
Tulsi Gabbard Suspends Campaign Endorses Joe Biden – Report: Bernie Refused Endorsement…

Predictably odd, generally sketchy, and Tucker Carlson favorite, Representative Tulsi Gabbard, suspended her campaign for the 2020 democrat presidential nomination today while endorsing Joe Biden.  According to her brother posting on Facebook, Bernie Sanders refused the accept an endorsement.  Go figure.

Announcement – “[T]oday, I’m suspending my presidential campaign, and offering my full support to Vice President Joe Biden in his quest to bring our country together.”

I will continue to advocate for a 21st century foreign policy. One based on mutual respect and cooperation instead of confrontation, where we as a community of nations can work together to overcome the challenges that our people face — preventing and stopping pandemics like the coronavirus that is now affecting all of us, tackling climate change, combating terrorism, and removing the existential threat of nuclear war which hangs over the heads of all of us.


Tuesday Night Election Results – Florida, Illinois, Arizona (Ohio Cancelled) – Open Discussion…

Tonight Florida, Illinois and Arizona are holding their 2020 democrat presidential primary.  Ohio Governor Mike DeWine cancelled/postponed the Ohio primary due to Wuhan virus fears.

The polls began to close in Florida at 7pm ET/ panhandle polls will be closed in FL at 8pm ET.

Polls also close in in Illinois at 8pm ET, and in Arizona at 10pm ET.

Bernie Sanders is expected to get crushed in Florida as a result of his supportive politics toward Fidel Castro and Cuba, the only question will be the size of the Biden win.  However, Illinois and Arizona might fare better for Bernie depending on turnout.

New York Times Election Results Here

CNN Election Results Here

Politico Election Results Here

Mini-Tuesday Takeaways: The DNC Club Has Bernie Surrounded – Now Comes The Terms For Exit…

Bernie Sanders came into mini-Tuesday hoping for Michigan and Washington State to help him stay within closing distance of DNC favorite Joe Biden.  However, Bernie was crushed in Mississippi, Missouri and Michigan by the machine – not by Joe Biden.
Bernie was left with a possible 50/50 split in Washington State where over 125,000 voters mailed-in ballots for Elizabeth Warren (mailed prior to withdrawal), not accidental, all by Club design.  The Club is in control now, full control; and Biden is the malleable vessel the administrative state hopes to utilize to take control of all government function.

Bernie lost the heavily union influenced state of Michigan by over 200,000 votes (53/37); many of those union votes were against losing their Cadillac healthcare plans.  A stunning defeat for Senator Sanders in a state he narrowly carried in 2016. The losses in Mississippi (81 to 15) and Missouri (60 to 35) were by even wider proportions.
Michigan was a big loss because…. To make matters worse, Bernie Sanders now sees the Club has out maneuvered his last remaining hope.  Florida, Ohio, Illinois and Arizona all vote on March 17th.
Florida (219 delegates) is a lost cause.  ‘Fidel’ Sanders will likely see a similar outcome he received in Mississippi, no delegates.  Illinois (155 delegates), like Michigan, is under the full control of the Club – no viable hope.  Bernie’s road-map included Ohio (136 delegates), but the Club knee-capped him on that possibility; intentionally and smartly, by cancelling all indoor rallies under the auspices of Coronavirus.  That only leaves Arizona (67 delegates); but by then it’s likely too late, and the best possibility is another 50/50 split.
So Bernie Sanders campaign is done.

CNN Cancels Audience and Media Attendance For Sanders -v- Biden Debate – Clyburn Says Cancel All Joe Biden Debates Now…

As Joe Biden continues to exhibit serious cognitive issues, and questions about his mental impairments increase following a disturbing incident today with an auto-worker in Michigan, the DNC and CNN have now coordinated to cancel audience attendance for the tenuously scheduled March 15th debate between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden.

Additionally, CNN is now stopping all media from attending the Arizona debate; and this comes on the heels of the DNC requesting a seated format with a desk for the 77-year-old candidate.

(CNN) – With the coronavirus pandemic sweeping across the nation, Democrats announced Tuesday that the CNN-Univision Democratic presidential debate set for this weekend will be held without an audience.


Mini-Tuesday Election Results – Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, N-Dakota, Idaho, Washington State – Polls Begin Closing 8:00pm ET…

Six states hold presidential primary elections today and the first results should start coming in shortly after 8:00pm Eastern Time.

Initial reports from Mississippi and Missouri today are “very low turnout”.  Additionally, the Michigan secretary of state warned the results may not be known until “well into” Wednesday, as the state and DNC work to “adjust recent changes” in the elections system.

