
Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Responds To Arizona Senate Subpoena – Go Spit, “It’s Time to Move On”

Last week, the Arizona State Senate sent a subpoena to Maricopa County election officials asking for information and voting material the county previously refused to turn over [See Here].

Today, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors responded to the legislative subpoena:

Obviously given the nature of the court rulings that have sustained the position of the state senate, the Maricopa County BoS view the legislative subpoena as legally valid but unenforceable.  They appear to stand in open defiance of the state upper-chamber because the county board perceives no threat from any enforcement mechanism (law enforcement or state attorney).


Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward Gives an Update on The Maricopa County Ballot Audit, While DOJ Publicizes 7-Page Audit Warning Memo

Arizona Republican Chairwoman Kelli Ward provides an update on the Maricopa County ballot audit and the new subpoenas sent by the state senate to county election officials who are refusing to comply voluntarily with requests for information.

The second hand count of the raw ballot totals was completed earlier today. Mrs. Ward walks through the content of the subpoenas and the purpose for them.


At the same time Arizona is wrapping up the ballot counting phase, it appears the Lawfare group is writing legal guidance on behalf of the DOJ. A seven page memo, with no official legal standing, was released today by the DOJ in an effort to intimidate any state or local officials who are conducting audits. The memo [view pdf here] looks like it was generated from within the “beach friend” community of Lawfare, the assembly of former DOJ members who are rabid political ideologues.

(Politico) – […] “While the Biden administration “guidance” document carries no formal legal weight and may not strike fear into local officials, the Justice Department used the release of the legal analysis to press their campaign of saber-rattling against Republican-led audits of the 2020 vote in Arizona and other states, as well as voting changes many GOP-controlled states are pursuing as part of purported anti-fraud efforts.” (read more)

Notice “guidance document” & “legal analysis”, which are political code-words to describe the Lawfare group writing their collective advice into a memo and the DOJ presenting it to allied media in an effort to give it some enhanced credibility.


Liz Harrington and Kelli Ward Discuss the Preliminary Results from Maricopa County Ballot Audit

President Trump spokesperson Liz Harrington and Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward appear on Newsmax to discuss the preliminary results of the Maricopa County audit.

Ms Harrington calls out weak republicans in both Michigan and Wisconsin for not taking any action to review the election issues in Wayne County and Milwaukee respectively.  (Rumble Link) WATCH:


Arizona Chairwoman Kelli Ward Recaps Stunning Senate Hearing About Maricopa County Audit

Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward provides an update tonight by recapping the Arizona Senate hearing today that exposed stunning election malfeasance in the Maricopa County ballot audit.   There is much more yet to come from the forensic audit finding, but the results so far show a significant collapse in voter integrity in the largest county vote.

As Ms. Ward notes, “This matter is far from over“….. There will be much more to come. Video Below:

The unmatched duplicated ballots (lacking a serial number) points to a similar issue discovered in Fulton County, Georgia, with double counted ballots.  The fact that the total number of ballots counted does not match the certified Maricopa County election results is again another big red flag.

The 70,000 mail-in ballots received that surpass the number of mail-in ballots mailed, points to someone photocopying ballots on regular paper stock.  That would also explain the lack of chain-of-custody documents for both the paper-stock and the scanned ballots.  Adding to the photocopied ballot likelihood is that some ballots showed ink bleed-through on the paper from one side to the other.

There are many issues identified, and we haven’t yet got to the “ballot mule” process.  Biden did not win the election, it’s all starting to come out.


Arizona Senate Hearing on Election Audit in Maricopa County 10am MT / 1pm ET Livestream

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann has announced a Senate Hearing today at 10:00am MST / 1:00pm ET on the topic of the Maricopa County Ballot Audit. The substance, content and purpose of the hearing is unknown.

The hearing is scheduled to begin at 1:00pm Eastern / 10:00am Mountain. OANN is broadcasting.  YouTube Livestream Here and the Senate Livestream is HERE. We also have the Livestream Embed Below. I will work to keep the feed active and without disruption (the page may load slowly due to scale of interest):




House Democrats Launch Investigation into Maricopa County Audit

The DC Swamp is launching an investigation into the Maricopa County, Arizona, election and ballot audit.  This should not come as a surprise after several strategy sessions in DC between the White House, executive branch, congress and allied media have taken place.

