Considering the long history of legislative abuse carried out by the insufferable GOPe, and knowing the only way to rid the apparatus of the corrupting infection is to cut out clear margins, Donald Trump would be well advised to take Paul Ryan up on his offer to resign his chairmanship at the national convention.
cheeseheads walker ryan preibus
In addition, and considering the patriotic bench available for immediate dispatch, Donald Trump could request Reince Preibus resign from his post as RNC head and immediately replace him with a more favorable and competent executive.
We’re completely serious about this proposition.  Presumptive nominee Donald Trump is holding all the leverage he needs, the leverage of ‘We The People’ – and none of the customary party insiders should be trusted with any of the national campaign constructs, especially the financial matters.
GOP primary 2While the Main-Stream-Media continue to frame the upcoming Thursday discussions as one of Trump making compromises with negotiations favorable toward the Republican Party, the fact remains that Donald Trump could easily dispatch any of the leadership positions and replace them.

Think about the bench available:

♦ Donald Trump could put Mike Huckabee in charge of the convention; and former head of the Republican Governors Association (RGA), Texas Governor Rick Perry, could easily replace Reince Preibus.
♦ Mr. Trump also has key figures at his disposal to play roles in National Finance. Example: former Indiana Governor, Mitch Daniels would be great at accurately controlling very nickel of campaign finance.  He’s the consummate bean counter.
There’s a litany of political resources available to act as key executives:  ♦Newt Gingrich, ♦Sarah Palin, ♦Jan Brewer, ♦Allen West, ♦Joe Miller, ♦Ben Carson, ♦Rudy Giuliani, as few more examples; with Governor Chris Christie saved as adviser and head of the Trump transition team.
Trump could even use the insufferable former Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour if needed (big “if”), just put Mitch Tyner (former Chris McDaniel attorney) on Boss Hog’s team to keep him in check.
The bottom line is – if Trump really wanted to kick out the entire mechanism of the failed GOPe the replacement possibilities are numerous.  And that doesn’t include the top shelf private sector people Trump could assign to any of the myriad of General Election needs.
The media keep insisting that Donald Trump will have to acquiesce to the indulgences of Speaker Ryan and Majority Leader McConnell.  However, the reality is there are numerous options to assemble a far more trustworthy group than currently exists within the corrupt DC beltway.
Removing the remaining vestiges of the failed Bush/Romney legacies, including Karl Rove, would be an exceptional first step in sending a message that things are going to be entirely different now.  Taking this approach would most likely elevate the impression of Donald Trump amid a national electorate who are far more politically intelligent than the insiders ever give us credit for.
Donald Trump walks in to these meetings holding all the leverage. It would be great if he began deconstructing the entire apparatus this week.
trump stand together
