Pollster Patrick Murray of Monmouth is predicting a catastrophic loss for Bernie Sanders in Michigan tomorrow with Joe Biden crushing Bernie 51 to 36 percent.   Two previous polls show even worse results according to Politico.
MICHIGAN […]  “We’ve had this huge ground game here for Bernie, tons of people canvassing and phone-banking. It’s a much better campaign this time, much more professional, much better funded. But it’s still going to come down to the millennials, the young people,” said Bruce Fealk, a longtime progressive activist and Sanders organizer in Michigan. “In some states they’ve turned out, in other states they haven’t. So, you know, I’ve been encouraged to see so many of them volunteering here with us, but obviously, they need to actually vote. If they do, Bernie can win. If they don’t, Biden wins.” (more)
The stakes are high for Bernie in Michigan with 125 delegates on the line; and The DNC Club is gleefully expecting to use tomorrows election results to eliminate Sanders from the race once-and-for-all. Michigan (125 delegates), Idaho (20), Mississippi (36), Missouri (68), North Dakota (14), and Washington State (89) all vote tomorrow.
The Club wants Bernie eliminated with extreme prejudice and they want it done now; much sooner than could organically be accomplished. The end goal as it currently appears is total capitulation by the Sanders campaign quickly; and all forces are being brought down upon the candidate to achieve that goal.

In many ways it makes sense for the Club to attempt this now as they will need the maximum amount of time available to heal wounds and herd the unwieldy Bernie coalition into the tent of Joe Biden. Capturing and controlling Sanders’ grassroots enthusiasm the Club needs to achieve their November objective is a very challenging task; and a DNC Convention battle against progressives is the worst case scenario. It simply cannot be allowed.