Michigan (125 delegates), polls close 8:00pm ET; Mississippi (36 delegates), polls close at 8:00pm ET; Missouri (68 delegates), polls close 8:00pm ET; North Dakota (14 delegates), polls close 8:00pm ET; Idaho (20 delegates), most polls close 10:00pm ET; Washington State (89 delegates), polls close 11:00pm ET.

New York Times Election Results Here

CNN Election Results Here

Politico Election Results Here

Citing Coronavirus Risks, Bernie Sanders Cancels Ohio Rally…

Exhibiting once again why Bernie Sanders is just incapable of taking a populist campaign to the finish line, the Vermont senator cancels a scheduled rally in Cleveland, Ohio, due to the risks of Coronavirus; aka: Sanders acquiesced to the media-driven planetary panic narrative.


Via CNN – A senior aide to Bernie Sanders tells [Ryan Nobles] that Sanders himself made the decision to cancel the rally after given the guidance from Ohio health officials. The campaign says 5k people RSVP’d for the event- so it was a decision they did not take lightly, but felt was necessary.

Mini Tuesday – Ground Reports and Open Discussion – Michigan, Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota and Washington State….

Michigan (125 delegates), Idaho (20), Mississippi (36), Missouri (68), North Dakota (14), and Washington State (89) all vote today.  If you are on the ground in one of these key states feel free to share your own ground report in the comments section.

How is turnout?  What is the sense in your area, town, region or precinct?
Treeper ground reports have proven to be some of the most accurate real time analysis and much better than the MSM spin.  So, what do you see going on?

Makes Sense – DNC Control Agents Created Biden Coalition With Promises of Administration Positions…

An interesting Axios article starts to explain how Joe Biden was able to catapult from a stammering, incoherent message candidate into the position of unified front-runner. Amid earlier reporting on Team Obama dispatching phone calls ahead of the Super Tuesday vote, things do certainly make sense.
While the Axios report is a general citation of people “in and around the Biden camp”, an extension of Team Obama, the explanation of promising key positions to influence people to get in line does make sense.
According to the inside talk, Elizabeth Warren would be handed Treasury Secretary; Pete Buttigieg a U.N. ambassador position; Kamala Harris as a likely Attorney General (or deputy); Mike Bloomberg to head the World Bank; etc.
Additionally the Vice-Presidential nominee, likely a black female, would be selected by South Carolina black-caucus leader Jim Clyburn who was the critical component of Biden’s resurgence.
Indeed this approach of putting the gang back together, with former President Barack Obama taking control over The Club network and playing the role of puppeteer, does make sense as to how everyone was so quickly brought to heel.  It would also explain who would ultimately be running a Biden administration, and that would not be Joe Biden.

Monmouth Predicts Devastating Blowout Double-Digit Loss for Bernie in "Firewall" Michigan…

Pollster Patrick Murray of Monmouth is predicting a catastrophic loss for Bernie Sanders in Michigan tomorrow with Joe Biden crushing Bernie 51 to 36 percent.   Two previous polls show even worse results according to Politico.
MICHIGAN […]  “We’ve had this huge ground game here for Bernie, tons of people canvassing and phone-banking. It’s a much better campaign this time, much more professional, much better funded. But it’s still going to come down to the millennials, the young people,” said Bruce Fealk, a longtime progressive activist and Sanders organizer in Michigan. “In some states they’ve turned out, in other states they haven’t. So, you know, I’ve been encouraged to see so many of them volunteering here with us, but obviously, they need to actually vote. If they do, Bernie can win. If they don’t, Biden wins.” (more)
The stakes are high for Bernie in Michigan with 125 delegates on the line; and The DNC Club is gleefully expecting to use tomorrows election results to eliminate Sanders from the race once-and-for-all. Michigan (125 delegates), Idaho (20), Mississippi (36), Missouri (68), North Dakota (14), and Washington State (89) all vote tomorrow.
The Club wants Bernie eliminated with extreme prejudice and they want it done now; much sooner than could organically be accomplished. The end goal as it currently appears is total capitulation by the Sanders campaign quickly; and all forces are being brought down upon the candidate to achieve that goal.

Biden Warns: Campaign May Have to Give Up "Big Indoor Rallies"….

In a devastating development for the tens of supporters who make up the audience for most Joe Biden venues, the leading Democrat presidential candidate says he may have to give up “big indoor rallies” due to the Wuhan virus:


In related developments, if viral conditions continue to escalate there are rumors Michael Moore will give up jogging.