
FBI Says No Credible Threats in U.S. – Meanwhile, NYPD Puts Police Resources on Patrol of Jewish Schools and Synagogues

NBC frames the FBI downplaying statement to suggest that MAGA extremists are stoking fears of militant Islamic attacks [SEE HERE].  Meanwhile the New York Police Dept and various other city law enforcement agencies around the country have been put on alert.   In summary, this is the political state of our FBI.

The FBI says there’s no reason to believe a threat exists; meanwhile regional police prepare in case a threat is triggered.   Which approach would you prefer?

IGNORE THE THREAT – (NBC) –  The FBI said this week it had no information indicating a credible terrorist threat against the United States, but social media pundits who have been raising the alarm for days aren’t backing down. 

Conservative social media influencers have been filling platforms such as X and Truth Social with speculation not backed by any evidence that attacks on civilians in Israel would soon be followed by similar attacks in major U.S. cities and that people should begin preparing — including by avoiding cities and purchasing firearms. (read more)

PREPARE FOR THE THREAT – (NY Post) – The NYPD will be out in full force Friday in anticipation of possible mayhem stemming from the global “day of Jihad” called for by Hamas’ ex-chief — which has left religious centers on edge and some Jewish parents scared to bring their kids to school.

During a meeting with Jewish community leaders Thursday, Deputy Commissioner of the NYPD Intelligence and Counterterrorism Bureau, Rebecca Weiner, stressed that police were bolstering their presence out of “an abundance of caution” and that there were no credible or specific threats to the city.


Black Lives Matter Announces Support for Palestinian Hamas

Yes, there are massive geopolitical interests at stake in the Hamas attack against Israel. Yes, there are layers and layers of massive multinational corporate investments into the process of energy control, capture and change that is driven by competing interests. Yes, those trillions at stake are playing out in the world from Iran to Israel, to Ukraine, to Russia, to Azerbaijan, to Turkey, to Africa, and beyond. {Go Deep}

Yes, all of the political and state actors are playing a role and using their military resources as part of the positioning process. China, Russia, Iran, The United States, Europe, NATO, etc, all positioning and in the background trillions upon trillions being discussed and fought for. Yes, the ultimate high stakes public-private partnerships are leveraging everything right now…..

… But trust me, RIGHT NOW, that’s not where our immediate focus should be!

We need to narrow our viewpoints to a very specific field of vectors, protecting your family.

As all of this geopolitical crisis is playing out on the global stage, there are domestic interests who are in alignment with the global crisis. Their focus is the fundamental change and the upheaval of the globe in conflict as a gateway for those interests to advance. Right here, at home, literally coming to your neighborhood, is where your focus should be, because in the final analysis it is all connected.

Do not look so easily at the global horizon that you cannot see the crisis unfolding on our doorstep.


Stop Pretending – It’s Not the “Fungibility,” It’s the Location of the $6 Billion Returned to Iran

You want to go deep weeds, let’s go deep weeds.  Almost all of the conversations about the $6 billion given back to Iran have focused on the fungible aspect of money.  While true, that focus misses the key and essential point, where the money was delivered.

The captured $6 billion was held in a South Korean bank, the result of sanctions violations.  What the Biden/Blinken crew did, was move the money from South Korea to a bank in Qatar.

Now, many people may not at first understand the nature of how that makes such a significant difference.  The lack of understanding is the result of people not fully grasping what Qatar does in the Middle East.   Qatar is the financial center for Islamic extremist operations.  Qatar is the banking center for the Muslim Brotherhood.  The Brotherhood is the political umbrella for a host of Islamic extremist groups.

Qatar is well known to CTH readers and those who follow the deep weeds of geopolitics.  Qatar has historically been the financial center and funding mechanism of the Muslim Brotherhood.  In many ways Qatar is to the U.S. State Dept, CIA and political elements of the Intelligence Community in the Middle East, as Ukraine is to those same entities in Europe.

We have outlined the long history of Qatar as it pertains to a myriad of U.S. interests.

EXAMPLES: •When the Obama/Clinton State Dept wanted to fund the covert weapons to the Benghazi rebels, they used Qatar. •When President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi expelled the radical leaders of The Brotherhood from Egypt, they went to Qatar.  •When President Donald Trump asked the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to confront radical Islamic extremism, the Arab nations confronted Qatar.  •When Qatar was forced to expel the five most radical leaders of The Brotherhood, they went to Turkey.  [Turkish President Recep Erdogan is aligned in common principle with The Brotherhood.]  •When the U.S. released captured Islamic extremists from Gitmo (al-Qaeda in Afghanistan), they were transferred to Qatar.  •When the Taliban took back control over Afghanistan, the al-Qaeda leaders from Qatar went back to Afghanistan.


