
House Managers File Legal Brief for Impeachment Article on Insurrection – Trump Legal Team Respond

The House Impeachment Managers filed an 80-page legal brief [link to pdf] to present their case for an article of impeachment against President Trump.

Essentially, the politically determined democrats are using the power of the state to try and block President Trump from holding public office again. Their brief is long on process and short on substance.  Lots of table pounding.

In response to the House Managers, the President’s legal team also filed a brief. The much shorter 14-page rebuttal [pdf here] is the basis for the Trump defense.


Good News – Impeachment Will Fail, Bad News – Five Republican Senators Voted to Impeach President Trump, Murkowski, Collins, Romney, Sasse and Toomey

During senate impeachment rules processes and parliamentary proceedings today, Senator Rand Paul proposed a smart point of order requiring a senate vote on dismissing the impeachment case against President Trump.  Essentially this dismissal vote will reflect the baseline, worst case, final outcome, vote of any impeachment trial.

The Senate then took up a motion to table the dismissal point of order.  The motion to table passed 55-45; meaning 55 senators want to impeach President Donald Trump and 45 senators voted to dismiss the entire case:

The good news is this will represent the worst case scenario on the final impeachment vote 55 yes / 45 nay.  The impeachment will definitely fail in February, and President Trump now knows the disposition of the final outcome. [Though it could get better]

The bad news is 5 republican senators just voted to impeach President Trump.  They are: Susan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Mitt Romney (Utah), Ben Sasse (Nebraska), and Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania).

Murkowski and Toomey are both up for reelection in 2022.  However, Pat Toomey has indicated he is not running for reelection.   So the most immediate 2022 target should be on Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.


Rand Paul Pushes Back Against Ridiculousness of Impeachment – Likely to Initiate Points of Order to Call Out Republican Idiots

Senator Rand Paul (MAGA-Lite, KY) took to the senate floor to outline the insufferable nonsense behind the impeachment narrative.   Using his time to call-out examples of DC representatives initiating confrontation; and simultaneously putting the GOPe crowd on notice that he will do everything possible to put them on the record; Rand Paul fires back with some excellent oration.  WATCH:

It is also being reported Senator Paul will file a point-of-order in advance of the impeachment trial to put Republicans on record for their position.  “Rand Paul will make a point of order to dismiss the impeachment trial this afternoon. It’ll get Republicans on the record for how they might vote in a trial. You need 67 votes to convict. So if 34 Republicans vote to dismiss the trial, that means Trump will be acquitted.”


House Delivers Article of Impeachment, Trump Warns GOP of Primary Consequences

Earlier today the House democrats delivered an article of impeachment to the senate for the ridiculous accusation that President Trump incited an insurrection in Washington DC against Capitol Hill, he didn’t.

The political accusers have not yet determined if they will call witnesses to attempt to frame their insufferable story.

Meanwhile Brian Jack, Trump’s former political director at the White House, tells republicans considering impeachment that any action against Trump will lead to him coming after them in upcoming primaries.

President Trump unleashing against the GOPe Decepticons is “The Big Ugly.”

(Via Politico) A top political aide to former President Donald Trump spent the weekend quietly reassuring Republican senators that the former president has no plans to start a third party — and instead will keep his imprint on the GOP.

The message from Brian Jack, Trump’s former political director at the White House, is the latest sign that Republicans considering an impeachment conviction will do so knowing that Trump may come after them in upcoming primaries if they vote to convict him for “incitement of insurrection.”


Chuck Schumer Outlines Impeachment Schedule – Senate Trial Scheduled February 8, 2021

Under the timeline outlined by Senator Chuck Schumer [01:40 of video] the House will deliver the article of impeachment Monday evening January 25th.  Senators will be sworn-in Tuesday January 26th, and the trial will officially begin the week of February 8th.


Speaker Pelosi Will Send Trump Impeachment Article to Senate on Monday, Senate Trial Likely Next Week

Friday afternoon House Speaker Nancy Pelosi confirmed she will be sending an article of impeachment against President Trump to the senate on Monday.  Chuck Schumer confirms the senate trial will likely take place next week.

Any GOP Senator who goes along with this insufferably political scheme to target former President Trump will face a primary challenge in their next election.  We will ensure.

WASHINGTON DC – […] In a statement later on Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi confirmed the plan and dismissed concerns by Republicans that Trump’s legal team wouldn’t have adequate time.

“The former president will have had the same amount of time to prepare for trial as our Managers,” Pelosi said, referring to her hand-picked team of House Democrats who will essentially serve as prosecutors in the Senate trial.


Liz Cheney Drops Mask, Shows Full Decepticon Side, Votes for Impeachment, Faces Backlash

Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney is well know to the CTH community as a DeceptiCon.


Lesser known – Mary Cheney, Liz’s sister, was installed in the 2015 campaign of Dr. Ben Carson to control his outside candidacy; this was part of the larger 2016 presidential “splitter strategy.” An example of the Machievellian moves people are now awakening to understand.   This is the way the DeceptiCons work….

Today Liz Cheney did what DeceptiCons do; she voted to impeach the threat.

WASHINGTON DC – “I don’t think she should be the chair of the Republican conference anymore,” Rep. Andy Biggs, the head of the House Freedom Caucus, told Fox News host Shannon Bream. “The reality is she’s not representing the conference; she’s not representing the Republican ideals.”

Another GOP congressman, Montana Rep. Rosendale, also released a statement calling for Cheney to step down.


Nancy Pelosi Leads Charge For Trump Impeachment, Can’t Have The Worry About That Pesky Rebellion Resurfacing

We have the reality of around 100 million real MAGA army members staring toward a leftist opposition front containing battalions of cardboard cutouts (mail-in ballots). No amount of media marginalization is ever going to change the reality of that political landscape. That’s why they are trying so hard.  Cue Nancy Pelosi:

(Politico) – Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday called for Vice President Mike Pence to immediately initiate the removal of President Donald Trump, declaring him a seditious threat to the country who can’t be trusted to finish even the last two weeks of his term.

Pelosi’s extraordinary statement … lends significant weight to a mounting Democratic effort to oust Trump, either by impeaching him for the second time or pressuring Pence and Cabinet officials to invoke the 25th Amendment process. (read more)

For an incoming administration presenting themselves publicly so confident of their electoral victory, they sure are trying hard to eliminate the voices of dissent.  It’s as if the opposition realizes their scheme resulted in minority rule needing to control the masses.

I digress…

I wrote what follows five years ago and was reminded about it today:
