
IG Footnote 474 – Confidential Human Source, W/ Delta File, Previously Inside Trump Campaign…

CTH was always curious why one specific member of the Trump campaign and transition team was abruptly departed (Nov 15, 2016) immediately after the visit by NSA Director Mike Rogers was scheduled, and two-days prior to their meeting.  It’s a weedy question, likely only considered by those who were watching closely at the time…
However, perhaps Inspector General Michael Horowitz has provided some background on the move. [Page 336, 337, fn #474]

Based on the arc of the post-election timeline described in the segment of the report that touches upon “non-tasked” Confidential Human Sources (CHSs), beginning page 336; and based on other information in/around the specific CHS described; there’s a very strong likelihood we can identify this one.

Sunday Talks: Chris Christie -vs- Jake Tapper and George Stephanopoulos…

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie discusses reports from CNN that charges have been filed within special counsel’s Robert Mueller’s investigation with Jake Tapper.

Governor Christie also appeared on This Week with George Stephanopoulos and fielded many of the same questions (below).  However, in the ABC interview Governor Christie discusses the aspects of the grand jury story from his own experience as a federal prosecutor. Stephanopoulos always backs down from his talking points when he recognizes he’s over his head with a SME (subject matter expert):

Chris Christie Succinctly Explains What Just Happened To Ted Cruz…

Say what you will about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, but he carries a political sense that is highly accurate and in tune with the sense of the electorate.

Immediately following Ted Cruz’s epic convention speech implosion, Christie was questioned by CNN’s Dana Bash.  Christie succinctly summarizes the event, the audience reaction, and more importantly the reasoning therein.  He is 100% spot on.  Watch:


Report: As President, Trump Would Purge Government of Obama Appointees…

The significant roadblock to this effort would be UniParty leader and Obama facilitator/funder, House Speaker Paul Ryan.  The legislation required to make the changes needed would be almost impossible to achieve with Ryan acting as a roadblock to protect the Obama agenda.  Thus the clear recognition why it is so critical to remove Paul Ryan on August 9th.

christie trump(Via Reuters) If he wins the presidency, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would seek to purge the federal government of officials appointed by Democratic President Barack Obama and could ask Congress to pass legislation making it easier to fire public workers, Trump ally, Chris Christie, said on Tuesday.

Christie, who is governor of New Jersey and leads Trump’s White House transition team, said the campaign was drawing up a list of federal government employees to fire if Trump defeats Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in the Nov. 8 presidential election.


Donald Trump Should Take Up Paul Ryan on Offer To Resign From Convention….

Considering the long history of legislative abuse carried out by the insufferable GOPe, and knowing the only way to rid the apparatus of the corrupting infection is to cut out clear margins, Donald Trump would be well advised to take Paul Ryan up on his offer to resign his chairmanship at the national convention.
cheeseheads walker ryan preibus
In addition, and considering the patriotic bench available for immediate dispatch, Donald Trump could request Reince Preibus resign from his post as RNC head and immediately replace him with a more favorable and competent executive.
We’re completely serious about this proposition.  Presumptive nominee Donald Trump is holding all the leverage he needs, the leverage of ‘We The People’ – and none of the customary party insiders should be trusted with any of the national campaign constructs, especially the financial matters. (more…)

Republican Oligarchy -VS- “We The People”…

trump oklahoma 1

(Via Bob Lonsberry) You’re not fighting Trump.

You’re fighting the people who are voting for him.

The anti-Trump effort being waged by the Republican Party is essentially a fight against democracy.

It’s not that this monster has raised himself up to threaten the ivory castles of the blue bloods, it’s that millions of people have stood up and said, “Enough is enough.”

It is they against whom the GOP establishment is fighting.

And that fight never turns out well.