The issue is: “how to keep the illegitimacy of the current regime from surfacing.” [pdf of letter to Arizona auditors here]

The 2020 U.S. election was filled with fraud; in order to retain that fraud extreme measures are now being taken to impede, block, halt and stop any election audit that will reveal the corrupt activity.   Congress has selected the House Oversight and Reform Committee to lead the effort against Arizona.  The Committee’s letter requests documents and communications related to Cyber Ninja’s audit procedures, funding sources, and related issues by July 28, 2021.

Washington, D.C. (July 14, 2021)— Today, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, Chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, and Rep. Jamie Raskin, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, sent a letter to Douglas Logan, Chief Executive Officer of Cyber Ninjas, requesting information on his companies’ role in the “audit” of nearly 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County, Arizona in the 2020 election. (read more).

The announcement comes a day after Joe Biden instructed all elements of the U.S. government and private sector to defend him against sunlight.

As mentioned by the installed occupant of the White House yesterday, the Biden Regime is preparing for a civil war against the American electorate to protect the fraudulent results of the 2020 election.


Arizona Senate President Karen Fann Announces Ballot Count Discrepancy Between Forensic Audit and Maricopa County Records

PHOENIX – Arizona Senate President Karen Fann said Tuesday the number of 2020 general election ballots tallied during the ongoing audit she authorized doesn’t match the total documented by Maricopa County, but the Republican didn’t know how far off the counts were.

“They haven’t released a number yet, if you will, however we do know that those numbers do not match with Maricopa County at this point,” Fann told KTAR News 92.3 FM’s The Mike Broomhead Show. [Listen Below]


Arizona Audit Volunteer Liz Harris Gives Interesting Interview About Status of Maricopa County Ballot Audit and Canvassing

Liz Harris is apparently a volunteer for the Maricopa County audit having previously been a candidate herself.  In this interview Ms. Harris, while qualifying her statements with the non-disclosure agreement, gives an overview of what the audit team has likely uncovered so far.  Additionally, as CTH has previously highlighted, the canvas is the important aspect to the physical ballot review.

Ms. Harris discusses -in broad terms- how the canvassing is being done and how commercials are being deployed throughout the region by “Protect Democracy” the leftist activist group.  It appears the DNC affiliate is running ads in an effort to get canvassed voters to provide them “voter intimidation” ammunition for the DOJ to use against the audit workers.   But wait, it gets worse… AND very familiar for those who walk the deep weeds.

Ms. Harris describes a very familiar tactic previously used by the SEIU operatives (purple orcs we called them), where they impersonate audit canvassers (and/or election workers) and actually do intentionally intimidate the voter (very aggressive).  The canvassed voter then thinks they have been intimidated by an audit worker and reports that conduct to the DOJ who in turn use that evidence against the audit team to file lawsuits.   We saw this exact type of operation carried out by the SEIU in Pennsylvania circa 2007 as the DNC wanted to keep the RNC under a consent decree (long story).  This is also how Bob Creamer operated when he was planting fake protestors in Trump rallies on behalf of Hillary Clinton.


I would not be surprised to hear that Bob Creamer’s group has been activated by the DNC to conduct operations in Arizona.  Creamer was the guy who organized the false flag of violent Trump supporters; Democrat activists who pretend to be Trump supporters and get violent.  When Creamer was caught on tape by Project Veritas, he was removed from the DNC network. {STORY}

What Liz Harris describes sounds exactly like a Bob Creamer operation.  If anyone has contacts in/around the Arizona audit team, you might want to let them know who is likely behind the effort being described.


Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward Provides and Update on the Maricopa Audit Disinformation From Media

Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward provides an update today specifically targeting the disinformation from CNN and national media about a mysterious cabin in Montana and the vast right-wing conspiracy against Maricopa County officials.


Additionally, Arizona audit liaison Ken Bennett appeared on OAN news to discuss the suspect decisions from the Colorado Secretary of State.
