
Stunning Confirmation: Judicial Watch Obtains IRS Documents Showing McCain Staff Urging IRS To Target Tea Party Groups…

It has long been suspected; the footprints and fingerprints were always present; McCain repeatedly denied it…. now the evidence surfaces.
For those who remember the issues when the IRS, White House and DOJ organized the post 2010 election “shellacking” targeting of Tea Party groups, the latest discovery from Judicial watch is confirmation of a long-held opinion.  John McCain was instrumental in supporting the weaponization of the IRS to target tea party groups.

WASHINGTON DC – […]  In the full notes of an April 30, 2013, meeting, McCain’s high-ranking staffer [Henry] Kerner recommends harassing non-profit groups until they are unable to continue operating. Kerner tells Lerner, Steve Miller, then chief of staff to IRS commissioner, Nikole Flax, and other IRS officials, “Maybe the solution is to audit so many that it is financially ruinous.” In response, Lerner responded that “it is her job to oversee it all:”

Henry Kerner asked how to get to the abuse of organizations claiming section 501 (c)(4) but designed to be primarily political. Lois Lerner said the system works, but not in real time. Henry Kerner noted that these organizations don’t disclose donors. Lois Lerner said that if they don’t meet the requirements, we can come in and revoke, but it doesn’t happen timely. Nan Marks said if the concern is that organizations engaging in this activity don’t disclose donors, then the system doesn’t work. Henry Kerner said that maybe the solution is to audit so many that it is financially ruinous. Nikole noted that we have budget constraints. Elise Bean suggested using the list of organizations that made independent expenditures. Lois Lerner said that it is her job to oversee it all, not just political campaign activity.


Trey Gowdy Praises DOJ/FBI Efforts During Spygate: “FBI Did Exactly What President Trump Asked Them To Do”…

Never, ever, ever trust a member of the Washington DC UniParty.  Write it down; underline it; stick a reminder on your bathroom mirror -if needed- in order to see it when you brush your teeth twice daily; do what ever it takes not to forget the fundamental aspect to avoid consigning yourself to a life of ‘Battered Conservative Syndrome‘.

As much as this video might make a blood-pressure-cuff explode, it is important to see, and remind yourself, exactly how corrupt DC politicians are.  This is exhibit #1 in professional UniParty gaslighting.  Please force yourself to stay with it:


Pretty stunning huh? Move along,… move along,… nothing to see here folks….

Mr. Gowdy’s parseltongue, obfuscation and deliberate conflation of events in an effort to cover for the Deep State operation is stunning.   Notice how Gowdy intentionally conflates statements given by President Trump to FBI Director James Comey, with activity that took place a year beforehand?   He’s gaslighting to protect the swamp.  Nothing more.


Trey Gowdy Requests IG Horowitz Appearance Before House Oversight Committee May 8th, 2018…

House Oversight and Government Affairs Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy has requested the appearance of DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz on May 8th, 2018:

(Committee Linkpdf LINK HERE)

Hopefully, this is not cause for alarm.  However, given the history of such activity; and specifically given the history of the engagements and motives of the participants involved in this request; it is a troubling development.


The Mistresses of Mirrored Halls – Looking At The Corrupt DOJ Side of "Operation Trump"…

The leadership of the DOJ and the FBI are intertwined in the 2016 election operation to support candidate Hillary Clinton and defeat candidate Donald Trump. However, most of the investigative discussions center around the FBI side of the equation. There’s a good reason for that.
The FBI side of the conspiracy is pretty straight forward. FBI Director James Comey, FBI Asst. Director Andrew McCabe, FBI Chief Legal Counsel James Baker, FBI Counterintelligence Head Bill Priestap, and FBI Counterintelligence Agent Peter Strzok all played a participatory role in the Trump Operation.
The 2016 FBI counterintelligence operation was surveillance on the Trump Campaign and was thinly disguised under the fraudulent auspices of a FISA warrant, sold as a defense of U.S. democracy from Russia, which permitted the wiretaps and surveillance etc.
Two DOJ people (central to the FBI) relayed and acted as facilitators between the FBI side and the DOJ side: DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr and FBI/DOJ lawyer Lisa Page. Outlines of their collaborative efforts, and the trails they left behind, have filled the headlines recently.

On the Department of Justice side of the operation, specifically the DOJ leadership involvement, things are less clearly outlined. Again, there’s a reason for that.
The DOJ involvement surrounds legal arguments, processing of FISA applications, and use of the legal system to support the FBI with actionable legal framing (against Trump) mostly after their candidate, Hillary Clinton, was defeated.
In essence, in a bastardized manipulation of Law and Order, the FBI created disorder and the DOJ weaponized that manufactured disorder to launch a legal attack against their ideological political opposition, President-elect Donald Trump. Unlawfulness and Disorder.
However, to best understand the DOJ side, it’s helpful to look at a specific time, September and October 2016. That’s when the second FISA application was presented to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), using the information from the FBI counterintelligence operation (Steele Dossier etc.) as the basis for that application.

