
Transcript of Donald Trump Policy Speech on Radical Islam – The Aftermath of Obama’s Arab Spring…

I’m going through the transcript and video now and will be expanding on the overall speech in a subsequent and substantive post.  However, a quick few notations are in order.

Obama Mid East Speech

Candidate Donald Trump’s specific speech today was a rebuke to the 2009 speech of President Obama made in Cairo Egypt.  Don’t let the media ignoring that aspect fall silently past you, it’s critical.

Egypt Banner

Libya Banner

Bahrain Banner

The 2009 Cairo Speech by President Obama, his “Mid-east Obama Doctrine”, was the detonation tool, the exact epicenter, for the explosion that created the “Arab Spring”.  Go back and refresh your memory if needed.  It was a specific moment in time. It was a specifically worded ideological speech, and it held specific goals and intentions.

The media will now go into overdrive to protect President Obama from the bigger truth which can come out as a result of this enlarged conversation.   It was President Obama who gave rise to the “Arab Spring”.  You can guarantee the media will go nuts trying to avoid that reality. Watch…


Why Read the Benghazi Brief? Thoughts From The Author, Me…

The Benghazi Brief is easily the most painstaking undertaking I ever endeavored to research, accept and eventually write.  It was not a comfortable assembly.

benghazi 1

The Brief was written almost two years ago:

  • It was written well before Mike Rogers and Charles Ruppersberger produced their self-serving, pre-retirement, diversionary distraction/report.
  • It was written before the House Select Committee on Benghazi was even created, let alone produced their final report.
  • The brief was written before the Fox report “13 hours in Benghazi” was presented by Brett Baier.
  • It was written long before the Hollywood movie around the night of the Benghazi attack, “13 Hours – The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” was produced…

…. and not a single aspect to those, or any subsequent revelation, has ever compromised or run counter to the information contained with the Brief.

To the contrary, every report, every leak, every WikiLeak detail, every statement, every interview, every FIOA discovery and every factual detail pried from the clutches of the political establishment has done nothing except to validate the construct of the original research outline.

So why does that matter?


Select Benghazi Committee Receives 1,100 Pages of Staffer Documents…

Having spent the larger amount of two years digging through innocuous reports, FOIA documents, and media reports (mostly foreign), the Gowdy announcement today is more than a little bit disingenuous.
We’ve previously predicted, long before the select committee was announced, that the Benghazi investigation would amount to all hat and no cattle.
obama-hillary-holding-hands-wh-photoThe reasoning is very simple:
Both sides of the UniParty were charged with intelligence oversight of the joint CIA/State Department operations in Libya (2011) and Syria (2012) through the Congressional Intelligence Gang-of-Eight.
At the time the “Intelligence Gang-of-Eight” was:

♦ Speaker – John Boehner, ♦ Minority Leader – Nancy Pelosi; ♦ House Permanent Select Committee on Intel Chairman – Mike Rogers, and his ♦ Democrat counterpart Charles Ruppersberger; ♦ Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and ♦ Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid; along with ♦ Senate Intel Chair Diane Feinstein and her ♦ Republican counterpart, Saxby Chambliss.

Together with Hillary Clinton and President Obama the “Gang-of-Eight” was duplicitous in everything that took place.  Therefore there is no independent motive for the Gowdy committee to find any responsibility – the entire investigation is for public appearances only.
Further evidence therein can be found in this latest press releaseNote the specific wording and the specific emphasis we provide(more…)

Odd Media Tremors Via DC/White House Might Indicate Benghazi Committee Wrapping Up?….

Benghazi Brief Followers:  Something is going on.  Something odd, something structurally not accidental….  My spidey hunch is the Trey Gowdy Benghazi Committee is in the making a final report phase.
Why?  Because there’s a rather weird story from NBC which just hit the media bloodstream about a former CIA operative who wrote a book and includes details of  a plan to overthrow Syria’s Assad (in 2012 according to the NBC report therein), that President Obama failed to act upon.

"NO ISLAM WITHOUT JIHAD" - members of the Free Syrian Army. Abu Khuder and his men fight for al-Qaida. They call themselves the ghuraba'a, or "strangers", after a famous jihadi poem celebrating Osama bin Laden's time with his followers in the Afghan mountains, and they are one of a number of jihadi organisations establishing a foothold in the east of the country now that the conflict in Syria has stretched well into its second bloody year. They try to hide their presence. "Some people are worried about carrying the [black] flags," said Abu Khuder. "They fear America will come and fight us. So we fight in secret. Why give Bashar and the west a pretext?" But their existence is common knowledge in Mohassen. Even passers-by joke with the men about car bombs and IEDs.
“NO ISLAM WITHOUT JIHAD” – 2012 members of the Free Syrian Army. Abu Khuder and his men fight for al-Qaida. They call themselves the ghuraba’a, or “strangers”, after a famous jihadi poem celebrating Osama bin Laden’s time with his followers in the Afghan mountains, and they are one of a number of jihadi organisations establishing a foothold in the east of the country now that the conflict in Syria has stretched well into its second bloody year.
They try to hide their presence. “Some people are worried about carrying the [black] flags,” said Abu Khuder. “They fear America will come and fight us. So we fight in secret. Why give Bashar and the west a pretext?” But their existence is common knowledge in Mohassen. Even passers-by joke with the men about car bombs and IEDs.
99% of the media consuming pubic will view this NBC story a particular way because it is being pushed a particular way.  That is to say this framework presents POTUS as not authorizing the CIA to initiate the plan as it is described.  – SEE HERE
However, WE KNOW, from our own exhaustive research into this timeline (literally day-by-day x 40 people tracked) that President Obama DID AUTHORIZE, via a Presidential Finding Memo, a joint covert operation with the State Dept. and CIA in Syria, in 2012.
Unfortunately, unlike the 2011 finding memo in Libya, we do not know the operational name of this 2012 Syrian endeavor.  A rather overlooked MSM article (admitting the finding memo authorization) around the timeframe is HERE.
So why push a narrative now about POTUS refusing to authorize a finding memo for CIA in Syria when we know he factually DID sign a finding memo for CIA operations in Syria ?
Here’s todays story: (more…)

