The old axiom about being in a hole and quit digging applies here.  In some weird disconnected reality today, Joe Biden not only reflected his detachment, but he pulled Secretary of State Tony Blinken, Nat Sec Advisor Jake Sullivan, Def Sec Lloyd Austin and co-dependent enabler Kamala Harris into the hole with him with these remarks:

“I have seen no question of our credibility from our allies around the world. I have spoken with our NATO allies, we’ve spoken with our NATO allies through our secretary of state (points to Blinken). Our National Security Advisor (points to Sullivan) has been in contact with his counterparts throughout the world and our allies; as has my […] secretary of defense (points to Austin), the fact of the matter is I have not seen that. As a matter of fact the exact opposite I have gotten”.

This statement is exactly the opposite of the reality.  The U.K. has roundly condemned Joe Biden’s poor and unilateral decision-making, even going so far as both parties in British Parliament holding Biden in contempt with their public criticism.  As noted by Newsweek,Like much of the world, European countries have looked on with dismay as two decades of a U.S-led Western campaign in Afghanistan collapsed within hours,” and leaders of those nations have been very public with their criticism of Biden’s weak, ineffective and incompetent action.

Either the people around Joe Biden are lying to him about the perspective of the international community toward his incompetence; or Biden simply doesn’t pay enough attention to the world around him to see it.  Either explanation is alarming in the extreme, and the U.S. media’s willingness to keep pretending the emperor is not naked is only making things worse.  WATCH:


