
Election 2022, Ohio Republicans Execute Perfect Splitter Strategy to Protect RINO Incumbent Mike DeWine

Most of the base GOP voters now realize this 2022 primary season is as important to the 2022 outcome as the November election.  However, as we have noted in the two-club system, the republican club leadership are using their familiar playbook.  Here’s the situation with the Ohio governor’s race.

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine (pictured left) shut down businesses his state during COVID and was generally one of the worst “republican” governors in the country during the covid-19 fiasco.  DeWine is a typical party/club insider, a left-leaning, ultra-sensitive, spineless worm who operates, like many politicians, as a republican in name only.

Ohio conservatives want to get rid of DeWine, but the club rules are designed to protect him.  The GOPe has a perfectly executed splitter strategy in place in Ohio to protect DeWine, as you can see from the latest Republican polling:

DeWine has less than 50% support amid the republican voters in Ohio.  However, challengers Jim Renacci and Joe Blystone are splitting the anti-DeWine vote, creating a scenario where DeWine is likely to win the primary with less than majority republican support.  [Note; there is no runoff in Ohio, whoever gets the most votes wins the primary.]


President Trump Promises Not to Let Republicans Succeed With Splitter Strategy in Wyoming

A smart move and announcement today from President Trump.  In order to stop the establishment GOP from protecting Liz Cheney with a field of candidates, he will interview them and select one candidate for a MAGA endorsement.  Uniting the vote behind one candidate will stop the 2022 ¹splitter strategy from succeeding.

♦ Cheney is being challenged in Wyoming by three opponents:

Anthony Bouchard [Website Here]

Chuck Gray [Website Here], and

Darin Smith [Website Here]


Remember the “Splitter Strategy”?…

If you don’t remember the CTH research (2013 through November 2015) eventually culminating with the 2016 “Splitter Strategy“; and if you don’t remember the “Tripwires” used to explain the processes and predictable consequences within the splitter strategy, then skip this discussion thread.


For readers who were around during that timeframe, do the recent discoveries about: •”Five-Eyes intelligence networks” conspiring with domestic political operatives;… •career Republican political party officials like Stefan Halper – with connections as Deep State CIA and FBI informants;… •campaign infiltration schemes run by weaponized DC UniParty intelligence officials;… and •”off-the-book” financing for FBI domestic political spy operations by billionaire Russian interests like Oleg Deripaska;…

Well, do these stunning new and factual revelations begin to answer the previous unanswerable questions behind the “why” in relationship to the Splitter plans?

There was a time, during that research, when the white-wine-spritzer triangle cucumber and mayonnaise sandwich crowd were calling us ‘conspiracy nuts‘.  Do the revelations in the past six to eight months now begin to provide, and fill-in, the missing context?


FINAL TRIPWIRE TRIGGERED ! – Mitt Romney Admits GOPe Globalist Grand Scheme “The Splitter Strategy”….

Today Mitt Romney led the final charge against our Constitutional Republic.  In desperation he stated openly:

[…] Given the current delegate selection process, this means that I would vote for Marco Rubio in Florida, for John Kasich in Ohio, and for Ted Cruz or whichever one of the other two contenders has the best chance of beating Mr. Trump in a given state.

THAT instruction is specifically, intentionally and directly admitting “The Splitter Strategy” within the construct of the GOPe Road Map they created in 2014.

trump crosses

For over two years we have researched, outlined, traced and tracked the DC scheme to nominate their chosen candidate.   Let there be no further doubt, this open admission of the current road map modification is entirely what we have outlined.

The DC power brokers began their Wall Street collusion in October of 2013.  In February of 2014 the final outline of their scheme was put into action.  By the spring of 2015 every player within the scheme was in place.  What we are witnessing today is the final triggering of the remaining tripwires.

Gadsden_flagEvery remaining visible flare is now shooting off in rapid sequence.  The enemy is now entirely behind the wire.  Fix Bayonets, and switch to “full auto”, the stakes cannot be higher.  If we fail, we lose our republic.

The GOPe must be defeated here, right now, in our time….. 

….. This is Saint Crispin’s Day !


Tripwire Alert – The Splitter Strategy Now Evolves To Focus on Alliances…

Have you noticed Chris Christie being elevated by the same corporate media machine previously elevating Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio ?  This is not coincidental.

GOP candidates mashup

The problem for the GOPe Road Map has been the dominance of Donald Trump in disrupting their initial goals to nominate Jeb Bush with 10-20% of the primary vote.

Trump, as a populist “America First” frontrunner nominee was just never anticipated in their construct.

As soon as Trump eliminated the “splitter strategy” benefit – various GOPe approaches were deployed to overcome The Donald.   However, almost all of the subsequent maneuvers failed as Trump gained a more broad coalition of support.

The GOPe campaign road map has now evolved into a concerted effort to group a non-Trump coalition, this is why no “splitter” candidate is being urged to withdraw.


Apparently Nate Silver Has Just Discovered The GOPe Splitter Strategy….

We have exhaustively outlined the GOPe road map to insure the nomination of Jeb Bush for the Republican Presidential Candidate in 2016.   While the road map is rather complex, it essentially boils down to a strategy of small accumulated delegate pickups using 15-20% electoral support.