Libya is “Hillary’s War” – Released emails Show Depth of Hillary Clinton Ownership…

The U.S. State Department released more of Hillary Clinton’s emails today.  One of those emails is noted as originating on March 22nd 2011, the exact day President Obama launched the attacks on Libya.


The newly released email confirms what many already knew – it was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and Samantha Power who convinced President Obama to go to war in Libya:

“Turning POTUS around on this is a major win for everything we worked for”..

hillary email 4


Finally – Leon Panetta To Appear in Closed-Door Session With Benghazi Committee…

Nothing will come of it, but it is still interesting to point out that for the first time EVER former CIA Director Leon Panetta will give testimony to congress about Libya.

It is important to note that Panetta and Hillary Clinton worked together on Operation Zero Footprint, the covert weapons running and regime change operation which began in March 2011 as a result of President Obama authorizing via presidential “finding memo“.

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Leon Panetta

Clinton and Panetta worked closely together during their Libyan intervention and overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi.   ~See The Benghazi Brief~

After Panetta left the CIA, General Petraeus took over and was ‘technically‘ in charge of the CIA on the night of the Benghazi attack 9/11/12.   However, Petraeus was removed from testifying before congress by the affair with Paula Broadwell which led to his resignation.  Mike Morell took over as interim CIA chief two days before the testimony.  (more…)

Did Hillary’s Libyan “Rebels” Just Shoot Down A Passenger Plane?….

We have discussed the potential for SAAMS (Surface to Air Missiles) MANPADS (Man Portable Air Defense Systems) being used against passenger planes, specifically in the North Africa region, amid these pages for over 4 years.

Did it just happen?  …. and would they even tell us if it did?

metrojetLibyan Sam Missle Surface To Air

ISIS is claiming responsibility for the loss of a Russian passenger aircraft killing 224 passengers and crew:

The Russian jet which crashed in Sinai killing all 224 people on board did not lodge an SOS call before it hit the ground, it has emerged.

[…]  The Islamic State group affiliate in Egypt has claimed it downed the aircraft, but has not said how it might have done so. Cairo and Moscow, however, have denied any possible terrorism link in the incident, one of the deadliest Airbus crashes in the past decade.  (link)

Here’s the case for how this can connect to the Libyan Uprising and Clinton’s Rebels.

In 2011 thousands of SAAM’s (Surface to Air Assault Missiles), and MANPADS went missing during the Libyan Islamist uprising.  Some went West and South, further into Africa as noted by Chad’s President Deby (asking for help), and some went East into Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

These points are not disputed.  They are widely accepted.  Here’s a few data images from the 2011 time-period when these missiles went missing. (more…)

Deconstructing The CBS Report – Hillary Clinton/Benghazi Obfuscation….

Following up to yesterday and the Elijah Cummings pre-testimony report, let’s focus on the CBS presentation therein.

ben rhodes 1CBS is a good reference to show the media obfuscation attempts because CBS holds a vested self-interest in deflections around the various Benghazi narratives.  You might remember it was Ben Rhodes who wrote the Benghazi talking points; Ben’s brother David is President of CBS News.

In addition, you might also remember it was CBS, via 60 Minutes, who withheld/embargoed a broadcast pre election 2012 where President Obama denied al-Qaeda’s terrorist involvement.

A claim Obama denied making in the Candy Crowley debate against his opponent Mitt Romney.  CBS covered Obama’s ass allowing the lie to go undiscovered until after the November 2012 election.  It was also CBS who refused to allow Sharyl Attkisson to continue investigative reporting on the Benghazi story.

Here’s the current presentation of the Elijah Cummings report by CBS: (more…)

Benghazi BS – Democrats Begin Coordinated Campaign of Obfuscation…

blood on their handsRepresentative Elijah Cummings has produced a 124 page report intended to defend Hillary Clinton in advance of her congressional testimony on Thursday.

The strategy is for all Democrat operatives, campaign officials, media pundits and spokespeople to use the Cummings report in their defense of Clinton.  Here is the report:

[scribd id=285945224 key=key-f3w4kToGTMGw9A2CxBiW mode=scroll]

No single research subject has a larger file in our archives than the September 11th 2012 Benghazi data.   As each media report is presented over the next few days we will take them down sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, and using three years of research show the truth behind the headlines and obfuscation. (more…)

The Movie Trailer Making Team Clinton Tremble…

Team Clinton has a lot to fear. However, this movie makes them “tremble” more than if they had to release medical records Clinton is refusing to provide….

Director Michael Bay is notorious for mounting massive-scaled blockbusters crammed wall to wall with explosions, twisted metal, swaggering heroes and supermodels. The director’s next movie, however, is shaping up to be a lot more serious because the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya, is anything but the stuff of pure entertainment. Due to hit theaters Jan. 15 (more)