
Steve Bannon and Natalia Mittelstadt Discuss Arizona Attorney Election Day Report from Maricopa County

In this brief interview segment {Direct Rumble Link} Steve Bannon and Natalia Mittlestadt discuss a GOP legal team compilation report {pdf Here} from Maricopa County, Arizona as identified by findings on election day.

…”The 11 attorneys visited 115 out of the 223 vote centers in Maricopa County on Election Day and found that 72 of them (or 62.61%) “had material problems with the tabulators not being able to tabulate ballots,” Sonnenklar reported, “causing voters to either deposit their ballots into box 3, spoil their ballots and re-vote, or get frustrated and leave the vote center without voting.” WATCH:

Article Found HereLegal Brief Citation Here

The scale of the problems identified does raise the question about how could the county certify the results?


Kari Lake Discusses Status of Arizona Governor Race as Maricopa Ballot Counting Issues Continue

Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake appears on Fox News with Tucker Carlson to discuss the insufferable and chaotic state of the Arizona election counting fiasco. {Direct Rumble Link}

Maricopa County remains the epicenter of the ridiculous exploits from election officials, including the intentional dragging out of the vote tabulation in an effort to support the Sunday Talk show narrative.  However, that said, when the final ballots are counted, it’s almost certain that Kari Lake will stand victorious despite the shenanigans of the election officials; the remaining question is by what margin. WATCH:


Additionally in Nevada, Republican candidate Joe Lombardo has been declared the winner [data].  Republican Senate Candidate Adam Laxalt remains in the lead by 2,000 ballots/votes with 93% of the stuffing counted.   Meanwhile in Colorado, as expected, Lauren Boebert has widened her lead with 95% of ballots (and votes), counted.


Maricopa County Arizona Has Election Vote Counting and Tabulation Issues Again

The counties with ballot counting issues remain consistent over years until someone steps in and fixes the root cause of the problem, democrat election officials.  Nothing destroys election integrity faster than county election problems that repeat in the exact same precincts year after year.

Unfortunately, Maricopa County, Arizona, is one of those regional areas with major election integrity problems each voting cycle, this midterm 2022 election is no different.

According to multiple reports Maricopa County ballot tabulation machines are not working again.  Approximately 20% of the ballot tabulation machines in Maricopa County are not working which is causing delays, frustration and voter concern over the integrity of the election.  Voters have been told to leave their ballots in a box for tabulation later at a central location.  Many voters are not willing to ‘trust’ the process.

ARIZONA – Vote-counting machines weren’t working in about 20% of polling sites in Maricopa County, Arizona, as Election Day voting in the midterms began, county officials said.

The Maricopa County Recorder’s Officer said technicians were called to fix the tabulator machines that weren’t working, Fox10’s TV station in Phoenix reported. It’s not clear how many of the machines were malfunctioning in the state’s most populous county.


During Testimony Maricopa County Officials Admit to Deleting 2020 Election Data to Avoid Audit Subpoena

Earlier today, during a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the Arizona vote outcome, representative Andy Biggs (R-AZ) questioned Maricopa County officials about their deletion of 2020 election data in order to avoid a state senate subpoena for election records.

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jack Sellers and the boards vice chairman, Bill Gates, admitted they intentionally deleted election data to route it onto an archive file.  The archives of the county records were not subpoenaed, that way the county could avoid sending the full 2020 election data to the auditors.

The admission takes place at 01:52 of the video testimony [Prompted, just hit play]:


Arizona Senate Hearing on Results From Maricopa County Audit – 4:00pm EST Livestream Links

Today the Arizona Senate will release its long-awaited audit report of the 2020 election in Maricopa County, AZ.  Senate President Karen Fann, and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Warren Petersen, will receive the report on the Senate floor at 1:00pm local / 4:00pm EST, followed by a detailed discussion of the report findings.

Keep in mind, the AZ website is likely to get swamped by viewers, and there are likely to be massive numbers of leftist cyber trolls attempting to disrupt the broadcast.  That said, the links and embeds to livestreams are below.   The primary AZ Video Link is HERE

RSBN YouTube Livstream LINKRSBN Rumble Livestream LinkAZ Senate Hearing Link


Arizona Audit Update, Maricopa County and State Senate Enter Agreement – Wendy Rogers Confirms Audit Report and Hearing for Friday September 24th

Some interesting developments in the ongoing Arizona Senate audit of the dubious Maricopa County election outcome.  First, Arizona Senate President Karen Fann notes an agreement between the Senate and Maricopa County for information still outstanding.  According to President Fann:

HUGE win for the Az Senate today! Maricopa settlement gives us all the data needed to complete the review of the routers & splunk log to the most comprehensive election audit in history. We got everything we need and more. Maricopa County goes home with its tail between its legs” ~ Karen Fann (graphic source link):


Additionally, Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers announced earlier the results from the Maricopa audit will be released and discussed during a Senate hearing scheduled for Friday September 24th. {Direct Rumble Link} – Video Below:


Liz Harris Discusses Results of an Independent Canvass Audit in Maricopa, Arizona

It is important to draw a distinction between what is presented in this discussion by Arizona resident Liz Harris and the forensic audit of Maricopa County ballots as authorized by the Arizona Senate.

The official Arizona ballot audit group did not perform a canvass of the voters in Maricopa County.  In part that authorized Arizona audit did not include the canvass, because the U.S. Department of Justice was prepared to launch federal “voter intimidation” charges against the auditing firm if they contacted any voters in person.  This is one of the problems when attempting to verify voting authenticity to votes counted.

If a single Arizona voter contacted was to file a complaint about the contact – the auditors would be subject to a federal investigation; and that investigation itself throws a bag over the entire audit. It is a legal catch-22 deployed by the Lawfare group inside the DOJ civil rights division.

What is discussed below [Direct Rumble Link Here] are the results of an unauthorized, independent, canvass of Maricopa County voters by an independent citizen group -led by Liz Harris- not affiliated with the Arizona audit.   WATCH:


The Gateway Pundit has several articles outlining this unauthorized voter canvass and the findings released by Liz Harris.

After Liz Harris highlighted the organized effort against her in June, CTH allies notified her of the likely group doing the targeting; as well as suggestions for how to move forward.


Arizona Maricopa County Ballot Audit Report Delayed, Pending State Senate Review

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann released the following statement regarding the assembly of a full forensic report from the results of the Maricopa County audit:

According to Senator Fann’s follow-up on Twitter: “There are 5 people on Logan’s team preparing the reports. There are 9 people on the senate audit/legal team who will be reviewing the draft report for accuracy , documentation and clarity.”

Interview With Arizona Senate President Karen Fann Outlining Suspicious Activity by Maricopa County Election Board

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann gave an insightful interview earlier on Tuesday.

Within the interview Senator Fann is asked what is her sense of why Maricopa County has been fighting against the audit?  As noted by Fann she suspects the legal team advising the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors was likely fearful of what might be discovered if a full forensic audit was completed.

The interview is in three segments.  Video #1:


Segment Two Below:


Kelli Ward Provides an Update on the Legal Loggerheads Within Arizona as Maricopa County Challenges the State Senate

Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward provides an update on the legal battle between the State Senate and Maricopa County during their ongoing battle over the election audit.  Ms. Ward highlights the recent letter from the Maricopa Board of Supervisors and the State Senate response to it.  Apparently, the State Senate is preparing to go back to court against the county officials.


Grandma’s rule applies toward my commentary…
