In the 2022 Senate races there are 34 seats up for grabs.  14 are held by Democrats and 20 are held by tenuous Republicans.  [Breakdown Here] Due to vulnerability, their lack of support amid the republican base, and their insufferable 2020 behavior outing them as DeceptiCons it is almost guaranteed the GOP will lose seats in the 2022 mid-term election.

As a consequence Senators Richard Burr (NC), Ron Johnson (WI) and Pat Toomey (PA) had previously mentioned they were not going to seek reelection; now Senator Rob Portman (OH) makes the same announcement:

OHIO – On Monday, Sen. Rob Portman and his wife, Jane, walked into a room resplendent with ornate art deco murals and fixtures in the Hilton Netherland Plaza in downtown Cincinnati.

Portman briefly reminisced with reporters about ice skating in that very room as a child. Then, the Republican from Terrace Park took the stage and announced an end to his three decades in politics.

Portman, 65, won’t seek re-election next year but will serve out his term that ends on Jan. 3, 2023. (read more)

Things amid the DeceptiCon caucus are getting interesting.  With four GOP senators having announced they’re not running (Burr, Johnson, Toomey, Portman) there’s essentially zero chance of the GOP retaking control of the Senate in 2022.  [20 R seats up & only 14 D seats that are in solid D strongholds] it is far more likely the Democrats will gain seats, so keep this in mind…. 

…When we think about forming a third party, the “you will split the vote” crew always peddles their vote split narrative.  However, the GOP doesn’t have a chance in hell to win 2022 given what the base of the Republicans think about these senate DeceptiCons now.

There has never been a better time for a New Party to launch and capture three or four seats from the retiring GOPe crew.  It would be great to see true MAGA representatives that can caucus with Republicans but hold ground on America First principles.

And someone needs to primary Lisa Murkowski again.

[2022 Seats Available Here]