President Trump Names Replacement for IRS Commissioner…

The ongoing IRS leadership issue(s) will be interesting to watch unfold in the future; especially for those who have followed the Treasury Dept. case against Robert Mercer, now a supporter of President Trump, and how the self-interest unfolded in the 2016 election.

President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Designate David Kautter to the Internal Revenue Service – David Kautter of Virginia to be the Acting Commissioner of Internal Revenue. This designation will become effective on November 13, 2017. Mr. Kautter was confirmed on August 3, 2017, to be the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Tax Policy. (White House Link)

(Via Fox News) The White House has named a Treasury official to succeed John Koskinen at the helm of the IRS next month, while allowing the controversial commissioner to finish out his five-year term.
David Kautter will serve as acting IRS commissioner beginning Nov. 13, the last day of Koskinen’s term, the White House said.
“Assistant Secretary Kautter has had an illustrious 40-year career in tax policy, and I am confident that the IRS and the American people will benefit from his experience and insight,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement, noting the Senate would still have to confirm a permanent commissioner.

State Dept. Admits There's 40,000 Clinton Emails They Never Read…

A stunning admission today from the U.S. State Department considering all of the dismissive declarations from the Clintons, the FBI, DOJ and State Department before the 2016 election.
The State Deparment now admits there’s over 40,000 Clinton emails, created on her personal server, they’ve never even read:

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced that the State Department revealed in a federal court hearing that it has yet to process 40,000 of 72,000 pages of Hillary Clinton records that the FBI recovered last year.
The revelation came during a federal court hearing in Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit seeking former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails that were sent or received during her tenure from February 2009 to January 31, 2013 (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00687)). The case is before Judge James E. Boasberg.


Federal Judge Orders IRS to "Name Specific People" Who Directed Tea Party Targeting…

If the U.S. electorate were ever to grasp the full scope of what took place in the IRS, FBI and DOJ weaponization of government to specifically target people, no-one in Washington DC would ever be safe from the backlash.
There’s enough material inside the IRS story for multiple Pulitzer prizes, in addition to severe and jaw-dropping revelations as to republican politicians who aided the overall scheme.  Start by finding out who in the IRS specifically sent 21 CD-ROM’s to the FBI, and find out who specifically received them inside the FBI, and what they did with them.

WASHINGTON A federal judge has ordered the Internal Revenue Service to release the names of specific employees involved in targeting Tea Party groups, after years of litigation over what conservatives have long called “chilling” behavior by one of the government’s “most feared” agencies.

Judge Reggie B. Walton of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia also said the IRS must provide information about which groups were targeted and why, along with a strategy to make sure such targeting doesn’t happen again.


Trump's "Disappointment" – An Example of What AG Jeff Sessions Refuses To Address…

Many opinions are visible on the subject of President Trump questioning the focus and competency of Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  With that in mind perhaps it’s worthwhile pointing out a simple example of internal DOJ corruption that AG Sessions is intentionally avoiding.

In October 2015 the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced it was dropping the investigation into the IRS, Lois Lerner, and the unlawful sharing of taxpayer data in the IRS targeting investigation surrounding True The Vote et al.  The decision was laughable. The DOJ dropped an investigation into illegal activity conducted by the DOJ? Oh, ok..
As a direct consequence of the DOJ decision, congressional inquiry into the IRS/DOJ targeting matter seemingly dropped from the radar and disappeared into the ether of the Swamp without anyone paying much attention.
However, if you review the origin of the entire IRS/DOJ scheme, the post-2010 mid-term “shellacking” and “secret research project“, and carry it forward to the 2016 election result any interested observer would still be left asking:

A: “why did the IRS, through Lois Lerner, deliver 1+ million pages of tax filings, to include the entire donor list of Tea Party and patriot groups including every “schedule B” with the names of every contributor to the organization, through 21 CD-ROMs to the DOJ?  And B: Who did she deliver them to?…

This questions are not some esoteric enterprise or hindsight review unworthy of investigation.  The background to the factual distribution of IRS data to the DOJ was not accidental; nor did the actual material arrive at some disingenuous DOJ office.  These files were illegally distributed from the IRS to the DOJ and ended up in the hands of actual DOJ officials.  Who are they?
These are brutally obvious questions which, despite the numerous congressional hearings on the matter, were never asked – nor answered.

Judicial Watch Submits 25 Questions To Hillary Clinton About Personal Email Use – Responses Due September 29th…

Judicial Watch was one of the first organizations to discover the hidden use of Hillary Clinton’s private email account to keep activity hidden from public review.

As a consequence of a long standing Judicial Watch FIOA court battle over State Department documents relating to the private email and private server, Judicial Watch requested to depose Secretary Clinton to answer questions.

clinton emailsHillary clinton meh

The request for direct deposition was denied by the court, choosing instead to first order questions be asked/answered in writing.  Whereby: on August 19, U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan granted Judicial Watch further discovery on the Clinton email matter and ordered Secretary Hillary Clinton to answer the questions “by no later than thirty days thereafter….”

Under federal court rules, Judicial Watch was limited to twenty-five questions.  Today Judicial Watch submitted the questions, starting the 30 day clock for responses.