GOP candidates 3

Candidates George Pataki and Jim Gilmore have already been disqualified from the Alabama Primary, yet they remain in the race.  Only a handful of candidates (Bush, Trump, Cruz and to a lesser extent Rubio & Fiorina) have efforts underway to qualify for ballot placement in all of the states with primary dates prior to April 1st 2016.  (more…)

Rush Limbaugh Recognizes The GOPe Splitter Strategy…

The GOPe road map to nominate Jeb Bush is becoming more transparent each day.  Since we initially outlined the construct of the establishment republican scheme we have been subjected to consistent criticism by those with a vested interest in either ignoring, or protecting, the fraud.
However, today radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh joined us, and thus begins to awaken an even larger audience.  We can expect the inbound fire to increase exponentially:

rush-limbaugh“[…] They’re turning to Mitt Romney.  Now, what does that tell you?  It’s more than what’s obvious to you.  It tells you that as far as the Republican Party officialdom, the RNC, the establishment, whatever you want to call them, those candidates are up there not to really win.  They’re up there to split the anti-Bush vote. 

They’re up there to soak up all of the money Bush doesn’t get, and then they are there to drop out eventually when they don’t do well, when they can’t raise enough money because all of it goes to Jeb because that’s the original strategy. Bush is gonna soak up all the money, making it impossible for the others to run. 

This was the strategy before Trump got in.  And the Republican establishment actually hoped for and wanted a lot of candidates.  For example, I think Lindsey Graham announcing was strictly Republican Party tactics.  Lindsey Graham knows he’s not gonna be elected.  Lindsey Graham knows he’s not gonna be nominated.  But in South Carolina he could do something. He could help siphon some money away from Bush.  (more…)

"Tripwire Alert" – Evidence Now Exists To Show Benefit Of GOPe Road-mapped "Splitter Strategy"….

The RNC is the Republican National Committee – or, put another way, the entire construct of the professional Republican Establishment and those who derive benefit/affiliation from the entity therein, the business end.  (National, State and regional political entities; polling consultants, campaign consultants, committee employees, etc).  The RNC gets the politician elected to Washington DC.
GOP candidates mashup
The GOP, or GOP(e), is the financial class or group of financiers who pay the RNC and derive benefit from the policy creation within Washington DC.  Wall Street banks and banking interests, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, K-Street Lobbyists, etc. are all part of the machine that tells the politicians what to do.
In essence, the RNC is the Board of Directors, the GOP are the company officers, and the politicians are the employees.  John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are the managers. Put them all together and you have the RNC/GOPe.
In this example “We The People”, or “the electorate”, are the customers, forced to buy -through the monopoly- their product offerings, whatever they present, every 2 to 4 years.
Got it?  Good.  Now here we go: (more…)

Tripwire Alert – GOPe Signals Intent To Use “Mississippi Strategy” Against Trump After Trump’s Primary Victory….

Remember Mississippi ?

The professional apparatus of the Republican Party are signaling their intent to do exactly what we predicted they would do.   Trump will win the primary, and the GOPe will split the party to run an additional candidate in the general election.

It’s not Trump going third party – It’s the establishment GOP (GOPe) intending to go third party.   They are planning a modified version of the Mississippi Strategy from 2014.


In order to pull off the “Mississippi Plan” nationally, and specifically because of the ideological severity which will be obvious within their approach, the GOPe need to begin planting the seeds of intent now within the various camps they’ll need to support them.  We’ll explain.

Most people are unaware that back in 2014 conservative Senate Candidate Chris McDaniel defeated incumbent Republican Senator Thad Cochran in the Mississippi primary.  However, it was a three-way race and McDaniel didn’t get past the 50% +1 threshold.

McDaniel did defeat Cochran in the first Republican primary, meaning he got more votes, but a second run-off primary was required because the 50% threshold was not achieved.

Between those two primary races is when the professional apparatus within the GOP/RNC hatched a plan, and kicked the plan to action.    (more…)

Naysayers Beware – Jeb Bush Just Hired The Offset For Losing Texas Splitter Rick Perry…

As if there was any remaining doubt about the RNC/GOPe road map.  Well here ya go.  Jeb Bush just hired Ray Sullivan who was previously working with Austin and Henry Barbour on Rick Perry’s campaign efforts.
Jeb Bush road crewThe Barbours’ were the bag-men for Mitch McConnell and the NRSC hit team along with Brad Dayspring when they went after Chris McDaniel in Mississippi primary ’14 (racist attack ads, and paying Dems to vote in primary).  
In essence Jeb is aligning/confirming his scorched earth election intents, and shoring up the “splitter strategy” for Texas – presumably along with Rove.
(Via The Hill)  The Bush campaign has recruited Ray Sullivan, who ran the pro-Perry super-PAC network that raised more than $17 million, tapping a vein of Texas money that’s been waiting to be redirected since Perry quit the race on Sep. 11.
Sullivan’s recruitment, first reported by the Texas Tribune on Thursday, could give Bush supporters an even greater advantage than they already have in raising huge sums of money for the former Florida governor. The pro-Bush Right to Rise PAC set records when it raised more than $100 million before June 30. (more…)