Tucker Carlson Asks Why FBI and DOJ Do Not Target Antifa Domestic Terrorists

Intellectually honest observers have long realized that Antifa, as an organized domestic violence movement in the United States, could not exist if it was not supported directly or with willful blindness by the FBI. Sometimes you just have to accept things as they are, and not as you would wish them to be.

If the FBI did not support Antifa, it would be simple to target their financial mechanisms, fundraising platforms and social media networks that showcase their communications. If the FBI didn’t support Antifa, they would simply target the networks and arrest the participants for domestic terror related activity. It is not that difficult to see the FBI doesn’t do this because the FBI/DOJ support the violence.

During his opening monologue Monday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson outlines exactly this issue. WATCH:


RevCom (Revolutionary Communists), Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Antifa etc. it’s all one long continuum of the same participants.   However, in order to accept the ideology that surrounds it, the complicit media and U.S. justice system must pretend not to know things.


Carlson Talks with a MAGA Supporter Targeted by the Biden Regime

In this interview with Tucker Carlson, Lisa Gallagher recalls being woken up by federal law enforcement after voicing her support for former President Trump on Facebook.  You do not have to be a high profile American to be targeted by the Biden regime and/or the people who handle him.

In the background of Joe Biden are the domestic Marxist/Communist activists who hate our nation.  They generationally flowed from the Weather Underground (Ayers/Dohrn) to Occupy Wall Street, to Black Lives Matter (Obama/Holder), Antifa and now without pretense into the mainstream Democrat party.  They are all essentially jackboots orgs. “Swatting” is the activity from those outside government, “FBI targeting” is the activity from those inside government.  The intents of both are the same. WATCH:


Comrade Gallagher’s experience will become increasingly familiar to a wider audience.  The people behind Joe Biden are only doing what the Mitch McConnell, Bill Barr and Bush republican apparatus are willing to let them do. It’s a whole of government approach.


South Carolina Senate Candidate Caught on Tape Advocating to Deploy Georgia Election Strategy

Project Veritas Action, a subsidiary of Project Veritas, has released a leaked audio from South Carolina Democrat Krystle Matthews, promoting a political strategy where blacks infiltrate the republican party and use drug money to fund organized political changes.  See Website Here.  A portion of the audio is below {Direct Rumble Link}

What South Carolina Senate candidate Matthews is outlining in the leaked audio sounds remarkably similar to the prior successful operation of Georgia democrats and republicans.  The networks of the AME church and the political activists within the Black Lives Matter movement, coalesce by infiltrating the republican party and then working to support the agenda of the Democrat political apparatus.  LISTEN: 

This is the quiet part of turning a red state blue.  It is far too late for any effort in Georgia to reverse the situation as the Republican club is now completely compromised.  Stacey Abrams will be the next Governor of Georgia and her three political activist groups, containing multiple levels of election workers and campaign organizers, will solidify the next decade of elections in support of Democrats.  However, states like Texas and South Carolina should pay attention to the strategic part of the effort outlined by Ms. Matthews, there is still some time to stem the outcome in those states.

[CHARLESTON – June 26, 2022] Project Veritas Action has published a recording of U.S. Senate candidate, Krystle Matthews, talking about her desire to break multiple laws while using profanities and racially-charged language.


Biden’s America, Supreme Court Justices Threatened by Democrat Activists, Fences Installed to Prevent Insurrection, White House Silent

This is the state of our union.  These are the real Domestic Violent Extremists (DVE’s).

Democrat activists have listed the names and home addresses of conservative Supreme Court justices in an effort to organize violence against the court.  A taller perimeter fence was installed around the Supreme Court building last night to stop any violent efforts by democrat activists, and personal security measures have been increased for the justices.

(Daily Mail) – An activist group called ‘Ruth Sent Us’ has published the supposed addresses of Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thmas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett and Chief Justice John Roberts and are planning a ‘walk-by’ of their homes next Wednesday, May 11.

‘Our 6-3 extremist Supreme Court routinely issues rulings that hurt women, racial minorities, LGBTQ+ and immigrant rights,’ the group’s website reads. ‘We must rise up to force accountability using a diversity of tactics.’ (read more)

Unfortunately, and in keeping with all prior support precedent for Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Antifa and other violent groups, the installed president and radical administration officials have aligned themselves with the violent confrontation.  The White House has refused to speak out against the intimidation effort and/or condemn the violence.