Donald Trump isn’t Barry Goldwater in 1964, he is Andrew Jackson in 1828. He is going to storm the White House, and he is going to bring his unwashed hordes with him. The Trump campaign is built on the uniquely American premise that the people are sovereign, and that does not jibe with cozy arrangements of the country-club Republicans. For too long, the Republican Party has exploited its constituencies, instead of served them, and the beaten dog is about to bite. (more…)

Tripwire Alert – The RNC, GOPe, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie and Donald Trump…

Today the political landscape just became infinitely more interesting.  In order to understand the current landscape, and simultaneously explain what it means, we must weave in and out of history because this tripwire alert needs reference points.

marco rubio officialAt the most basic of level we must remember candidate Marco Rubio was never supposed to be the GOPe’s standard bearer for the professional republican party.  It simply was not his role.

A single-term, 44-year-old, freshman senator, with a wife, four kids, no accumulated wealth and no executive experience, does not independently mount a long-shot bid to become the chief executive office holder amid the power-elites who run the highest political offices.

Rubio was/is ‘a means’ – to an end.  Rubio does not represent the end goal, he never did.

This is a point we have continually referenced since early 2014. This point surrounds the transparency of motive for a Marco Rubio run for the presidency.   He is, quite simply, the least qualified candidate on the GOPe team.

Rubio was also the most severely non-vetted candidate that could ever enter the race.  – example here – Knowing and accepting that fact, Rubio’s role in the original plan made a lot more sense.

In October 2013 through February 2014 when the constructs were designed, the reason for Rubio’s enlistment was to act as a necessary part of the campaign to deliver the Florida electoral fulcrum, the 99 Florida delegates.  The republican party apparatus changing the primary date and distribution of those delegates (winner-take-all) was the visible second tripping of the Rubio tripwire which evidenced the GOPe roadmap’s validity. (more…)

Governor Chris Christie Endorses Donald Trump…

lions together

Fort Worth Texas earlier today.

The twittersphere encapsulated the day brilliantly when someone said: “Donald Trump Hires NJ-based Demolition Expert to Finish Troublesome Project”.  That sub-headline is just too good not to share.

Not only did Donald Trump find a way to starve the media oxygen from the best laid schemes of the frat boys running the GOPe “Full Mississippi” attack plan; but somehow Trump simultaneously created an immediate comparison between a serious and strong campaign -vs- a staggeringly overmatched boy Rubio.   Brilliant.  Simply, brilliant.


Governor Chris Christie Ends Presidential Bid – Annoyed Murdoch Lambasts…

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has officially “suspended” his presidential campaign.  He’s out.  ….And it didn’t take long for Fox News head Rupert Murdoch to throw an annoyed elbow in his direction upon exit.

rupert murdoch tweet christie

If anyone doubted all the research (2+ years worth) that proves Fox News was officially structuring news and opinion content to benefit Marco Rubio’s presidential bid you can put those doubts to rest.  Fox News is the unofficial Super-PAC of Marco Rubio – See Here


New Hampshire Consequences and The GOPe Road Map Moving Forward….

trump smile 3Last night was a Donald Trump win, period.  A YUGE win.  For context: Donald Trump beat second place, John Kasich, by more votes (currently 51,000) than Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton (currently 50,000).

A resounding victory for the vulgarian rebel alliance. Today, rejoice, dance well, be of good cheer and enjoy.

However, come sunrise we meet at the old mill, and ride south.

What does last night mean for the GOPe road map?  That’s where it gets interesting.

Forget John Kasich;  he is irrelevant as an individual candidate.  Kasich has no organization, no structural pathway, no ballot access and is not a national candidate.  However, his future endorsement of the GOPe candidate (Rubio or Bush) does bring with it his NH delegates…. but that is all.

The biggest loser is also one of our biggest loses, Governor Chris Christie.   By coming in sixth, Christie has failed to make the cut for the upcoming CBS debate.

Debate Qualifications: Top three finish in Iowa, or Top five finish in New Hampshire, or top five polling nationally or in South Carolina.  (link)

In addition to the debate issues and a financial hurdle, the sixth place finish essentially eliminates any path for Chris Christie.   [Team Marco Rubio collectively breathe a sigh of relief.]  However, with Christie gone – Jeb Bush also loses a key strategic partner for his own electoral pathway forward. (more…)