewed as detrimental to the elitist worldview.  As a true populist and nationalist minded politician President Trump represented the ‘people’, the best interests of ‘We The Peoople’, that made him a threat.

Trillions potentially lost, billions of scheme and personal wealth assembled by the professional political class, and untold amounts of money invested overseas were all at risk from the policies of President Trump.  The money was the foundation for the motives of attack against him personally and against his policies.


Now They Move – Leftist Groups Assemble to Re-Target Catherine Englebrecht and True The Vote

If there was one piece of advice CTH wishes the Trump campaign had taken seriously it was our advice to enlist Catherine Englebrecht in the spring of 2020 and use the expertise of her group, “True The Vote”, to position defenses for the November election.  Alas…

TTV is a national network of patriots that Ms. Catherine Englebrecht spear-headed; this group is a risk to the leftist election schemes.  TTV knows with specific specialty just how to avoid election manipulation and fraud.  As a direct result, now that the 2020 election is past the leftist groups are targeting True The Vote.


A complaint has been lodged [pdf here] with the IRS to revoke the non-profit status of True The Vote.  The complaint is written by the consortium of leftists which includes the always visible Lawfare group members.

Weaponizing the IRS is a familiar tactic.  Ironically, it was Ms. Englebrecht’s targeting by the IRS that initially gained her the public spotlight as she fought back on behalf of the American voters. The IRS was forced to settle a class action lawsuit.

Catherine Englebrecht is a national heroine for her efforts despite the incredible attacks by a fully weaponized government against her family and business interests.  Look up strength, perseverance and wolverine-spirit and you should see a picture of Englebrecht under the definition…. Yes, she is that good….. and that is why she is a risk.

Here’s the complaint: [pdf here and embed below]


GOP Beware: The Republican Party Did Not Carry 71,000,000+ Votes, President Trump Did…

As the republican establishment contemplates positioning themselves amid President Trump’s resolute intent to highlight a 2020 election filled with with demonstrable fraud, they would be prudent to check their political ego.

President Trump has created a movement and collected the largest factual constituency of voters in the nation. This is the hill we stand upon, there is no other fallback position.

As of this writing the indefatigable leader of the MAGA movement gathered 71 million votes for his re-election, and still climbing.  Subtract the fraudulent and manipulated ‘mail-in’ ballots from the Biden operation and you have a reality of 71 million MAGA army members staring toward an opposition front containing battalions of cardboard cutouts.

No amount of media spin is going to change the reality of that political landscape.

Regardless of whether Donald Trump’s legal arsenal is able to overcome the entrenched media operations drum-beating a deafening noise to distract from the 2020 fraud, that MAGA army is solidly behind our leader…. so consider this:


Follow-up: Project Veritas Shows Cash Exchanges for Voter Ballots Organized by Representative Ilhan Omar…

[Minneapolis – Sept 29, 2020] In part two of an explosive exposé, a Minnesota-based source tells Project Veritas that the mastermind behind the rampant voter fraud scheme is Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) herself and her extensive political machine.

“Nobody would say that Ilhan Omar isn’t part of this,” said Omar Jamal, a Somali community Insider and the Chairman of the Somali Watchdog group. “Unless you’re from a different planet, but if you live in this universe, I think everybody knows it.”

Jamal said Ali Isse Gainey, a senior Ilhan Omar staffer, is at the center of the vote-buying scheme. (more)

UPDATE: The Minneapolis Police Department is investigating claims by right-wing activist group Project Veritas that individuals tied to Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., engaged in illegal ballot harvesting before the election.

“We are in the process of looking into the validity of those statements,” a department statement read on Monday. “No further information is available at this time on this.” (link)


Project Veritas Outlines Ballot Harvesting Fraud in Ilhan Omar Minnesota District…

[Minneapolis–Sept. 27, 2020] Project Veritas investigators revealed a ballot harvesting scheme here involving clan and political allies and associates of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D.-Minn.) in the first of a series of reports.

[…] Central to the Project Veritas investigation was Omar Jamal, a political insider active in the city’s Somali community. Jamal works with the Ramsey County Sheriff Department and is the chairman of the Somali Watchdog Group. “I have been involved in the community for the last 20 years.” (read more)


Tom Fitton: “There Needs to be A Criminal Investigation of the Special Counsel”…

There are a lot of tenuous characters who report on the machinations of the swamp, Lou Dobbs and Tom Fitton are not part of that media system.  In this interview both Dobbs and Fitton deliver brutal honesty, call the baby ugly, and discuss the best approach that President Trump should take to deliver sunlight upon the schemes. WATCH:


Tom Fitton is exactly correct. There needs to be a criminal investigation of Andrew Weissmann and the entire special counsel crew for their conduct in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

The corrupt FBI and DOJ activity in 2015/2016 pales in comparison to the corrupt activity within the special counsel when they held the reins in Main Justice.