This is the state of our union with Democrats attacking the institutions of government.


Trudeau Claims Proactive Victim Status, Says Violent Extremist Truckers Descending on Ottawa to Destroy Democracy

When the government abuser, or any long-term abuser, attempts to proactively manipulate and flip the dynamic, claiming victimhood status, the best approach is to ridicule and mock them relentlessly.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is taking advice from his Alinsky counselors and attempting to define the Freedom Convoy as violent right-wing extremists descending on Ottawa in an effort to destroy democracy.

Americans will note this is the same ideological narrative the extreme leftists in U.S. government used against the January 6th protestors.  They are all singing from the same hymnal, the Alinsky “Rules for Radicals.”

Trudeau uses his state-run media outlets to frame his narrative.

(CANADA) –  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he’s concerned about the potential for violence during this weekend’s planned protest on Parliament Hill by truckers and others joining the crowd.

In an interview with The Canadian Press, Trudeau says the “freedom convoy” is no longer a protest against the federal vaccine mandate for cross-border truckers and has morphed into a forum for a small minority of “very angry” people opposed to all public health measures to curb the spread of COVID-19, some of whom espouse violence.


Antifa Sleeper Cell Terrorist Arrested in Pinellas County, Florida, with Homemade Bombs and Weapons on January 6th

A 22-year-old man identified as a member of Antifa was arrested in Pinellas County, Florida, after he was caught with an explosive device near the location of a protest at the Pinellas County courthouse.   Something spooked the suspect who was caught running from the scene according to the sheriff’s office.

The local media is trying to avoid noting that Garrett James Smith previously travelled to Portland, Oregon, for training on how to function as what authorities describe as a “sleeper cell.”

Unfortunately, the media reports show “federal agents” quickly responded to the arrest and took over the investigation.  We all know what that means.

TAMPA –  Garrett James Smith was arrested on charges of making and possessing a destructive device and loitering. He remains in jail on a bond of $300,000.  Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said Smith was seen running away from a political assembly supporting an arrested Oath Keeper on the evening of Jan. 6, 2022.

[…]  Smith did not detonate or place the explosive device he made. Gualtieri said Smith has not been cooperating and the Sheriff’s Office doesn’t know why he abandoned his plan or what his political beliefs are.  “Smith is what we call a sleeper, and these are the most concerning individuals because there are no opportunities to intervene and thwart their criminal activity before they actually act,” Gualtieri said.


Very Interesting DOJ Inspector General Finding, CRS Officials Recently Gave Applicants Access to Main Justice Database

This report from inside the Dept of Justice Office of Inspector General is very interesting; not just because of the ideology and agency attached to the issue they investigated, but also because of the recent timing this year – [ie. while the Rittenhouse and Arbery cases were being conducted.]

The essential summary of the OIG issue is that someone inside the DOJ Civil Rights Division; someone in charge of the secretive internal agency known as the Community Relations Service (CRS); gave access to the computer database of Main Justice to employment applicants for the CRS. [OIG Report Link]

We have tracked the CRS activity for years {Example Go Deep}.  The core ideology of the CRS is virtually unknown to the public.  The activists who apply for employment positions inside the CRS have one ideological outlook in support of radical elements like NAACP, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, and other social justice causes.  There is no other ideology in the agency of the CRS. Advancement of radical race-based agenda is their mission within the DOJ.  That reality is well beyond dispute.

As a consequence, anyone applying for a job with CRS would have a very specific purpose.  The motive for CRS leadership, to give a CRS applicant access to the Main Justice database potentially exploiting the entire federal Department of Justice, can only be looked upon as purposeful.  Think of this “misconduct” like giving BLM, Antifa, ShareBlue, NAACP or the radical elements of the DNC access to the Dept of Justice files:  [September 8, 2021]

The DOJ-CRS is the least known quasi-legislatively approved agency within the justice department.  The CRS is the Community Relations Service, and is a very secret division within the DOJ civil rights unit.  The activity of the CRS is rarely discussed, but essentially the agency is authorized to reach into any national event, investigation, court proceeding, local, state or federal, and modify/guide the proceedings under the auspices of maintaining national racial harmony.

“The Community Relations Service (CRS), a component of the Department of Justice (DOJ), serves as “America’s Peacemaker” for communities in conflict by mediating disputes and enhancing community capacity to independently prevent and resolve future conflicts.” (read more)

We followed the CRS in the Trayvon Martin case and watched them in real time organize the NAACP, New Black Panthers, Dream Defenders and AME church network.
